Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Luna had the right to defend herself when Stefy stalked her, did breaking and entering in to Luna's house and threatening her. Luna could use any means possible to defend herself just like when Stefy stabbed Sugar to death and she used self-defense excuse. Luna can detain the threat any way possible.

    1. Cop out ending and we lose good characters and get Ridge Taylor and Brooke ancient, shakey, boring triangle. Boo! Stefy will be back to her self-righteous steam rolling of Hope or other unfortunate character to have ever crossed paths with Stefy.

    2. Witchy you are so funny, they should you as a writer on the show, the things you come up with lol

    3. What a daft comment for the hundredth time! Steffy came to her door! She didn’t break in, turn out the electric during a storm, come with the pure intention of murdering Luna!

      Steffy had a homocidal maniac in her home there to kill her and anyone else that was home. Sugar was there to kill Steffy. She wasn’t some innocent victim!

      Steffy warned her to leave and get back and go.

      Steffy had a right to defend herself from someone she couldn’t possibly have known wasn’t the same person who had shot her in cold blood and left her to die, after taking evidence and doing their best to prevent her from being found or saved!

      Sugar would have killed Steffy if she hadn’t stopped her!

      Luna had NOTHING to defend herself from actually. She could have just claimed she was distraught and didn’t know what she was doing and kissed Bill etc etc.

      Clearly she doesn’t care about RJ so it wouldn’t matter if he found out since she was sure she seduce Bill.

      The whole premise was stupid.

    4. Speaking to someone that you allow into your house doesn’t give you the right to falsely imprison them, ever!

      Steffy wanted to speak to Luna because she saw her cheating on her brother. Luna could have shut the door in her face and lied to RJ like before.

      The point is that Luna is a sociopath!

    5. @Bbfan, don't waste your energy, Miss Poo just speaks a whole of of...well....POO 🤣 she loves the sound of her own words 🤣🤣 the only real stalker is Miss Poo, always First to watch and ALWAYS first to comment,....prowling the blog like HOgan's do the Forester men 🤣🤣🤣

    6. And you unknown always talking about others stfu snd let people write what they want on here , as this is a blog so go back from where you came from and leave people alone

    7. What a dumb thing to say? Steffy didn’t break in and even if she had, you don’t have the right to cage and taunt her for days instead of calling the cops.

    8. U serious? Steffy just followed her , she didnt attacked her . she verbally confronted her thats all. But Lunatic Luna drugged and caged her ...dont you think its worst?

    9. Melpoule, Witchy forgets that Luna actually welcomed Steffy into the apartment and even offered her iced tea where they had a long conversation until Steffy passed out. Luna wasn't at all put off by Steffy being there.


  2. The ending was powerful—it brought me to tears.

    1. 😥 it was surprisingly well done. Glad it's finally over.

    2. 😥 definitely was!!! So glad Finn realized sweet innocent cousin Luna is not the same. Just hope Li won't die!! And Luna will serve for her crimes behind bar!!

    3. I loved the love theme and church bells they had in Monte Carlo when Finn and Steffy finally reunited after his “death “.

      I guess Li and Finn had the same idea. Go to Poppy’s flat and check it out.

      Luna left so many breadcrumbs lol. If she was clever she would have sent texts from Steffy’s phone etc. Surely one of Bill’s maids would have found it on a table next to the front door.
      Certainly Luna would have made sure Steffy didn’t leave clues behind at Bill’s!

      I’m glad poor Steffy will finally be freed from her cage. Poor thing is dying for a pee and non drugged water.

    4. I don't think Luna knew Steffy's phone was there. Steffy had forgotten it when she was there earlier and returned to retrieve it. I don't believe Luna ever saw the phone.

      Agree D. Glad it's finally over indeed!

      Soh, reunions are always the best, especially for these 2. They just can't get a break, it seems. Someone is always trying to tear them apart. I just hope that Steffy truly cherises the husband she has in Finn and stop walking away from him just because he doesn't always fall in line with what she wants.

    5. Elle, I'm hoping after that call from his Mom, he might make an appearance and see what's going on with Steffy. 🤞 miss him on the show.

    6. Meant to say Thomas instead of "he'. It's late here.

    7. I really hope Thomas is going to come back, too. (Without Paris lol)

    8. but also without all the Hope drama, so I guess he would have to bring Paris :(

  3. Steffy definitely gonna develop PTSD from this Go Li!!!

  4. Thanks Bob.

    So happy Finn finally found Steffy!!!
    Just hope now Li won't die. And Luna serve behind bar for the rest of her life.

    1. I dont think so,she "dies" but because she is new villain she had 9 lives

    2. Nooooo.
      Finn loose her mom!!!!!
      Please don't kill her off!!!

    3. Li is a bad arse! Time to pull out some Bruce Lee Kung Fu moves and knock Luna on her arse!

      Li won’t play! I’m wondering where that leaves Bill?

      If I were Poppy I would walk away! He clearly had no faith in her.

      I’m looking forward to Katie having to eat crow once Finn spills the tea that it was Luna and Poppy was completely innocent, including for drugging her daughter!!

    4. @CC I believe nina means that Luna dies, not Li.

    5. @BBFan Poppy never grew on me but it would be worth it for sure to watch Katie realize that she was dead wrong about Poppy. I also won't blame Bill too much and would like to see him and Poppy get a real chance, just to see Katie all alone and jealous. Lol!

    6. Watched the scene where Finn "entered" the room and Li ran after Luna twice, I liked it. The bells were a bit much for my likes, and I couldn't help but wonder what Steffy must smell like after all that time, but other than that, I really liked the ending :)
      And I really hope Luna doesn't kill Li, she was never my favorite character, but she is Finn's mom and I'd rather have her kill Luna if I had to choose.

  5. OG Taylor would never talk and act like this little lady. I miss her and I wasn't even a fan, must be tough for her fans.

    I was expecting Steffy to start biting Luna for them keys 😅 Btw bulldozers wouldn't start working without checking the building.
    That was the most corny cringey barging in... And how did Li end up there? But good, now we're finally past this stupid needless storyline of Steffy in a cage. Give the poor woman water, food and a bathroom.

    1. lol Right? I think something else will happen because she’s still in the cage.

      Hey now Finn can for real use the driver in reverse to remove the bolts holding the cage together 😂🤣😂

    2. Hahah let's hope he's more handy than Luna 😅🙈🪛

    3. It was pretty hokey how when Finn busted in it was even in slow motion 😂 But thank God stefi can finally shit, shower, and shave!

    4. I read on a FB post that it’s pretty funny how “it’s been days” and Luna is still wearing the same NASCAR outfit. Lol.

    5. I hope scrappy little Li takes Luna down!! Either way, her goose is cooked! And I would expect Luna to be leaving the show.

    6. Lynn I expect the same, Luna to leave the show. What a shame - obviously talented actress and character that if written just a little better, could have an interesting trajectory in the show. Yes Li will definitely catch her! I hope what BBFan fears doesn't come true that something else happens to Steffy here. Let the woman shower! 😅 🚿 🧼

    7. I agree Milla….I’ve seen enough Steffy torture, no matter how annoying of a person she is.
      Finn should be getting her water immediately. Before he even figures out how to get her out of there. Today’s episode ought to be interesting.

    8. #freeSteffy #waterforSteffy 😅

  6. Put liam and steffy back they was the most beauitful couple on the show and put fin with hope keeping this story line fin and steffy it will get boring its just a matter of time

    1. Liam was lame and a huge waffle! Steffy deserves a man who only loves her! She found that in Finn!

      Hope needs her own man. She claims she wants one who only wants her then tries to steal a happily married man who is completely smitten with his wife! 🙄🙄 Even she deserves better than Liam!

      Carter and Hope might make a good couple. He is a good loyal and loving man. Auntie Katie would suddenly decide she wants him back lol and then they can fight like she did with Brooke to keep Bill 😂

    2. good lord, liam needs to take a long walk. he's wishy washy and arrogant and self righteous. don't like him at all.

    3. @BbFan nah, Carter deserves someone less boring so it won't work with HOpe 🤣🤣🤣

    4. I think Steffy and Liam's time has long passed however, I can acknowledge that he is not running after Hope anymore, even now that she is available. And he did say that leaving Steffy was the biggest mistake of his life. Not to mention the soul searching he did not too long ago. Maybe he can become worthy of Steffy's love if he continues the way he has been going.

  7. Tanner is a one note actor. Always has the same look on his face. Whether he is happy, sad, excited, in a sex scene, upset. ONE NOTE!!! Once again I say, he's not cut out for Soaps. But, he's still here. Liberty Bibberty

    1. Totally agree. And btw the thumbnail of today's video showing him sport that floral shirt 😅🙈 🌸🌺that's definitely not his print.

    2. Not at all. Can you say Mr. Furley🤣😅

    3. Omg I didn’t know who this is and laughed so hard when I googled him 🤣😂

    4. lol I googled him, as well, never heard of him. (1977-1984, that was before my time haha).
      Milla, you are not in the US, either, so I assume you don't know the liberty biberty commercial? Google that, too :D

    5. Hahaha Koyasha I watched it when it came out hahaha. It was funny 😂👏🏼

    6. Three's Company! Well if Finn is Mr. Furley, then Liam is Jack. Steffy is Janet. Hope is Chrissy. 😂

    7. Three’s Company was a very popular show during its time. I used to love it! Very progressive for its day! 😁

  8. I still prefer Steam as a couple
    Thank u Bob xxxx

  9. I don't get why most of the people on this blog watch B & B. Every single thing that comes out of their mouths about EVERYONE is just SO full of hate, it's quite frightening that these hateful people walk amongst us‼️

    1. It's true. I always wonder why watch the show if it's not enjoyable.

    2. @Elle, yup, it's just to spread hate and they are so proud of their

  10. Way to go Finn, saving your one and only true love 🥳🎉 nobody could ever break their bond...not even a bottle blond 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. Someone here actually commented that Luna was justified holding Steffy in a cage because she was just defending herself. That might be the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time. I haven't cared for Steffy much over the last few months, but even I cannot say she deserved to be locked in a cage because she visited someone. If that was okay, there would be a lot missing people locked in Home Depot cages. Jehovah's Witness beware.
    I wonder if Bill will want to resume his relationship with Poppy once it's revealed that she is innocent. I don't really like her either, but I would rather see that instead of Bill and Katie together again. Katie didn't want him months ago. And she had a good guy in Carter, and she didn't try to make it work with him. I like Brooke and Ridge's long-term decades love story. Bill and Katie, no. Just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️

    1. The HOgan's pick the men that they don't want as SOON as someone else wants

    2. I agree. But if I were Poppy, I'd be so disappointed in Bill. All the strings this guy has been able to pull with his power and influence, his money, his connections.... and he didn't even try to help her cause he didn't believe in her.

  12. Finn!!. The hero of the day!!!!👍🏻👏🏻 Thank you Bob 💕

  13. Ok B&B ENOUGH of Steffy fake hoarse screams that aren't going to anyone's ears except ours!!!!!! Ugggh 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    1. Thank goodness we won’t have to hear them anymore.

    2. I thought the part of Steffy was acted out really well. I'm sure anymore in that position would be screaming until you're hoarse as well

    3. I kept thinking "why scream the second someone unlocks the door, they're going to come in anyway and it's probably Luna". But no idea how I would have reacted had I been the one in that cage.

  14. That bottle of water that Luna poisoned today will be the evidence that ties Luna to the 2 murders as it will match the drug found in both Hollis & Tom. Chief Baker will have quite a list of charges against Luna: 2 murders, 1 attempted murder, holding a victim hostage against their will, etc. Steffy will be able to testify in court, so should pretty much be an easy case.

    1. if she survives Brucetta Li, that is. Someone said Li is going to kill her, but I am not a fan of spoilers, so I don't want to know, we will see :)

    2. haha did you see that move? Luna k.o. before round 1 even began

  15. It's Thursday, so nothing is going to happen today anyway, Finn and Steffy are going to repeatedly say how happy they are to see one another and that they knew the other one was in trouble/was going to find them, Ridge with his Ridge face is going to repeat how this is so unlike Steffy...
    Li and Luna are going to just stand there and talk and maybe spit some venom...
    until Friday

    1. Koyasha it gives me second-hand anxiety imagining Steffy in that cage any longer, no water and barhroom. Finn should rip it open with his bare hands if he needs, especially if them bulldozers are about to start 🚜🏗️

    2. your wish came true, almost :) I was wrong, the episode was really interesting

  16. There's just one little problem....the demolition team is on their way there soon.

    But by all means, everyone.... have a chat and catch up on the motives for the murders etc

    You got plenty of time 😏
