Friday, September 20, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-20-24 Full episode B&B 20th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-20-24 Full episode B&B 20th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thanks Bob. Have a good weekend.

    We just have Taylor back!!! They can't kill her!!!!! Please don't.

    1. Finn will save Steffy's Mom, just like he saved her Granddaddy. (B&B repeats stories.)

    2. That’s what I was reading before that they kill Taylor off no more Taylor thank god I hated her part anyway

    3. Finn's name has been changed to PWhip (Like PDiddy.) But if the FBI raids her place they'll be sorting blackhead removers, exfoliants, dead skin removers with tongs into collection bags for evidence of piranha-like feeding frenzy attacks on his face.

  2. Oh look Taylor isn’t back to steal Ridge and ruin Brooke’s life!!!

    I think she is pushing Brooke hard about Hope because she knows she won’t be there to help protect Steffy or be in her corner. Once again she will have to trust Brooke to look out for her children!

    I’m glad to see those two back as friends, Brooke and Taylor had good friend vibes!

    Poor Li, that sucks because now she is in a terrible position. Steffy will never forgive her if she doesn’t tell them Taylor is dying.

    That was so silly with the whole pilot thing. What was the point of any of that??

    So we solved the mystery of Taylor’s shrinking size lol! It’s because she’s dying! We daft fans should have known 😬.

    I feel sad for Steffy, first Pheobe, now her mum! 😢

    1. True with Li. Especially if she honors the commitment of patient confidentiality. She will find it hard not to tell Finn.
      Really feel for Steffy. It could be an emotional episode, if that really happens.
      The pilot thing with (Tom Arnold)?? Maybe something will happen with one of the Forresters jets and it will be medically related.

    2. If Li isn’t her physician than the confidentiality wouldn’t apply to her. However Taylor has clearly asked her NOT to tell her family and Li is struggling with whether to honour that or not.

    3. "Oh look Taylor isn’t back to steal Ridge and ruin Brooke’s life!!!" Haters gonna hate. 😬😂🤣

    4. I'm happy to see them back as friends as well. And I know that Ridge is going to be heartbroken over losing his 'Doc.'

    5. It’s way, way too early to jump to that conclusion about Taylor. The main reason she is saying what she’s saying is because she thinks she’s gonna die. When she gets her second lease on life, my guess is she goes after Ridge again.

    6. I see it more as, if you know you dying, you want to spend it with family and the ones you love. She didn't come back to target Ridge and break up his relationship with Brooke But of course to you, its Taylor and she has an ulterior motive.

    7. D - I didn’t say she had an ulterior motive now. I said….once she has her miraculous cure (which we all know she will)….she’s gonna want Ridge back. Of course she’s letting him live his life with Brooke now because she thinks she’s dying. But as I said in another comment, things are gonna change after she gets her heart transplant. She’s most likely gonna try and go after “the love of her life.” The man she “thought she’d grow old with.”

    8. Elle I don't remember anyone saying Taylor came back TO steal Ridge 😂 we said that she will always want him and that's obvious in her behavior. She may have come back for the whole family, esp Steffy. She can have feelings for Ridge and not have moved on and still not try to steal him.

    9. I hate spoilers, ruined that moment for me. But I take back what I said about Taylor and them making her look stupid for telling Ridge all of this love of her life stuff. I also think they are going to save her somehow, I wish we didn't have to go through all of that almost-dying again like we did with Eric.
      I like her and Brooke as friends.

    10. Milla, I never said anyone said those things. My comment was just as I said - haters (of Taylor) gonna hate on Taylor. I didn't put words in anyone's mouth. 😎

    11. Elle I also only quoted the "back to steal Ridge" which sounded like you mean someone hating Taylor said it. I don't believe you mean a Taylor lover said it 😀

    12. Ah now I see that BBFan used it first... Got it. So, still not true for any of us 😀

    13. M, you were one of the first persons who, after seeing the preview for this week, said that Taylor is coming on to Ridge when she was saying that she will always love him. And, I responded and said that we should wait to see what actually happens first (which, it turns out, she was not coming on to him). Now, while the actual words were not said, it was certainly implied by many. It was said that Taylor was flirting with Ridge and that she needed to move on. There was a huge assumption on here that the character only returned to come between Ridge and Brooke. I even saw Lynn say that Taylor will spend more time with Ridge if she's dying then she will be saved and be back to wanting Ridge again.

      So it's not completely accurate to say that it's not true that those who hate Taylor aren't saying that she wants to steal Ridge (again, not that those exact words were said) because it is what has been implied.

    14. Elle’s correct….I did say that about what I see as the future SL. I do believe it will take us in that direction. But for now we are all to believe that Taylor’s gonna kick the bucket. Finn gets to be the hero again when he performs the surgery that will save Taylor’s life.
      I also agree with some of the Taylor fans that much of this touchy feely stuff is on Ridge. He should not be behaving that way with Taylor. It’s simply not respectful of his relationship with Brooke. I’m sure that Ridge sees it as no big deal. But given the history between the three of them, it is a big deal. Ridge just always has to be the dude! He needs women to feed his fragile ego!

    15. Elle all I'm saying is that I didn't see anyone say that she came to town "TO steal Ridge". And I think we certainly can't exclude that she hasn't moved on. Taylor spending more time with Ridge and eventually wanting him and etc are different things than coming ALREADY with the intention to ruin a relationship. Let's be clear and not put assumptions.
      Lynn of course Ridge is the worst and shouldn't be doing what he's doing. He was never able to put boundaries and that's not out of love, that's out of lack of respect to her. Playing with someone's feelings whenever they show up for your own ego, knowing how many times you have left them (for the same other woman no less) is cruel.

  3. Why can't HOgan just NEVER be honest, she knows what Taylor is saying about HOpe is true, hence her face but she always sweeps everything under the rug when it comes to HOPELESS 🚨where are all the Taylor HATERS now 🤔 Just as I said Taylor brings peace especially to Ridge.

  4. I am not sure why Brad Bell always writes such challenging and emotional storylines for Steffy and the Forrester family. We rarely see the Logans go through the same struggles.

    1. I'm not sure about that. The Logans have had their struggles: Hope being told baby Beth died when she was really alive, Brooke being dumped by Ridge for something she didn't do & he wouldn't tell her what she did (fake CPS call), Katie dealing with Bill pursing her sister, Donna heartbroken when she believed Eric was dying, etc.

    2. But being dumped isn't the same as losing a sister or a mother.

    3. True. But being dumped by your "destiny" was a challenging & emotional time for Brooke. Her daddy even came to town to try and support her.

    4. Of course, Katie has dealt with a lot of life threatening medical issues.

    5. Because Jacqui Mac is a great actress and doesn’t mind winning another daytime Emmy lol!

      Seriously she has the chops for the storylines l, and the Foresters get 99% of the angst on the show.

      I never count Brooke and Ridge breakups because we all know Bell will always reunite them.

      It does seem disproportionate though. Logan’s have short term stuff while the Forresters have had quite a few deaths and they magically get them back again. Well except Taylor being kidnapped by evil Prince Omar and being forced to marry him etc

    6. That's true, Soh. Steffy lost her sister, her first child and now, possibly her mom. She also lost her adopted daughter, Phoebe and almost lost her brother when he had the brain whatchamacallit (ends with -oma). And let's not forget that both her and her husband were shot. She mourned her husband for weeks and, most recently, someone (faux Sheila) broke into her home and tried to kill her and Luna drugged her and locked her up in a cage. It really is a lot!

    7. Brooke and her sisters lost their mother in the most senseless way. Brooke was rареd. Katie had heart failures and almost died. Bridget had miscarriages so many times. Only someone who hasn't watched the show can say that.

    8. She almost lost her grandfather as well, and she almost lost her own life quite a few times now, just to be accurate, 🤣🤣🤣 it’s still emotional when you almost die several times!! I should know!! 🤣🤣🤣

    9. Bridget I truly feel for not only did she have repeated miscarriages, she had to deal with her own mother sleeping with and then taking her husbands away from her. It was even worse that her mother had a baby when cheating with her husband! Poor Bridget went through so much.

      Katie had health issues but it was hard to feel sympathy for her when she used them to emotionally blackmail people including Nick, Bridget’s husband!

      Brooke being raped is horrid and she has my full sympathy for that.

      Didn’t Beth die of cancer? I remember Stephanie sitting on the beach by the sea with her as she passed.

    10. That is what I was thinking BBFan, but was not sure. But I seem to remember that Beth was diagnosed with an illness and that is how she died. Not altogether terrible since it's expected that you will lose your parent one day.

      Also, let's remember Brooke was also raped by Ridge, so she was raped twice! I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy.

    11. Beth Logan drowned in Stephanie's pool.

    12. Mills thanks for the reminder

  5. brooke told taylor she has repeatedly told hope to back off on finn yet taylor keeps pressing her. hope is a grown ass woman and as mothers, we know we can't always control our kids. and where in the heck is wyatt? did they write him out? i'd much rather see him than liam.

    1. I think it is because Taylor is dying and because Hope isn’t getting the message! Taylor saw Hope’s nasty look at Finn and Steffy at the party to celebrate Steffy surviving Luna!

      She had legitimate concerns. She was urging more to watch Hope’s mental health and perhaps like Thomas she has a tumour or brain bleed or something altering her behaviours.

    2. Though to be fair no one knew that because Brooke has been hiding Hope’s obsession with Finn for many months now.

      I understand why but how would anyone outside of those two know about it?

      I noticed Brooke kept quiet about Hope wanting to ruin Steffy’s marriage when she and her sisters were talking about how Finn and Steffy had that magical connection!

    3. I think that because Historically Brooke actually encouraged Hope to steal Steffy’s husband when she was married to Liam (all 3 times and when they were engaged to be remarried) that Taylor is skeptical about what advice Brooke is giving Hope. She has no way to know Brooke has spent months telling her to leave Finn alone!

    4. Wyatt has left the show. There was an episode when he told Liam that he was leaving to go wherever Quinn is supposed to be. I believe the actor has moved on to mainstream TV.

    5. What happened to Flo? I remember her and Wyatt being a couple after the whole Sally drama where she pretended she was dying, then they were happy for a while, what happened then?

      I think Brooke has been doing the right thing here, she keeps trying to get through to Hope without betraying her daughter (not telling others about her obsession). But of course Taylor doesn't know how many times Brooke has tried to tell Hope that she "can't" have feelings for Finn.

    6. Koyasha, Flo just faded away never to be heard from again. And Wyatt moved away. They gave him a very short exit speech with a few of the characters on the show. Then poof he was gone. Both of them are real losses to the show. I liked Flo and Wyatt very much.

    7. Thank you, Lynn. That's how I remembered it, Flo just being gone, I thought maybe I had missed something. I remember Wyatt saying he wanted to leave, but never a word about Flo..

    8. It was a big deal to the Logan sisters to forgive Flo for her role in baby Beth's kidnapping after Flo gave Katie a kidney. They got Flo a great job at FC. Not long after that, Flo was never seen or spoken about again. No explanation was ever given for Flo's absence.

  6. My take on the pilot being featured, something is going to happen to him and Taylor will receive his heart 👏👏👏

    1. I was thinking more along the line of a jet crash, with one of the Forresters on it. Your take on it seems more realistic. He did seem panicked about his cholesterol and he is just a guest star.

    2. Ohhh good point that sounds like B&B!

    3. Katie got a heart and a kidney so hopefully they can spare a heart for Taylor!

    4. In this case, they may actually kill Taylor off, since they have her mailing peace with Brooke, and making friends etc like they did with Stephanie before they killed her off.

      It will be interesting. 🤔

  7. I loved seeing Taylor and Brooke getting along. I really like this Taylor. Brooke is also good with these types of storylines. I can already see her and Taylor becoming close only to find out that Taylor is dying. She'll be devastated.

    I'm wondering if this is the show's way of getting rid of the character. Since HT, they haven't been able to pin down an actress to play Taylor's character for the long term. So maybe they've decided to write the character out. I will be happy though if that's not the case and they're able to save her.

    1. Totally agree 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. I predicted the other day that Taylor will tell Ridge she is dying and they will start spending more time together due to her anticipated demise. Then she’ll be saved (like Eric) and Taylor will try to get Ridge back….romantically. So the jury is still out on that one. She would LOVE to have Ridge back if he’d have her.
      Those scenes with the pilot (that were supposed to be funny) were so incredibly bad!!! Not funny in the slightest. Just ridiculous. And yes, he will probably get killed and Taylor will get his heart.
      Brooke was so gracious today suggesting that she and Taylor try to be friends. And Taylor’s suggestion that Brooke can control her full grown daughter is ridiculous. I love how Taylor puts it all on Brooke! Absurd!! At most, Brooke can make suggestions to Hope like she’s been doing. Hope isn’t a 5 year old.
      Loved Booke’s outfit today. Looked beautiful and classy as always!!!

    3. So true, Lynn. Brooke has no more control over Hope than Taylor had over Thomas when he used Douglas' app to call CPS using Brooke's voice or when he tried to keep Douglas quiet about baby Beth being alive. By comparison, that kiss at the party seems lame...

    4. Good points, Renee! I think Taylor is trying to put a nice big bow on everyone’s life before she dies.
      But we’re probably going to end up having her around for years to come. I fell for it when Eric was supposed to pass. I’m far more skeptical about Taylor.
      I was thinking too….she doesn’t seem like the typical heart failure candidate. She’s healthy, not overweight or a smoker. I just assumed they’d give her cancer.

    5. I agree. I thought Taylor said something about wanting to get her practice going again. If you really thought you didn't have long to live, it wouldn't makes sense to do that.

    6. Lynn the people I’ve known with heart failure were super thin and non smokers. They have to give her something that could be fixed by killing off another character lol.

    7. If look at the previews, Taylor wants to keep her condition a secret and is supporting Ridge and Brooke’s relationship!

      I know you find it impossible to believe anything positive about Taylor. However if Brooke can try to be friends with her, she can’t be all bad.

      It reminds me of Stephanie and Brooke making peace and being friends before she died.

    8. Taylor was not telling Brooke to control her daughter. She said she needs to "talk" to her, and maybe listen. Hope has been spiraling with emotions and mental health for awhile, but Brooke sweeps it under the rug." I have talked to her, she knows what she's doing is wrong" does she? Brooke needs to give her head a shake. Thats what Taylor was trying to say. Imo.

    9. Taylor was also spot on that Hope knowing it was wrong wouldn’t stop her!

      Remember Taylor knows about all the times Hope went after Liam when he was married to Steffy. She knew it was wrong and it mattered not at all.

    10. It doesn't matter what anyone says to Hope, she is going to do what she wants to do. Taylor wants Brooke to talk to Hope in hope that Hope will change. That puts the burden on Brooke to try to convince Hope to modify her behavior. A lot to ask as no adult is responsible for another adult's actions. Maybe, Taylor should offer to talk to Hope herself...

    11. BBFAN, I guess the condition could have been congenital. To me that’s the only way it would make sense. She just doesn’t have the lifestyle or body type that lends itself to strain on one’s heart. But if she had been born with a condition, that would be more believable to me.

    12. D - the thing is….Brooke has talked to Hope 50 times. And she told Taylor she had talked to her. So what makes Taylor think all of a sudden now Hope is gonna get it? I agree with Renee, Taylor’s the professional. Taylor should talk to Hope and try to get to the bottom of what’s really going on with her.

    13. Taylor was like a dog with a bone with Brooke on the Hope topic. Just let it go already. Those are grown women and Brooke has talked to Hope for months. She has been nothing but protective of Finn and as Steffy's marriage. She not only said to Hope "just stay away, he's married". She said that Steffy and Finn belong together, that he loves her above else and they have a bond that can never be broken. Brooke should also leave the "talk to your daughter" line when it comes to Hope's line. None of Taylor's fans would ever admit that the same apply to both Taylor and Brooke - stop meddling. But they should.

    14. Elle you're absolutely right that Brooke can become the same for Taylor as she was for Stephanie in her last months. I also like how she reached an olive branch and eventually they agreed. Regarding Ridge, it was also nice in the preview how Taylor noted how happy Ridge and Brooke are. Can you imagine Brooke and Taylor now becoming so close that Brooke herself suggests he marries Taylor so that she has her last days as the happiest times in her life. And then she's saved and Brooke is in a pickle 😂

    15. Lynn Katie was much younger (in her 20s) also not a smoker and in great shape when her heart failed too :( her brother killed himself so he could be a donor for her. Another Logan tragedy.

    16. Oh right….I knew Katie had the heart transplant. Just forgot about it. They really don’t talk about it anymore. I guess I just don’t think of heart transplants as being very common, and we are going to have another one on B&B. There are so many other deadly diseases out there to pick from. Again I say, the writers are so lazy.

    17. Lynn I'm actually glad that it's something that can be believably miraculously cured (with a transplant) and not like Eric with his "mysterious soap disease" which was cured with "mysterious Finn/Bridget operation" 😂

    18. Milla, 😂😂😂😂. True, not sure we ever really knew what was wrong with Eric or how he was cured. That was very bizarre. I’m still not sold on the heart transplant idea for Taylor. But at least we have an actual diagnosis.

    19. I'll never forget how that hot doctor was visiting Eric's mansion and every time he opened his mouth to say something concrete and doctor-like, Ridge or someone else interrupted him 🤦🏻‍♀️

    20. I hate when they do that. When talking about Wyatt above, I mentioned Sally. She also claimed to be dying back then and no one ever asked what she had, that's the first thing you would ask. I am "glad" at least Taylor has something with a name

    21. Milla, I actually thought about what you suggested as well about Brooke encouraging Ridge to marry Taylor so that she can be happy in her final days. I don't think Brooke is that selfless though 😂😂

    22. BBFan, I also knew someone with heart failure and he was very thin. Incidentally, I had a dog who started getting thin even though she was eating normally. Took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with heart failure. 🥺

    23. D, I was thinking the same thing that you said. It's not that Taylor expects Brooke to control Hope. I think Taylor was trying to tell Brooke that something more (obsession with Steffy) is going on with Hope and Brooke needs to get a handle on it. Yes, Hope is grown but if she is having a mental issue, she wouldn't know it for herself.

      I would love to see this type of storyline for Hope. Annika has the acting chops to pull it off very well.

    24. Elle I know you think Brooke is very selfish. But she's had plenty of circumstances where she was standing up for what is right and not what she wants. People just like to see her though an old and very distorted lense. She probably won't encourage Ridge for that (it's too far-fetched for anyone to do, not just her) I just find it funny to imagine her doing it, showing selflessness and then Taylor doesn't die and refuses to get divorced 🤣

    25. And btw I think if Taylor was talking from the perspective of Hope maybe having a mental problem, she would have said it with a care for her (albeit fake), thrown in her favorite doctor credentials and not going on and on about Steffy's marriage only. It doesn't make it wrong to only be worried about her own daughter, it's very much expected (though she needs to lay it off, everyone heard her).

    26. I get that Taylor is worried, but these people are way too invested in their children's love lives. Taylor should ask Poppy about those drugs and give them to Hope. When she wakes up she finds herself trapped in a chastity belt.

    27. Taylor actually talked a lot about Hope deserving love and to be happy etc. just NOT with Finn.

      Taylor talked about her concerns about Hope’s increasingly out of control behaviours, that Hope might need help as in Professional help.

      Of course she was defending Steffy’s marriage and she has every right to do so!

      I don’t understand why people are so upset with Taylor for addressing the very real and significant issue that is Hope’s obsession with Finn and her determination to get him for herself. She doesn’t care that he isn’t interested or that he’s committed to his wife and family.

      I’m shocked Brooke didn’t turn to her sisters for advice on what else to do for Hope!

    28. @Koyasha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    29. BBFan, I'm surprised that Brooke hasn't suggested to Hope that she see a therapist. I mean, hasn't it occurred to her that Hope lost her marriage then immediately became deeply involved with Thomas to the point of falling in love with him, only to lose him AND her son too? Surely, she should see that this whole business with the very married Finn, as well as wanting to get back at Steffy, is Hope losing a grip on her morality and general good sense.

    30. Milla, I like to think that I am unbiased when it comes to Brooke. She's not my least favorite Logan by far. Matter of fact, out of the 3 sisters, I think she is the best one, despite her past. Donna is an opportunist and Katie is just a screaming banshee who hates seeing people happy.

      That said, Brooke is indeed selfish. She never does anything without it having a benefit for herself or her daughter. And she would do everything in her power to get what she wants or what her daughter wants. That's why I said, as much as she wants to be friends with Taylor, if she is indeed dying, Brooke will never allow Taylor to be with Ridge.

      Regarding such a selfless act, didn't Bridget allow her Aunt Katie to go off alone with her husband (Nick) on some island so that she could spend her last dying days in peace with the man she loved (Nick)?

    31. Elle I know you want to be unbiased but you clearly have a preference to the Tridge side (who are in constant conflict with the Logans so that naturally leads to dislike of them). Nothing wrong with that, just hope you know that's really how it comes off. I can say the same thing about Steffy - she also does everything for her own benefit or those she loves. That can seem selfish to the opposite side while the other sees it as normal. Like I said in a previous episode, everyone is preconditioned to see things according to their preference.
      I remember that time with Bridget and boy did she regret it. What made you think of it?

    32. BBFan people are upset because it's pointless and annoying at this point to harp on Brooke. Find a new tune, Taylor or say something new on the topic. I'd very much like to hear Brooke tell her if she's so competent on the subject of mothers doing something about their kids behavior, how come she didn't do a better job about Thomas when he went of the deep end and actually hurt tons of people. Multiple times. Oh wait, she wasn't there. Now that makes her mom of the year for sure.
      And I clearly said that it's very much expected that she protects her daughter. Duh!

    33. Milla, I said that "I like to think...." Guess I'm not, at least according to your explanation. I really do not have a preference between the 2 families. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, highs and lows. Maybe because of my constant passionate defense of Thomas AT ALL TIMES, it makes people think that I am pro-Forrester. Maybe?

    34. Also, maybe it's because I dislike Donna and Katie so much, it makes it seem that I am anti-Logan. Eric is a Forrester and I hate him. RM Ridge, I also hated. I like TK Ridge a lot better. KM Hope, I hated but AN Hope, I actually like.

    35. 😀😀Elle you actually haven't talked a lot about Thomas since he's been in Paris, but you generally talk in favor of Steffy and Taylor in most circumstances and anti-Hope (unless when she's with Thomas). That only means that you don't see many of the negatives of the first ones but do all the negatives in the other. But again - that's all of us! I haven't seen a truly unbiased person here.

    36. Naw M. I don't generally speak anti-Hope at all because I really do like the way that AN fits the role. But nowadays, she's after a married man so there's not a lot of positive to be said. I believe she's a bit lost and needs to talk to a professional. And I am also still hoping that Thomas comes back to save her.

    37. See? That's what I mean. You think she needs to be saved and only Thomas can do it and make her likable to you again. If you were really unbiased, you could be able to look deeper into her and see not only a person "after a married man" and in need of another (of course Thomas) man to "save her". While she was with Liam, I also didn't see particular good words from you towards her, mainly hope that she gets together with Thomas.

    38. And at the same time, I don't see any critique, but rationalizations and support about everything that Steffy and Taylor do. Unbiased would be looking at every part of their behavior and critiquing/justifying each of them (Taylor/Brooke - Steffy/Hope) the same way you would the other one. "Would I say the same defense to Hope that I do Steffy now?"
      Again, I'm telling you how it looks to the other side - not unbiased - you can see it differently from yours.

    39. But I did not say that only Thomas can save Hope. I've said more than once that Hope should see a therapist. I've also said that she has been through a lot with Liam leaving her, then Thomas and she might be losing her grip on her morality/reality. Maybe you're forming your own views on what I say. And I do critique Steffy and Taylor if it is warranted. You see Steffy as a bitch. If I were to agree with you, would you see that as me being unbiased toward Steffy? You see Taylor as coming on to Ridge. If I agreed with you, would you say that I am unbiased? M, not because I don't hate on a character means that I am being biased. I can state my dislike of their actions without hating on them.

      The general modus operandi on this blog is that if a fan of the show dislikes a particular family/character, level hate is spewed their way. I don't do that. I recognize each character for their strengths as well as their flaws. In this very blog for Friday's show, I talked about how good both Brooke and Hope are with specific types of storylines and that they would absolutely be brilliant in the role (Brooke with Taylor dying, and Hope with a storyline about having a mental breakdown).

      The only bias I have is toward Thomas. I will always support him/justify his actions even if the does questionable things. And if I can't, I would remain silent.

    40. Oh, and regarding when she was with Liam, I consistently wanted her to free herself from Liam. It is one of the reasons I was pleased with her having feelings for Thomas. I (and others) constantly stated that Hope deserved better than Liam. After mannequin-gate which led to Liam running to Steffy and sleeping with her, I rooted for Hope to kick Liam to the curb and was very upset when she took him back after his little stint in lockup.

    41. Elle you don't have to explain yourself. It's all good. You don't need me or anyone else to see you as unbiased if you feel like that yourself 😀🤗

    42. Thank you, Milla. As I said before, I like to think of myself as being objective. 🤗🤗

  8. One thing Brooke said really bothered me, she claimed Hope wasn’t hitting on Finn.

    That was a lie. Hope admitted she hoped that he would realise that she was the one he really wanted etc when she kissed him.

    Hope had blatantly hit on Finn in that dressing room at Forrester in her lingerie and again at his office.

    He turned her down flat. Hope knew exactly what she was doing hitting on Finn, waiting until Steffy walked away and then made her move!

    That was calculated, not a mistake.

    Taylor had every right to question that.

    1. 👏👏👏 and as you have said , Brooke has known for awhile it just wasn't the kiss at the party. There was alot more going on before that kiss Brooke knew about, but she turned a blind eye and is making excuses for Hope.

    2. Agreed BBFan, it was calculated. But then, I can see why Brooke would not want to tell Taylor about that. Brooke genuinely wants to be friends with Taylor again and the subject of Hope and Steffy's husband is a sore spot for Taylor, so I understand why she would keep that tidbit from her. However, I firmly believe that Brooke should have a much more serious talk with Hope and suggest that she sees a therapist to deal with whatever is going on with her.

  9. Thank you Bob 💕... have a great weekend 🌼❣️😘

  10. Stephy and Ridge saying Taylor wants to make peace and always thinking of everyone is not quite true because is Brooke attempt to be friends with her and make peace..
    Also I think Ridge will eventually find out Taylor is dying and have limited time and he will be force to marry her and make.her happy for the time she has left. That is the only was she will get Ridge back. Next thing it's a lie because she knows Lee will tell Finn and Finn will tell Stephy and Stephy will want her parents to be together before she dies.

  11. leannalove, I'm thinking the same thing...Ridge will marry Taylor with Brookes' blessing, thinking she' s dying, then Finn will find a comparable heart, so she can have a transplant and she stays married to Ridge and Brooke Will be left out in the opnion of course 😄
