Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Can these writers end this dumb rivalry already geez Hope and Steffy are so annoying.. Will playing matchmaker

  2. I agree but how do you expect this to happen if Hope keeps going after Finn. She won't and doesn't want to stop.

    1. @NOEMI, let's not forget that mommy taught her to follow her heart. Mommy doesn't really make an effort in detouring brat Logan instead mommy has a smirk on her face and calls her honey then gives her big 'ol cuddly hugs 🤣 mommy really actually wants brat Logan to go after Finn

    2. Hope isn’t following her heart. She’s in competition with Steffy and wants to show she can steal Finn because she’s always been told she better than everyone else, blah blah. She was a spoiled trust fund brat that threw tantrums and popped pills and blamed it on Mummy!

      She has never been made to be responsible for her bad behaviour, including getting pregnant with a married man. She’s always rationalised everything and still is!

      She is an entitled, narcissistic brat. How about you focus on Beth for a change!

    3. @BBFan, do you really think Hopeless is just out to prove to Steffy that she can take Finn out of spite? I don't know, I'm torn between the fact that you could be right but I see her libido taking over 🤣 like her mommy 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. I don’t doubt her libido is involved but I think her entitled attitude and desire for revenge and to get one over on Steffy are the driving forces behind her behaviour!

    5. I agree, BBFan, a lot of it is payback for the way Steffy has treated her. Hope blames Steffy for Thomas taking Douglas & leaving the country. She also feels that Steffy is not giving HFTF a fair chance to recover after Thomas left. And, Hope is attracted to Finn.

    6. Without Thomas, HFTF is non-existent! She stole Douglas and should have no rights over him! Besides, Douglas is the one who chose to leave.
      Steffy hasn't mistreated HOpe since she came back, it was HOpe who attacked Liam who was very married with a wife who was already expecting his child....

      HOpe is a pathological jealous, a frustrated person who doesn't understand how anyone can say no to her!

    7. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Brooke looks a bit like Nicole Kidman doesn't she?

  4. Will getting on my nerves like stop trying to hook up your parents they are toxic for each other. And I agree with the advice being given to hope she says she wants to stop the rivalry between her and steffy yet she coming after Finn still and won't stop. She gonna end up being hurt and that's her own fault.

    1. @NOEMI, brat Logan will blame Steffy when she gets hurt of course, just like she blamed Steffy when Thomas left. Her and her mommy seemed a little nervous having Steffy back at the office🤣🤣🤣

    2. @Unknown Hope really should seek a therapist her behavior isn't normal. She is obsessed with Finn.

    3. I really think the obsession is with Steffy.

  5. Will is annoying!!! Stop trying to put back your parents together. Earlier you say I'm not like that. Yeah rightttt. So what are you doing now, right in your dad face, mom this and that!!!🤮

    Liam is always awkward especially with Finn. Ummm ahh ummm. Just say it Man!! 😆😆

    I can't stand Hope!!! So happy Steffy told her if you care prove it!!! Stay away from Steffy marriage and away from Finn!!!👏🏻👏🏻 Little Hope go find your own man!!! Maybe go back to Liam and be annoying together!!!

  6. Hehe Bill surely can't take his eyes off of Katie and his "I love you" and all the compliments are coming more than naturally. He doesn't need Will to convince him to be all over her. Let's see if his thing with Poppy can measure up. Poppy is a nice lady, looks to me like she's humbled after her recent ordeal. If Bill says he wants Katie (we don't know yet), I don't think she'll fight.
    Taylor is already boring the hell out of me. Brooke is way ahead of you, lady. She doesn't need you to tell her what to say to her daughter. Go find someone else to argue with about Logans.

    1. And PS Will (who is a teenager) is not doing anything Steffy and Thomas weren't doing with their parents. The difference is that they are in their 40s and Ridge was married at the time and Bill is single. Ah and they were much more obnoxious about it, going even at illegal lengths.

    2. How many times do we have to hear Taylor tell her family that she feels like she’s missed so much while she’s been away….??? Or how she really wants to spend much more time with all of them….?? Wash, rinse, repeat.
      And I agree, Milla….Taylor telling Brooke she needs to put her daughter on notice or whatever her exact words were, was over the top! Hope is a GROWN woman, not an 8 year old. Brooke has done more than enough to remind Hope!

      And I gotta say…..Hope shouldn’t be so dismissive about what Brooke is telling her when she already made a move on Finn (actually 2 moves counting the dressing room scene) after she swore she never would. And how she ended up in a romantic relationship with Thomas when she absolutely swore she would never see Thomas that way. Hope’s track record leaves a lot to be desired these days. And hearing Brooke say the exact same thing day after day clearly isn’t making a difference to Hope.

      Bill is definitely turning on the charm with Katie. But to me, it seems a bit disingenuous after he was just living with / sleeping with Poppy 5 mins ago.
      I like Poppy better now that I’ve witnessed some genuine acting skills. But from day one, those two did not look like a couple.

      Steffy is her own worst enemy. She just cheated death a day ago, and now she’s already back to her old nasty self when it comes to Hope. Her demeanor is always SO BITCHY! Maybe if she would dial it down about 10 notches, Hope wouldn’t have felt so vengeful toward Steffy in the first place! But Steffy just can’t help herself, and that’s because she’s like Sybil (multiple personalities). She is so sweet to some and so nasty to others.
      All she accomplishes is basically daring Hope to go after Finn again with her ordering Hope around.
      And Hope going after Finn again is clearly just a matter of time. She has that same familiar look in her eye.

    3. Lynn Bill wouldn't have been involved with Poppy and Luna if Katie had given him the chance he wanted. Poppy was a consolation price / a memory of one night 20 years ago. And yes he was sleeping with her, I mean why wouldn't he 😅she was there. I'm not sure he'll actively try to get back together with Katie again, but it seems that one word from her and he'd be willing to. Of course I expect a more interesting storyline than that.
      Hope won't listen to anyone. It's not like any of them (including Steffy) ever listened when someone was telling them not to go after X, Y man, I don't see why it should be different now. I'm not terribly invested in her storyline (but I do feel for her when I see her struggle) and that rivalry with Steffy. None of them is acting particularly maturely.

    4. Steffy was very polite to the woman who thought she had the right to try and seduce her husband! Hope did it twice if you remember! The dressing room she was propositioning Finn then at a family party, in full view of everyone grabs Finn and kisses him?

      Steffy showed restraint, she had every right to put Hope on notice to leave her husband alone! Hope is actively trying to steal her husband!

      Steffy is CEO and reminding Hope she needs to work on her line which is falling is part of her job description! Her line is in jeopardy, she is being given yet another chance to save it. That should be her focus.

      It isn’t personal it’s business! Carter and Ridge both agree too about HFTF!

      Hope went into Steffy’s office with fake concern and Steffy was gracious enough not to rant at her and throw her out.

      Can you honestly say you would be all sweetness and light to a woman who is trying to destroy your marriage so they can have your husband?

      Steffy wasn’t at all bitchy to Hope, who certainly deserves it!

      I guess the hate for Steffy clouds all her interactions, even when she does the right thing, like today.

    5. A woman who tries to destroy my marriage, my family, I'm not going to be very nice :D!
      She's going to suffer the fires of hell under her feet and count her abatis...
      And the simple slap won't be what hurts the most!

      Especially if in addition, the slut has already destroyed my first marriage and I have to see her every day at work!

    6. The thing is ladies, Steffy has always had that bitchy tone with Hope. She had the same nastiness loooooong before the kiss occurred. And Steffy will have that same nastiness toward Hope long after the kiss. So my point is….that’s simply who Steffy is when it comes to Hope.
      And BBFAN - I pointed out in my comment above that there were 2 times when Hope was inappropriate with Finn. So I wasn’t trying to give Hope a get out of jail free card. I actually called her out in my comment. But I am certainly gonna call out Steffy for her bad behavior as well !!
      And it’s pretty rich that Taylor of all people is giving Brooke advice about her daughter being inappropriate with someone else’s husband while Taylor was actively trying to get Ridge back when he was married to Brooke just months back!! 😂😂😂😂
      Clearly there are NO innocent people in our discussions!

    7. Milla, I’m bored with the SL about Hope wanting Finn as well. If this isn’t gonna end with Hope and Finn in bed together, then where are the writers going with all this?? As usual, they drag it out for eternity. I still think there’s a solid chance we see a Hope and Finn hookup. 😁😁😁. Otherwise, why are we already back to her still being obviously obsessed with him? Hopefully there’s a point to all this. And I’d still be just fine watching Finn dump Steffy!! In fact, I’d absolutely enjoy it!!

    8. BBFan sorry that's as usual too much text about Steffy. I don't expect you to be the same opinion as me so why even bother to respond? You'll never convince me of anything super positive about Steffy (or of your Logan hate for that matter), but there are plenty of people who adore her so why not discuss with them. You don't have to try to convince everyone especially not those who obviously will never be convinced.

    9. Lynn I also think there's a chance something happening with them.

    10. I am sure Finn and hope will end up in the bed.

    11. I would love to see Hope and Sheila team up to get rid of Steffy (not kill her, just.. whatever that doesn't kill her :D).
      I am not a mean person, I just want an interesting SL :)

    12. Koyasha I also want an interesting SL, but it looks like we need to accept that those days are gone on this show 😅🙈

    13. I don’t hate the Logans, I just don’t worship them and excuse all their behaviour!

      I’ve posted several very positive and things about Brooke recently and defended her so that doesn’t hold water.

      I understand that that your hate for Steffy colours everything you see.

    14. Hope was rude, disrespectful and constantly goading and poking at Steffy for months while crying persecution by Steffy!

      Steffy has been rude to Hope too! I have called out that behaviour! None of that justifies Hope targeting a marriage! Or trying to ruin other people’s lives to get her own way!

      She never respected Liam and Steffy’s marriages because she felt she was superior to Steffy and deserved her spouse more than his wife!

      She literally is saying the SAME thing now about Finn ! He has NO history with Hope, No interest in Hope and has been very clear that he loves and is devoted to his wife!

      Hope doesn’t care!! She wants her way! As always!

    15. The difference is that I don't post (on EVERYBODY'S posts) the same walls of text with Steffy hate or with Hope justifications like you do (obviously reversing the characters).

  7. Hope deserves all she gets from Steffy. Stop rolling your eyes Hope

    1. Agree @Brenda, can't wait for the HOgan to lose her line 🤣 the whole HFTF is a big fat lie, the message that her line represents "getting the message out to the world" is a lie, she's a hypocrite

    2. That's all Hope does and also see how she acting like a victim when she the one that kissed Finn?

    3. Hope has always acted the victim even while chasing married men. She always rationalises and is told she’s better and more deserving. It’s not a shock she’s still doing it.

      I am proud of Brooke for trying to rein her in.

    4. Maybe Taylor is remembering all the years Brooke pushed Hope to pursue Liam while he was a very married man to Steffy. Brooke and Hope never respected their marriages.

      Brooke has shown a lot of growth now in telling to Hope to respect Finn’s marriage. So I respect that.

      Hope is as selfish and narcissistic as ever. She always believes that she is better and more deserving of a man than his wife!

      Before anyone shouts at me, Hope openly said so to Liam and Steffy… I deserve you, I’m better, you don’t deserve a man like Liam blah blah.

  8. TY Bob. Have a great Wednesday.

  9. Steffy was a class act today, she set firm boundaries with Hope and was respectful despite Hope’s juvenile eye rolling.

    She also called Hope on HFTF, Hope needs to focus on doing her job not hanging around whinging or going after Finn.

    Poor Brooke, Hope won’t see reason because she has NO intention of staying out of Steffy’s marriage!

    I understand where Taylor is coming from and that she wants to protect Steffy from Hope’s relentless attempts to seduce Finn. However, Brooke was right, let the Logan / Forrester rivalry go.

    Hope is using emotional blackmail to keep her line. She is refusing to accept that she needs to make changes and work on it because it is in serious trouble. Instead she blames Steffy for doing her job!

    Even Ridge admitted that Steffy was right about that. It isn’t fair for the rest of Forrester to carry a failing line just because Hope’s name is on it.

    I hope Brooke can get through to Hope but I don’t see it happening. She’s going down a dark path. She is also back to her spoiled entitled princess mode that she had all throughout the first decade on the show. She’s shown it when going after Liam, trying to shove Steffy out of Forrester etc.

    She goads and taunts and acts out. She’s not acting like the 30 something years old she is now! Grow up!

    Will is sooo annoying. I was disgusted with his going after Poppy, he is parroting all of Katie’s nasty comments and lies she told about Poppy. He couldn’t stand her even though he hadn't met her yet because Katie kept filling his head with her venom.

    I about choked when Bill was taking about how kind and compassionate Katie is! When has ever been any of those things??? She’s a shrew who whines and cries and demands her way. Or elicits pity and sympathy. She’s a drama queen and a gold digger.

    1. @BBFan 👏👏👏👏 20000% correct 🎉

    2. Katie also used her sickness to get 2 men as well. That's why Bill left Steffy because of Katie illness. Sick of hope she full of shit and lies as always.

    3. Brava BBFan! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Totally agree about Katie, especially this - "She’s a shrew who whines and cries and demands her way." Facts!

    4. And lest we all forget Bill himself stated that Brooke was the real love of his life. Katie will always be #2

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Aah shame, brat Logan the victim blaming Steffy for wanting to pull her line. The line crashed when your lead designer who you didn't want to marry yet slept with at the office daily left you 🤣 Brooke was sarcastic when she said "Steffy's back at the office already" 🤣 she's as nervous as brat Logan is 🤣 brat Logan really is trying to butter Steffy up 🤣 thank God Steffy can read people and calls it like it is 💪 HFTF is a big fat lie "conveying a message to the world" about integrity, what a hypocrite Hopeless is‼️

  12. the woman who plays poppy is probably the best actress on the show. but i predict it will be she who walks away from bill. and he won't fight it either. i'm so sick of hope and her wistful looks after every scene. i still don't like taylor, the character or the actress who looks more like steffis sister than mother. and where is wyatt?? also, i want to see bad sheila again. she just isn't ringing authentic being the 'changed' for the better person.

    1. I loved Poppy's performance. I am also happy they put her in a more flattering outfit and I hope they continue to do so.
      Taylor looks like a dwarf when standing next to the rest of her family (she is my height, 5'1, I wonder if people think the same about me lol).
      Wyatt left the show.
      I want to see a somewhat bad Sheila. Not a murderous one, but a little bit of scheming would make the show interesting

  13. Liam... Pls venish... Tks Bob for posting 👏

  14. It is uncanny how much Crew Morrow looks like his father. I just love him as Will........acts, sounds and looks exactly like Joshua Morrow.

    1. Close your eyes and he sounds exactly like his dad!

  15. This is the longest financial quarter ever witnessed on a soap. During the 3 long months that still aren't over in which Hopeless has stood around and not worked st all on streamlining costs and boosting sales, cousin Will has been fully SORASed!

  16. I loved how tough the Bellissima Steffy was!
    Let her keep threatening Hope and watching her!

    I hope she ends up with HFTF and kicks HOpe out of FC...

    HOpe has become a sexual harasser and homewrecker like her mother the slut from the valley! The real Stalker was not Thomas but HOpe !

  17. Most of people whom almost died changed and became better person, apparently not Evil ones, Seffy, true to herself...

  18. I can’t believe whiney ass Hope was trying to suck up to Steffy after causing so much trouble between Finn and Steffy. What is Steffy waiting for, fire her hopeless ass. Not only do you have grounds for Hope not working on improving her line but she was harassing both Steffy and Finn at her work place. Fire her!! Or get some kind of restraining order!

    1. She can’t Brooke and Ridge would never allow it!

      I’m disgusted Ridge doesn’t hold Hope accountable for trying to destroy his daughter’s marriage. Just glosses over and tries to force Steffy to take whatever Hope dishes out , as always!

  19. Didnt steffie sleep with Liam some time ago while Liam was still married to Hope. I think it was the time when Thomas was playing with Hope's look a like mannequin which Liam mistake for Hope. And remember that huge photo of Liam that Steffie had over the mantel for many years while Hope was married to Liam, talk about disrespect.

    1. Didn’t Hope sleep with Liam numerous times while he was married to Steffy all three marriages actually??? Didn’t Hope relentlessly pursue a married man to get her way? Hope got pregnant with Steffy’s husband!!!

      Where is the respect there?

      By the way , Liam came to Steffy who told him numerous times to go home to his wife!!!

      Hope always gets a pass!

    2. Hope resented Kelly because Liam’s wife had her instead of Hope! Of the 2 Hope spent years showing utter disrespect to Liam and Steffy’s marriage! Now she’s disrespecting Steffy’s marriage to Finn… it’s a pattern with Hope!

  20. I love Hope but this get revenge character is not her. Similarity with Luna again. Luna the good girl turned bad. Lets look at it, first Hope had to fight with steffie over Liam, no wait, maybe even as kids, they probably fought over daddy Ridge as Ridge did help raise Hope. Then they fought over Thomas, wait, Steffie had Hopes Baby. Then they fought over work, and Steffie is continuously bashing Hopes mother. the girl has reached her breaking point, but using Fin to get revenge is not the way to go Hope. Your bevaiour is becoming reckless. Steffie has always been the reckless one, sleeping with her own husbands father then sleeping with liam while he was married to you. Steffie says you are becoming like Brooke, but youre becoming more like Steffie, ruthless. Do not lower yourself for anyone, Fin has to determine on his own that Steffie dont deserve him. He has to make that call.

    1. Hope was always ruthless in trying to steal Liam from his wife! She slept with him and even moved in with him while he was married to Steffy!

      Hope never ever respected any of Liam and Steffy’s marriages!

  21. .........aaaandd we're back to regular, scheduled programming!
