Friday, September 27, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thanks Bob. Have a good weekend.

    They are trying so hard to pair Carter and Hope together!!!๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿคฎ
    Carter deserves better.

    Taylor can't die!!!!!! She need to survive and someone need to find a cure for her.

    1. Bridget popped up so Hmm she and Finn can team up again for another miracle cure lol!

    2. Hope is a wonderful woman! If you think differently, you probably are just watching the way that they have portrayed her recently, because I have been watching it since it started, and Steffy was the one who always chased after any man hope was with. I think that Carter and hope would make a great couple!

      On another note, just let Taylor die for God's sake! If Ridge goes back to her just because she's sick and dying, he'll probably end up going back with her and then Taylor will have a miraculous cure and then Ridge will go straight back to Brooke like he always does. Taylor needs to just get over it and move the hell on! He will always go back to Brooke that is his true love. Who wants a man with her just because he pities her? Not me!

    3. I remember Hope being a snotty, entitled, spoiled Brat who thought she owned the place. Who relentlessly pursued a married Liam and slept with him during all 3 of his marriages to Steffy! Wonderful indeed ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    4. Hope sabotaged her own relationships making demands and handing down ultimatums like the spoilt immature child she was, then refusing to accept the consequences of her actions!

      Bit of course it was ALL Steffy’s fault ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    5. Kidd, ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    6. Other than Liam, what other man has Hope been with that Steffy chased? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

      And I'm sorry, but every time I hear it mentioned that Ridge will always go back to Brooke, I have to chuckle because the only one who looks bad in that scenario is Brooke! Ridge has left Brooke so many times for other women and she always goes running after him begging him to come back to her. As for Taylor, if Ridge keeps leaving Brooke to go back to her, what does that say about his feelings for Brooke? It certainly doesn't scream "destiny" or "love of his life." Y'all need to stop acting like Ridge is some prize.

    7. Ridge is absolutely no prize! He’s only a prize in his own head! He’s so full of himself and literally tells other people how great he is. I’ve heard him tell Brooke and Steffy recently. And he’s probably reminded Taylor as well. He’s a pig for sure. But Brooke loves him…. So whatcha gonna do??!! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    8. Ridge is absolutely no prize. He’s only a prize in his own mind and is constantly telling people how great he is. Pretty sad when you have to convince people of your worth / attractiveness. He’s a pig for sure. But Brooke loves him. So whatcha gonna do….. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    9. Elle ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ well said love!!

    10. Elle because it's true. He's been with Brooke the longest and it's obvious that if anyone is the love of his life, it's her. I don't believe we would have a soap if it wasn't for their reunions. Nobody looks good in that scenario but that's not the point of the show it seems. I certainly wouldn't prefer to be the one dumped at altar three times but that's just me ๐Ÿ˜‚

    11. Milla, my point isn't that he has been with Brooke the longest or he has dumped Taylor at the altar 3 times, it's that he leaves Brooke and goes back to Taylor at all! Many on this blog love to use the phrase "he loves Brooke more" but even that is so, why does he continually run back to Taylor? Why does he always want to keep her close? All that tells me is that he still has feelings for Taylor somewhere deep down inside and that his love for Brooke cannot be all that great. If Taylor were to plant roots in LA and stick around for the long haul, who knows what would happen. However, she's never around, so he goes right back to Brooke because she is always there. Maybe, I'm getting too deep into it, but if I were Brooke, I would question why he always runs back to Taylor at the itsy bitsiest bit of trouble in their relationship. But that's just me.

  2. Come on, Steffy. Really? You brought "your husband" to Forrester yet, Hope is the one who must leave? If Steffy does not want Hope around her husband, she shouldn't invite him to Hope's place of work. Simple.

    So, they are all going to find out that something is wrong with Taylor. So glad they have decided not to draw this out for months.

    Carter and Hope? ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

    1. Hope doesn’t work BB so technically she had no reason to be there for that. I don’t think Steffy would have kept Finn from something like meeting a music icon he was fanboy over lol!

      Hope ran straight to Finn, then followed him around the room to talk to him. To be fair if she had kept her distance and not been giving him bedroom eyes Steffy would have left it be!

      Hope is responsible to be an adult and control her libido!

      Hope is once again wool gathering about Finn and that is a choice!

      Carter is a hottie and a sweetheart. Hope look at Carter!

    2. I thought it was thoughtful of Steffy to invite her husband to do something that clearly meant a lot to him!

    3. My issue is not with Steffy inviting Finn to see the artist. By all means she should. But if Finn loves him and wanted to see him, why can't Hope who was also clearly excited? Last time I checked, Finn does not work with BB either. All I'm saying is that Steffy has warned Hope about coming around her husband (which she has every right to given Hope's behaviour), but yet, she decides to bring her husband around Hope. Even Finn looked displeased about Steffy telling Hope to leave. I found that was uncalled for.

      I don't see any chemistry between Carter and Hope however, if it takes Hope's mind off of Finn, by all means then.

    4. Elle if Hope hadn’t been staring longingly at Finn, Steffy wouldn’t have said to go! Hope was openly ogling Finn … that is on her.

      I’m not saying she shouldn’t be there or meet the guy … it was her making a bee line for Finn the second he got there, then following him to keep a conversation going!

      She knows it is inappropriate and will wind Steffy up, so why does she do it?

      Hope had other people to talk to! She can choose to control her fancy for Finn, she’s choosing not to!

      I don’t hate Hope. I can’t stick her persistent chasing of a very married Finn.

      Hope is only causing pain to others, including herself with her behaviour. I want her to find a good guy that can be just hers , not try to steal a married man.

      Bell portrays women as weak and needy etc. They all deserve better than begging for scraps from some guy who doesn’t deserve it or being home-wreckers!

    5. Why didn’t Hope even say hello to her big sister whom she NEVER sees? She stayed with Finn!

    6. Elle, bravo! Exactly!! Hope gets kicked out, but Finn gets to stay??? That was so completely uncalled for. And Hope only thinks about the kiss with Finn when Steffy constantly brings it up! If Steffy would just let it go, I’m sure everything would settle down. Steffy continues to be snide and bitchy to Hope. And she is definitely interested in seeing her parents get together!!

      And why is Taylor constantly at Forrester?? It’s just like last time. She loiters!! And now she’s a stalker and a spy!!

      Carter and Hope? I just don’t see it. I hate the way everyone gets with everyone on this show.

    7. Elle, I do agree, that was over the top from Steffy.. However, when Steffy left the room, and Finn walked in, Hope did make a beeline straight for him, and as Bbfan said, followed him across the room when he tried to distance himself from her, to keep the conversation going.. If Steffy was in the room, she wouldn’t have done that.. She is sneaky and waits till Steffy is not around!! It’s not that hard to avoid someone.. And what did she do when she walked into the office, straight up daydreamed about the kiss!! There were so many other people for her to talk to and look at.. Steffy knows how Hope operates.. Hopefully, even though I see no chemistry between them, Carter is also a really good guy.. and pretty much everything Hope wants in a man..

      I think it’s a stupid idea having Hope model Brookes Bedroom.. Firstly, the BB comeback is specifically about older women, still being able to look and feel sexy at their age, Hope is way to young to model for it.. Secondly, the message for Hopes line, doesn’t stand in line with BB.. Just stupid!! I can’t see young women buying Hopes line of clothing just because Hope models her mothers lingerie aimed for much older women?? Makes no sense.. Unless Carters idea is just to redraw attention on Hope, and in turn her line?? But, if young women don’t like the style of clothing, they are still not going to buy it regardless??

    8. Lynn, again, I saw nothing from Steffy to indicate her pushing her parents back together today?? Nothing!! It seems you see one tiny thing that in your mind, gives you an idea and you zoom in on it, and see nothing else??

      And Taylor has EVERY right to be there Lynn, her daughter is CoCeo and heir to the company, along with Thomas, Not Brooke, not Hope, they are employees!! She is there to spend time with the people she loves.. She wasn’t even aware of the shoot, and secondly I don’t think she was expecting Brooke and Ridge to be there at that time.. She has just as much right as Brooke or anyone else.. She is FAMILY…

    9. Colly, are you serious right now?? It’s literally the promotion / collaboration of BROOKE’S BEDROOM LINE!! But yeah, what the hell was Brooke doing there??!! The nerve of her!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      And Hope is there to support her mother’s line and Hope is also an employee!!!
      Steffy didn’t even want to be there and told Ridge she just wanted it to end. Because Steffy HATES IT when a Logan is in the spotlight.
      This wasn’t Steffy’s day, it was BROOKE’S day!! And as I said, Taylor is just loitering and looking for excuses to hang out at FC!!! Why doesn’t she spend time with those grandkids she keeps talking about nonstop??!! Oh that’s right, because she would much prefer to stalk Ridge at FC!!! Absurd!!

    10. @BBFan ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘ Hopeless provokes Steffy all the time, right from the start of every conversation. So Steffy must just forget about the kiss but Hopeless brings up every single thing that's happened in the past like now when HOpeless said "wow Steffy, I am surprised because the last time you weren't that keen a the BB photo shoot" Logan lovers think it's ok for them to make snarky remarks yet Steffy can't ๐Ÿคฃ Hopeless following Finn around the room like a dog and the still tries to bad mouth Steffy to her husband but Finn dismissed her very quickly, is HOpeless that thick skinned ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ she's humiliating herself and it's embarrassing ๐Ÿคฃ OMG ANY man that remotely looks at or talks to Hopeless causes her legs to part... Charlie better be careful not to talk to her ๐Ÿคฃ she's just like her mamma ๐Ÿคฎ Go Carter, give Hopeless exactly what she NEEDS ๐Ÿคฃ

    11. @Colly ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    12. And no, Taylor should not be hanging out there. People have work to do!! She clearly has an agenda. It was sooooo predictable that she would be at FC to be around Ridge every chance she got! She is incredibly transparent. And Brooke told her just the day before that they were having a celebration for Brooke’s Bedroom Line today!! But I guess Taylor casually forgot about it! LMAO!!
      Don’t you remember Brooke making her grand entrance into the office when Ridge was talking to Taylor the previous day?! Brooke told Taylor they were going to have a collaboration event for BB. And that’s when Taylor said she better get going because apparently she was going to feel like a third wheel if she stayed. Maybe Taylor’s heart condition is also affecting her memory!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    13. Lynn, I was referring to the part of your comment that you said what is Taylor doing hanging around FC, and she is loitering.. not about BB.. As I said, she has more right to be in the building than Brooke and Hope, they are employees.. Taylor’s family owns and runs the business and is heir to the business.. As you say, it’s not complicated Lynn.. and u make it sound like she is there ALL day.. If she wants to pop in to see the people she cares about she can!! No different to Brooke prancing around the place like she owns it ALL, even in meetings, prior to her recent involvement.. She and Hope are employees!! Is it that hard to understand??

    14. Colly, I agree with both you and BBFan about Hope however, my point is, if Finn was not there, Hope would not have had cause to make a beeline straight for him. Steffy is the one who told Hope to stay away from her husband with the condition that she will lose HFTF if she doesn't. So why bring her husband to the place where Hope works?! It's like telling an alcoholic to stay away from alcohol then, proceed to swish that bottle of alcohol in the person's face. Steffy is playing a very dangerous game which can result in her losing Finn. He's already had to tell her twice that he only has eyes for her and Hope can do whatever she wants, it won't make him leave his wife and family. I will even go so far as to say that I don't think this has anything to do with Finn at all (Steffy is confident in her husband's love and commitment to her). This just has to do with Steffy sticking it to Hope. Everyone was shocked about Steffy deciding to keep HFTF. She only kept it to hang it over Hope's head, and I have a feeling that it is not going to end well for Steffy.

    15. I don't know why people have a problem with Taylor being at FC. As Colly said, it's her family's company. Of course she's going to be there. Just like Finn is there all the time (to give professional neck massages ๐Ÿคญ) and just like Liam used to be there all the time when he and Hope were still married. It's THE main set of the show. Where else would she be?

      Colly, I agree with you. I haven't seen anything concrete to suggest that Steffy is trying to push her parents back together. But, as I said before, people will see what they want to see. It's like when Thomas returned to work and started working closely with Hope on HFTF, all we heard was that he would be back to daydreaming about Hope and about how he planted the mannequin in the office etc. However, all we've seen is Thomas mature and become a better version of himself. He loved Hope with a purity of heart and eventually gave her up when he realized she didn't love him the same way. When I start to see Steffy answering her father's phone calls, or preventing Brooke from seeing her father, that's when I'll believe that she's trying to push her parents back together again.

    16. Elle, I get what your saying, but, is it fair that Steffy, the CEO, and majority shareholder and part owner of the company, can’t invite her husband along to a work event, all because an employee, Hope is after her husband, which should not be happening in the first place?? That’s a bit unfair to Finn also?? Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I remember you saying you own your own business, sorry if I am wrong, but what I am trying to say, is if you have your business, and one of your employees was kissing and going after your husband, and you were not able to bring him along, how would you feel.. It’s not justifiable or fair to you, or your husband, to say, well if you don’t trust her, then don’t let your husband enter your place of business that you own, so as not to tempt your employee?? See what I mean.. It’s ludicrous to ban your husband because of an employee??

    17. Elle I commented but it didn’t come up, so will try again.. I get what you are saying love, but do you really think it’s fair on both Steffy and Finn, that, she can’t even invite her husband to a work event, or visit your place of work, (which you part own and are the CEO of), because your employee is going after your husband.. That’s not right or fair.. If I had a business and was ceo of it, I certainly would not ban my husband because my employee was trying to seduce and homewreck my marriage!! Why should I have to in the first place.. If Steffy wants her husband there, then he should be, it’s HER and her families business..

    18. Spot on Elle about the huge fuss over Taylor being there, it’s an absolute joke.. No one who is complaining now, said a word when Brooke prior to recently getting involved in the business again, was CONSTANTLY “loitering” around FC listening in on everyone, sticking her nose in everyone’s business, even attending meetings, we heard boo from and Logan supporter.. Steffy has majority of shares , much more than Ridge himself and is majority shareholder, and CEO.. Her brother is also a shareholder, along with her father and grandfather, so if Taylor wants to pop in , she has every right to!! At this stage, Brooke and Hope are employees only!! And Brooke is Ridges girlfriend! Oops that’s going to go down well isn’t it ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ wait for it!! And there has been nothing yet to indicate at all that steffy or Taylor are doing anything to “steal” Ridge!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ in fact Taylor has been VERY respectful of their relationship, the complete opposite of what is being said!! It’s amusing, every its said they are scheming, yet everyday I see nothing that resembles what they are being accused of.. They seem desperate to cling on to nothing as of yet!!

    19. Colly, if your co-worker was after your husband, would you continually invite him to office events then tell your co-worker that she has to leave? It's not fair all around. For me, I would definitely invite my husband and be confident in his love for me. My co-worker is the one with the problem, not my husband. Matter of fact, seeing us together and seeing his devotion to me, should drive the point home to my co-worker that he is not at all interested in her.

    20. You can make excuses all day long about Taylor having a right to be there, but it has zero merit. The word “right” is the problem with your sentence. Of course Hope and Brooke ARE going to be there everyday because they work there!! And Taylor does not!!! Visiting once or twice is not the problem, but she has decided to make herself a fixture there. And why??? So she can spend.time with Ridge!! She’s as transparent as a cheap shirt!!! Completely inappropriate!
      And quit acting like Hope and Brooke are equivalent to the janitor!! BB is making the company more profit than any other line!!! Not to mention that Brooke has a senior position within the company! And Hope has a line of her own!! YES, Hope and Brooke have EVERY RIGHT to be there. And moreover, they ARE THERE everyday because that’s where they work!! Good lord!

    21. So I’ll say it again….Taylor is loitering!! 100% LOITERING!

    22. Too bad Hope is never working on her line. She’s too busy causing trouble !

    23. Elle, thank you for admitting that Steffy kept Hope’s line up and running just so she could hold it over Hope’s head. That’s what I had said all along, but I was told I was just looking for an excuse to bash Steffy. Steffy never has the best of intentions when it comes to Hope. Plain and simple. Nothing new here.
      And the same thing holds true where her mom and dad are concerned. Steffy always wants things exactly like SHE wants them. There is zero room for anyone else to have an opinion on the matter. And that’s just one of the many many reasons she is such a bitch. IMO.

    24. Actually BBFAN, we saw Hope ‘WORKING’ just this week….when Steffy showed up late and walked in on Hope while Hope was there at the desk WORKING. And Steffy had spent the morning with her mom, then strolls in and starts talking to Hope about how her mom and dad truly care about each other and so on! We see Hope in meetings. We see her looking at samples of fabric and doing things on her computer all the time. The narrative about Hope never working is old and tired!

    25. Lynn, firstly, your comment “the word right is what’s wrong with your sentence”?? Ummm, NO, just because you say so, makes it wrong.. It’s as I said!! She has every “right” to pop in as often as she wants!! Even Ridge said so! The only ones who don’t want her there is the Logan’s, because they are worried she is going to “steal” Ridge!! Taylor and Ridge had a family long before RJ came along, and they are still and will always be a family, like it or not!! The name Logan is not on the building.. Until “recently, Brooke was not involved in the daily running of the business, so she spent her time “loitering” around FC ALL day!! And Hope only has a line, because her mother asked Ridge for it, so it was handed to her on a silver platter, and therefore, despite no education, studies, qualifications, Hope became “the face of “HFTF” and its message! Without the Forrester designers, it’s nothing! Steffy and Thomas had to attend studies at University and start in the mail room and earn their positions!! Brookes contributions, other than the BeLief formula, is the same, she is the “face” of BB and Ridge is the designer! Brooke was made part of the executive team, because Ridge wanted it, not even consulting Steffy, it was handed to her by Ridge! She is only part of the executive team! So I maintain they are employees.. Yes Brooke’s face , name and modeling the line helped make it a success , but the designs are not hers! So I say again, Taylor has every “right” to visit her family at FC.. The invisible agenda you have created for Taylor is yet to be seen.. If I see it, then I will agree!

    26. And, I will also say, that I agree with Elle, where Steffy keeping Hopes line going, is so that she can keep an eye on Hope.. which I also agree is wrong! But Steffy is not stupid enough to let Hope go so she has more time to chase her husband around!

    27. Lynn, I say this respectfully, please “quit” telling me to “quit” something, and what words are problematic in my sentences.. It’s not your place to tell me to “quit” anything or what is problematic in my comments.. I don’t say anything in my comments that are problematic or shouldn’t be there.. Thanks love!

    28. I’ll keep it short. Steffy is insecure and paranoid about Hope or she wouldn’t be doing what she’s doing.
      We had to hear how Steffy was never insecure. And yet here we are. And Taylor is loitering. Loitering, loitering, loitering. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    30. Colly, I actually said from the minute I saw the meeting where Steffy said she wasn’t gonna kill Hope’s line that she was only doing it to hold that over Hope so Hope didn’t step out of line with Finn. So don’t you mean you agree with me?? The Steffy fans were saying Steffy did what she did for the ‘right’ reasons and that Steffy should be praised for giving Hope’s line another chance. But now that it’s obvious Steffy’s motives are not pure, the Steffy fans are admitting Steffy did it to keep an eye on Hope. As much as you may want to think that my opinions or assumptions are wrong, I’m right a lot! Which brings me to my predictions about Taylor and Steffy’s motives about Ridge. It may be in the very early stages at this point, but it’s definitely moving in that direction. And it will get more and more apparent as we move forward with Taylor’s illness.

    31. I agree that it is part, but not all of the reason.. Steffy has only asked one simple thing from Hope, to stay away from her husband, despite the fact that she shouldn’t even have to!! So let’s put the blame where it actually belongs, Hope!! It was made very clear by Hope to her mother, she had no intentions of giving it up with Finn, until, Steffy had to force her hand!! And still, it is not stopping Hope, as we saw in this episode.. So taking the focus off of Hope and putting it onto Steffy, is not going to work!! Again, her own mother does not trust her daughter when it comes to Finn.. If Steffy needs to give her employee an ultimatum to stay away from her marriage, then so be it!! Is Steffy being unreasonable? That remains to be seen, but so far, with this episode, Hope doing what she should not have when Steffies back is turned.. The way she was watching Finn with that look in her eyes and on her face, that Steffy did catch.. Steffy way overreacted, and was nasty, I agree, but Steffy was forced into giving Hope the ultimatum.. I don’t like AT ALL the way Steffy was, but she has asked only one thing, stay away, and Hope so far has not been able to do that!

    32. She didn’t even acknowledge her sister, that how focused on Finn she was.. Getting in while she could, while Steffy wasn’t around.. Turn it on Steffy all you want, Hope is responsible for her own actions!! If the tables were turned, Steffy would be absolutely be hammered with all sorts of nasty comments, and copping it left right and centre.. End of the day, Hope is in the wrong trying to break up a marriage and family, simple Lynn, and there are young kids at stake also!! That is called home wrecking! Something Hope watched her mother do all of her life up till recent years.. Hope keeps saying, she doesn’t want to be that woman?? Let’s remember this is not the first time Hope broke up Steffy’s marriage, and remember how Beth was conceived??

    33. “And Taylor is loitering. Loitering, loitering, loitering. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚” was that fun Lynn ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️

    34. Nothing Hope has said to Finn has been remotely inappropriate since she was raked over the coals for the kiss at Eric’s. Now Taylor….that’s an entirely different story. Taylor has been saying all kinds of inappropriate things to Ridge. Telling him she still loves him. He is the love of her life and how she thought they would grow old together. Not to mention the stalking she is doing. Spying on him and yes LOITERING at FC, so she can spend as much time as possible with him. Even though she knows full well he is with Brooke! But sure let’s focus on the minute that Hope said a few pleasantries to Finn. Cuz that makes perfect sense!! LOL !!

    35. Ahhhhh, Lynn, that’s obviously the only part of the (long) conversation you heard and zoomed in on๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ It was said in a reminiscent way, as she was defining how short life can be, and how much she missed with her kids while away, remember all that stuff?? she also said that she was happy that Ridge is happy with Brooke, and other things implying she accepts his relationship with Brooke!! I have only seen Taylor be respectful of their relationship thus far.. Secondly, Taylor reached the area they were, and stopped in her tracks when she them, it was written on her face the surprise they were there, she didn’t purposely go to that spot to “spy” on them๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ Then her heart started to play up.. Seriously, you are soooo desperate to pinn something on Taylor๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ Hope has not said anything to others since then, but has said PLENTY of inappropriate things to her mother, hence why Brooke doesn’t trust her own daughter! Also, it wasn’t what Hope said that was the issue Lynn, it was her taking an opportunity while Steffy was gone, made a beeline and when he tried to distance , followed him.. Watched him with the same look in her eyes and on her face!! That’s the problem!

    36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    37. Colly, Hope was looking at the singer with a look in her eye. She wasn’t looking at Finn. She was starstruck, just as she was when JJ (or whatever his name was) was talking to her and complimented her on her accomplishments and HFTF. She was clearly excited she was meeting a rockstar!! And before that happened, she even asked Steffy if she could escort him to the area they were filming. But of course Steffy shut her down promptly.

      And of course Taylor knew Ridge and Brooke were there. Taylor was literally watching them on the big screen before she made her way down there. Did Taylor think they were just going to evaporate? She went down there with the intention of seeing Ridge or spying on Ridge and Brooke. Either way, Taylor definitely knew they were there.
      And yes, I heard Taylor tell Ridge everything she told him. But that has nothing to do with the inappropriate things she told him. The inappropriate things Taylor said to Ridge don’t just get ‘cancelled out’ because she said other things that were on the up and up. By that logic, the things that Hope said to Finn that were fine and normal also cancel out the inappropriate things she said to him.

    38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    39. I’ve tried to post this comment multiple times. Let’s see if third time’s the charm ???
      First off - just because Taylor said some appropriate things that were intermingled with her inappropriate things….doesn’t get her off the hook!! She is definitely saying things to Ridge that are out of line and she is fishing! And that’s not OK. She needs to back up her lip-service that she respects Ridge’s relationship with Brooke by staying clear of certain words or statements that are leading.
      Would Hope get a pass if only some of her words to Finn were out of line?? I don’t think so! For God’s sake…..Hope can’t even glance in Finn’s general direction without Steffy coming unglued!! What total complete hypocrisy and double standards!
      And as far as Taylor is concerned and her going down to the salon….she definitely knew Ridge and Brooke were down there. She had just seen them on the live big screen just a minute before. Was Taylor under the impression they were simply gonna evaporate in the minute it took her to get down there? She either went to see Ridge (for the umpteenth time) or to spy on Brooke and Ridge. Either way, it makes Taylor look bad!!

    40. Colly, your going on and on about how Taylor is family and how Brooke and Hope are “just emoloyees” is completely untrue! Brooke and Hope are FAMILY and employees. So that trumps anything Taylor has.
      Brooke was married to Ridge and now they are back together - living together. Taylor is Ridge’s ex-wife and is not currently in a relationship with him, Brooke is. And Ridge helped raise Hope as her stepdad since Deacon was not in the picture at the time. So as I said, Brooke and Hope are family and employees! Bye, bye Taylor.

    41. Lynn, Hope is family to Brooke, she is not a Forrester, not even Ridges step daughter at the current moment..๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ Brooke is Ridges girlfriend, not fiancรฉ, not wife at the moment! It’s ludicrous to say it trumps Taylor?? Are you kidding? ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ It doesn’t trump Taylor one iota!! Ridge and Taylor were married looong before he ever married Brooke, and they had 3 children together!! I know you you don’t like it, but Ridge had 3 kids and was married to Taylor for a very very long time, way before he married Brooke!! They will always be a family and nothing can change that!! Simple..

    42. Hope wasn’t looking at the singer, she even said to Steffy when she told her I saw you looking at my husband, Hopes response was something along the line of, what, watching Finn excited to meet JJ, or something like that, so she even admitted it.. But having said that, I will say it again, Steffy was way over reacting and was nasty!! She should not have told Hope to leave, it was very unfair!!

    43. Elle, your comment at 6:48am, I see your point and I absolutely agree with you.. And I do think Steffy was being totally unreasonable!! And she was nasty about it, and was totally unfair that Hope was made to leave.. My points were more about those saying Steffy should not have invited Finn, because imo, she should not have to ban him because of Hope!! I would do the same as you, but Steffy is acting insecure, and I think it’s either because Finn has ignored her concerns in the past, or because of what Hope has done in the past to Steffy when she was married to Liam, especially the last time when she conceived Beth and Hope and Brooke demanded she let Liam go so Hope could have the perfect pregnancy! That’s when Steffy handed him to Hope, and left the triangle! Hopes excuse to Liam, was his feelings for Steffy is why she cheated, yet what is she doing now??

    44. Lol Colly, I do not know if Ridge has spent more years married to Brooke or Taylor. But what I do know is that Brooke and Ridge have been married for many many many years. They are living together and in a committed relationship now. Taylor and Ridge have been divorced for decades. So Brooke is just as much FAMILY as Taylor is!! So Brooke is not simply an employee as you love to say just to completely minimize Brooke’s importance. It’s absurd!!! When Brooke is told by Ridge that she is the love of his life, I think that pretty much says it all !!

    45. As far as the JJ thing and Hope watching Finn being excited about meeting JJ….who the hell cares??
      She wasn’t picturing having sex with Finn. She watching rock star she is a big fan of and Finn being excited about meeting him. Oh my!!!! Hope should be tarred and feathered for such horrific behavior!!! LMAO!! Steffy’s lost her damned mind!

    46. And as far as this whole JJ / Finn / Hope thing….it is completely ridiculous that Steffy is acting like a mad woman! Hope was looking at JJ and seeing Finn’s excitement about meeting a rock star that Hope is also very much a fan of! Good lord….Hope should probably be tarred and feathered for such horrid behavior the way crazy jealous Steffy reacted!!! LMAO!!! To justify Steffy’s behavior….Hope may as well have been fantasizing about having sex with Finn! But nothing even close to that was going on! Steffy is acting way over the top jealous and nuts! And as I said before….its not a good look for her!

  3. As usual, Taylor made the episode interesting. :)

  4. No please Taylor
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. Typical lame writing from Brad Bell, everyone forgot that Carter is with Katie, Katie whines to Bill and Carter prefers Hope. :D

    1. Carter & Katie broke up off screen.

    2. Carter and Katie have been over for a while now, Katie said something about them being better as friends .

  6. TY Bob. Have a great week end!!

  7. Hottest Bridge scene since Ridge dumped Brooke for texting with Deacon in 2012. :D

  8. Replies
    1. Hope is still after her husband so no paranoia… it’s called over a decade of having Hope chase Steffy’s husband and sleep with him. There is a lot of history and Steffy would be an idiot to trust Hope! Brooke doesn’t trust Hope!

    2. BBFAN, I don’t think Hope is still after Finn. She was simply having an innocent conversation and Steffy is totally paranoid!

    3. Lynn Hope should not be having ANY conversation with Finn.. None!! After the things she did, the dressing room which Steffy doesn’t even know about, and waiting till Steffy was out of sight, and jumping on Finn, that’s calculated.. I can’t imagine, you yourself letting that woman anywhere near your husband again!! As Bfan said, even Brooke doesn’t trust Hope around Finn or not!! So if Brooke doesn’t trust Hope, then why on earth would Steffy!!

    4. Colly, then I guess if Steffy is going to be that paranoid, maybe she shouldn’t have invited her husband to an event at the company where Hope works! She should have thought it through! It’s not like Hope had to hunt Finn down. There were about 10 - 15 people in the room. What’s Hope supposed to do…act like she doesn’t see Finn?? How exactly is Steffy expecting that to go? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      How many times did I have to hear from the Steffy fans that Steffy kept Hope’s line alive because Steffy was concerned about Hope turning into her mother….and she was just trying to look out for Hope??!! NO, Steffy kept Hope’s line alive so she could watch her like a hawk! And for no other reason! I hope HFTF does get cut, then Steffy won’t be able to hold that over Hope’s head any longer.
      Even Finn gave Steffy a weird look. Steffy is acting jealous and insecure. Not a good look for her.
      And Steffy and Taylor are doing exactly as I expected also….they are hyper-focusing on the idea of Taylor with Ridge. Steffy is the worst kind of hypocrite. The whole time she is telling Hope not to undermine her marriage, Steffy is hoping her mom and dad end up together. It’s the subject of almost every Steffy discussion. What a joke!!

    5. Again Lynn, I saw NOTHING, AT ALL, today that indicates Steffy pushing her parents back together!! I don’t know what show you are watching?? You can word it, hyper focusing, what ever you want to call it!! Nothing has shown Steffy pushing it, or Taylor for that matter.. Would Steffy like to see them together if they decided it was what they wanted, yes, of course.. But you keep ranting on and on and on about what you predicted is happening, like a dog with a bone, when it has not yet happened.. Taylor has actually been great and respectful of Ridge and Brooke’s relationship!! Steffy saying to her mother she sees how much she loves her father, does not equal to her doing something to make it happen.. It seems you just desperately want it to happen so you can say you were right and to take the focus off Hope and so you have more to bitch about with Steffy and Taylor?? It can’t be more obvious.. So no, Lynn, they are not doing exactly as you expected or predicted..

    6. That's exactly how I see it, Colly. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Taylor has been nothing but respectful toward Ridge and Brooke. If anything, Ridge has been the one constantly flirting with Taylor. I don't know if he's hoping to see a slither of proof that's she's still into him, or what, but it's very inappropriate. But Taylor? No. She has even shown her support for Bridge as endgame in Thursday's episode when Steffy looked at her like she was going mad. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    7. Exactly Elle!! And Lynn, in regards to Steffy shouldn’t be inviting her HUSBAND to an event where the “employee” trying to take her husband works.. Well, for starters, Hope works for FORRESTER creations, should Steffy, the CEO and majority share holder and part owner wish to invite her husband to an event, then she absolutely can and should be able to.. Hope proved today she can’t be trusted.. Steffy is absent from the room, Finn walks in, Hope beelines for him instead of walking away, then when he tried to distance himself from her, she followed him across the room to keep the conversation going.. Hope is lucky to still be working at “her place of work”.. Steffy shouldn’t have to ban her husband in the first place, should she!! Don’t get me wrong, I think Steffy went way overboard today, especially because she didn’t see Hope chasing Finn around the room.. But at the end of the day, Steffy can absolutely have her husband come to business.. Would you Lynn, ban your husband from coming into a business you managed and owned, because of an employee trying to steal your husband?? I think so!!

    8. Colly, why in so many of your comments do you ask me if I would allow that kind of thing around my husband? When I used to ask questions like that of bloggers, I would get laughed at and told “this is a soap and not real life!” So there is no need to talk about my family as an example.
      What I will say is that most every single conversation between Steffy and Taylor, Steffy is fishing about the idea of her mom being back together with her dad. Steffy brought it up the discussion with Hope as well. Steffy is CLEARLY preoccupied with the idea. Has she acted on it yet….no. But this is how it always starts. So it’s simply a natural progression. It shows in the previews that Steffy pitches her sentiments to Eric next week. All of this is planting seeds. Otherwise, why say it at all ?? You act like it is all so innocent, but with Steffy….nothing is innocent!!!
      And Taylor spying on Ridge and Brooke??!! What the hell is that about ? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. Taylor is spending waaaaaay too much time around Ridge. She shouldn’t constantly be at FC. She should be getting her practice up and running like she said she was gonna do. Or she should be at the beach-house with her grandkids she supposedly loves so much. But instead she chooses to go to FC all the time. And where does she spend a majority of her time….with Ridge!!! If you can’t see the writing on the wall, then I don’t know what to tell you. LOL!!
      And maybe the most ridiculous irony is….you are complaining about Hope spending 1 minute talking to Finn at the company event like Hope is so completely out of line. Oh the hypocrisy! Maybe Brooke should demand Taylor stay away from Ridge like Steffy demands Hope stay away from Finn. But the bottom line is this…..Brooke actually has confidence in her relationship, but clearly Steffy does not. Steffy is acting very insecure. And as I said earlier….it is not a good look. And Finn seemed perfectly happy to talk to Hope when he ran into her. He was all smiles. And like others have mentioned…myself included…Finn gave Steffy a very weird look when she told him she told Hope to leave.
      As I said, Steffy has brought the idea of her parents being together multiple times! You don’t keep saying that to people unless that’s what’s on your mind and what you want to happen. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before Steffy puts a plan in motion. Because that’s just who Steffy is!! But NO ONE better mess with her family!!! Can you say HYPOCRITE?!!!

  9. What was Finn doing at Forrester in the first place ? This is business matter. I noticed that Steffy was dressed like psycho Luna today. I thought she would be traumatized with leather pants. Steffy was so out of order for talking to hope like that. she's pushing the button herself. I won't be surprised if she loses Finn.

  10. Bridget doesn’t work there and was welcome. Donna comes to all kinds of Forrester stuff because she’s married to Eric. Katie had Will at the office constantly etc. Finn is married to the CEO so if a big star is popping in to do something, of course he would be invited.

    1. Well said!!๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

    2. It’s fine that Finn was there. Doesn’t mean he trumps Hope!! Hope is an integral part of the company and Steffy dismissed her like she was some bad kid being put in a timeout! Steffy’s bitchy side was on full display today!! Just admit it BBFAN, she was totally out of line!!
      And I’m sure Hope was excited about seeing the singer and she wasn’t looking at Finn inappropriately! Steffy is completely paranoid which equates to jealousy!!!

    3. Well said Bfan!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    4. But I do agree, Steffy went overboard today!! It was unfair of her telling Hope to leave.. having said that, Hope really has no one to blame but herself for all of this.. It really is that simple.. She should have thought of the consequences before going after a married man, especially Steffy’s husband.. In all honesty, any other company and CoCeo would have let her go, instant dismissal..

    5. Agree Lynn. Finn being there is all well and good but Steffy should have considered that Hope was going to be there and accept that, in this instance, they would have to co-exist rather than tell her to leave.

      Colly, I agree that Hope should have considered the consequences of going after Steffy's husband but, I don't agree that she brought this all on herself. Steffy was absolutely horrid. It was unwarranted, especially since Steffy is the one who invited Finn knowing that Hope would be there.

    6. Elle, in all honesty and I have said it a few times, Steffy did go too far!! She was horrible.. And there’s been many times that I have not liked her behaviour at all.. But I do understand her concerns about Hope.. She knows how manipulative she can be , and she is over the back and forth, hence why she got out of the Liam triangle, and Hope got what she wanted, but now Hopes still not happy, she still has to go and target Steffies marriage again... when will Hope grow up??

    7. Colly, I'm just afraid that, in the process, Steffy is going to lose Finn. The way he looked at her after she told Hope to leave, he was not amused. And I don't think he's going to see it as Steffy taking a hard line with Hope. He will see it as his wife not trusting him or having faith in their relationship.

      Finn jumped in front of a bullet for her, he went all the way to Monaco searching for her until he found her, he cut ties with his mother for her, and he followed his intinct that something was wrong with his wife which led to him finding her locked up in a cage. What else does he have to do to prove that he is not interested in any other woman? Absolutely nothing is wrong with Steffy keeping an eye on Hope - she has every right. However, she can go about it in a different way, is all I'm saying.

    8. Very well said, Elle. I doubt it will actually go that far (at least any time soon) that she loses him, but it certainly is not helping their relationship that Steffy is so controlling. She should realize by now that Finn is nothing like her dad (or Liam) - Hope and anyone else can do what they want, he is solidly committed to her.

    9. Hope has A line, HFTF! She is in no way integral to Brooke’s Bedroom line!

      I know I know she’s Brooke’s daughter but wouldn’t her time be better spend SAVING her line?

      Steffy was harsh telling her to leave. However, if Hope wasn’t making eyes at Finn, Steffy wouldn’t have said anything!

      Hope literally just followed Finn around the room! She ignored Bridget who flew in special etc. Hope’s behaviour is causing the issue!

    10. BBFAN, others were in the room who weren’t directly part of BB as well. So what’s your point?? And I said Hope is an integral part of the COMPANY!! She has every right to be there celebrating the company’s collaborative event! But to that point, Hope may actually become an integral part of BB if Carter has anything to say about it!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      And Hope didn’t say anything out of line to Finn. And I certainly didn’t see Finn telling Hope he can’t talk to her or that she can’t talk to him! He said nothing of the kind. He was all smiles. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
      And Hope was excited about seeing the musician! She wasn’t looking at Finn in any inappropriate way! That’s just Steffy’s insecurity and paranoia on full display!! Steffy is 100% paranoid! And her paranoia is only making matters worse!

    11. Lynn, of course he smiled, he is not going to be rude to anyone, it’s not his nature, but did you see him trying to walk away from her to the other side of the room to create distance, and her follow to keep the conversation going? As Bfan said she didn’t even acknowledge Bridgette.. watch Finn’s body language as he tries to walk away and distance himself, when it didn’t work , he folded his arms, to create a subconscious barrier.. Did she not do what Steffy asked her not to do?? Why, because Steffy wasn’t in the room.. It’s not hard to avoid someone for goodness sakes.. And even for her own sake, she should avoid him at all costs, because she has pretty much said in conversation’s to Brooke , she has no intention of leaving Finn alone, because she believes he deserves someone like her, until Steffy forced her hand.. Yes, absolutely, Steffy was horrid, but Hope is not listening!! All Steffy asked of Hope, which she should not even have to, is to stay away from her husband! That’s it!

    12. Elle, Milla, I feel Steffies insecurities actually stem from, her persistantly expressing her concerns about Sheila and Hope, and Finn not listening, and going against her concerns.. I can understand that.. Steffy has every right to express her concerns in her marriage as does every woman in her marriage, it does not mean they are controlling.. It turned out Steffy was correct everytime, and Finn has repeatedly had to apologise, and has said himself numerous times, that he should have listened to Steffy.. I feel her insecurities are because she thinks Finn will do what he usually does, despite it being plain as day..

    13. Colly, but was Steffy right about Sheila? Sheila saved Kelly from drowning in the ocean. It was Luna who killed the two men at Il Giardino, not Sheila. And it was Sugar, not Sheila who broke into Steffy’s home with the intention of hurting Steffy.
      Yes, Sheila did shoot Steffy in the alley, but since then….Sheila hasn’t done anything to hurt Steffy. It’s all just been Steffy assuming Sheila was responsible for things that she wasn’t.

    14. Colly Steffy is not treating Finn like a man. It's similar to what Liam was doing with Hope and everyone jumped on him for being controlling and telling her she can't be around Thomas (when Liam's concerns were actually valid considering history). The only reason Finn apologized is because he wants peace, not because he's done anything wrong especially where Hope is concerned. Many other people would say that they are not responsible for anyone else's actions and that their own behavior has been nothing but faithful. Finn is a little ballless when it comes to Steffy, maybe it's his own fault she's treating him like a puppy.

    15. Lynn, why was Sheila at the beach in the first place?? Uh, it was she was stalking Finn, after being told by both Steffy and Finn himself to stay away! Regardless of wether it was Sugar, to Steffy, the cops, Finn, and all the viewers, she looked identical to Sheila, it’s silly to say oh she was wrong because it was Sugar , not Sheila, let’s see, how did Sugar end up the spitting image of Sheila, why did Sugar go after Steffy?? After not just the shooting, but keeping Finn hostage, and losing her mother for much of her childhood because of Sheila, then add all the other horrific shit, Sheila has pulled, can anyone blame her!! Seriously, if you watched Sheila over the years on both Y&R and B&B, you would never defend Sheila for any reason.. And Steffy did try extremely hard to understand Finn’s conflicted feeling, but she has two kids to protect.. Sheila is a psychopath, they can’t be rehabilitated.. I wouldn’t let her near my family.. Steffy is absolutely should protect her kids from a psychopath!! It would be completely irresponsible not to!!

    16. If Thomas can be rehabilitated, then so can Sheila. Sheila actually has shown herself to be very different now after her near death experience. And like I said, she has done nothing to Steffy in a long time.
      Steffy has been hell bent on putting blame on Sheila for things Sheila DID NOT do. That is wrong and inappropriate. Steffy’s axe to grind when it comes to Sheila has caused Steffy to jump to incorrect conclusions about Sheila over the last months. And that’s not OK. Sheila should be held accountable for things she’s actually done. But Steffy is determined to blame her for things she hasn’t done.

    17. Colly, I disagree. But if Steffy's insecurities are stemming from what you said, then her focus should be on Finn to ensure that he stays in line. I don't see how going after Hope is going to make him fall in line.

      Why I disagree is because I truly do not believe that this has anything to do with Finn. This is all about Forrester vs Logan for Steffy. First, she made sure that Thomas cut all ties with Hope - and take away their son away from her - and now, she has made it where she has full control over Hope. If this was about keeping Hope away from Finn, all Steffy had to do was cut HFTF, and she would have had full support from Ridge and Carter. She could have also taken it a step further and fired Hope for insubordination and be done with her. Why keep her around then flaunt Finn in her face? It's petty and vengeful.

    18. Lynn, where Thomas and Sheila are concerned, there is no comparison. Sheila is a cold-blooded murderer and finds pleasure in torturing people. She has no sense of right and wrong. She's diabolical and psychotic. Also, Thomas has actually sought professional help and apologized to the people he has hurt. What did Sheila do? Fall in love and voila! She's cured? I don't believe we've seen the end of Sheila's madness.

    19. Elle, you and I will never agree on Thomas’ evil / diabolical side. I think you downplay it to almost nothing. While I see it in him as something he will always have to keep in check so the demons don’t materialize again.
      And I agree Sheila has done horrific things…..just since I’ve been watching the show. And there were dozens of horrible things she did before I started watching.
      But I still say she can be rehabilitated as much as anyone. Just like Thomas, she will need to find a way to keep her demons in check because they will always lurk inside her.
      But all that is beside the point. What I’m saying is that Steffy has (on multiple occasions) accused Sheila of doing things that she had nothing to do with. And there is nothing OK about that. Sheila should of course be held accountable for things she’s done. But Steffy wants her to be held accountable for things she hasn’t done. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way!! You start playing that game and people won’t take you seriously.

    20. I'm not trying to downplay anything where Thomas is concerned. Simply saying that his rehabilitation is more believeable because of the steps he has taken to get better. We have not seen Sheila do any rehabilitation of any kind, neither have we seen her apologize to anyone for the things she has done. Matter of fact, she still blames Steffy for Finn getting shot and has not taken responsibility for HER actions to this day. This is why I feel that we have not seen the last of crazy Sheila. If the writers truly wanted to reform/redeem her, they would have done what they did with Thomas and had her admitted for psychiatric therapy.

    21. Elle, fair enough. Sheila should definitely take the necessary steps to address the demons in her head.
      I think part of it is that Deacon sees her as quirky instead of having a truly evil side. He empathizes with her too much instead of asking her to deal (professionally) with her dark side. I have seen a change in her, but for sure therapy would help maintain that change long term.

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The scene with Ridge, “wake up Taylor” if only there were a doctor or two in the house lol! lol wait there are 2 at present!

  12. Anyone else confused about how this artist pairs with Brooke’s Bedroom? He had a great voice but the music didn’t work with the video at all.

    1. Yes!! I was thinking the entire song, it does not go with BB at all?? I was very confused?? The song, the artist??

    2. @BBFan ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I couldn't work it out, his head was in the way of the video...then again thank God we saw JJ more than those bloomers ๐Ÿคฃ

    3. However, if you listen to the words of the song, it seems quite fitting ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I love that song.. I love the band!! Have for a long time..

  13. How has it been dcades and your heart still aches for this man. Go and love again so your heart can heal and you can live to be many years with your grand kids. Taylor if you weren't dying I'd truly believe that you are become bg obsessive like l
    Psycho Luna, for the love of money so are you for the love of Ridge.

    1. With your theory, the same could be said about Brooke.. She chased Ridge since she catered while she was still in school.. Both women can’t let go of him.. It’s the way they are written by the producers.. He is the love of both women’s lives.. He bounced between them for years.. He has told Taylor in the past she is the love of his life just like he has said to Brooke.. He is a womaniser.. The constant flirting, complements, rubbing her legs, shoulders touching every opportunity he gets, constantly pulling her in for huggs, things he says to her, could be part it!! He has bounced between them since the show started..

    2. @Colly ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘ Ridge is to blame....he is indeed a womanizer.

  14. Was it Koyasha who predicted that Hope will be modeling for Brooke's bedroom? There definitely was someone here who called it!
    But it was creepy of Carter to suggest it. He's Ridge's age who was like a father to Hope. He should stay away from her. He sees she's not been herself since she ended her marriage with Liam. Why would he want to make it worse?
    If I were Hope, I wouldn't have allowed Steffy to send me away. I'd have simply stayed and let her make a scene in front of a superstar, if she wants to. It was a lovely performance (one of my favorite songs ๐Ÿฅฐ)

    1. Milla. Glad you’re back!! ๐Ÿฅฐ

    2. Lynn ๐Ÿค— it didn't seem like anything interesting was happening that's why I started skipping episodes, but wanted to see this one with Kaleo. Let's see what next week brings.

    3. Carter is younger than Ridge by at least a decade. Seems he can be in the 40's to 50's age group because Quinn (who's in Ridge's age group) was older than Carter. Then he was with Katie who was more age appropriate, and who is Brooke's youngest sister. So that should make him somewhere in his late 40's to early 50's. I don't see him and Hope together but it would be a lot better than when he was with Paris, who's a child.

      Great to see you, M! Was about to post "where's Milla?" ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—

    4. I agree, Milla. Very uneventful.

  15. That was wrong of Steffy ordering Hope to leave. Steffy can't track Finn 24/7. Hope can visit him at his office if she wanted to. Or they always seem to run into each other at Deacon's restaurant. I can see Carter and Hope together. It would be a relief to a lot of people to see her interested in someone other than Thomas or Finn. Carter did look hot today. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  16. Hope will hook up with Carter because she sees it as a potential attempt to save her line & maybe to help keep Steffy off her back. Carter will be too dumb to notice.

    1. Carter always looks so desperate to get any female on this show. He definitely is not a match and has no chemistry with Hope, he is too old for her and has definitely been in everyone’s pants on this show. Just don’t see it. And Hope should not have made a bee line for Finn as soon as he showed up, she is like some bitch in heat. Why not piss on his leg to try to mark your territory? Always, when Steffy leaves, she pulls this. I wouldn’t keep scolding her, I would fire her ass, she is becoming such a psycho.

    2. Actually, Carter was suggesting that she be done with HFTF and join Brooke's Bedroom. HFTF has run its course. There's no need for it anymore. Plus, Steffy won't have anything to hold over her head anymore, which just might be the selling point for Hope.

  17. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ at this point she will hook up with ANYONE ๐Ÿคฃ Charlie should beware ๐Ÿคฃ

  18. Glad Steffy kicked Hopeless out, if you want to behave like a spoilt toddler then you need time out. It's absolutely disgusting how she behaves and followed Finn around the room like a dog ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ and Finn was trying to get away but STILL she followed him ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคฃok, so Carter was flirting with Hopeless and you could see by her face that her legs had already parted so two more days of him flirting with her and she will be in bed with him ๐Ÿคฃ forgetting her "love for Finn" ๐Ÿคฃ she's just like her mamma HOgan, screw their way to the top ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšฉ

  19. I think if some people don't like a character (or a family), that will never change no matter what the person does. It is possible for Hope and Carter to be 2 people who have worked together for years, but were never available at the same time until now. And I'm still saddened by how women are criticized way more harshly than men. We haven't seen Hope be intimate with anyone since Thomas several months ago. But now she might be interested Carter, and people are already calling her a hoe. She's in her 30s (I'm guessing), she's attractive, and she's not currently in a relationship. Oh my God! What a whore! She needs to be stoned to death in the town square! ☹
    And as for the age difference. It can't be as much as Eric and Donna. Or Eric and Quinn.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    2. Agreed.. I think Carter has what Hope wants in a man.. I think he would love her.. I don’t see chemistry between them yet, but if they go that way, it would be interesting to see!!

    3. I think that Carter would be good for Hope. He’s a loyal, loving, intelligent, humorous and very hot fella.

      Hope is in her 30’s Carter is in his early 40’s not a big age gap at all. He’s mature enough to treat her well and give her what she is looking for.

      I want to be happy, just not by trying to steal Finn.

      The fact is Hope is desperately unhappy. She has always been with immature men or ones who were troubled like Thomas. I think she would do well to be with someone who can get her detached from mummy’s leading strings, move out of that cabin on the estate and we know Carter really wants a family so they could make a beautiful baby together!

      Carter is a lot younger than Ridge, they are just besties.

      Carter is lovely and would make Hope happy if she gives him a chance.

    4. Want Hope to be happy ๐Ÿ˜Š

    5. I’m guessing Carter is about 15 - 18 years older than Hope. He certainly isn’t as old as Ridge who is in his 60’s. But I don’t see Hope with Carter. Especially after Carter dated her aunt and other women who are old enough to be Hope’s mother. They are running out of people on the show to swap around. Lol.

    6. Bfan, I too would like to see Hope happy in all honesty.. I don’t actually hate Hope, I just don’t like her behaviour, and she has always had a sense of entitlement to anything she wants!

  20. Mais pour qui se prend cette PUTE de Steffy? Bientรดt elle va lui interdire de respirer oรน de vivre! N emmene pas ton mari chez Forester, lร  oรน TRAVAILLE Hope! Et Taylor , toujours fourrรฉ chez Forester ร  renifler les fesses de Ridge, elle dit รชtre lร  pour sa fille et petits enfants...ah oui, je ne l ai jamais vue avec eux depuis๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”tjs dans le bureau de Ridge, pauvre fille! Elle espรจre tjs quoi qu elle dise...tellement pathรฉtique...elle fait pitiรฉ !
    Sinon elle n a pas de travail ?
    Steffy, grandit un.peu, tu es adulte, l affaire de tes parents n est pas ton affaire, tu mรปri
    l espoir comme une enfant de rรฉunir ENCOORE tes parents malgrรฉ TOUS ces ECHECS!!!

    1. Taylor came to see her daughter! Who is CEO! Taylor is dying and rightly wants as much time as possible with her children!

      Kelly is in school! She cannot keep her from education because she is dying! Taylor can spend time with the grandbairns after school hours.

      She was clearly feeling terrible and wanted her daughter !

      If it was Brooke in that situation we would hear how heartless we are being for not supporting her right to be with loved ones before she dies!

      Eric just told she’s family and always welcome!

      She wasn’t there for Ridge!

    2. She was totally there for Ridge!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    3. Taylor is living with Steffy & can see her anytime she is home. So, there is no reason for Taylor to surprise Steffy at work (which she did). Taylor loiters at FC just like Poppy did. Poppy was there to see Luna. Taylor is there to see Ridge. It clearly pained Taylor to watch Ridge being affectionate with Brooke. It wouldn't hurt so bad if she didn't have feelings for Ridge. Yes, the love triangle is back. Sigh.

    4. Taylor isn’t living with Steffy. She owns her own home. She bought back her home that she and Ridge moved in when they were first married. That was back when Ridge swore he couldn’t live without her and begged her to give him another chance etc happened.

      Taylor stopped by to see Steffy.

      Regardless, Taylor up until recently was a shareholder at Forrester as well as being Family!

      Brooke WASN’T working for Forrester anymore, Ridge brought her back. She was constantly showing up and sticking her oar in or just loitering around the office. But I forget she’s Brooke so she can do whatever she wants.

      Poor Taylor can’t even die in peace without all the ugly comments and accusations.

      Of course she looks sad. Brooke, who is selfish and self-centred and hurt so many people gets literally everything handed to her on a platter. Taylor sacrificed years of her life to help others and is dying too young and is alone.

      Of course it would hurt! I think Taylor is torn because she wants Rodge to be happy and it hurts he is doing it with Brooke.

      The price she pays to spend time with Steffy and the wee ones, is seeing Brooke with Ridge.

    5. Isn't RJ living in that house now?

      "Taylor" isn't reading our comments & accusations. So, if Taylor does not die in peace, we (the fans) aren't to blame.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. BBFan which home do you mean? When she thought she'll be with Ridge, she bought the beach house (which they lived in when they first got married). But when things fell apart with Ridge, the house ended up back with Bill/Wyatt and RJ bought it (or rented? Can't remember but he def is living there now). I think Taylor lives with Steffy now, nobody has mentioned any other home.

    8. Renee, very good points!

      BBFAN, I truly doubt she is going to die. This is just another SL replicating the Eric death saga. Taylor will probably live. And then the three way love triangle will be on full display.
      As far as Brooke not working at FC anymore before Ridge brought her back….I don’t think that’s accurate. I think she still was making contributions to the company, but probably working very infrequently. Now she’s taken on a more “active” senior role.
      Colly got wrapped up in the word “RIGHT” to be there when she was referring to Taylor being there all the time. But it’s not about her ‘rights,’ it’s about what is appropriate. This is simple…..if you don’t work there, but you are hanging around all the time, then you are loitering. Taylor is loitering so she can spend time with Ridge.

    9. Then Brooke, Liam, Poppy and every other characters, was loitering when they didn’t work there, so what the hell is the problem with Taylor visiting?? It’s Logan supporters who are “wrapped up” in Taylor being there, why is that?? Brooke wasn’t working there Lynn, not for a long time, she would help out once in a while, anyone who needed a hand, but she wasn’t officially an employee, yet was there all day every day!! But that’s ok because it’s Brooke yeah?? Logan supporters don’t like her there because of who she is, no other reason.. She has every “right” to visit.. You make it sound like she is there ALL day, like Brooke used to ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ sorry but what is petty is all the fluff being made over Taylor visiting her family, which actually includes Ridge by the way.. She is there to her family!!

    10. Renee, yes RJ is renting.. Taylor did buy it when Ridge conned her to go back to him, but I think she sold it back to Bill.. In regards to the fans being “responsible for Taylor not dying in peace”, I think what Bfan was trying to say, is that, if it were the other way around and Brooke was dying and wanting to spend as much time as possible with her family who all work at Forrester, and Forrester fans kicked up a stink about her being there and making accusations that are unfounded at this point, we would cop it from Brooke supporters, that we were cold and heartless, and should let her die with her family around.. She is not saying it’s the fans fault..

    11. Colly, yes…..Poppy definitely loitered at FC. And Liam would come sometimes because he had business there as it related to Spencer Publications. And sometimes he went there to talk to Steffy about Kelly.
      I never saw Brooke there everyday. But I do now, now that she’s taken on a more important position. She never lost her ties to FC because they still sell the Belief Formula (or whatever it’s called) and Brooke’s Bedroom Line.
      I’m done arguing about this. Bottom line….Taylor needs to get her business up and running again like she said she was gonna do. And she needs to spend time with her grandkids like she said she was gonna do. All she seems interested in is seeing Ridge. If she actually kicks the bucket then it’s all a moot point. But I don’t see it going that way. Finn is gonna save her.

    12. Every time I've seen Brooke at FC now and in the past, she was holding some papers or was coming/going to meetings. She was spending time there working. The fact that we still don't know what her title was doesn't mean she wasn't working. She definitely wasn't just dropping by like Poppy and Taylor.

      For the record I think it's fine that Taylor is there now, considering her condition. She shouldn't be alone and I don't think she can really work. It's definitely a different situation for her now than before (previous actress) when she was just there dropping by and meddling, when she theoretically had a practice and patients.

    13. Amen, Lynn. I still think Taylor is staying at Steffy's. I think Taylor's life will be spared. I believe both Brooke & Taylor ♥️ Ridge (that makes a ♥️ ๐Ÿ”บ). Taylor loiters at FC (the same way Poppy used to loiter there). I believe the writers do this to save $ building sets. Also, scenes with Taylor babysitting her grandchildren & setting up her office would be kind of boring, so inserting her at FC & showing interest in Ridge is how the writers spice up her character. I am neither team Logan nor team Forrester. That said, I hoped we were done with the love triangle story, but I fear we are going to revisit it again.

    14. Haven't watched Fridays ep., so shouldn't comment. Just reading comments to see what I might have missed. Milla I had to stop and chuckle at your comment. Brooke has always been working at FC, holding papers,coming/going to meetings so she was working. Not to long ago, all I heard was Steffy does nothing at work except shuffle papers, comes/goes to meetings, but of course be a "bitch". Just want to know what the difference is when it relates to Brooke, opposed to Steffy?

    15. D I purposely wrote it like this to show exactly that Brooke has been doing the same things as Steffy - working to the extent that any of them (non-dssigners) are working. Quite different to what Poppy and Taylor are "doing" at the company. It's definitely not the paper shuffling that makes Steffy a B, I think that should be clear by now.

    16. 1st, there is no comparison what Poppy or Taylor are doing, or as some say loitering, at the company. That should be clear by now.
      2nd, I think a lot of people perceive Steffy as a bitch because, she is outspoken, speaks her mind, sometimes a little harsh, and for decades has watched the Logans at their best. She's the newer generation of Forrester and doesn't fall for their BS and is making that clear.

    17. D - if you don’t work at a company, but you are there all the time… doesn’t matter who you know or who your family is. If you don’t have business there, but you continue to hang out and simply chat with people, then YOU ARE LOITERING. When Taylor gets a job at FC and starts doing some work and being productive at FC, then she will no longer be loitering. Until then, she is.

      And Steffy is a bitch because she treats people who aren’t her family in a very nasty manner. She talks down to people, scolds people, berates people, demands that everything go her way, etc.. All traits of a bitch!

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. D the whole topic was Poppy and (especially) Taylor's presence compared to Brooke's. You're the one who brought Steffy into the comparison for whatever reason. I was talking about Brooke's work and respective presence at the company. Nothing to do with anyone's bitchiness.
      You can perceive Steffy as you want, it's a free world. I perceive her differently and am not trying to change anyone's mind, wouldn't have even talked about her or her character in this topic.

    20. Colly, thank you, you clarified exactly what I meant!

      Milla, thank you for being reasonable about a woman who is dying wanting and needing to be around her family.

      Ridge is her family too they were married for years, had children together and remained close friends despite his being with Brooke.

      I don’t think Brooke, one she knows Taylor is dying, will have any issues with Taylor being around either. Especially since they are trying to be friends again.

    21. BBFan I for sure agree that Taylor is very very important to Ridge and that their family should come together for her. And if Brooke makes a stink about it, I'll call her out ๐Ÿ˜‚

  21. I laughed when Hope said she isn’t a lingerie designer! Hope DOESNT design ANYTHING!!!

    She is just the face of HFTF! I also laughed about her message being mentioned. What message is that? Rich spoiled brats like me can wear ugly clothes and pay huge amounts as they run around trying to break up other people’s marriages???

    Zende and RJ are the designers and before that Thomas was.

    It was dumb because Hope was modelling lingerie for Finn when she openly tried to seduce him in the dressing room!

    1. 100%agreee.
      She's NO designer!!! she's just walks around the building and in everyone business!!!
      Ie take care your line that is suffering then hey mom need help blah blah.
      She better not model any lingerie!!!!!!

    2. Bfan, me too ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I cracked up!!

  22. I missed this episode but saw clips of it. And Steffy had every right to tell Hope to leave. You saw the way Hope kept following Finn and googling him with her bigass eyeballs. Is like damn girl move on with your life and leave Finn alone already. He don't want you. And is not because Steffy doesn't trust Finn is Hope she doesn't trust. That woman is exactly like her mother. If steffy wasn't there period she be making awhole lot of plays on Finn to get him into bed. And also Taylor had every right to be at that party Steffy is her daughter and ceo of FC. Bridget doesn't work there yet she came to see Brooke. I'll be damned if I ran a company and my mom or husband not allowed to be there like gtfo here with that.

  23. Apparently Taylor’s last show on the bold is November 10 and yes she will be dieing she’s out and leaving the show , bye bye Taylor ,

  24. Love JJ... follow him and Kaleo for awhile now... great music๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽถ... Thank you Bob ๐Ÿฅฐ., have a great weekend ๐ŸŒผ
