Friday, September 6, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thanks Bob. Have a good weekend.

    Love Steffy and Finn!!!
    I feel so bad for Poppy. Her own little girl set her up; kill two men, paternity test, kidnapping and kissing Bill.

    1. It is absolutely heartbreaking for Poppy. 💔 Complete shock for Poppy to learn that she raised a daughter that would commit all those crimes and then let her Mom go to jail for it while she hits on her Mom's boyfriend. It would take time to process that harsh reality. Poor Poppy.

    2. Poor Poppy 😥 Hopefully Li, Finn and Bill will help her go through this ordeal time.

    3. My heart goes out to Poppy. She may have been a hot mess but she clearly loves her daughter.

      How dare Luna act like she wasn’t actually trying to destroy her own mother. Those tears were completely fake… especially after the last few days. She hates her mother.

      I laughed about all the years of struggling, she’s what 21? 22? She still had a university education etc! Boo hoo! 🙄🙄

      I hope Bill takes care of Poppy and tells Kate to her claws and bugger off. Ms Nosey nubs isn’t apologetic about blackening Poppy’s name and reputation to anyone who would listen or being nasty and gloating to her face.

      It was lovely to see Finn and Steffy happily enjoying their being reunited!

      Thank goodness that poor Steffy finally got a shower at long last.

    4. Poppy's performance was really moving between yesterday when she found out she was cleared of all charges and then, today finding out what her daughter did. Excellent performance!

      Love that Finn and Steffy are back together. All I know is that Steffy should find out if Finn has anymore female relatives so that she can be prepared for them. Lmao!

    5. I feel so horrible about saying I wanted Finn to chase Hope, No I didn't mean that at all on whatever I posted . My real name's Ashley Holley from Pulaski, TN. And I think when your mad at how or jealous of Steffy it made me say bad stuff bout her and Steffy I take it all back. Jacqueline you are an amazing actress on bold n beautiful and your n Finn's love is like no other. You don't belong with Liam. U belong with Finn. Hope needs to get help really. I really felt for Steffy in that cage because I get bad dry mouth and thirsty. I mean she may if made that huge mistake by drinking the tea but she's a fearless woman. She's bad ass. I mean she went to confront Luna then ended up drugged and in a cage for two weeks. I would of gave n to drinking and dying like Tom and Hollis cuz Luna got so mad cuz steffy wouldn't eat or drink. I mean there r psycho people out there right now like this Luna. That only thinks bout themselves. Poppy did excellent 👍. Bill should have told she missed him cuz Luna was still mesmerized by him. His money really. Golddigger slut. Yep she's lady of cell block C. Bye bye bitch but Poppy still feels for her daughter wen she set her mom up to rot. She n hope need help. I wonder will this bring ridge n Taylor back together cuz where is Brooke anyways. Duh. I can't believe she slept with her own daughters husband on her wedding day. Deacon and got pregnant with hope. My aunt called her a ho for a good reason. LMFAO

    6. Are you serious ?? Giving you real name just because you "feel bad about wanting Finn to chase Hope?" Wow! Relax, it's only fiction, those people don't exist. You can't be mad for something that doesn't even exist. Sometimes it's getting on my last nerve because they change the past and a lot of things that did not happen but only in the moment, when I watch the show, then I go back to my life and absolutely don't care anymore about B&B, I have enough to deal with! I don't like Steffy's character, she is evil but I like how JMW acts, she is a really good vilain. Just like SF was with Stephanie. Some are acting good and some are just terrible, but in the end, it's just entertainment.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Taylor: "yeah nothing to worry about, she was just kidnapped" 😂

    Steffy come on, you didn't take "a sip" 😀 we saw you gulping.

    Did Bill have to talk about the kissing in front of the police? Poor Poppy had enough hits for a lifetime with everything else. I hope she doesn't buy that "I had no role model" crap.

    Ah Taylor... We can see your brain cogs rolling. Don't go there. How many times do you have to be left at the altar? Have some self-respect for once.

    1. That was a brilliant come back from Taylor.

      Bill was a bit insensitive but I honestly think he knew Poppy wouldn’t accept what Luna did unless she knew everything that had happened.

      Poor Poppy.

      I hope Taylor finds a fella of her own. That ship has long sailed and only hurt can follow that path .

    2. Or maybe she was just thinking about her daughter.

    3. I also hope really really she finds a fella! They must bring someone new or Thorne (he loved her so much!), just not the same thing with Ridge.
      Maybe you're right about Bill and Poppy. Btw she also played amazingly the destroyed mom. Well done!

    4. @Elle, I agree she was just thinking about her daughter, golly, it's bad when Steffy's mother and father aren't allowed to be worried and give eachother a hug out of concern and joy then Taylor is accused of "wanting Ridge again". Sadly some people have NOTHING nice to say, they have zero emotions 🙄

    5. @Milla...maybe she was thirsty that's why she GULPED it down 🙄 like when HOgan was an alcoholic and GULPED the liquor 👏 you really are quite bitter, knit picking every little thing, you seem to have some Luna tendencies 👍

    6. unknown you know I don't give a rat's ass about your opinions... Bye!

    7. God bless AdGuard. With a simple rule it hides not only ads but also individual elements on my browser like comments from certain people. Happy Friday! 🤩

    8. Milla good on you for saying that to unknown 👏👏👏👏👏 all she does is criticise people on here

    9. I’m not bashing Taylor, I am a fan. I just want the writers to give her something of her own and not make her a Brooke and Ridge prop.

      She absolutely had a right to be with Ridge and support each other while trying to find their daughter etc.

      I too wonder where Brooke is in all this? She was so dismissive of Ridge’s concerns for his daughter. If it were Hope she would demand that they move heaven and earth to find her.

      Honestly if I were Brooke , I would have been Hope did something to get Steffy out of the way to try to get her hooks into Finn again!

    10. Hope could become Steffy's next nightmare. Especially if she gets so obsessed with Finn.
      That was another teary eyed episode today. Really enjoyed the past 2 episodes. It's just a testament to how good some of these actresses/actors can be with the right scripts, and more importantly a good director. Finn might just come out of his shell yet.
      Lets see now that it's over, if we go back to weeks of the same old boring recycled BS.

    11. Both Poppy and Luna are really good actresses. Luna’s sob story is so flawed, however. Kids have it way, way, way worse growing up. And if she truly just wanted to know her dad, she could have embraced her real dad. But he wasn’t good enough….so Luna manufactured a father in Bill. The girl needs some serious help. Poppy did the right thing, however heartbreaking it had to be.
      Luna is delusional if she thinks her mom could have done anything to save her from the arrest. And as others have said, it would have never gone down like that.

      Taylor looked a little too comfortable in her hug with Ridge today. We are most likely in for round 376 of the Brooke / Ridge / Taylor drama. Boring!!!

      D - are you convinced yet that Finn is NOT Luna’s dad??? I think it’s time you admit that ship has sailed. 😁😁😁

    12. Lynn 😉, not totally convinced yet.

    13. We are to assume Tom was the father because he said so in the letters. Poppy seemed truly shocked that Bill wasn't the father, but does she know who the real father is. What got me, when Luna first turned up at Forester, Poppy was upset and wanted her no where near there. Li freaked out when she saw Luna there and pure hatred for her, and Poppy when she showed up.? Can't be because Tom was the father. Then the night Tom was playing at the restaurant, all of a sudden Jack showed up? It could have all been red herrings and they might not go that route. The future will tell. Here's thinking outside the box. What if Finn is the father and Luna has the psycho gene passed down from Sheila? Lol, I am starting to give up on Finn being the father theory, just not totally convinced yet.

    14. Sorry ☹️. Not sure why all the blank spaces?

    15. D - I agree that Li’s animosity was totally unwarranted in the beginning. I even commented how more recently Li became a fan of Luna…and how ridiculous that was given how much she hated her just months ago.
      So I thought there was a chance that it could be Jack. But it seems that is not the case given all we know now.
      But there is simply nothing pointing to Finn.

      I think there were lots of red herrings the night that Tom performed / died. They threw in actors we hadn’t seen in months if not years, just to throw us off the track.
      I suppose it could have been some other rando that Poppy slept with. But I think it’s either Tom, or someone that will never be disclosed because they are not a B&B cast member.

      I’ve done the same thing with a couple of my comments. You probably just hit the “return” key a bunch of times. 😊

    16. Ladies Luna said something like "if he even is my dad, there were so many guys" which points that maybe there will be more on her paternity. I wonder now if RJ and Zende will abandon her. Somehow I think Zende may be on her side. RJ is too good plus he has all this pressure from his family.

      I'm so not looking forward to more battles between Hope and Steffy. It only creates bad energy on the show and here. Taylor and Brooke will also be boring because Brooke won't push back and nobody cares about Taylor's opinion anyway.

    17. One other thing. Luna tampered with the paternity test? How? Li brought the test and made damn sure no one touched it, and it was in her sight at all times. Unless they slipped something in there that I missed, I don’t see how Luna could have.

    18. I was thinking the exact same thing!! Taylor lost her self respect long ago when she was sleeping with strangers in bars because she was drunk (Yes she did, and we know that because she once admited it). Since then, she tried and tried to have Ridge back, her brats lied and ploted for it but never succeded. Taylor even told Ridge when he built this heart in the sand, that she "always knew that Brooke was the love of his life" so why is she still after him?? Is it because they change the actress twice lately that her past is deleted?? The new one thinks she is a saint?? LOL So, she will lecture Hope for "chasing Steffy's husband" while she is chasing Brooke's husband ?

    19. D they showed Luna holding the test or sth like that. Like many other things it had nothing to do with what we saw which is what you said - Li had it the whole time.

  4. Tks Bob and have a beautiful weekend 🌹

  5. Replies
    1. Yes they are , except poor 3 expression Finn, although I think he added a slightly new one today so I will say 4 expressions 😂.

    2. Yes, they are. I am really impressed with Poppy. The character has gotten a fan in me. Lol.

  6. I read spoiler that Bill is going to get Luna the help she needs. Luna is going to be diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. RJ fully supports his psycho girlfriend.

    1. Would those be the same spoilers that had Justin and Bill rescuing Steffy? Or Luna being killed off or???

      Honestly unless I see it on screen I don’t believe the spoilers.

    2. Lol BBFan. I was about to ask the same. So much speculation out there leading people to believe they are actual spoilers. Smh.

    3. don't mind this commenter, she says fake spoilers lol

  7. Did you know Lawrence Saint Victor (Carter) is a writer for the Bold and the Beautiful?

    1. He has been for years now… and still his Character gets bugger all for storylines.

  8. Thanks Bob have a nice weekend xxxx

  9. Soak it up while you can Finn 🦸‍♂️ because in merely 2 short weeks, Oh Flip Flop GO & Stop Steffy will be freaking out and leaving you again regards YOU tonguing down 👅😘Hope!!!!!

  10. Luna(tic), once you're in your cell block, ask the warden for a visit to the library. Maybe check out a law book. You'll learn about 'miranda rights'!

    1. So true! I couldn't believe Luna was confessing without an attorney present. In real life, Chief Baker would not have brought Luna to see Poppy.

    2. In real life but this is a soap and in soaps, LA is a tiny town where are living only 4 or 5 families, there is only 1 restaurant and the only police station has 4 cops. Baker retired but there was nobody to replace him (not enough people in this town) so they called him back...

    3. Miss_sushi, 😂😂😂! And, in tiny towns, nobody locks doors & people just walk into other people's homes without knocking. 😂

  11. Thanks Bob for my weekly entertainment 🌷

  12. Poppy was excellent today...she actually brought tears to my eyes 😢....and so was Luna...both of their acting today was great👏🏻👏🏻.. Thank you Bob 🌼... Great weekend everyone 🌻

  13. So boring now IS again Steffy,Finn,Hope,Ridge, Taylor shit..they should show R.J and Zende confronting Luna,maybe Sheila and Deacon talking this new twist but instead we get this same shit

    1. Nina, I am betting scenes with RJ & Zende confronting Luna are coming. In fact, before you know it, we will be hoping that they stop talking about Luna & her crimes. 😂

    2. Taylor is so boring. I just don't understand why they keep trying to bring her back so she can chase after ridge like some sad pathetic teenager, and then just take off and leave her kids and grandkids when he rejects her. It's pointless and the story is tired and uninteresting. Rebecca Budig is a good actress, but I just don't believe her as Taylor and I see no chemistry between her and Steffi or Ridge. Give it up b&b. Either give her a fresh storyline or quit bringing her back

    3. Hilary, agreed. And even after seeing her multiple times….i still can’t get past her tiny stature. She is simply too small to be Taylor! Lol

    4. Totally agree 👍🏻....the Taylor, Ridge and Brooke story is old and boring 🥱...and this actress, which I'm sure is good, just isn't right to be Taylor. Too young and just doesn't fit the role. My opnion, of course. 🙂

    5. And of course, Taylor is allowed to go after Ridge (a married man) just like Steffy can kiss his ex and hide it to her husband but, when it's Hope kissing Finn OH MY GOD IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!! they will bring this everyday again and again till the end of time.... (Still talking about Brooke even when Ridge was the one to blame, always playing ping pong with the 2 of them but he made his choice).
      Finn told Steffy what happened, he told Hope he was NOT interesting in her but they can't move on, they need to talk about it again and again and again...

    6. If Ridge decides to play with Taylor again, I'll lose the last shreds of respect I have for him. In my ideal world Brooke would dump him for Bill and then he runs to Taylor who kicks him for Thorne (or Nick!).

  14. my thoughts, for what it's worth...i don't see poppy & bill staying together. they just weren't meant to be. taylor needs to find a boyfriend. the writers have played out the brooke, ridge, taylor scene once too often. is wyatt gone from the series? a rehabilitated sheila isn't cutting it. she needs to get back to her old bad self. i can't accept her as little susie homemaker. doesn't she have other kids? i miss holis. (hubba hubba) :)

    1. I think that the devs, just because they bring on a new actress to play Taylor, that it's okay to replay this old storyline about going for Ridge, cause she is Taylor, but she is not -.-

    2. I would love to play and act on this show!! I'm in Tennessee but that would be my dream if I could live it and I hope me n steffy would be best friends on show and I'm not after Finn either but Thomas on the other hand Yes if I could but no not Thomas. R. J. Is who I'd go after. R. J. Or Will is so cute. Will played on something else. He is so cute too. Pretty smile. A young Dustin lynch maybe

    3. Or a young Nick Newman. He's Joshua Morrow's kid.

      Agreed Malin. Enough with the same old tired Ridge/Taylor/Brooke nonsense. Especially since it was just last year they vowed to have more self-respect.

  15. OMG, really, Ridge and Taylor were only together giving eachother support, after all Steffy is THEIR daughter ‼️

  16. Ridge, come on. Not even worried about RJ. Did the writers forget that they are father and Son ?

  17. stopgap episodes for two months... and next week, it's back to Finn-hope-Steffy... Helllll noooooooooooooooo

  18. Steffy and finn Kelly haze lee great family members ❤️ ♥️ did Luna have accomplice Justin who wants revenge for Emma his niece and Zander and possibly wants revenge on bill kates X husband for firing 🔥 him

  19. Imagine they change the storyline and let it appear that Luna is not actually the killer but she did all that because the real killer is threatening her lol .
    Why would Poppy say u killed your own father when she's not sure who's the father.
    Slip up in the story line there.

    1. Og course she knows it ! She knows Tom was the father because Bill is not anymore!! There were only 2 possibilities and with the test Bill and Luna took again, Poppy could be sure that Tom was the father.

    2. @Miss_sushi It has been said that there were many men in and out of Poppy's life (by both Li and Luna). Poppy was convinced that Tom was not the dad and was surprised that Bill was (she was also convinced Bill was not the dad in the beginning). It could turn out to be someone else after all.

  20. No I still think that jack is the father cause it said jack comes back to save his daughter

  21. Either Jack or Finn is the father . Wouldn't it be funny if Ridge had went out on vacation 20 yrs ago alone and got so drunk he didn't remember meeting poppy at a bar and she was doped up to the point she doesn't remember and Ridge is actually Lunas father . And that's why Li didn't want luna working at Forrester Creations

    1. Oh, my! That would make RJ & Luna brother & sister! 🤮

  22. I enjoyed reading all the comments. Thank you, Bob !!!
    I thought I saw a spark between Hope and Carter at the party but then she went off the rails and kissed Finn. But no pass for Finn. Way back he started strangely befriending Hope and telling her she was too good for Thomas. It was none of his business and may have sent mixed signals to Hope. Then, there were the neck rubs. What was he thinking? Imagine if anyone had ever walked in. Liam's available but if they put Liam and Hope back, I think Steffy would go after Liam again, just to spite Hope, leaving Finn in the dust. As far as Bill, I like him with Poppi. She seems to balance him out.
