Monday, September 23, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Brooke is the most selfish person in the history of the show, that's why she doesn't have any friends. She's broken up many families, Stephanie's, Taylor's, Macy's relationships with Forresters, she cheated on Bridget three times with her husbands Deacon and Nick, she cheated on Hope once with Oliver and Katie three times with Bill. Who would want to be friends with her? Taylor serves as a missionary in Africa for years, Brooke runs around the company rooms and meddles in other people's business. Compare how weak the show is compared to episodes from 2002 or currently General Hospital.

    1. Lol. NONE of the actresses on the show have friends. That certainly isn’t specific to Brooke.

    2. @Dodzia 💯👏👏👏 she's the company mattress 🤣 old HOgan been married a total of 11 times 🤣🤣🤣 she needs therapy alongside her Hopeless

    3. Good point, Lynn, never even thought about that. I remember Quinn and Shawna being friends, but other than that? Paris was supposedly friends with Steffy or/and Hope? But she's gone and she most certainly wasn't Hope's friend in the end

  2. Taylor and Ridge before Taylor saved Brooke from Sheila in 2002 were like Steffy and Finn now, big love and real power couple. Bridge is toxic after Ridge dumped Brooke for texting Deacon in 2012 there is no chemistry in this relationship, it keeps falling apart for no reason. Compare to Nikki and Victor or Carly and Sonny. Bridge is like Hope and Liam.

  3. boring episode. yes, steffi, we knoooooow you miss your mom. that was half the episode. and i keep asking, where is wyatt??

    1. Extremely boring. Steffy's begging Ridge to talk her Mom into staying was monotonous.
      People have answered you about Wyatt.
      Wyatt has left the building.!

    2. I was thinking the thing Welcome to the Steffy show

    3. Yes, boring boring. And here we go again with another character who needs to keep the secret about their death. We had to deal with that forever with Eric’s condition. Now we get round 2 with Taylor. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    4. I find it so ridiculous that Steffi acts like ridge is the only one who can convince Taylor to stay in town. I would think one's children and grandkids would be more convincing than an ex husband.

    5. Hilary, very true! The only way Ridge would have sway over Taylor is if he was wanting to start their relationship back up. Otherwise, definitely kids / grandkids would have way more influence.
      Maybe Steffy is hoping for them to get back together. Steffy’s still probably thinking about mommy and daddy reuniting, even though Ridge has made it very clear that he wants Brooke.

    6. Um, Steffy is asking her dad because she knows how her mom still feels about him and figures that he has the biggest chance of getting her to stay. It's not about Ridge wanting to be with Taylor or about Steffy wanting her parents back together.

    7. Elle, I disagree. When has Steffy actually accepted the fact that her dad is with Brooke? Just recently she was venting to Ridge about how Brooke stole him away. Not to mention all the snide comments she’s made to Hope and Brooke recently. If there was a snowball’s chance in hell they could reunite for the 20th time, Steffy would be elated. Besides, as Hillary pointed out and I agreed….it would make no sense that Ridge would have the most influence over Taylor. She has said she came back to support Steffy. And Steffy should be the one to convince her.

    8. Also, thank you for making the Brooke fans point for us….”the way Taylor still feels about him.” She still wants Ridge. And if she didn’t think she was dying, she’d be trying to work that angle again.

    9. Sorry I disagree. The reason her mum left last time was because of Ridge’s flip flopping then choosing Brooke after once again toying with Taylor’s emotions.

      Taylor was clearly uncertain of her welcome and wanted to make sure Ridge and Brooke were comfortable with her remaining in Los Angeles.

      Given the history between the three that isn’t unreasonable.

      Taylor is genuinely interested in Ridge’s life and that is why she was asking about why he hasn’t remarried Brooke , etc.

      Taylor and Ridge have always remained close friends and given that Taylor is dying she needs Ridge, as well as Steffy and her grandbairns.

      I don’t think Steffy is trying to reunite her parents. She’s seen how devastated her mother was. She just wants her close and happy.

      Ridge has made it clear he is staying with Brooke.

      Steffy has been through hell again recently and just wants and needs her mum nearby.

      She knows that Ridge welcoming Taylor would remove a barrier there to her remaining.

    10. @BBFan again 💯👏 sadly the Logan clan will always be insecure when Taylor returns but then saying that, Ridge is the actual problem because he flirts with Taylor and touches her ALL the time which sends mixed signals. And as for those who THINK Steffy wants her parents back together, well they forget that Steffy was the one who put a stop to Taylor and Ridges wedding the last time....they need a little reminder of that ‼️

    11. BBFAN, uh no. The reason Taylor left last time is because Ridge decided not to marry her after the lie came out that Thomas told to sabotage Ridge’s marriage to Brooke. And Taylor CHOSE to not tell Ridge the truth as they were about ready to take their vows. To call it a “flip flop” without saying the details is not even close to honest.
      And yes, Steffy is the one who stepped up and told the truth. And pretty much every Logan fan praised her for doing that….including myself. It’s the one time Steffy actually chose to do the honorable thing. But that has zero to do with the fact that Steffy absolutely would want her parents together if they could reunite in an organic way vs Thomas stacking the deck against Brooke dishonestly.

    12. Well said Elle, Bfan, and unknown!! I did not see or hear anything from Steffy, that indicated that she wants her parents back together, and as unknown stated, it was Steffy who stopped the wedding, because she did not want her parents back together for the wrong reasons.. So again, it’s just another assumption.. She wanted them to be together, but only if it was truly what they both wanted.. Lynn, again, another assumption.. Yes, she has feelings for Ridge, but she can have feelings, and still not want to come between Ridge and Brooke… And yes, if Ridge truly wanted to be with her, as he claimed last time, when she ran from him and he chased her up the mountain, and made her believe he did only want to be with her for the rest of his life, as he told her, then why wouldn’t she!! No different to Brooke wanting to be with him, all the times he was with Taylor, and when he was married to Taylor, before she was shot by Sheila, protecting Brooke!! Having said that, I would like to see Taylor given a new man, like they did with Steffy!! I will say that I would like to see Taylor and Brooke friends, rather than the whole triangle crap once again!

    13. Colly, maybe it’s just because she’s dying so she assumes she will never be in another relationship…but she did say to Ridge that she still loves him. She thought they would grow old together. And he is the love of her life. So if she didn’t think she was dying, would her thoughts on pursuing Ridge be any different? None of us know. But my guess is…she will be saved. And if that happens, we’ll just have to see what comes next. I still think she will once again go after Ridge. That’s purely my guess. But none of us know at this point. As far as seeing the love triangle between Ridge, Brooke and Taylor….I would guess there isn’t one viewer who wants to see that again. On that SL you and I agree. And Brooke and Taylor being friends for the long term would be great!

    14. wesa, you keep asking about Wyatt and then you don't come back to read the answers :D
      Given that Steffy doesn't know her mom is dying but is aware of her feelings for Ridge, I don't think she should ask Ridge to convince her to stay since this might send the wrong message. If Ridge tries everything to persuade Taylor not to leave town, she might get the impression that he wants her back. I also think that it would be way better if Steffy told her mom how much she needed her and made her stay based on that

    15. Lynn, I have never denied that Taylor still loves Ridge. I just refuse to jump on the bandwagon of "Taylor wants Ridge back" or "she is coming on to Ridge" or "she wants to come between Ridge and Brooke." All I'm saying is that Steffy knows how much her mother loves her father so he just might be the one to be able to convince her to stay.

    16. Very good point, Koyasha. It could definitely send the wrong message.

  4. Steffy and Finn ?? Big Love🤔 Power Couple ??!! 😬😡 Not. Even. Close.

    1. Big love maybe, but power couple? Steffy makes Finn look so weak sometimes, he looks like a puppy next to her

  5. So now that I know about Taylor's health crisis, and that she's dying, I will be more tolerant of this new actress playing her. Taylor sounds sincere when she says she's not going after Ridge. Also, she and Brooke might become friends again. It makes sense. When you are facing a short time to live, you think about letting old rivalries and animosities go. You consider how you can make peace, and leave the world a better place.
    It's nice to see Li's softer, caring side.

    1. I really like this new Taylor. She acts her lines out with real emotion. Even though at the beginning, I was saying she looked to young to be Steffy's Mom, either the make-up artist did an excellent job making her look that way? Or they are doing an excellent job now making her look more fragile.

    2. @D 💯👏 I've liked her from the start, she's very calm and at ease, I really like that about her.

    3. D, I too like this Taylor!! She brings more maturity to the Taylor character, as did HT.. She is more feisty than the last actress.. Yes she is a very small frame, and doesn’t resemble HT in any way, but I like how she is portraying the character.. She seems to fit the psychiatrist role better than the previous actress..

    4. I also like to see more of Li's softer and caring side <3
      I am also starting to get used to mini Taylor. I found it hard at first, because the previous actress was much more dramatic with her hand gestures, she did a lot with her hands (or even her whole body? At least I remember her moving a lot lol), this one is calm.

  6. So, a doctor told Taylor she is dying from heart failure, yet Taylor has not had an appointment with a cardiologist. What's up with that? If the heart is not the doctor's specialty, then you need to see a doctor that specializes in your condition. The first doctor could have it all wrong...

    1. I believe that's why she went to Li. She said she went to the doctor with her symptoms and he gave her a diagnosis. So, she returned to LA and contacted Li. She probably figured that Li would know the best cardiologist to put her onto.

    2. It is understood they ran tests etc. No doctor is going to diagnose that without running tests, getting cardiac imaging etc.

      She was just stating that she hasn’t gone to a cardiologist for mana of her condition, because she left immediately to be with her family. She planned to get a cardiologist in LA.

      Taylor is a physician, she was an oncologist before she changed to psychiatry.

      She wouldn’t walk in, say what her symptoms were and walk out with a fatal diagnosis and no investigations first!

      As usual B&B writers are lazy.

    3. Bfan, that’s right, I forgot about that!! Yes, you are right, no doctor would have diagnosed a condition such as that, just based on symptoms said.. She would have had ECG, and an ultrasound of her heart, along with bloodwork’s… Li being a world class surgeon, would know the best cardiologists and if they go the heart transplant direction, Li of Finn might be involved in the SL assisting with the surgery..

    4. Taylor said she saw a Dr. She didn’t say she had one visit, described symptoms and was instantly diagnosed! She told us she sought medical intervention. As soon as she got the diagnosis she headed for home. Where she immediately contacted Li and got referrals for a top cardiologist!

      That is what wise human would do!

  7. So true. The symptoms Taylor was describing, I have too. ☹️ I just figured it comes with life in general and stress.

    1. D, don’t stress love, the symptoms Taylor described are those of heart failure, however, those are also very general, and apply to a whole host of other conditions, that are not life threatening, and or could be due to aging, dependant of fitness and stress levels.. The writers are just lazy by not researching and mentioning the more serious symptoms.. As Bfan said, in reality she would have had other tests and screens to determine the diagnosis.. Even bloodwork’s can determine wether someone has had a mild heart attack or TPI (mini stroke) if the bloods were taken soon after symptoms.. Technology has come a long way in the medical field, although the one area they can’t seem to advance on, is Chronic Pain!! Pain is very hard to treat, particularly nerve pain!!

    2. D if you are having chest pains etc you want to get that looked into!!

    3. Actually yes, I forgot she said chest pains, D, if you are getting that, definitely get that looked into.. but don’t panic..

  8. For real. I think she would have definitely scheduled an appointment asap with a cardiologist. She is a rich woman and a doctor, so she definitely has the means to see a top rate specialist.

    1. She got the diagnosis and headed immediately to where her family was to start treatment there! There is no mystery. She would want to get her cardiologist where she lives and that is why she immediately contacted Li! Li provided her with top Cardiologists to see and promised to get her to the top of the queue to be seen!

  9. But she's still way too young to be Steffi and Thomas's mom

  10. I so miss Hunter Tylo as Taylor . Hunter is and always will be the only Taylor Hayes ! And Steffy favors Hunter so much in the face , the high cheek bones , lips and all .

  11. Was quite emotional when Taylor was talking to Li 😭 nothing wrong with Steffy asking her dad to help convince her mom to stay in LA ♥️ she needs her mom's support and visa versa. Funny how Hopeless can have her mommy around but Steffy can't 🤔

    1. Hope has never not had her mother around.. She still lives on her mother’s estate, and is still mottle coddled by her mother!! Logan supporters, It’s either, Taylor is never around when Steffy and Thomas need her, and when she comes back, are not happy about it!! Taylor can’t win either way! 🤦‍♀️ They worry about her trying to steal Ridge!! No one can steal him!! He is a womaniser, and first sign of trouble, runs from his “destiny” to Taylor, and back and forth he goes, just like Liam! At least Taylor’s “absences” are for a very cause! But she doesn’t even get credit for that 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Brava Colly!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
