Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. The Boring Bridge and the Brooke, so lame! Lowest ratings in history of this show.

    1. Boring ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค

    2. They say the same thing in every scene, they just change the order of the words. Drama! Brooke has ruined this show.

    3. @Dodzia, I know right, Ridge and HOgan make me want to ๐Ÿคฎ it's ALL about sex, always has been and always will be๐Ÿคฎ ALL the HOgans are in it for the trust fund ๐Ÿคฎ

    4. Bridge have no chemistrery... Nothing ! all is so boring

  2. The difference between Brooke and Stephanie is that Stephanie didn't take a single dollar from the company, and greedy Brooke who loves Ridge so much took half of the company screaming that Ridge dumped her for Taylor. Selfish and hypocritical. :)

  3. Compare Brooke to Nikki or Carly, is nothing without a man. A pathetic counterfeit of a woman. Taylor shows women that every woman has value, and Brooke shows them that they only matter when they take their clothes off.

  4. Ridge is so stupid to prefer Whore of Beverly Hills that this gorgeus one. She cheated her own daughters and sister multiple times. Stop Logan propaganda.

  5. And there you have it. Steffy is accepting of her mom finding someone (a man) because she deserves it. She's not longing for her parents to be back together. Not that she won't be happy if they do renunite but, she has moved past forcing the issue.

    I have never liked Li but, I have to admit that I'm liking her softer side. First with Poppy, now with Taylor.

    1. Elle Brava totally agree! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    2. Agree Elle. Steffy has moved passed that and I think Taylor may have too. She's realizing life is to short. Yes, she loves Ridge. They have history and children. People can't go on the assumption she wants Ridge back just because thats what she always wanted in the past. Now Ridge?? Maybe when he has to face her mortality he might change his mind (again) and will want to grow old with her. If she does have a transplant, I hope she tells him to take a hike. Brooke can have him.

    3. Ridge also mentioned Thomas today in Paris bonding with his son but no mention was made of Thomas' fiancรฉe. ๐Ÿค”

    4. Taylor talked about how great Paris is with Thomas and Douglas in one her first conversations with Ridge last week.

    5. Ridge said Taylor was love of his life, then Brad Bell made show to boring, irritating version of classic soap opera, making Brooke Ridge's main love interest, even though until 2002 Brooke was the second one. B&B today is like Sex and the City or other famous show with new episodes after long time, a bland sequel.

    6. I don't see the point of them having Ridge and Taylor a part of today's episode ๐Ÿ˜•. Is the same old bs with them. Also is sad to see Taylor dying like why Bell doing this to the Forresters is not fair.

    7. @Elle ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘ couldn't have said it any better, I think Steffy accepted it long time ago, the last time Steffy stopped Taylor and Ridges wedding was her realisation and now the haters can put that in their pipes and smoke it‼️ Also glad that there's been NO sign of Hopeless the last two days ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ was quite emotional episode tonight, well excluding HOgan and Ridge obviously ๐Ÿคฃ

    8. That's true, unknown. Steffy did stop the wedding. So while she may indeed love for her parents to remarry, she's not doing whatever it takes to ensure it happens. She just wants her mom to be happy.

    9. Chirp, chirp. I only hear crickets tonight. unknown ๐Ÿ™‚. Both Steffy and Taylor, I think, accepted that a long time ago, and Steffy just wants her Mom to be happy and done with drama. Maybe Taylor's cardiologist will be hot and the man of her dreams.๐Ÿคž

    10. D, the heart dosent work like that. Taylor could die and be born again, as she did once before, and Ridge still will love Brooke over Taylor.

    11. That would be awesome, if she had a hot cardiologist, and they married!! I think Ridge would squirm!! Elle, no matter how obvious it is, there will always be those that will take one little look or word as the go ahead to turn it around!! And I agree about Li, I am really loving her softer side!! Definitely makes her more likeable! Noemi, I have noticed that they are getting rid of a lot of long term actors/actresses that were popular, Wyatt, Quinn, now maybe Taylor?? They are not doing well in the ratings, and seem to be cutting costs wherever they can!! I know I been saying this for years, but their contracts are now only being extended for one year, instead five, so I can’t see the show lasting much longer, the way it’s going!! It’s the most boring it’s ever been!

    12. I've always loved Li, she doesn't kiss Hope and Brooke's ass... She acts for her family and Steffy is part of it... She will always protect her loved ones first...

    13. @Peggy And? ๐Ÿค” The point that D and everyone else are making is that Taylor has moved on and is not trying to come between Ridge and Brooke. Ridge loves Brooke more than Taylor but still does not respect her (Brooke) enough to stop flirting with Taylor. He's always rubbing up on her and pulling her in for hugs. I don't even know why people still hold Ridge in such high esteem when it comes to his relationship with these 2 ladies.

  6. Bring Diana Marone, Jack Marone, Eric Sharp and Rosie Forrester, stop boring Bridge!

  7. What a boring episode
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  8. i have a feeling li will finally spill the beans to finn and he will be the one to save taylor! no, he's not a cardiologist, but hey, it's a soap opera. LOL

  9. Why is Steffy crying so much when Taylor hasn’t even given her the bad news yet? Way too much drama for their little heart to heart talk.
    I love seeing Brooke and Ridge together. So in love. So supportive of each other. Best couple on the show!!
    Steffy isn’t pushing the idea of mommy and daddy being together because Taylor isn’t mentioning it. As I said (multiple times)….as long as Taylor is “dying” she won’t pursue Ridge. But if she’s saved….all bets are off.
    All and all a very uneventful episode today.

    1. We will see Lynn. You just might be totally wrong about Taylor.

    2. Maybe because Steffy has just gone through alot in her life lately. Her Mom is finally back, but she can see something is really upsetting her, and knows something is wrong. Nothing wrong with a heart to heart talk. Maybe Hope needs a real heart to heart talk with her Mom instead of wallowing in self pity.

    3. Well said D!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I agree!! Steffy has been to hell and back, and is really realising just how much she needs her mother!! So nothing wrong with that at all!! Haters gonna hate, even over the smallest things they can find, just to have a go at anything they can muster up and find!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    4. Taylor should be embarressed to ever try to pursue Ridge again, she was willing to marry him based of a lie. She stood at that alter knowing very well that it was Thomas who caused Ridge to leave Ridge with that fake CPS call. She knows she was Ridge second choice. She knew Ridge would have never left Brooke for her. And she will be a fool to chase a man who is in love with another woman. Even Hope finally left Liam when she realized that Liam will always be in love with Steffy. But Hope somehow miraculously fell in love with the Thomas, the one woman man, just what she have always wanted, but she couldnt commit because deep down, i dont think she can ever forget the pain he caused her to suffer when he had her to believe that her child was dead. Thomas watched her suffer.

    5. All I have been hearing from Brooke lately, is how much she loves Ridge, wants peace after what Hope did, and how happy he makes her feel. What about her daughter? What about RJ? I'm sure he is going through his own crisis. Is she worried about that?? I don't see it, but maybe that's too much drama. Yes, haters are going to hate, hate, hate no matter if there is reason to or not.

    6. Colly, “the haters gonna hate” comment can be directed someplace else. There is plenty of Brooke hating comments on this episode to choose from. And quite honestly, when I posted this comment I was one of about 2 comments that weren’t disparaging Brooke. So if you are gonna reply on my posts, that’s fine. But I don’t need the “haters gonna hate” comments. Again, you ladies always ignore all the Brooke hating comments.

    7. D - please read my comment to Colly above. If you feel the need to come at me instead of talking about the show, then please move on past my comment. Nothing is forcing you to respond.

    8. Lynn, I have not said anything bad about Brooke!! In fact she was great today!! What others have said in this blog today has nothing to do with me.. There was nothing on todays episode regarding Steffy or Taylor, for you to have a go at, yet you had a go about their heart to heart, then went on to assume once again, about Steffy and Taylor’s intentions, which you have done constantly , despite “the show” not giving any indications of that!! I am talking about the show!! Today, there was no indication of anything , for you to say what you have.. But I guess that means you would have nothing at all to say, so you find something out of nothing, then repeat what you have said over and over.. If I did that against Brooke or any Logan, you would certainly be saying something along the same lines as I am saying to you, to me!! No doubt.. you’re always saying you ladies have a go at Brooke for no reason, and it’s unwarranted, and we bitch for the sake of bitching.. so I am simply returning the same!! ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ but it seems I am not allowed to??

    9. ๐Ÿคฌ damn my comments aren't showing up. Sorry ladies if you see multiple posts from me that say the same thing. ๐Ÿ˜ 

    10. Colly, this is not complicated. We talk about the show. We don’t say snide things to each other. Regardless of whether you said something specific about Brooke was not my point. And I didn’t say you did. I said many nasty comments were directed at Brooke today for absolutely no reason. I didn’t go on their posts and say haters got to hate. I let them comment away. It is not for me to decide what they are allowed to say about the show. Same thing goes for me….I can say whatever I want to say about the show. I don’t say snarky things about other posters unless they come after me, then I will reply with a snarky response right back. So I am asking you to refrain from your comments about ME!
      Why are you even commenting on my posts? If you don’t like what I say about the characters, then just scroll on by or keep it about the characters on the show in your response.

    11. The last time I checked, if one makes a post, anyone may comment on it ! Not just those who agree!

      I’ve seen some foul, vile things said on my posts by you Lynn specifically naming other posters.

      There is a lot of hating going on by both sides and saying haters got to hate is absolutely true!

      Once we put something out there, we can’t control other people’s reactions or opinions nor should we be trying to!

      There are couple of trolls that exempt from this rule.

      I have to say, when you first joined this board you openly attacked posters who didn’t like Brooke. I remember you saying that you would defend a fictional character by attacking real people because you couldn’t handle them having a go at Brooke.

      I see a lot of ugly words written by you to real people in this blog. Colly isn’t a troll and has every right to give her opinion.

    12. Bfan, spot on!! Absolutely true!! Lynn you are absolutely guilty of snide comments to other posters, and doing what you are accusing me of!! But when it is thrown back to you, you cry out , “don’t comment on my posts”!! sorry, but immature.. And what Bfan stated, particularly when you first came here, absolutely correct!! You are one of those, who say do as I say, not as I do.. If you are going do it, then expect it back.. “It’s not complicated..”

  10. Why are we killing Taylor of the show? I agree that her storyline of chasing after Ridge for decades must finally come to an end, but I would have rather she moved on, date again, remarry again. I guess B&B is tightening up their budget. Maybe Brooke the 'Logan' will be steffy's new mom. Nah, Steffy would rather go in the coffin with Taylor before that ever happens.

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    2. We don't know that they are killing off Taylor. Several months ago, the question could have been asked why are we killing Eric off the show? Now, he is like a new man...

    3. I also don't think budget has anything to do with it. The character was already off the show. Why spend money to bring her back just to kill her off supposedly because they cannot afford it? Why bring her back in the first place?

  11. And phoebe has been dead for years and soon we will see her appear once Taylor gets worse geez what next , ,
