Friday, September 13, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Finn & Taylor's presence in a FC business meeting was highly inappropriate. Especially when all the warnings Steffy gave Hope to stay away from Finn, to include him and Taylor in a meeting regarding Hope's line is ridiculous. The excuse being that they will hear about it later anyways. Please.

    1. Renee when have you ever seen those guys be professional? 😅 it’s a parody of a workplace. Like The Office but much less funny. Although Brooke's remarked about the "line of scrubs and straitjackets" made me chuckle.

    2. Honestly I think they stayed because Steffy wanted them to hear first hand that it was her Father and Carter bringing the decision and issue NOT Steffy because Hope would 100% paint it as Steffy attacking her blah blah.

      HFTF has been on the rocks so many times. Thomas came in more than once to save the line so it isn’t a solid performer to start out with.

      The truth is Hope hasn’t even tried to fix her line she’s been all about stalking Steffy and making snide comments or stalking Finn and trying to seduce him.

      I’m glad that everyone was there so that Brooke and Hope know it wasn’t Steffy’s doing! I know they will blame her but clearly it is STILL a business decision!

    3. @BBFan I highly agree with you. And if Finn insists on staying friends with Hope he can kiss his marriage goodbye. Cause you seeing how he continues to ignore steffys concerns and feelings.

    4. I agree Hope hasn't been working on saving her line. (They haven't shown us any scenes to indicate she is trying to save it.) I also agree that it is a business decision & I personally don't care what the final decision is. That said, Finn & Taylor had no business being in that meeting anymore than the FC people have being in a "scrubs or straightjacket" meeting led by Dr. Finnegan or Dr. Hayes in their respective offices.

    5. Renee, you nailed it!! Completely and totally inappropriate!!

    6. I thought that was unprofessional to say the least, but as someone else pointed out, they never act professional 🤣 People are always sexing it up in the unlocked office, or talking about super secret info very openly with doors open. It's pretty lax at Forester creations 🤣🤣

    7. It was obvious that both of them (especially Finn) were feeling very uncomfortable being there. Steffy doesn't need witnesses from outside, especially none that have no say so in the business and Hope "painting" anything to them would be immaterial.

  2. The new server at Il Gardino's needs to braid her hair. That is just too much hair for a dining establishment. 🍕🥂😂

  3. Ahhh So much for "Taylor was just relieved about her daughter, it's Ridge who can't keep away from her"... It was blatantly obvious the poor woman was not over him (even when she was spying on them in MC) and now with the preview it's kinda undeniable.
    Brooke and Taylor should both stop meddling in their children's love lives. Brooke talking to Finn is equally pointless as Taylor sticking her nose in those relationships. But, sadly, for her it's either that, hanging out at FC and coming onto an unavailable man. She needs a storyline.

    1. We saw a snippet of what, I'm sure, is a much longer conversation. It could be that Ridge started flirting with her again and she is building him up just to let him down. Why not wait until the episode actually airs before we make assumptions?

    2. Taylor deserves a storyline of her own.

      Ridge is ever the playboy and hasn’t made a commitment to Brooke this time.

      She has mentioned on several occasions that he should put a ring on it and he ignores it.

      I think he’s happy keeping both of them on a string like he has been for going 40 years!

    3. @Elle because people like to jump on their high horses before the episode is aired 🤣🤣🤣 trying to prove how "right they are" 🤣🤣🤣 pity old greasy hair Ridge can't keep his hands to himself, rubbing Taylor's leg, neck AND shoulders, his a womanizer.....his "destiny's womanizer" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Milla, I wonder how much disgust we are going to hear from the Taylor fans about how inappropriate Taylor’s behavior is towards Ridge??!! I’m guessing it’s gonna be crickets!! 😂😂😂😂😂
      And soooooo completely and totally inappropriate for Finn and Taylor to be in that meeting. That was simply Steffy’s way of maximizing Hope’s humiliation. Steffy continues to act like a child. She is disgusting! She learned nothing from her near death experience!

    5. Steffi will always be a bitch. That's all she knows 🤣

    6. Milla, I have not once seen Taylor flirt with Ridge since she has been back!! What I have seen, is Ridge constantly flirt with her, touch her every time he is around her, flatter her with remarks, from the moment she first walked in the door! Fact of the matter, Ridge loves two women, and always will! Taylor reacts to the signals given to her by Ridge! That is what I see..

    7. Lynn of course it will be none. Only when a Logan shows inappropriate behavior to another man does it matter and is a cause for a whole rant lasting for months of episodes and stretching over decades back. Colly it doesn't have to be flirting to be obvious that she hasn't moved on. It was obvious to not just me the way she was looking at him and the words coming out of her mouth.
      Elle sure we won't make assumptions, let's see what else she says to Ridge. I just can't imagine it will be "you'll always be the love of my life but I have a new man now/I am looking for a new man considering I'm pushing 65 in soap time"

    8. And PS it was Brooke who said she doesn't want to rush with the wedding, because she has something special in mind (they never pursued that story though. I remember saying I hope it's a reenactment of one of their epic weddings from the past).

    9. Yes Milla, she did say that way back when they first got back together, however, the writers seemed to have ditched that? But I have since and not that long ago actually, heard Brooke say put a ring on it!!

    10. I haven't heard that from her, it certainly wasn't meant super seriously if she said it. Ridge is crazy about her as it is, he can't stop saying how amazing and valuable she is.
      Does anyone understand this spoiler for next week Friday:
      "Captain Deuce Stevens has a run-in with April during an office visit with Finn."

      Who is captain Stevens and did they really name him Deuce? And who's April?

    11. okay I got an answer (sort of): Tom Arnold will play Captain Deuce Stevens and Jamison Belushi will return as April, the lab tech.

    12. Milla, all Ridge has done for months is GUSH about Brooke. He’s truly smitten, or so he says. If this Taylor nonsense starts up again, then Taylor would be beyond hyprcritical after the talk she just had with Brooke!! But the same rules don’t seem to apply to Taylor or Steffy. Hilarious!
      In any case, if Ridge allows Taylor’s nonsense again, then Brooke should dump his fickle butt for good. And I refuse to watch that same old tired SL again.
      I’m curious what that conversation looks like between Finn and Hope in the previews. That seemed odd given what’s gone on. I guess we’ll see. Maybe Hope is gonna start playing hard to get. Then Finn will start chasing her. Lol.

    13. Ahahah Ridge's fickle butt will be hugely disappointed when dumped 😂 I would hope the same yes. And absolutely if Taylor starts making googly eyes at Ridge, going after him or talking smack about Brooke, she would have no leg to stand on to lecture anyone (or their mother!).

    14. And I'm also curious about that conversation because Finn looked surprised when Hope said that. I think that she really will try to stay away but something will happen, maybe with outside influence. It looked like the convo was taking place in IG where we know Sheila is lurking. last time she was quite pleased to hear that Hope has feelings for Finn.

    15. You are comparing a couple who are married with a family and have been for years now with a couple who currently don’t have a commitment .

      Personally don’t want Taylor to lower herself to chase Ridge! She deserves better and he is living with Brooke.

      I think he’s always touching her etc and is wrong for that Z

      Comparing Hope who is targeting a marriage with the express purpose of stealing Steffy’s husband to Taylor telling Ridge who is NOT married or engaged that she loves is not exactly the same.

      INR a relationship should be respected period but in Soapland we know how that goes! I don’t support Taylor going after Ridge at all!

    16. BBFAN, they don’t have a “commitment”??? Let’s see….they are LIVING TOGETHER and Ridge tells Brooke she is the love of his life and his destiny. Aside from them not walking down the aisle together for what would be the umpteenth time, they most certainly do have a COMMITMENT. To say they aren’t married would be an accurate statement, but to say they don’t have a commitment is completely untrue.

    17. Indeed "no marriage = no commitment" is a very 18 century way too look at it 😅 we've seen plenty of commitments without marriage and marriages which didn't last on this show. Taylor is a hypocrite and always has been in regards to going after men. Always lecturing people for things she's never been above.

  4. Here we go again Taylor didn't learn from last time smh

  5. Thanks Bob. Have a good weekend.

  6. Taylor move the hell on from Ridge he aint worth it. He's a womanizer and will always be one. You a beautiful smart intelligent woman find a man suitable for you. Hope this heffa has the nerve to talk shit about steffys marriage and when steffy knocks your teeth in for meddling in her marriage you gonna be shook. And I think Finn and Steffy should file a restraining order against hope this woman is fatal attraction 4.0. She won't stop and Finn should have been put his foot down regarding this hoegan.

  7. I don't agree with Brooke's claim that Steffy is acting out of insecurity.

    1. I agree. Steffy is anything but insecure. Brooke "trust me, I know. You can't go after a married man." Lmao. Well she learned from the best so why should Hope take her seriously. And poor Beth, wherever she is, will mirror her Mom and be the next Hope 2.0. We really need some different SLs.

    2. Brooke is a pos scumbag to even make that horrible claim about Steffy. Steffy is way more beautiful than Hope wish she was. Steffy ain't insecure about jackshit when it comes to Hope. You see what Brooke is doing? She instigating a war between Hope and Steffy and let say me this nor Hope or Brooke will win.

    3. Brooke and Hope are clearly of the belief that Finn actually wants Hope otherwise, Brooke won't be making such a silly statement. I don't know what woman (or man) would stand by and watch someone making moves on their spouse and have nothing to say about it. Ridge sought out Deacon and almost beat him to a pulp and warned him to stay away from Brooke. Finn sought Liam out multiple times and warned him to stay away from his wife. But when Steffy warns the woman who is daydreaming, attempting to seduce and kissing her husband, she's insecure. Go figure. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    4. Brooke going to Finn and warning him that Steffy might go after Hope?? Seriously?? So she does approve of her daughter going after him! That is the kind of rubbish she pulled with Liam to paint Steffy in a bad light!

      Hope is out to cause trouble and she doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as she gets her way! She’s always been like that!

    5. @Elle 👏👏👏 100% but this is what the manipulating HOgans do, they manipulate EVERY situation to THEIR advantage, they are the most toxic bunch I have ever come across ‼️ Like Katie, hanging around at Bills all of the sudden while she made some "business calls" 🤣 meantime she's just waiting for Billy Boy to return so she can piss up against his leg like a dog marking it's territory only to add in "Poppy moved out permanently" OMG who said Poppy moved out, Poppy returned to pick up some clothes....these HOgans are BEYOND toxic‼️

    6. @BBFan, that's exactly what I said last night, HOgan is actually encouraging HOpe to go after Finn, she does it with a smirk on her face and "oh honey you can't have feelings for Finn" then gives HOpe bear cuddles....ALL the HOgans are snakes... especially HOgan...the destiny snake 🤣🤣🤣

    7. Steffy has a right to put any woman making moves on her husband on notice!

      Hope whinging because Steffy tells her what to do… she’s your bloody Boss, that is her job!!!

      As for Finn? Steffy has a right to say stay away from her husband when Hope’s openly and brazenly chasing and trying to steal her husband!!!!

      Hope is a straight up liar!!! She isn’t sorry and has no intention of leaving Finn or his marriage alone. I can’t believe Brooke is going to help her by going to Finn to denigrate his wife!

      HFTF is a separate and Business Decision! However Hope and Brooke won’t allow it to be that because Hope never loses!

    8. I can’t imagine anyone that is defending Hope would be so gracious if another woman was trying to break up their marriage in reality🤦‍♀️ and if they can’t defend her, they say “I hope she does” just to piss Steffy off, but if was the other way around we know what would be said!! And apparently the Ffans are the ones who make excuses??

    9. @Colly I highly agree. I'm sick and tired of Hope blaming Steffy for her horrible decisions in life. She hasn't even put any focus on her line cause she to busy daydreaming and chasing after Finn like the hoe she is. And she is a hoe what do you call a woman chasing after a married man? A whore and Brooke will always be one too.

    10. Spot on NOEMI!! Hope has had ample time to work on her line! She says give the new designers time, however it’s up to her to help them see her vision and edit designs, etc.. but she is much too busy feeling sorry for herself, blaming Steffy for her all of her own fuckups, and trying to seduce Finn! And of course losing her line is also going to be Steffy’s fault 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

      Bfan, she can’t cope with Steffy telling her to do her job, because she is not used to working in an environment where you have a boss to tell you what to do, and all the Logan’s have always walked around Forrester Creations like they own the place, so Hope has major issues with authority figures.. She had her line handed to her on a silver platter and she is proving she can’t even be her own boss, so good luck to anyone else trying to get her to do anything! Maybe if she spent less time daydreaming about men, (Thomas,Finn) and whoever is next, her line might stand a chance.. However, it must be difficult to preach a message about what her line is all about, when she is doing the complete opposite! Really she can’t be that surprised they are going to axe it?? And it’s always “the design team” need more time?? Isn’t 2 quarters, 6 months long enough?

    11. Colly!!! Welcome back Lassie!!! You have been missed!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    12. Colly totally agree there 100%

    13. Hi lovely lady, thank you, ❤️ I have missed everyone too!! It’s great to see lots of new people on the blog!!

  8. This wasn't Steffys decision on her own It was Ridge and Carter letting Steffy fire the bullets

    1. Exactly it was a group decision not just steffy but you know hopes skankass ass once again will blame steffy for how shit her life has been. Hope is responsible for her life being shit.

    2. True. I'm glad Finn was there to see it wasn't just Steffy's call and she's acting out of revenge. Hope is definitely going to play that call was all Steffy as pay back.

    3. Lol I was saying the same beat me to it.

    4. @D I agree, in fact Steffy never uttered a word to HOpe during the meeting, Carter and Ridge did ALL the talking BUT the HOgans will blame Steffy because that's what manipulators do.

    5. Ridge called the meeting because he and Carter agreed that it was a major issue and finally were ready to do something about it.

      Ridge didn’t tell Brooke because she’d never agree to cut Hope’s line, not even if it sank FC… Brooke was rude, what about all the meetings she went to and gave her opinion when she wasn’t even working at FC anymore? And before someone claims she’s a majority shareholder, she is a NO shareholder now!

    6. Colly! ❤️ so nice to you back. Hope all is well. Missed you dearly.

    7. Hi lovely!!❤️❤️❤️ missed you too love 🥰 I have had a lot on for a while now and still do, but have missed everyone!! How have you been lovely?

    8. When do you have nothing going on? 🤣 You have been missed. Doing good here. I don't want to write a wall of text. Trying to get the farm ready for sale before winter. It's not going to happen. I've just realized hubby is short of a hoarder. The stuff he's collected?? I'll drop you a line. Nice to see your doing good. ❤️

    9. Please do love, would love to chat! I know, it never ends 🤣🤣🤣 sometimes I crave for a break, but the work I am doing is extremely important, and as much as I am tempted, I can’t walk away from it, these people really need me, so I battle on! 🤣 My mums a huge hoarder, I get it 🤣 ❤️

    10. To those people, your an angel. Thats your reward and why you battle on. You do need to take a break and take care of yourself too. Lol, I know thats the last thing on your list. 🫂

  9. Sorry but the actress that doing Taylor, really do no fit.

  10. Yep. I agree that Taylor & Finn had NO reason to be there at the meeting!
    Plus, I think Hopeless Hope has truly become sickening & a wasted cause
    (not to be assumed that I am a die hard Steffy fan).

  11. What is Brooke talking about, that she think Steffy is going to hurt Hope 🤣 omg, if Hope stay's away from Finn nobody gets hurt.....🤷‍♀️

    1. She is trying to use Finn to save HFTF , even though it is clearly a business decision! And totally agree… Hope stop trying to steal Steffy’s husband !

    2. It's as simple as that Iris! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      What about Hope setting out to get revenge on Steffy? Isn't Brooke concerned about her daughter hurting Steffy? Brooke should not be approaching Finn! She needs to talk to Ridge about their daughters and lay whatever concerns she has with Ridge, not Finn.

    3. Brooke has NO place going to Finn and badmouthing his wife to him smh.. who does she think she is.. The Logan’s constantly blame Steffy for every single thing that goes wrong in Hopes life.. It’s a joke.. What does Brooke hope to gain by going to Finn?? Does she really think Finn is going to go to Steffy and defend Hope to her after what has happened?? Does she think he is going to go against Steffy and ruin his marriage?? How stupid can one be??

    4. Brava ladies 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    5. Elle, Brooke is not worried about her daughter hurting anyone, never has!! She only worries about Hope being hurt, and the only reason she is warning Hope to stay away from Finn, is because she knows he is fully committed to Steffy, and she is worried because Hopes line is failing.. She knows if Hope keeps it up, that she will will be thrown out and that not even Ridge will defend Hope or make excuses to keep her line going, so Brooke will have no pull to keep her there!! That’s why she is warning Hope to stay away from Finn!! No other reason.. It’s the implications and fallout that she is worried about! I can guarantee that if Finn had have kissed her back and her line was doing fine, it would be a very different story!!

  12. B & B needs to hire another hair stylist. Katie wig looks awful. Steffy wigs used to be spot on, lately I haven't been a fan of them.

    1. I didn't even notice Katie's hair because I was too distracted by her shirt - one side had a long sleeve & the other side had no sleeve. 😂

    2. They should burn it. It is a fashion fail. 😂🔥😂

  13. Replies
    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  14. Taylor has every right to be at that meeting. The "Hogan's do as they please!" Brooke, Steffy is not insecure about your tramp of a daughter. You two are just alike. Both of you witches will be in Finn's ear next week. No morals or values.

    Steffy, you deserve better than your weak husband. Divorce him, fire Hope, and let them ride off into the sunset together. Bridget is the only decent child of that trolip. Taylor, you also deserve better. Ridge has always been a fool.

    I wish that Steffy and Thomas would start their own company and let their sorry father go and be with those witches forever!

  15. Ridge told Finn and Taylor they can stay first so the Logan lovers here can refrain from saying "Steffy told them to stay" It's bizarre that HOgan can make sarcastic, snarky, bully remarks but let Steffy or Taylor do it then they are called bullies....oh the irony of it all🤣 Steffy, insecure 🤣 oh HOgan get a grip on reality, your comments and bad mouthing Steffy to HOpe is just making HOpe MORE determined to go after I have said before, HOgan has done NOTHING to discourage her daughter from chasing Finn, she's been encouraging HOpe all the time.

    HOgan really needs to stop talking to HOpe like she's a 5 year old, although HOpe acts like a five year old she's a grown ass woman with a libido that works overtime 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't wait for Ridge to find out that his HOgan has been keeping all these love for Finn secrets from him and went running to her ex, Deacon to share the news with him first🤣 the HOgans true colours are starting to show again 🤣 HOpe should just get herself a Finn maniquin and replenish her batteries 🤣 she lies to her mamma's face and can't even look her in the eye....the manipulation queen 👑

    1. I agree with you 💯, and here goes Brooke badmouthing Steffy to Finn, she did the same with Liam. Steffy could give 2 shits about Hope as long as she is not going after Finn yet here she is again going after Finn. Watch Steffy reign terror on Hope. Hope gonna be pissing her pants.

    2. @NOEMI bwaaahaahaaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you make me laugh 🤣🤣🤣 what I found hysterical was with next week's episode where HOpe says to Finn "I don't think we should be hanging out together anymore" 🤣 wtf, where was Finn hanging out with her 🤣 at the beach, at the movies 🤣 I CANNOT believe how thick skinned HOpe is .. actually HOgan too...come to think of it, ALL the HOgans are 🤣 they cannot handle rejection...I think all these HOgans have daddy issues

    3. @Unknown I'm getting sick and tired of Hope and did you see Brookes behavior how it changed? She trying to make Steffy out to be the bad one when her slutty ass daughter is the one going after Finn for revenge on Steffy. Steffy has done nothing to Hope to warrant this type of violent behavior towards her. Hope the one that set in motion everything. She cheated on Liam with Thomas and she used Thomas for sex and his designs than dumped him when he was no longer useful to her. Now she going after Finn when Finn hasn't given her any reasons to it. But this week Finn will be tested he needs to stay away from that ho or he can kiss his marriage goodbye cause he is taking steffys feelings for granted.

    4. A Finn Maniquin lol now that was a good one

  16. Steffy single handedly ruins Hope's line by removing Thomas. For purely personal reasons. And now she's hammering Hope because HFTF is not performing as it has been or should be🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. Thomas didn't want stay work close to hope either

    2. Hope removed Thomas by using him for months then turning him down over and over! She mixed business with her own pleasure! That NEVER works out well!

      Hope did that herself! Thomas chose not to be used and discarded any more! That is ALL Hope ! She is just refusing to take personal responsibility as she always does!

    3. Hope’s line has been failing for years! Actually it was shelved for a long time and then brought back. It had limited success with Thomas but never got up and going again really! Hope refuses to accept that!

      Other lines have run their course and been retired! HFTF is a disaster and that is mainly at Hope’s fault!

    4. First of all it was Ridge and Carter that set the meeting to close down hftf not steffy and steffy hasn't even said a word to hope about it at all. And now brooke going over to Finn badmouthing his wife to him the same thing she did with liam she doing it with Finn.

    5. @Dis One, Thomas has been mentally unstable for a very long time because of HOpe, Steffy said that HOpe would NEVER commit to him and Steffy was right. Steffy did NOT hold a gun to Thomas's head forcing him to leave LA, he left on his own accord because HOpe said no to TWO marriage proposals. I don't blame Steffy for looking out for her brother, she had every right to be concerned and Steffy knew HOpe was just using Thomas‼️ What did HOpe expect, that Thomas hang around and to continuously be used and humiliated, surely Thomas's decision to leave LA was because his mental wellbeing was more important than HOpe... didn't he deserve to leave with some dignity ‼️ HOpe is blaming Steffy for every miserable thing that has happened to her ...she chose NOT to marry Thomas, that was her OWN doing...he even asked a third time but HOpe had NO intentions of EVER marrying Thomas and HOpe used "it's too soon, I need time" as an excuse 🤣 She's learnt this from to use and abuse and manipulate

    6. Correct unknown, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      And didn't Thomas return an engaged man? But I guess Steffy is to blamed for forcing him to get involved with someone else. Then, Thomas decided on his own to return to Paris with his son and fiancee with no prompting from Steffy. I guess Steffy is to be blamed for that too.

      Hope cheated on Liam with Thomas.
      Hope strung Thomas along and refused to marry him.
      Hope went after Steffy's husband.
      But Steffy is to blame for putting all this in motion. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    7. @Elle and please don't forget to add that Steffy is to blame for Finn rejecting skank ass HOpe (as NOEMI calls her 🤣🤣🤣) Sh#t, it seems as if Steffy has power to control everyone's minds, it's no wonder HOpe is so jealous of Steffy 🤣. Finn is not gullible, he sees through the HOgan snakes, he won't fall for Brookes manipulating tricks 🤣 Finn is married to a REAL woman, baby HOgan doesn't stand a chance 🚨🚨🚨

  17. Someone(s) is/are mistaking a Statement, ends with a period, for a Question, ends with a question mark. I don't see a (?) in my Statement (.) So please do not try and rope me into the ridiculous back and forth that goes on here

    1. Then don't comment if you get offended if others respond. In future what you could do is, comment then say NO RESPONSES FROM PEOPLE REGARDING MY COMMENT PLEASE...simple and friendly then you won't come across as rude 🤔

    2. Offended ???? From a message board....full of people I've never met nor will ever meet .... that's laughable. In order to have ANY feelings , offense or otherwise, there has to be an emotional investment. There is none. Don't mistake offense with making a direct statement. Now that I've given this message board more time than it deserves. Have a great weekend

    3. Dis one, I totally agree. Some people are just waiting to start a fight, they live to argue about any stupid ass thing and then lose their shit when someone gives it back to them. It's laughable 🤣 Have a great weekend 😁

    4. Hold on. Noone was trying to rope Dis One into anything. She commented and received responses just like a lot of other comments get responses on here. Why is it a problem?

      Hilary, Dis One did not have to insult or accuse anyone of trying to rope anything. He/She came after us, not the other way around. Everyone was simply commenting on the show. Dis One made it personal.

    5. Elle, I have noticed many of the Lfans, now that the tables have turned, are telling the Ffans not to post on their threads.. Prior to the tables turning they were going after all the Ffans posts.. Very amusing 🤣🤣🤣

    6. Colllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Where you been, girl?

    7. Hey girl!! How are you lovely!!🥰 sorry I been extremely busy with work projects and helping my parents.. I have missed all you gals ❤️❤️ Things are slowing down so I have a bit more free time now, so I will be on here more often! How’s your grand bubba going, I bet his growing too fast!

    8. It’s great to see lots more new people on here! I havnt even had time to read the comments till recently!! Lots of new people, it’s nice to see!

    9. "So please do not try and rope me into the ridiculous back and forth that goes on here" - I've said that many times myself but it won't work. People like to respond to every comment, especially those they don't agree with. And often with far more text than the original statement and ugly language. I started using an app to hide some of the most obnoxious ones and it's been a much more peaceful experience 😀

    10. Colly if by "many of the lfans" you mean me, I have NEVER been one to jump onto other people's posts to disagree with them. I never call out people on something many others would see I do myself, it would be ridiculous.

    11. Milla, I don’t mean you specifically, but I have seen people do it.. if some don’t want people to respond to their comments, then it’s pointless being here, because that’s what a blog is for, to discuss, give opinions, respect others opinions, chat about it.. this poster from this thread has many times gone on others threads that she doesn’t agree with and give her opinion, yet now, she doesn’t want others to do the same, why is that? Is it because she cant defend Hope at this point in time? She was rude and as Elle said, made it personal.. that’s how arguments start.. and if she truly doesn’t like this blog as she has pretty much implied, then why comment? There is going to be differing opinions regardless, why comment if no one is allowed to comment back unless they specifically agree with you? How boring.. and if you disagree and really don’t want to discuss it just leave it.. It’s things like this that starts arguments..

    12. Colly you're right, I understand that's the point of a blog. Actually I don't even mean that people shouldn't / can't respond to me but rather giving heads up that I won't engage in discussions that we've had to death and it's obvious no side will convince the other.

    13. Fair enough Milla, and I get what you are saying.. No one will convince me to like Brooke or any of the Logan’s.. But it’s good to have debates, it makes it interesting.. hence why a blog is a blog..

    14. We missed you too, Col. Grand Bubba is 1 year old and doing so much! He brings me so much joy. It's so great to have you back. Missed you! 😊 🤗 ❤️

    15. WOW, has it been a year already!! I notice as I get older every year seems to go twice as fast 🤣🤣🤣 oh I bet he is keeping you and mamma busy!!! Grand kids do bring so much joy, and it’s also a very very special relationship between grandparent and grand babies!! I can’t wait to be one!! My girls are only 23 and 19 years old, so I have a while to wait, but cannot wait till I am!! I bet you spoil him to the hilt!! Go for it, I say!! That’s a grand mammas job, most important role in the world! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️

    16. Missed you too Elle 🥰❤️😘


    1. Ridge should not have done that. Taylor & Finn are not his employees. They should have excused themselves and left.

    2. That's very true. Ridge said it first. But, as usual, Ridge gets a free pass.

      He rubs up on Taylor, but Taylor is the one that is flirting with or going after Ridge. He tells Finn and Taylor they can stay but Steffy is the wrong one. I just don't understand.

    3. @Renee They did excuse themselves twice and both ridge and steffy said they should stay. And for Brooke to attack them when she herself had nothing to do with FC at the time but still put her nose in FC business makes brooke a complete hypocrite.

    4. Hold on, didn't Ridge ask Brooke to take over his position as co-CEO so he could design? Also, Brooke has her very successful bedroom line, so I don't understand why you say Brooke has nothing to do with FC.

    5. Yes he did ask Brooke to take over his position so he could design and true Brooke has her bedroom line once again so she is most definitely part of the company.

    6. Renee, I believe the posters mean that, prior to Brooke becoming involved with the company very recently, when she was not involved, she would attend meetings and give her opinions despite not holding any position, other than Ridges companion, married or not.. And Brooke was not made CoCEO, she was just made a part of the executive team to help Ridge out with his share of the work load so he has more time to design..

    7. I did not watch B&B in the early years, but it is my understanding that Brooke worked at FC & had her original Brooke's bedroom line decades ago. I think I heard she was a chemist & did something with perfumes also. On the other hand, Taylor never worked at FC. Correct?

    8. That's correct, Renee. But within recent years, Brooke stepped back and wasn't doing a lot yet, she was always around, being in meetings even though she was not a decision-maker. Since they revamped Brooke's Bedroom, she once again became involved.

      I don't think that Finn and Taylor should have been there (neither did they) but, Ridge told them to stay and Steffy echoed his sentiments. For what reason? I don't know. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    9. A comment above calls Brooke a "complete hypocrite" for "attacking" Taylor & Finn "when she herself had nothing to do with FC at the time but still put her nose in FC business". I don't see the hypocrisy. While there may have been some gaps in Brooke's career, FC has been her life long career & she brings much too the FC executive table. Finn brings much to the operating table. Likewise, Taylor has had a career that has taken her all over the world. Brooke's "attack" comment about "scrubs & straightjackets" was merely a humorous way to make the point that they didn't belong in the meeting.

    10. Renee, correct!
      To compare Brooke - who has been an integral part of FC for decades to Finn and Taylor (who have never worked for the company) is ridiculous. There is no way Finn and Taylor should have stayed for the meeting. It truly was just a way for Steffy to inflict maximum pain on Hope….which makes Steffy the happiest. She probably enjoys socking it Hope more than sex with Finn. Just sayin! 😂😂😂

    11. Renee, correct!
      To compare Brooke (who has been an integral part of FC for decades) to Finn and Taylor (who have never worked for FC) is ridiculous.
      Steffy told them to stay so she could inflict maximum pain on Hope….which makes Steffy the happiest. She probably enjoys humiliating Hope more than sex with Finn! Just sayin’!! 😂😂😂

    12. I think the only reason Brooke said what she said was because the meeting was about Hope and she was probably miffed at the idea of them (moreso Taylor) being in the room. However, being a family-run company, it's not unheard of to have other family members present, even if they are not a part of the decision-making team. Taylor was once an equal shareholder in FC and have attended many FC meetings even though she was never actively employed with the company. Brooke otoh, (as far as I can remember) has worked there for the majority of her life but was never a shareholder, nor was she ever a Board member or part of the decision-making team.

    13. Elle, when Brooke made her comment about Finn and Taylor being there she didn’t even know what the meeting was going to be about. And she said as much.
      She didn’t know they were going to discuss slashing Hope’s line.
      And I will say (again) that the only reason Steffy wanted them to stay was because she wanted maximum humiliation for Hope. After all, when doesn’t Steffy want that? She has proven time and time again that she very much enjoys the power she wields over Hope’s life, whether that be at FC or Hope’s personal life.
      Honestly, it would be much better if Hope worked someplace else so Steffy had no power over her. And if Steffy and the team cut Hope’s line, that may be the case.
      However, IMO that would make Hope go after Finn all that much more, not back off as it seems to show in the previews for next week. We’ll see.

    14. Elle Brooke literally got 51% of the company when she caught their scam to cheat her out of belief and kept that for many years. And since then with the many redistributions she always got some shares. I don't know what the current state is but up until recently she very much was a shareholder. I don't know for sure about her official status on the board, but considering she was always there and her opinion was heard, her position is very much present and valued. After all, hers are some of the most profitable innovations in the company and nobody (even Stephanie) denied that.

    15. Brooke currently has NO shares!

      Current Ownership Breakdown
      Steffy Forrester owns 37.5%
      Eric Forrester owns 37.5%
      Ridge Forrester owns 20%
      Thomas Forrester owns 5%

    16. The point I was making earlier is that Brooke, when she was literally nothing but Ridge’s girlfriend attended and gave her opinions on all kinds of FC board meetings and important decisions when she wasn’t working for FC and had no right to be there!
      Steffy didn’t force anything, Ridge told them to stay! Why are you blaming Steffy???

      Brooke was angry because Ridge didn’t give her a chance to hijack the meeting and prevent Hope from facing the truth about her Line! Brooke basically promised Hope she could keep it!

      Hope hasn’t tried to fix it because she always keeps it no matter how badly it’s doing! Why do you think she led with Brooke’s Bedroom? Her rationale is that mummy’s line is making enough to cover for her failing line!

      Brooke is showing she’s no business woman. It’s not personal! FC cannot afford to keep carrying HFTF it is actually doing worse than before!!

      Steffy and Ridge brought FC back from the brink of bankruptcy! It still isn’t as strong as it once was due to Rick completely mismanaging it

    17. Yeah that's fine and that's why I said I'm not aware of the current distribution. Elle said that Brooke was never a shareholder when in fact for the majority of the show she was.

    18. The fact of the matter, is it’s a Forrester family business.. Regardless of the “contributions”or “Logan influence”, or any other people that have contributed to its success, it is FORRESTER CREATIONS!! It’s that simple.. If I owned a business in my name, and started it up, the contributions “my employees” make, is what they are supposed to do, that’s why I hire them.. It’s no different whether it’s Brooke, Hope, dressmakers, payroll etc!! If they are great contributions, then they get paid big dollars, just like Brooke and Hope when their face was on the lines.. At the end of the day, that’s all they are, “the face”, that’s it! Ridge designed all the lingerie, Thomas designed the clothes for HFTF, now Zende , without them, their faces mean zilch.. So sorry, if Hopes “influence”/face, isn’t cutting it, and it’s draining big money from the business “Forrester Creations” then it has to go.. This has nothing to do with Steffy being a bitch.. It came from Ridge and Carter who gave it a chance, but it’s dead, no help from Hope! Hope and Brooke can cry foul all they like, but the figures speak for them selves.. 6 months is PLENTY of time! Thomas turned it around in matter of 6 weeks.. Business is business.. No I don’t agree that Finn and Taylor should have been there, but I think Ridge insisting they stay was to show them it is not Steffy being vindictive.. And perhaps to show Taylor his previous decision to keep the line and give it a chance was actually to do with business and not about keeping Brooke happy.. I don’t know why he insisted, but that’s what I think.. They can whine and use Steffy as a cop out, to save face, but it’s simply business.. does Hope and Brooke think they are going to drain all the profits from every other line and more, or until they go bankrupt, just to keep Hope happy?? I highly doubt it!!

    19. Brooke's contributions are what has made her equally important as the Forresters in the company (and in my opinion def more important than Steffy, whose biggest contribution was blackmailing Bill to give back the shares; definitely valuable for the family, but not exactly a signifier of a major skill or talent). Hope's situation is a different one, the topic was comparing Taylor/Finn being at a meeting and Brooke being at a meeting. I think everyone can agree that if the line is only costing money and not making any, changes should be made.

    20. Lol. Ridge didn’t “insist” Finn and Taylor stay for the meeting. Taylor’s exact words were….”Finn and I can excuse ourselves”, and Ridge responded casually by saying….”You’re fine.” I don’t consider that “insisting.”
      The only one who insisted they stay and watch was vindictive Steffy.

    21. Steffy’s contribution is being instrumental in bringing Forrester back from the brink of Bankruptcy! She’s been working her bum off for years as Co-CEO! Eric recognised all her hard work and what she’s contributed!

      Brooke’s only real contribution was the BeLief formula which was property of her employer, just like any fragrances etc that they made!

      Her modelling lingerie other that Ridge designed doesn’t make her a major contributor more than any other model!

      Hope was the face of her line and a complete fake since she got caught out doing the opposite of what her line is supposed to stand for.

      Now it just a joke. She does nothing and begs for time and contributes nothing!

      I laughed when someone was saying how having money entitles you to be a whatever…
      Hope is just as wealthy as Steffy if not more because she’s a 100% trust fund brat and lives off mummy so isn’t paying a mortgage etc like Steffy does!

      Hope gets a huge salary for being a Logan and no other reason. Steffy is actually expected to come to work and do her job!

      Eric made her prove herself and compete with Ridge to get her position. Hope as usual was handed hers just because she was Brooke’s daughter! She has NO talent at all!

      The designers etc do all the work. She just takes credit for any good outcomes!

    22. 👏👏👏 BBFan. That's the way the real corporate world works, unless you're entitled.

    23. Ok Lynn, I know the exact wording is very important to you, lol!! however , regardless, they went to leave, and it was Ridge who first told them in “some way or another”, to stay, then Steffy reiterated in “some way or another”.. the fact of the matter is it was initially Ridge first who said they could stay!

      I know some, really really want it to be Steffy, so they have a reason to bitch about her, but it was initiated by Ridge! So why don’t you blame Ridge?? Not only that, it is also Ridge and Carter who is initiating the meeting AND dropping the line, NOT Steffy!! It’s that simple! They want Steffy to fire the bullets… but it was their decision to finally realise the line is dead and it has to go!!

      To be honest, if I were Steffy, Hope would be gone the second I found out she was after my husband!! And I have a feeling Ridge decided to let Hope and the line go because of what she did! I think the “early projections” was done so they had a reason to let her go! And that didn’t come from Steffy! Ridge even said, when has Carter ever been wrong in early projections.. This is Ridge removing Hope, not Steffy! She had no idea that meeting was going to be held until Ridge and Carter came storming into the office!!

    24. SPOT ON the mark Bfan!! Couldn’t have said it better myself!!

    25. To be clear, we never see anyone do any real work on the show. The closest we ever came to seeing someone actually working was when Thomas was sketching. We don’t see Steffy working anymore than we see Hope working. We as viewers just have to assume that at some point during their days they actually do something besides talk about personal issues.
      So please don’t ride the high horse when talking about Steffy working so hard when all we ever see her do is berate Hope for how horribly her line is doing. And all the other time we see Steffy in the office….she is either kissing Finn or having personal conversations about Sheila or the ‘awful Logans.’ And every once in a great while we hear the end of a business phone call where Steffy says “ciao” to the person on the other end! 😂😂😂😂 But yeah, Steffy is working crazy hard!! LMAO!

    26. Colly, when comments are made using a lot of hyperbole to try to make a point, I’m going to bring it up. That was your entire premise….that it was all Ridge, but it wasn’t!! Ridge’s intent wasn’t to humiliate Hope, he simply didn’t care if they stayed….so he said “it’s fine.” But Steffy clearly wanted them to witness it for other reasons. She wants to make Hope squirm every chance she gets. So I will say again, Steffy’s goal is to inflict the maximum amount of pain on Hope. She hates the Logans. She has always felt threatened by them, and she always will. Supposedly because Brooke broke up their happy little family, but in fact it was Ridge who CHOSE Brooke!! And he made that very clear to Steffy, but Steffy chooses to ignore that fact.
      It won’t surprise me a bit if Steffy and Taylor start once again plotting to get Ridge away from Brooke. 😂😂😂

    27. And I gotta say it’s funny how so many were saying that Steffy was gonna punch Hope or attack her in some physical way after the Finn kiss. But nothing even close to that happened. I’m assuming that disappointed many. Lol.

    28. But you are correct about one thing, it was Ridge and Carter who came into the office with the intent of slashing HFTF. But it was only Steffy who was going to find joy in that conversation with Hope. For the others, it was a somber conversation.

    29. I knew Steffy wouldn’t hit Hope, because Steffy has matured, unlike Hope, who did try to slap Steffy and tried everything to take her husband, because she is that immature she still cannot take responsability for her own actions, and once again has to blame Steffy for her screw ups!! She is now even blaming Steffy for her actions, trying to take Finn LMAO!!! Yes Hope, it’s also Steffies fault that you fantasise over Finn and make moves on him!! Seriously!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    30. Of course it’s not Steffy’s fault that Hope is fantasizing about Finn. Don’t think any Hope fans have ever said that. Hope is doing her own thing right now and not listening to the advice Brooke gives her. Hope seems to be on a mission when it comes to Finn. Reminds me of her mission when the person of her focus was Thomas. But luckily Hope realized she didn’t want a future with Thomas. She just wanted someone’s unconditional love.
      We can agree to disagree on Steffy’s maturity. I see her as the most vengeful vindictive person on the show. And that vengeful nature does not scream maturity. Lol.

    31. Lynn, I didn’t say Hope fans said that, I said Hope is doing that! Steffy was extremely worried about her brother, considering his past obsession, she had every right to be, because it turned out Hope was just using Thomas, and kept him on a string with sex!! If someone was doing that to my brother I would have been very protective of my brother.. Steffy didn’t put a gun to his head to get him to leave.. She made the suggestion, that’s it.. What do you expect when it comes to her actions with Finn, how would you yourself take that Lynn?? lol, I know exactly how you would react if another woman made moves on your husband 🤣🤣 somehow I don’t think you would just put it past you just because they took responsibility for it and only wants to put it behind them so she can remain friends with the man she is chasing!! Steffy has every right to tell her to stay away.. where HFTF is concerned, it’s business! Did you hear what Carter and Ridge said! Steffy said nothing so far!! It’s that simple! Prior to those two things they were getting along fine.. Hope brought all of this on herself!!

    32. Absolutely spot on Steffy's "hard work" lol 😂 she does nothing just like all of them. And Brooke's belief was obviously so important that it was worth 51%. Under her leadership they created not only Brooke's bedroom. Men line, FC international - all tangible things with names that brought FC forward. Steffy blackmailed shares back from Bill - good for her. But none of that requires business acumen but rather manipulation. So please. Nobody can convince us she's any more capable than Hope. All she really excels at is putting people down and judging them without looking at herself. Chief Bully Officer.

    33. And nobody is defending Hope's behavior with Finn. I don't know why you people keep repeating to death what she's done - we see it 😂 and it's absolutely weird, unacceptable and we hope she snaps out of it.

    34. And wtf mortgage is Steffy paying? She bought the house from Bill. All of them are being paid by the same pot (FC salaries) and have the same trust funds. Steffy is not in any way more self-sufficient than Hope.

    35. Colly, Thomas is a big boy and can take care of himself. Steffy manipulated Thomas just like Steffy tries to manipulate everyone into getting exactly what she wants. And she was determined to convince Thomas to leave. She should have stayed out of it. But Steffy finds it impossible to stay out of anything. She has her hands in everybody’s business. I’ve never seen such a control freak.
      And as I’ve said multiple times, Steffy was always this way with Hope, long before Hope’s obsession with Finn.
      Like Milla mentioned above, the Hope fans are wanting Hope to snap out of it. But nothing about Steffy’s behavior is new. She’s had a chip on her shoulder about the Logans for decades!!

    36. Ah and Eric praises literally anybody 😅 case in point - Luna with the stapler. And if we want to talk about his stamp of approval, there's nobody he's praised more than Brooke.

    37. Lynn, you're a new watcher, but you should have seen Stephanie (Steffy's grandmother) back in the day. Steffy has done nothing compared to the lengths that Stephanie went through to get rid of Brooke. 😂😂😂 All I'm saying is that Hope should be grateful a talking down is all she got from Steffy. 😂

    38. You keep insisting that Steffy is taking joy in Hope’s failure. The truth is she hasn’t shown that at all.

      Hope deliberately looked at Steffy when she mockingly ask were they threatening to axe her line again? She fully thought Steffy was doing it and Ridge and Brooke would put her I. Her place! Hope was smug!

      The reality was Ridge and Carter did the talking. Steffy was serious and quiet. It wasn’t a pleasant conversation and Steffy wasn’t gloating or being mean to Hope. She was sitting there like a professional.

      I notice Ridge wouldn’t look at Brooke either because we all know she would never back cutting HFTF no matter how badly it performed!

      I think it is funny that LFs keep saying Steffy is constantly telling Hope to fix her line! It’s her job!

      HFTF was in trouble never since Ridge decided to receive it when Hope came back from Milan and decided to steal Liam from his pregnant wife and needed something to do.

      If you remember Hope had constant issues trying to make HFTF profitable again. Each show was make or break time because the numbers were so bad, they needed huge orders to keep going!

      Remember when Liam refused to go to the show and Hope was so upset because she was about to lose her line, etc etc. This last time with Thomas is just the latest in a very, very long line of times HFTF was failing and needed time to recover. If you remember the way Hope treated her work responsibilities, Liam considered HFTF her hobby! !!!

      Her line has had more chances than it should have. Any other line would have been shut down years ago for performing so badly! It’s a constant drain on limited resources. If you remember when Eric wanted his legacy collection, it was so costly they had to cut HFTF’s budget because it was the worst performing line. That is WITH Thomas there!

      If Steffy was petty and vindictive she would have shut down Hope’s line when she came back and targeted Steffy’s husband!

    39. Steffy pays a mortgage on the Cliff House! She bought it when she was pregnant with Kelly and she had just been made Co-CEO and they mentioned how with her savings and the pay rise from her new position she could finance her purchase of the house from Bill!

      Remember? She was sick of Bill walking in making demands anytime he wanted because he was the owner?

      Bill used her signing of the final agreement of the sale etc to have Justin stage the fake romantic interlude at the office so Wyatt would tell Liam Steffy was cheating on him … which she WASN’T!!!

      So yes Steffy is paying a mortgage. Hope meanwhile lives on mummy’s estate in the cabin and uses mummy’s pool, tennis courts and servants. Blah blah and they have had conversations about it in the show for years so I am making it up!

      Liam and Hope had a huge issue because he wanted to purchase a home for their family and move out and Hope chucked a massive tantrum and they stayed!

      So yes, yet another way Hope is immature and refuses to grow up.

      Steffy was a single mum for years with Kelly until she and Finn got together! She worked hard and they talked about her balancing work and motherhood etc. it’s always been mentioned including by Ridge recently how hard Steffy works and how much she does for FC.

    40. ***not making it up***

      ***revived HFTF***

    41. Elle Stephanie was amazing, she was hateful, no question but it was a blast to watch her. Maybe it was Susan Flannery's performance which was outstanding but I loved watching her. She never pissed me off 😅 I think Lynn would have liked her too. Steffy is annoying maybe also because she's trying too hard to be like Stephanie (but it doesn't work imo)

    42. But yes she did some truly vile things especially to Brooke. The name Andy comes to mind 😣😣

    43. BBFAN, you wrote a lot. And the history I know about doesn’t jive with much of what you said. But I don’t have time right now to address everything.
      I will say this….Steffy has done nothing but revel in Hope’s pain. She did when she ran Thomas out of town. And she has multiple times when she’s threatened Hope’s line.
      And I have seen highs and lows when it comes to HFTF. You make it sound like it’s always been hanging on by a thread….and that’s simply not true. I guess we’ll see this week how much satisfaction Steffy gets from messing with Hope’s life. The ax hasn’t officially fallen yet. But I’m guessing Steffy is going to be as smug and nasty as she always is.

    44. Milla, I did see some of the older episodes (very limited) with Stephanie. I think she possessed that genuine power on the show because she was the matriarch. And she seemed to rule with a heavy hand. People were truly afraid of her. I definitely don’t think Steffy has that same level of respect or power. And that probably has a lot to do with age. Not to say Steffy isn’t trying, but she’s simply not there. Lol.

    45. Lynn yes it's the actress, the age and to me mostly the writing. Stephanie was so good with her language both to people she loved and those she despised. Steffy sadly repeats the same things mostly.

    46. Lynn Hope caused Steffy a lot of pain over the years!!! She stabbed her in the back often! Hope and Brooke both made Steffy’s life a living hell all throughout her pregnancy with Kelly because

      1. Hope was jealous of Steffy and Liam having a baby ( and said so, she was horrible to Kelly after her birth for the same reason!)

      2. Most pertinent now, is that Hope WANTED Steffy’s Husband! She thought she deserved him etc! Does any of that sound familiar????

  19. 😂😂😂 Agree, Lynn! Hope's team which I assume is now Zende & RJ were not invited. I believe Luna was also helping the team. So, yeah, no distractions for the team. 😂 Since Zende & RJ would take it personal & Steffy likes them, Steffy wouldn't include them in the meeting. 😂

    1. Renee, excellent points!! Where was the team that contributed to this catastrophic failure? 😂😂😂
      And yeah, it’s not like there haven’t been a few “distractions” lately that might take away from the focus on HFTF. Lol!!
      Carter is starting to bug me a bit now. He was always this really sweet guy, but now he’s wearing these big gold chains which gives off a very different vibe, and he’s acting differently. I guess he’s trying to be ‘The Dude’ now! Too dang funny!!

    2. Carter also bugs me but for a different reason - he's always only parroting whatever is said, not that he lands in conflict with anybody. He's just there for "authority" and to fill the air time.

    3. This is just the beginning of Taylor constantly hanging around FC. She has her excuse for this moment in time (Steffy’s recent near death experience), but that ship will sail soon enough, and GUARANTEED Taylor will still be hanging around! She absolutely wants Ridge back and it will be just a matter of time before she really starts working it! Ridge better damn well establish clear boundaries immediately! And if he doesn’t, then Brooke needs to tell him to hit the highway once and for all. I sooooooooo don’t want another round of that nonsense. I will probably stop watching the show for a bit if that’s the direction this goes in.

    4. Carter is acting different because he lost yet another girlfriend! Just like with Quinn, suddenly, one day, with no explanation, Carter & Katie are no longer a couple. Poor Carter. Always a wedding officiant, never a groom.

    5. B&B had to bring Taylor back. Now that Poppy has no reason to be there, there was an opening for FC Loiterer.

    6. FC Loiterer 😂😂now that's a title for Taylor she can put on a badge and get access to all them meetings!

    7. Maybe Brooke could put up a “No Loitering” sign on the front entrance of FC. Brooke is VERY tolerant of Taylor.

    8. Brooke could bribe Charlie with some lemon 🍋 bars to enforce the "No Loitering" at FC. Afterall, Brooke & Ridge need their privacy at work, especially now that Brooke's bedroom is the breadwinner at FC! 😂

    9. So true! Brooke is $$$$ these days! And I’m sure Charlie could be bribed easily! 😁😁😆

    10. Carter is CFO so he is very invested in the company succeeding! He is on the executive team!

      Hope was called in because it’s her line and it would be a bitch move to give her that kind of news in front of her employees! She was being given the respect of not hearing that in front of them!

      The fact is she isn’t trying to save her line! She’s too busy chucking tantrums, hanging around the CEO office making snide remarks and chasing Finn! She needs to work!

      End of the day Hope doesn’t have a line because she has talent or a style or is a good business person. She only has a line because her mum is Brooke Logan! Anyone else would have been fired ages ago and the line shelved!

    11. But it wasn't a bitch move to give Hope that kind of news in front of Finn & Taylor?

    12. Renee, thank you for addressing what was so obviously missing from BBFAN’s explanation. Come on BBFAN, you know better.

    13. Did I forget to mention that last time they had this discussion , it was the exact same issues and Hope ran to Finn, who wasn’t present and claimed it was a personal attack by Steffy? She lied and misrepresented the situation to try and drive a wedge between Finn and Steffy and he fell for her lies??

      This time, after listening to what was being said he saw and heard Hope’s reaction and although uncomfortable, he saw first hand that it was her line failing even worse and her just wishing it will magically get better that is the issue? He saw and heard his wife sit with quiet dignity while Ridge and Carter gave Hope the truth and listened to her lame excuses!

      Hope can’t cry foul and have him be a sucker this time!

      I think Ridge wanted witnesses too to be honest! He knows Brooke will give him hell for this decision and refuse to accept it.

  20. Thank you Bob ❣️🥀... have a good weekend 🌼

  21. Is it true that steffy is leaving the bold if it’s true the sooner the better i say

    1. Georgie1, She drives me nuts too with her complete smugness and acting superior to everyone else. But I’m pretty sure she’s not going anywhere. And as much as I can’t stand her character, the show would lose a lot of its drama factor if she weren’t around.

    2. That's true. Every drama needs an entitled judgmental hypocrite to stay dramatic 😀

  22. And now they saying that Taylor is going to get killed off the show that’s why her reason from coming back is , don’t know if she’s got a terminal illness or what , but this week she pays a visit to go see Eric , maybe she’ll say something to him , but then ridge shows up and doesn’t say anything

    1. Interesting. I wouldn’t mind seeing Taylor’s character gone for good. She doesn’t add any value anymore.

    2. Yeah true I don’t really like her at all

  23. Taylor's character is a waste of oxygen.
    Who let's their ex husband rub them up and get touchy feely with them every chance they get. My ex would get a good slap across the face if he tried that.
    That's why Steffi thinks it's OK to let Liam barge into HER AND FINN'S HOUSE whenever he is inclined unannounced and let her know how much he loves her etc without feeling an inkling of shame or embarrassment because she feels entitled.
    Does money really make that much difference to a person's character? Apparently it does. 🤔

    1. It’s very disappointing that Hope and Brooke don’t point out Steffy’s hypocrisy! Steffy gets to scold without pushback 99% of the time! Maybe if Hope loses her line and no longer has to report to Steffy, she will finally really let Steffy have it!

    2. I honestly don't know what's going on with Brooke that she's so patient with those people and biting her tongue every time they start. She used to push back more when various idiots overstepped. I know she doesn't want drama with Ridge, but she can still be more assertive when standing up to them.

    3. Steffy’s job includes telling Hope to get to work on saving her line! Hope has been doing nothing by whinging and being a ride brat!

      She was completely fake with Steffy, while still trying to sleep with her husband! Seriously Steffy is supposed to thank Hope for that?

      Hope is lazy and irresponsible and yet you make it all Steffy’s fault!

    4. Hope has a big fat trust fund and lives rent free in mummy’s cabin so how is she hurting for money? She still lives in the estate where she grew up in a massive mansion with Nannies and servants … poor little princess 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    5. Not to mention her giant salary

    6. Like I said above, both of them get paid by the same pot. Steffy is equally privileged and equally "deserving" of that privilege. There is absolutely nothing special about her in terms of capabilities. All she's doing is literally pushing (holding) papers and like Lynn said talking about her private life, kissing Finn and bitching. Presenting hate as strength is toxic.

    7. What is toxic is all the Steffy hate spewed on this board daily. While any mention of truth about Hope etc is considered hate and called toxic!

      Blaming Steffy fur Hope’s bad behaviour and excusing it for the same reason is hypocritical at best.

      I find it sad that everything Steffy does is attributed to bad motives etc etc. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Steffy is sick of Hope feeling entitled to target Steffy’s husband and family? She’s done it since day one! Yet Hope is always the victim.

      Hope was a brat and threw a lot in Steffy’s face to deliberately hurt it humiliate her and yet that is never recognised or acknowledged.

      This board is very one sided and anyone not agreeing is called a liar, toxic, etc etc.

      Hope is not a kind, loving or moral person. She is a selfish, narcissistic, entitled princess who runs over others with a smile on her face while stabbing them in the back.

      It’s not toxic, it’s just the truth!

    8. Nobody is blaming Steffy for Hope's behavior. Steffy is blamed for STEFFY's behavior. And nobody is excusing Hope's behavior - for the millionth time. You just love to repeat the same walls of text over and over... You just can't pass a comment by without jumping in with the same agenda and people (sometimes) get tired of it and respond.

      I'm not calling anybody a liar or toxic. I'm calling mistaking Steffy's bitchiness for strength toxic. Steffy has targeted Hope's relationships AT LEAST as much as the other way around. And other people's too.

    9. BBFAN, wow you seriously have selective reading skills. There is TONS of Hope hate spewed on this blog daily!! We can’t possibly keep up with it all. For you to not see that - I can’t even take you seriously if that’s what you honestly think!

    10. Don’t worry, Hope is just as bitchy towards Steffy, as Steffy is towards Hope, the only difference is Hope bitches about Steffy behind her back, Steffy says it straight to her face, I know who I would prefer!!🤣🤣🤣

    11. Colly, I don’t think Hope is bitchy. She has always been very kind and that’s why I’ve always liked her. What she has done with Finn isn’t right. But I see it more as a girl behaving badly. I don’t think there’s one person on the show that would describe Hope as a bitchy woman. Now Steffy…..LOL….whole other story. She likes to play the badass. That’s always been who she is.

    12. Hope can be waaaaay bitchier and sometimes I think she should. Whenever Steffy goes into the Logan agenda, she can remind Steffy all the crap she and Taylor have pulled, at least as bad as the Logans. I guess the writers don't want this to turn into the real housewives of soap land but all the boring repetitive writing is def not better.

  24. No, the writers make that difference 🤣🤣🤣

  25. Some of these comments on this blog crack me up....bwaaahaahaa :D
