Monday, September 30, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-30-24 Full episode B&B 30th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-30-24 Full episode B&B 30th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Is taylor going to actually die on the show

  2. Finally, Brooke is not in the episode and things are getting interesting. :D Tridge has always been one of the pillars of the show, although Brad Bell would not favor KKL and would not promote the Logans.

  3. Taylor has heart problems after saving Brooke from Sheila in 2002. If it weren't for that we wouldn't be talking about any Bridge now. :)

  4. Steffy and Finn are the new Tridge. Beautiful feeling, chemistry. Bridge is like Liam and Hope, constant betrayals and breakups. :D

  5. Thanks Bob.

    Is funny Carter didn't mention Katie on office romance.
    They are trying way too hard on Carter and Hope. Carter deserves better!!!

    Really don't want Taylor to die.

    1. Do not want taylor to die either

    2. Carter-Hope, Eeew! sharing a man with your aunt. Disgusting picking up your aunts leftovers. Is like dating your step dad!!

  6. This is what I predict will happen. Thomas die in a plane crash and Taylor gets his heart. Finn and Bridget save Taylor or Taylor will die. I don't say any reason for her in stay on the show. Kill her and let's move on.

    1. I agree someone will die to save Taylor, but I think it’s gonna be that pilot guy who just met with Finn for a checkup weeks ago.
      Since I am beyond sick and tired of the boring 3 way love affair, I’m OK with Taylor being permanently off the show as well. That’s the only purpose she ever serves, to come between Ridge and Brooke. And that got very old years ago!!!

    2. But the Taylor character isn't even a permanent character on the show. She comes and goes. She was already off. Why would they bring on someone new just to kill her off? I don't understand it.

    3. Elle, maybe to show that Ridge still has a deep love for her, but she might survive. It'll cause problems with Brooke, Bill will once again drop Katie and around we go again. It's also a lot to ask Ridge to keep this from Steffy. He won't be able to do it.
      I really don't see any chemistry between Carter and Hope.

    4. I think they wanted to put a new spin on the same old tired storyline of Taylor coming back to try to steal Ridge away from Brooke. Rather than just bring her back and start the three way mess again, they make her terminally ill. So Ridge will be there for her while she is experiencing her supposed last days. But of course she will be saved by Finn with the last minute heart transplant….and by that time a bond will have been formed and Taylor will want Ridge back. It’s too damn predictable.

    5. D, I think you might be right on that! Elle, I agree, I don’t think she will die??

    6. D, I agree. It just can't be about Ridge and Taylor getting close again and Taylor wanting him again. It has to be more than that. And I see it as Ridge coming to terms with his true feelings for Taylor. It will certainly explain why he's always wanting to be so close to her and why he always runs back to her.

      Will brought up his dad being with his aunt Brooke today. Foreshadowing maybe? D, you might be onto something.

    7. Lynn. You are so fixated that Taylor came back to steal Ridge away. This time, I think it's going to show Ridges true colours, which will end up with him putting Brooke aside and running to Taylor again. Do you really want a guy like that? But a good segway to the whole Bill and Katie fiasco, and Will persuading his Mom to give Bill another chance. But we will see.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. D - Taylor has told Ridge in the past few days that he is the love of her life and she always thought they would grow old together. Not to mention her spying on Ridge and Brooke on multiple occasions. The most recent caused her to pass out due to the stress it placed on her weak heart. So yeah, Taylor is clearly affected!!
      If Ridge gives her any indication that he would consider taking her back, she will be all over it. The key to all this is how Ridge reacts.
      You said you thought that Ridge would start putting distance between himself and Brooke because of the Hope / Finn thing. I said I didn’t think that was ever going to happen. And it hasn’t.
      My theory has been that since Taylor returned….she and Ridge are going to get closer due to her illness. He will feel an obligation to be there for her. And that could create a closeness that could result in feelings on Ridge’s part. But as someone else pointed out, that would be love from pity. And no self-respecting woman wants that.
      Ridge’s faithfulness will once again be tested. But yes, Taylor would LOVE to have him back!!!
      And of course Steffy brought up Ridge and her mom and their family in today’s episode to Eric. Eric was talking about BB and the success of it all….and how excited everyone was. And Steffy turns the conversation into how her dad is excited because her mom is back. 😂😂😂😂. Steffy is nonstop thinking about her mom and dad being back together again!!

    10. Lynn the last part lol 😂I literally wrote the same thing about Steffy making Ridge's excitement about BB about Taylor 😀

    11. Lynn, you're right ⭐️, but only because Ridge never found out about the whole Hope/Finn thing and what Brooke knew. I'm sure it would have put more than a little bit of distance between them. Imo

    12. D - I just don’t think Ridge is that preoccupied with Hope’s thoughts. Men like Ridge (cheaters / dogs) aren’t as affected by infidelity since they have lived their lives that way. Ridge downplayed the kiss every time it was mentioned. To him it was probably how most people would perceive a handshake. Lol

    13. Milla, she is always plotting…that Steffy!! 😂😂😂😂

    14. @Nikki, i read that on the spoilers too last week, Thomas hears about his mom's condition and fly's straight back to LA and while he is driving to the house from the Airport he is involved in an car accident and then Taylor receives his heart.

    15. @D funny how Taylor is blamed when Ridge CANNOT keep his hands off Taylor....and the flirting from his side, it's embarrassing, he needs to grow a pair and stop being a for Carter and Hopeless, the minute any man pays Hopeless a compliment her knickers end up on the one compliment from Carter and i bet she's ALREADY in love with him...lmfao :D even MORE embarrassing than her mamma :)

    16. Steffy might not openly try to push her parents back together, but she still can't stop trying to convince everyone how they should be together. (If Ridge went back to Taylor and would touch Brooke the way he did with Taylor these past few weeks, Steffy would go up to her and tell her to stay away from her dad and that he'll never love her the way he loves her mom and their family). She pressured Thomas to leave until he left. I wish she would just stop trying to make everyone do what she wants them to do. Giving your family members advice is one thing, but she is constantly trying to put things in their head cause she wants them to live their life the way she thinks is best for them. Let them make their own choices

    17. Koyasha I absolutely agree on that. People sometimes make a parallel between Steffy and her grandma who was also meddling in everyone's life. But interestingly Stephanie was always called out by everyone (her children, Eric) and had huge fights with them about it. Steffy always gets away with it, nobody even mentions it (except from Hope but not as forcefully as she should). I guess when her children grow up only then we'll see some conflict about that side of her character (if the show sees those days of course, it's been running on fumes for the past years).

    18. So true, Koyasha.

      Also true, M, that noone has ever dared to call Steffy out on her manipulations. Stephanie was called out and quite often had to defend her actions.

      Regarding Ridge and Taylor, Ridge going back to Taylor does not necessarily mean that he will go back based on pity. As mentioned above, it can bring his true feelings for her to the fore being faced with her mortality. It's not like Ridge doesn't love Taylor or has feelings for her. He absolutely does.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Elle it could happen that Ridge decides he wants to spend Taylor's last days together and relive the times they were happy together (I still have to eyeroll as I write this, because to me those are not Ridge and Taylor, but completely different people who never had anything to do with each other but, well, what can you do?).
      The real test would be once she's healed (I really hope so) if he stays with her. I'm guessing we'll see a whole lot of head cocking and stuttering as usual 😅

    21. Elle, again I applaud you for your objectivity!

    22. I also applaud Elle for the objectivity and retract my previous statement that she's not 😀🤗

    23. Haha M.

      I've always felt (and said a few times) that Steffy was more than just Stephanie's namesake, that she was exactly like her grandmother in every way and while I loved Stephanie, I did not approve of her methods in many instances. And I actually liked that she and Brooke became friends at the end.

      Regarding Steffy and the business with Thomas, I hated that she was involved with him leaving LA and voiced it over and over. I also voiced my displeasure with the lengths she went to to keep Ridge away from Brooke last year (blocking Ridge's calls and messages and preventing Brooke from seeing him). And I really do not approve of her always walking away from Finn whenever there is trouble in their marriage.

      I love the character because she made such a transformation from the misguided young girl that she was. She became a woman who realized that manipulations will get you nowhere. It's also why I supported her being with Liam because their love blossomed into something natural and pure. I don't know when she reverted to being this way again.

    24. Elle I have to agree this Steffy is a huge improvement over 2012-2015 Steffy. Even her manipulations don't come across so devious compared to what she used to do.

    25. It would be good to see some objectivity from you Lynn!! Milla can be, but you, I have not seen!!

    26. Elle, no one can force anyone to do anything.. I can completely understand Steffy’s concern for her brother, with his past obsession and Hope did use him, for her line, and her own ego!! Thomas already walked away from Hope after she rejected the second time.. Steffy encouraged him on two occasions to get away and clear his head, knowing Hope would use his love for her and manipulate him to stay in the relationship.. All Steffy did was advise him, she didn’t put a gun to his head.. She had a talk to him twice, before HE chose to leave!! So I beg to differ on this one…

    27. I do absolutely agree about her blocking Ridges calls etc.. That was so wrong.. I was really disappointed on that one.. But she redeemed herself by stopping the wedding, after finding out about the CPS call..

  7. Hehe Carter's selective memory about office romances only goes to Quinn, when he's the king of them: Quinn, Paris, Zoey, Katie... And I still think that imagining Hope in lingerie, considering he was recently sleeping with her aunt, is weird. I know he likes to try all generations - from Quinn to Paris. But in her case he's only going to confuse her more, if that's even possible.

    Poor Taylor. It's good she's not trying to keep it from Ridge. I don't think she'll die though. They'll find a way to save her.

    I like that Will has conflicting feelings about his dad, makes it more interesting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Milla, I didn’t understand Carter’s comment about how he “kept it from Hope’s husband.” Why would Liam be affected by Carter’s romance with Quinn??
      I don’t like how this Carter / Hope thing is being sprung on us. It seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere. I’ve never seen them as having any kind of sexual chemistry before. So it seems entirely random. I guess it’s fine if it gets Hope’s mind off Finn. Maybe he was the only one the writers could pull out of the hat to get Hope thinking about someone else. It seems the Hope / Finn fling has fallen flat. So they needed to give Hope a new man.
      I LOVED LOVED how Hope referred to Thomas as an “office hookup”!!!! What a total slap in the face to the love connection Hope and Thomas supposedly had. That ship has soooooooo sailed!!
      And yes, I’m glad the heart failure thing was revealed sooner rather than later.

    3. Carter was with Mia as well before he found out she was transgender.

    4. Omg yes I forgot about her!! Carter has been with almost everyone 😀
      Lynn I also didn't get that with the husband, but then thought maybe he meant "her husband" as in Quinn's. Btw another thing that I found funny was when Eric was saying how Ridge was so excited about Brooke's bedroom and he's not seen him like that in a while, Steffy said it's because of Taylor 😅 like... Wtf?! Taylor and Brooke's bedroom? Ridge can't stop saying Brooke's praises and how she's his muse (apart from the love of his life), how Steffy heard excitement about Taylor in any of that I have no idea. Of course he's super glad she's back, there's no doubt. But hardly inspired by that.

    5. Milla, I had to rewind my phone 3 times to replay that comment from Carter about the husband being affected….then I finally just gave up trying to make sense of it. You are probably right….he must have meant Eric. But I thought he said “your husband” when he was talking to Hope. Who knows!?!?!
      Yes, too funny on the subject transition by Steffy!! 😂😂😂
      That’s why I think she is always up to something. Some may not think anything of it, but I definitely see her maneuvering. She’s good at twisting things into what she wants them to be.

    6. Lynn I sometimes think that she's not even consciously plotting something but her mind is in this readiness to do it. I'm sure once she finds out Taylor's condition she'll make sure to push them together. Which I kinda understand in this case. I want to give them some leeway in this situation because it's difficult for both Steffy and Taylor. If it wasn't for that, I'd say that Steffy is her usual hypocritical self to want to sabotage Ridge's relationship with Brooke while at the same time threatening and blackmailing Hope about the same.

    7. Milla, I agree….once Steffy finds out about Taylor’s illness, she should be given some slack. But not so much slack that it destroys Brooke’s and Ridge’s relationship.
      This news of Taylor’s illness could also put a strain on Finn’s and Steffy’s marriage. I can see it going that way as well.

    8. That's how I understood it, he was referring to Eric, as in Quinn's husband. But I will watch it again for you, now I only have to find that part :D

    9. sneaking behind people's backs, including her husband. I think that's what he said, including Eric

    10. Koyasha yes indeed. Although I also heard "your husband" but right after that, they mentioned Eric so it made sense that's who was meant.

    11. Thanks ladies. It was driving me nuts because I thought….why would Liam be affected? Lol. But we will assume he meant Eric.

    12. Carter was talking about people sneaking behind peoples backs that’s why he said including your husband to hope cause that’s what she was doing going behind his back that’s what he was referring to hope , as well sneaking around Liam’s back

  8. It's been on ẃebsites that Hope will have a new man soon. It even said that Carter gave her the eye at one of Eric's gatherings lately. With Carter writing
    for the show, this maybe his idea of conquoring the Hogans. It showed a new guy with Carter so, I hope he is the one who will get his brain scramble instead of Carter. Like someone said, he deserves better.

    1. @Brandy, oh for sure, Hopeless will use Carter the way she used Thomas, one compliment from him and her knickers were on the floor....lmfao :) I wonder who she will think of when her and Big Boy Carter finally do 'the dirty' will she think of Finn, Thomas or Carter himself......just like her mamma, narcissistic, manipulative, victims of circumstances....lmao :)

  9. lol when Carter gave Hope the flirty eyes, you could easily see on Hope's face/eyes that she was like: 'Hey, are you flirting with me??? this is weird...did not see this one coming???' She might use Carter to try to forget Finn, but when Finn sees her in lingerie on the catwalk or something, he might not be able to take his eyes off her, and maybe he and Steffy has had an argument about someone kissing Steffy a while back, twice! And then Hope will be: Carter who???

    1. Interesting theory! 😊😊😊

    2. Malin, I thought the comment she made “it’s been so long, it’s good that someone is picturing me in lingerie” was unscripted, the way Carter reacted?? 🤣 I hope she doesn’t use Carter to get over Finn?? He’s a good guy and would treat her well!

    3. Malin that's definitely a possibility about Finn seeing Hope on the catwalk and starting to remember her/fantasize 😀would be fun to watch! I somehow think Carter is not going to go that far with Hope, those moments are there to distract us.

    4. I would love to see Finn stare at "flat-chested" Hope :D
      And about the kisses, Malin.. I still think they should come out. I know some people say they are in the past, but still. Finn was open with Steffy about what Hope did so I think it would only be right if she returned the "favor". What good will it do? None, but telling Steffy about Hope's kiss didn't do anyone any good, either, and he was still honest with her.

      Too bad there is no real chemistry between Hope and Carter, but they don't necessarily have to make this all about sex. He could just ask her if she wants to go on a date with him or something :D

    5. Koyasha at this point so much has happened and will happen, I'd rather expect Liam to kiss Steffy 2-3 times before those old ones are mentioned 😅

    6. You forget that Finn already saw Hope in lingerie. She refused to put clothes on that day at Forrester when he was looking for Steffy. Hope straight up told him she wanted him, was fantasising etc. Finn told her it wasn’t funny and that she needed to stop!

      Hope was throwing herself at him, dressed in lingerie from her line and he had NO interest in her!

  10. Did no one notice in the first scene at IIGardino, when Katie and Will first turned up for lunch, the very first part of the scene, it showed a blonde woman handing a glass of wine to a lady, you don’t see her face, just the very side, and she says “here’s your wine”.. it looks and sounds like Brooke?? Anyone else notice that?

    1. I did :)
      But then I got distracted by the other new waitress and was thinking how they must have replaced Hollis and Tom and then forgot about "Brooke".

    2. So Koyasha, do you think that was Brooke? Or am I going mad 🤣🤣

  11. I think it was kinda cute to see Carter and Hope playfully flirting. They're doing it like adults, not like teenagers. They acknowledged their bad results from office romances, and also joked about it. They were still giving each other flirty looks when Eric wasn't noticing. I agree with others who thought it was odd he didn't mention Katie. If he had, I would have asked: "So exactly what happened with you and Katie?" The viewers need/want to know. Maybe I missed that episode.
    As far as Taylor, it would be sad to see her die, but this is a fictional character. Even so, I would be okay with the character dying. Only because the thought of more Brooke, Ridge, Taylor 🔺️is just so boring. And before anyone says I'm "team Logan". No. If it was Brooke who had heart failure, I would be okay with her dying too. If that's tough for some people to hear. Remember, people die all the time. And these are fictional characters. If a character I really like dies, I'm sad for a while. But it doesn't compare to an actual loved one dying. 🧡

    1. You didn't miss an episode, none of us know what happened between Katie and Carter.. They seem to think they're better off as friends, but why? We will never find out.
      I wouldn't mind the fictional character dying, either, solely because I am tired of this triangle, as well. I would miss Brooke if she died, though, because we see her all the time, Taylor is never home anyway.
      And since we had to deal with Eric "dying" recently only for him to survive, I really don't want to go through all of this again if the character isn't actually going to die.

  12. carter's been with several ladies...he's actually kind of a slut. LOL and if a flirt is all it takes to get hope all riled up, maybe she is too. but this potential carter/hope hook up isn't believable. all of a sudden, they're into each other? too abrupt. i see ridge treating taylor differently out of sympathy and brooke will think the worst, that he's drifting back to taylor and there's potential trouble. i never cared for the taylor character so if she leaves, so be it. yet again i ask...where is wyatt????

    1. Wesa, Wyatt moved away. He is off the show now.

    2. LOL I can't believe she is asking the same question for the millionth time, is this a troll or something? :D How do we get through to her? haha

    3. West they had the Goodbye Wyatt episode. He needed to move on away from LA etc and he went to where Quinn is! The actor playing Wyatt moved over to regular tele and got good parts. Same happened with the lass playing Flo… we just never heard because B&B forgot she existed!

    4. BBFan every time you write lass or lassie, it reminds me of the first time I saw you write it 😀it was to Colly and I thought it was a nickname for her because of Lassie, the dog from the movie, who was a collie 😂😂 Colly-> Collie 😀

    5. Milla, omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣 my real name is Colleen, my family being European call me Colleena!!

    6. Awww that's good to know Colly/Colleen you beautiful lassie 😀🤗 you see how my brain works, I had no idea what lassie means so made weird connections 😂😂
      But your name is beautiful 🤗

    7. Awe thanks Milla ❤️😍 it’s not a very common name, and it’s actually an Irish name, I don’t know why my parents named that!! 🤣🤣🤣

  13. Please no don’t go there with Hope and Carter, there is no chemistry and it would just look like once again Carter is available. Hasn’t he played victim enough in the romance department? Wouldn’t you think he has learned from the past that he needs to find someone who isn’t in his work environment? And I wouldn’t feel bad at all if they end up killing Taylor off, her presence is always worthless to the show except to cause trouble for Ridge and Brooke. Maybe they should pair her with Carter!!

  14. Oh Hopeless, one compliment from Carter and your knickers were on the floor.....lmfao :) Poor Carter, you will be used to keep HFTF deserve WAY better than ANOTHER HOgan :) you will be discarded like her mamma discards men once she's done with you! Carter deserves a LADY not a CHILD with libido issues!

    1. Unknown, I really hope , that if they go that way, she won’t use Carter.. He is a pretty good guy overall..

  15. Bob can you please upload today's episode? TY
