Monday, September 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Will, why do you want your parents back together after what your dad Bill keep breaking your mom's heart? -_-

    1. Liam seemed to be nudging Bill towards Katie also. Wyatt needs to return & vote who their Dad's significant other should be.

    2. Renee but even if Wyatt votes against Katie he'll be a minority πŸ˜‚ or you think it's a unanimous vote πŸ˜€

    3. Seriously, the sons don't really get a vote in this. It would be nice to have Wyatt back though.

  2. Replies
    1. For once, I agree with you. I hate Finn because he is not a good husband and false promises...

      I don't like Hope because she looks like her mother...

      All the rest is like a prefabricated furniture... it's junk made in china...

    2. Super boring. The only part I liked today was that Li was actually acting like a sister to Poppy instead of a major bitchπŸ˜‚

    3. Is really was a πŸ₯±πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄ episode, but it is Monday. Maybe things will pick up by Friday? πŸ˜‚

    4. Yes, ladies…..YAWN YAWN YAWN!

    5. Agree, Hilary. It was kind of shocking to see Li compassionately reaching out to her sister, Poppy, to console her at this sad & difficult time. Aww - I guess deep down Li ❤️ Poppy.

    6. Surely things will pick up in the next episodes. It was a bit slow yesterday (although I love seeing Bill finally having his own storyline).

  3. So happy about Finn and Steffy being together again. Hope needs to take a walk down the pier and never come back she annoying as hell. Her obsession with finn is disgusting. Also if half of ya find this episode or show boring don't effing watch it and scroll on by is as simple as that. Don't come here and complain about it.

    1. Agree, Lynn. All they had to do to make this an interesting episode was show RJ learning the news & processing it. We learned today that he knows what Luna did, but missed seeing the shock on his face when he heard. Also, RJ needs to go visit Luna at the jail...

    2. Noemi, you clearly have the IQ of a rock!!! Again, it is YOU calling out US first, and you simply can’t handle it when we respond! You are the biggest damn coward!
      You must confuse my intelligence with yours! Well don’t, you moron!! When I’m the only one on today’s episode that calls out the episode as “BORING” and you proceed to say in your post that people who find this episode “boring” don’t have to Effing watch, we can scroll on by. And we aren’t to come on here and complain about it!
      Let me be clear you fricken loser troll……you aren’t the blog police!!! I can write whatever I damn well feel like writing about the show!!! And you don’t get to call me out for my comments! Those ARE MY COMMENTS. And if you don’t like, then too fucking bad!!!!!
      Go suck it you ugly cow!!!

    3. Please Naomi - report me!!!’ Do it, you ho-bag!!

    4. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REPORT ME!!! And while you’re at - YOU CAN SCROLL ON BY when you see I make a post on this blog saying the episode is BORRRRRRIING!!!! It was borrrrrring and I’ll just keep on saying it!!!!

    5. I can understand in a sense that we are free to write what we want and where we want, it is freedom of speech.

      But I understand the other point of view, it would be better to stop coming to contradict for the pleasure of contradiction!

      Or else try to argue objectively. It's simple!

      here, Noemi did not come to look for trouble for you, she stays in her corner, why continue the war...

    6. Naomi - oh I mean skanky cow — it is you who isn’t fooling anyone. Keep me OUT OF YOUR POSTS!! For the 50th damn time!! You mention me, I come after you!!! It’s simple, skank.
      You and your lame threats!!! Hilarious!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      As I have said before….your obsession with mentioning myself as well as other posters in your posts continues. You simply don’t know how to mind your own damn business!!! Well learn!!!!
      None of this is complicated - you don’t want these altercations - then DO NOT mention other posters in your comments!!! Stick to the show, loser!!!!

    7. Tell me, skank - who were you referring to when you made your post today???? Oh gosh - I can’t imagine!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      NOEMISeptember 9, 2024 at 11:58 AM
      So happy about Finn and Steffy being together again. Hope needs to take a walk down the pier and never come back she annoying as hell. Her obsession with finn is disgusting. Also if half of ya find this episode or show boring don't effing watch it and scroll on by is as simple as that. Don't come here and complain about it.

    8. You are clearly the most ignorant person on this blog!!! You are pathetic!

    9. And here is MY POST that you were clearly referring to!

      LynnSeptember 9, 2024 at 11:49 AM

    10. Yay Lynn!! She's probably really a 400 lb mouth breathing dude anyway. That would explain the pic of a slut humping guns in a flag bikini. It's every incel's wet dream 🀣🀣🀣 Trying to act all badass boss bitch. It's so tacky and ridiculousπŸ™„ She seems to seek you out to attack your posts. You never mention her by name above, (until she started her shit) You simply said "boring" and she ATTACKED you🀣 But YOU'RE antagonizing HER lol. Every show on tv has boring episodes, but how dare we insult the bold and the beautiful 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    11. Naomi, AKA Ho-bag…..please quit playing the victim. Just makes you look even more pathetic.
      You are beyond sad!!!!

    12. Hilary, you are awesome!! And your comment made me laugh so hard! As soon as I saw her stupid fake profile pic I knew what kind of person she was. Didn’t have to give that one even two seconds of thought!

    13. Thanks Lynn! I know exactly what you're saying lol. I thought the same thing πŸ€ͺ

    14. It's getting boring, tired ! Separate yourself once and for all if it's to insult!

      Noemi stayed in her corner, why come here to bother her. And if you want to interact with her, please, do it intelligently, with arguments, objectivity and without provoking.

      And then attack her avatar... An avatar what... Even me, I took the first thing that came as an avatar so much it doesn't matter.

    15. Meli, you seem to have selective reading skills. Maybe try starting from the beginning.
      And what do avatars have to do with the pic Naomi posted? Isn’t an avatar a cartoon? Nothing cartoonish about the skanky ho pic of someone else that Naomi decided to use as her profile pic. It’s laughable actually!!!
      If Naomi wants people like me to stay off her posts then DON’T refer to me in the post!!! I literally NEVER give that loser a second thought. But she just can’t help herself and she has to comment on what the posters are doing. I’ll say it again…..IT’S NONE OF HER DAMN BUSINESS IF I WANT TO SAY THE EPISODE IS BORING! I can comment on the episode all day long without her nastiness about what I’m doing. And every single time she refers to me in her comments - this exact exchange is gonna occur. The b*tch needs to stay in her damn lane!!!
      She’s obviously a slow study!

    16. Good one Lynn πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    17. And Noemi stop being an arse and let people say what they want and shut up

    18. Georgie 1, I’ve seen you call her out before. Thank you for seeing it. She tries to make others the villains when it’s her that instigates it every single time!

    19. @Lynn, why are you starting a fight AGAIN, it's ALWAYS YOU! You are provoking NOEMI, just piss off back to your trailer because you are TRASH! with your fake boobs.....only your dog can love are a BITCH!!!!! NOBODY here likes you because you are a bitch, only your fake ass buddy M.....grow up you stupid, sick, twisted remind me of Luna!

    20. @NOEMI, don't worry about trailer trash like Lynn......she's probably depressed because she doesn't have money for Botox.lmfao :D

    21. NOEMI πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    22. Little u - you are nothing more than a gnat. Always have been. Always will be. And wow, just look at how many of my words you copied. Can’t think of any of your own, huh! You are BORING! And need to be swatted like the gnat you are.

    23. Sigh. Why can't we all just get along? For the record, Noemi said if "half of ya..." Her post was not specific to Lynn but to all who found the show boring.

    24. Elle, to be clear….I was the only one who had commented about the episode being “boring” when Naomi made her comment. The people who agreed and commented on my post came later. Look at the time stamps. She was clearly referring to me. I honestly don’t know why she assumes her passive aggressive behavior will go unnoticed. As I said somewhere above….she is literally never mentioned in my comments, nor do I subtly point to her in my comments just to get a nasty dig in. If she insists on bringing me up, then I will fire back. I don’t know how much more clear I can be on this. If she stayed in her lane, none of this would have gone down.

    25. I gotta admit I get a kick out of the fact that I live rent free in Naomi’s and little u’s heads. Man how sad their lives must be to give me this much attention. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    26. People have been saying the show is boring for a while now so her comment was probably based on the cumulative number of times that persons have been repeatedly saying that the show is boring, hence her saying "half of ya."

      Also, I've learnt over the years not to attend every fight that I'm invited to. Most times, it's not worth the effort.

    27. True. They never are worth the time or effort and never solve anything.
      Lynn next time your compelled to react to her comment, bite your fingers and walk away from the keyboard. You shouldn't have replied to her comment with another Borrrring. That's what got her going.

    28. D - you aren’t understanding the comments. My post that the show was boring came BEFORE her snide post. I only wrote a comment on her post afterwards. She started it, I will end it. I don’t need a lecture when someone starts shit with me.

    29. D - you seem to only be concerned about what got “her” going while totally overlooking her initial comment that got me going. As I’ve said probably 10 times on this thread….she has ZERO reason to refer to myself or Milla or anyone else in her nasty comments. But she continues to.

    30. @Lynn, of course you get a kick out of it because that what BITCHES do.....which makes you a fake ass boob BULLY, piss off back to your trailer....lmfao :) no my dear, i have more brains than you to copy your words, i don't copy words of pond scum!

    31. Little u - you are worse than pond scum. You are an obsessed little troll with nothing better to do than go after people on the blog. Like I said before, your life must be sooooo incredibly pathetic to spend this much time trolling people. Is that your big excitement in life? No one will play with little u ??? Boo fricken hoo!!! You are a nasty witch!! A little fly that needs to be swatted!!! πŸͺ°πŸͺ°πŸͺ°πŸͺ° πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Brooke and Hope make me laugh They talk as if Finn would want Hope if not with Steffy lol and Hope acts this by saying she can control herself but Finn dint want her lol
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. @Mandy, i agree, HOpe is SO desperate for affection it's embarrassing, lol

  5. I hope we get to see more of Bill ❤️ he's really the best guy one on the show right now. Will is nice to look at too πŸ˜€ Btw am I the only one who liked the sword necklaces, especially when all three - Liam, Wyatt and Bill wore them.
    I can't imagine Bill being able to continue with Poppy considering what Luna did and how obviously angry he is about it. Luna won't disappear from Poppy's life. And he was never too crazy about Poppy to begin with (except for the first 5 minutes reminiscing the "magical night").
    Poppy showing up at Steffy's right on her first day back home was ballsy. We know she's a victim too but Steffy couldn't have wanted to deal with any of them right away. But again good acting!
    I can't believe they didn't show us RJ's reaction to his girlfriend being a double murderer...

    1. Milla, I hope we see RJ’s reaction soon. And hopefully Steffy spares him some of the hurtful details of their discussion.

    2. I agree it was too soon for Poppy to drop in on Steffy and Finn. Maybe she should have sent a plant and a card. The actress who plays Poppy showed some good acting skills today. She was able to convey the mixed emotions guilt, shame, embarrassment, and still sadness and concern for her daughter.

    3. Lynn I honestly hope the same. I don't see Steffy telling anyone the thing with Zende. It would only hurt people at this point. She probably will keep it to herself unless RJ decides to reconnect with Luna. I wonder if we'll see more of Luna or that was it... Maybe Sheila will visit her to talk about crazy πŸ˜…

    4. I can't believe they did not show us RJ's reaction, either. I had been looking forward to that. Maybe they tried filming that scene and he didn't live up to their expectations, especially after Poppy's outstanding performance, so they decided not to show it? Nothing against RJ, but the expression on his face is kind of... Finn'ish :D Always the same.
      Finally we see Poppy in a shirt that flatters her small chest, some of the outfits they put her in were terrible.

    5. Ahahah Finnish πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌand yes I agree, RJ still has a lot to learn in terms of showing emotions. Btw in that regard I have to give Steffy the crown, she's so good at showing all kids of emotions. Should tutor Finn and RJ.

  6. really. no scenes of R.J. and Luna was his girlfriend.

    1. I guess because, in the grander scheme of things, it was Poppy and Steffy who were endangered the most. RJ and Zende were just ploys in Luna's scheme. However, I'm sure we will see him pay her a visit in prison and give her his 2 cents for lying to him.

  7. Every time I think about Poppy's comment to Luna, 'you killed your father!! I say, that she was playing Bill all along. When will he remember this?

  8. Katie should remember that she turned Bill down a few months ago when he was begging her to give him another chance. They both need to move on. Just because things are going well for Brooke and Ridge (so far) doesn't mean Katie and Bill should try it again.
    I'm really trying to give the new Taylor a chance, but I'm still not there yet. I will keep waiting. πŸ˜‘

    1. I'm not feeling the new Taylor yet either.

    2. Me neither. She has nothing in common with any of the previous Taylors or her children...

  9. with ridge hugging on taylor, squeezing her knee, etc, they'd better not go there. they've been there, done that. besides, i really don't like the new taylor. she doesn't look old enough to be steffis mother. so, was the mysterious appearance of justin at toms' concert just to throw us off? how does he fit in? the writers need to move on with tedious hope and her daydreaming. all she does when finn is mentioned is give that same old look-smile and wistfully look off into the distance. oh puke. and where is wyatt??

    1. Both Justin and Jack seem to have been red herrings. They kept dangling Jack on front of us to make us believe he could be Luna's dad. And Justin - they missed a great opportunity to make him Luna's accomplice (and make it more believable how Steffy got into a cage) and give the storyline more thrill.

    2. I noticed Ridge being all touchy with Taylor, as well. I understand that he was trying to comfort her, but I really hope it ends here, not interested in another round of Ridge/Brooke/Taylor drama.
      No idea what's up with Justin, I didn't even know him and Bill were getting along again, didn't he start working for Ridge and then we never saw him again?
      Wyatt left the show (he moved to another city).
      And I am also tired of the conversations between Brooke and Hope about Finn. We get it, Hope is interested in Finn, Brooke doesn't approve, obviously. Give Hope Carter, I don't think they're a good match, but he is single and will take her mind off Finn.

    3. Yes Justin started at FC I was super happy thinking well see him more but alas... Now also making only brief appearances.

    4. Ridge is always touchy with Taylor but people only look at Taylor and assume she's thinking about Ridge in some way when Ridge is the one that can't seem to keep his hands to himself.

  10. Katie doesn’t want Bill, she just couldn’t stand him being with someone else.

    Why is Liam pushing for Katie too? Bill was miserable when they were together. Bill deeper love was and always will be Brooke Logan who isn’t married.

    I can’t believe Hope is still obsessing over Finn.

    She’s using the same rationale she did when she went after Liam while he was married to Steffy.

    I’m bette than she is blah blah.

    Finn made it clear he has NO intention EVER of being with Hope and how Disgusted he was that she thought so little of him and had NO respect for his marriage.

    She is so narcissistic she just can’t conceive of a man not falling at her feet.

    I said it before I think Hope is going to escalate her attempts to get Finn. She clearly only cares about herself and what she wants. She’s completely delusional!

    Poor Brooke has her hands full, I wish her luck. At least she is giving Hope good advice and trying to make her see how terrible the decisions she is make are.

    It was lovely seeing Finn and Steffy and the wee bairns together as a family. Kelly calling Finn daddy… πŸ₯°.

    I’m disgusted they are just glossing over telling RJ etc. That deserved screen time and Will is sooooo annoying pushing his mum to go back to Bill.

    Katie needs to get a life of her own.

    Liam was wrong! Katie didn’t have a sixth sense about the situation, she just hated Poppy and the idea of Bill having a another child to take away from Will’s inheritance or another woman living in “her” houseπŸ™„. They have been divorced for so many years please πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    Bill needs a fresh start I always thought he and Li would make a good power couple.

    1. Agree, Katie wasn't interested in Bill at all until she learned he was interested in some other woman. When she was with Carter she told Bill she hopes he finds someone and moves on. To this day, I don't know what happened with Carter, I might have missed it or he just wasn't as high up in the upper class as a Spencer or Forrester for her liking.
      Hope? She just might become Steffy's next nightmare. I hope Finn does make it really clear to Hope if she makes more advances, he is not interested, Steffy is the love of his life. I still say Hope is more obsessed with Steffy and what she has which sometimes can be a deadly obsession.
      There was chemistry with Bill and Li when he first found her in the alley, it just might lead to that.
      Will? I'm sorry so far I don't like him much. Taylor? I might be the only one but I'm starting to really like her.

    2. I don't like Will, either.
      As long as Taylor stays away from Ridge, I like her, too. I can't believe that an intelligent woman with any self-respect, a world-renowned psychiatrist, would be going to beg for a man's love for the millionth time while he is with another woman. Please not. Make this Taylor a strong woman who is not interested in this kind of game playing.

      I would like to see Bill and Li together, as well.
      It might be weird now, though, since he is/was with her sister. At least irl it is super awkward if you date your friends'/siblings' exes, but this doesn't apply to soaps, so go get him, Li.

      I was really hoping that the kidnapping was going to turn Steffy into a more likeable version of herself, but from what we have seen in the previews, this is not going to happen. I used to like her, but I can't stand her attitude these days.

      I also wonder why they didn't show us RJ's reaction, so disappointing

    3. Steffy has a right to fight for her marriage! Hope is still going after Finn! She’s a complete fake! She’s not happy Steffy is back!

      Hope just wants to get back in Finn’s good graces again! So she can try and seduce him!

  11. Brooke looked gorgeous as ever with her purple outfit

  12. Thanks for the episode. But today since few month again was boring... corny, rose water... Steffy forgets everything... becomes! Soon unicorns will poop rainbows...

  13. Can’t believe the writers went there with Ridge rubbing Taylor’s leg. Kind of intimate, if you ask me for him even touching her. He always leads her on. You don’t have to be that touch and feely with an ex. How inappropriate when you are with another partner!! And Poppy showing up, I don’t think that was appropriate that soon after what her daughter did!

    1. It seems Ridge wants his cake but wants to eat it too. I think he likes the fact that Taylor will always love him and so, he encourages it just to keep her tethered to him or something. It's disgusting.

    2. Absolutely he’s very handsy with her. I don’t like it.

      I don’t know how Brooke stands watching him rub Taylor’s back, touch her thigh or whatever! I wouldn’t stand for that !

  14. Don't worry Poppy, you are in a murderers family, they all killed or tried to kill someone, they understand LOL
