Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Bill's shtick of continuing romances with retrobates is starting to wear thin.

    1. Poppy screams like that when she thinks the guy isn't going to pay. Luna tagged them perfectly, (her clan,) as "Interlopers." Known across the country as "Travelers." They go from place to place selling home improvement projects and getting money in advance for materials and taking off immediately before they are missed.

    2. Go Will! He doesn't go for the fake family! He doesn't owe them. Best idea to go to Katie's. Maybe he was lucky and got Katie's brains!

  2. Will is a spoil brat. Just like cousin Hope.
    Love how Hope you see me how hard I'm working for HFTF lol yeag sure. You're running out coaching your mommy dearest on her lingerie shoot and hoping to see Finn any possible way!!!
    Steffy is all about #s , profits. Bc that's what talks in the business stands.

    Like how Luna always stands up for her mommy, when cry baby Katie can't accept Bill new family.
    One word all the Logans need to mind there business!!!

    1. Hope has become insufferable these last couple of months. She keeps bullying Steffy because she wants Finn and she know she aint gonna have him. Steffy needs to slap the taste out her mouth

    2. Brava CC 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 100% agree!

      Hope is an entitled brat. She is delusional. Carter told her the numbers are poor etc. She refuses to do anything but claim it’s Steffy’s fault. Hope is used to getting her way be crying to mummy who fixes it for her.

      FC is a business!! She a CO and CFO/ COO are saying how bad it’s doing Hope should be focusing on getting her house in order. All she does is scheme and whine and chase Finn. Grow TF up!

      She has reverted to her snotty entitled teenager self again. She’s always blamed Steffy for everything that went wrong in her life. Instead she should look in a mirror! See what a nasty little homewrecker she is.

      Hope wasn’t standing up to a bully. She is a bully. So bloody immature too. How about you think about poor wee Beth for a change?

      Katie is so out of her lane. Will is a spoiled child and WTH walks into their adult parent’s room when the door is closed without knocking????

      Wow Marrow looks and sounds just like his Dad many years ago!

    3. Hope has no business sense or experience. Her talent is visions. Whether it be in fashion, or in married men. I'm starting to really dislike her since Thomas left. And you're right. Haven't heard nothing about Beth since then either.
      Wills coming home scene was so pathetic. Looking around like an intruder, heading up to his fathers bedroom with a closed door. Then just barge in? No grown kid would do that. Most would barge in the front door and yell, hey I'm home! Then yell, Dad? Dad are you here? That's more believable.

    4. D - they were making out / about to have sex in Will’s bedroom.

    5. Hmm, how old are you, 40? What if you came home one day and your dad said hey cc meet you 50 year old sister. You're going to be there with open arms or wonder where the hell these people been all these years.

    6. Lynn I didn't realize it was Will's bedroom. Either way it's just the poor writing, and the way they portrayed that whole scene. You'd think he would have yelled out " hey Dad are you here" or something before he goes creeping around silently.

    7. D - agreed the writing is plain lame. Just like when Sheila screamed bloody murder when she found Hollis behind the bar. And Poppy’s scream was like she was getting her leg sawed off or something! Just very poor writing….

    8. True. The Sheila episode and scream was just as bad. Most people would just say oh my God and rush to his side. Shake him and feel for a pulse. Not scream bloody murder. They are slowly losing a lot of viewers. I'm just curious who the real killer is and if Bill is the real father. Somehow I don't think he is. 🤔

    9. Spot on ladies, is a B with an itch that cannot be scratched, HFTF is going down the drain because Thomas has left, let's face it, Thomas was the only reason it was a success. is a narcissistic bully who does the bullying with a smile on her face and a head tilt to the right....both her and her mother have 'daddy' issues! It must really p Hope off that Steffy has such a GREAT relationship with her father, that's probably the reason that manipulated the business trip into a romantic getaway so that Ridge pushed Steffy aside because is jealous of Steffy's relationship with her like her mother are manipulating sluts from the valley!

    10. I totally agree with you CC 👏

  3. If Steffy doesn't slap down Hope, Ill happily do it for her while slapping those cheap highlights off her hair while am at it. The way she keep bullying Steffy on purpose over Brooke and her shitty ass Hope for the future that's bleeding out money from the company. Hope messed with the wrong woman. Why should FC keep pushing money for a line we all know us failing all because of brookes hoe ass and Hopes homewrecker ass. Will of course is gonna be mad at Bill its only natural. But sooner or later Lunad real paternity will come to a light.

  4. It is uncanny how much the new Will looks like his dad in real life, Joshua Morrow.

  5. Katie is on the right track. Poppy has a past with Tom which may have produced Luna. And Katie together with Will probably will get to the bottom of it. Will has every right to be confused about this sudden "new sister" situation. Coming home to a new sibling is not something anyone will take lightly. The actor is a bit stiff but so was RJ in the beginning.

    If the numbers are talking, Steffy is right to reconsider the line. But I believe it was only a couple of weeks ago when Ridge decided to check it next quarter. That time hasn't passed. But in the end that's a low stakes storyline. What matters is what it leads to - who ends up with whom. My bet is that Steffy will have something with Liam sooner or later. And Hope with Finn.

    1. I too think Will is going to be very suspicious about this whole thing and side with Katie. Katie probably already told him about Poppy and Luna but to walk in and see how much they were at home there was a surprise.

    2. It’s dumb because Poppy already told Bill and her explanation made total sense!

      Katie has nothing Poppy hasn’t told Bill!

      That wasn’t Will’s room, not sure where you got that from. He just burst into his father’s room like he owns the place!

      He is acting like a rude, petulant child!

      Will is spoiled and Katie always told him he’s the favourite.

    3. BBFAN, yes it was Will’s bedroom they were in. Why that is, I have no idea. But my phone kept buffering during today’s episode. So I ended up watching that scene multiple times (only because I had no choice), and Bill clearly said they were in Will’s room.
      And what do you mean Bill knows everything about Poopy already, and Katie has nothing over Poppy?? I don’t seem to recall Bill being told about the drug laced mints Poppy used to take or how they were responsible for Luna sleeping with Zende. When exactly was that disclosed to Bill??? Not to mention the fact that I think we’ve only grazed the surface on Poppy’s misdeeds. My guess is much more is going to be revealed.

    4. We don’t even know if Bill and Katie ever told Will that Poppy and Luna had moved in or how much of the backstory Will had been told by Katie or Bill before he arrived at home. Give us a dang break! He is acting like a “petulant child” - I think not!! He may not have known much at all and that’s a perfectly reasonable way to act when you come home after being gone away at school for months only to find a whole new family whom you know nothing about has just moved into your home with your father! Any kid would react that way!

    5. BBFAN I think that quite a lot of hate for Will - a character who just came in and had like 5 lines. How about give him an episode or two before judging the boy so harshly. He literally came home to a bunch of new people living there. Or is the hate because he is Katie's? I assume, as usual, whenever someone has anything to do with a Logan it's default hate.

    6. Lynn I also didn't hear when it was said they are in Will's room. That would be truly bizarre. And the room looked like an old(er) guy's room, not someone in his 20s. But I believe you since you said you heard it. Then Bill and Poppy are weird. In this massive house they choose the kid's room 😂🙈

    7. Milla, I relistened to that dialogue. Bill said….”Not exactly a great welcome home….walking in on his dad, half naked with his girlfriend in his bedroom.” Maybe he meant his own bedroom vs his as in Will’s bedroom.

    8. The hate toward Will is most definitely because he is part Logan. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    9. Yes Lynn that's how I understood it - his bedroom aka his own (dad's bedroom). But now that you wrote it, I have to wonder why he would even mention the bedroom if it was his (Bill's) own. So you may be right!!

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bill….why are you having sex in your son’s bedroom??
    The grownup Will is very handsome! He seems like he’s going to be a decent actor as well.

    Same old standoff between Steffy and Hope. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  7. I think Steffie is livid that the Logan women has won over her dad again. Immediately after missing her flight, she goes in to attack Hopes line and especially after hope was just rubbing it in that Ridge and Brooke get to be alone. Steffie already confessed to Ridge that she was hoping they get daddy daughter time on the trip, but now it's a business trip when you were planning to spend alone time with Ridge also. She is mad she missed the trip and feel Brooke has won the time with her dad that she feels should have been for her. So now when Brooke comes back Steffie will call a war by threatening Hopes line. It's so plain to see that she is happy Hopes line is failing so she can use that as a mode of attack. I know will must be hurting. He was probably hoping that his mom and dad would get back together. He said it himself that Bill was hoping to win Katie back for a very long time, probably telling will how much he loves his mother, now he comes home and meets dad in bed with another woman and they have a whole child together. That ought to sting. And if Luna is 20 then how old is will. I want to say that he is about 15 at least but then that means only 5 years of hooking up with poppy bill and Katie had will. I guess he would not have told Katie about Poppy as she was only a one night stand. Ahh well. Can we start getting some more clues to who the murderer is. I need to crack this case.

    1. Carter agrees HFTF is in trouble! Hope is blaming Steffy instead of working to make her line successful!

      If any other line had been bleeding money that long it would have been shelved already!!!

      Literally the ONLY REASON Hope still has a line is because of Brooke begging Ridge.

      Ridge doesn’t think with his brain as we all know.

      Hope is acting like a spoiled brat. She was skiving off. Lurking in Steffy’s office to taunt her! Hope is way out of line. She refuses to accept responsibility for her failing line and just blames Steffy because she can’t deal Ruth the reality that people don’t want what she’s selling!

      Unlike Hope, Steffy and Carter realise that a lot of employees can lose their livelihood if they make bad business decisions. Even Brooke warned Hope that she would be doing the same thing.

      Hop sits around feeling jealous, trying to break up Steffy’s marriage and making snarky comments to Steffy. Then she hides behind mummy. She needs to do her bloody job and be a mum to that poor wee Beth! Hope is completely selfish!

      Steffy has a lot of responsibility and doesn’t have time for Hope’s petty, juvenile behaviour!

    2. Brooke didn’t beg Ridge to keep HFTF alive. Ridge made that decision all on his own.
      And hilarious how you are commenting on Hope not doing her job when Steffy literally never does anything but butt her big nose in all over the place where it does not belong! Steffy is the human wrecking ball deciding whose life she is going to upend next! Steffy is a dang joke!

    3. Steffy is not getting anything that she hasn't dished out herself. I also don't like all of Hope's current behavior. But she has miles ahead to reach Steffy's over the years - a jealous, whiny, entitled bully for what feels like decades. Hope's had enough. I'm surprised (and proud) Brooke is not allowing herself to get dragged in no matter how much Steffy provokes with her "Logan" hate.

    4. And wtf when did Brooke beg Ridge? 😅 Another one on the list of "things that never happened"

  8. If Luna is not bills daughter, then Katie needs to get hurry get back with Bill and give him his daughter before her clock runs out. She still loves Bill and bill loves her. I always thought their love affair was the second best in the show next to Ridge and Brooke. Katie and Bill have this great chemistry together and they laugh and play, unlike Bill and Poppy. And he calls Katie, "my Katie" . Like ridge calls Brooke, "my Logan". If a man has a pet name for you, he cares for you deeply.

    1. Lol Peggy. I still keep tuning in to see who the real killer is. And asked a few times why Justin all of a sudden showed up and now he and Bill are buddies. Did Bill call him? Or someone else did. The plot thickens 🙂

    2. Yet Bill told Brooke she was the love of his life! Begging her to be with him and only went after Katie because Brooke turned him down.

      Katie is an entitled selfish gold digger!! She keeps calling Poppy one she and Luna always lived simply so that doesn’t even make sense. Katie has made many millions from her alimony cheques!!!

    3. Getting alimony does not make you a gold-digger. It's how life works in a divorce! Do you think that she wanted to have a reason to be divorced so that she gets alimony checks? That's ridiculous. Katie went through hell, including health-wise. How about we tone down the hate and think for a second how things work?

    4. but where are Logan and Katie pet names? :D Katie and Bill are probably going to end up together again at some point. While I do believe in forgiveness and second chances, there is no way I could get over a man wanting my sister and choosing me because he couldn't have her! Well I don't have a sister, but insert any woman's name, I wouldn't want to be second choice. He went to Katie right after Brooke turned him down, so wrong.

  9. can we delete the Logan's from the b&b

  10. a few weeks ago i felt sorry for hope and the way steffy was treating her and thomas and paris but ever since then hope has turned into a snively little B*&ch she walks around forrester creations snooping and doing anything except work on her line . i never see her working on hftf and because brooke is involved in it again she acts as if she is just safe now no hope you are going to get fired for sure as soon as finn tells steffy you have feelings or a crush as you say on him. steffy is fire you are not

  11. oh say HFTF is a reflection of you....then best you change the name to HO for the's all about you, mini Brooke......

  12. WOW !! Will seems older than RJ... I never saw a child SORAS that fast!!

  13. I'm glad Carter was there to say the numbers for HFTF are down. Hope can't say this is Steffy's personal attack. Maybe Hope should have been visiting and contacting stores to try to sell the line, instead of daydreaming about Finn.
    Luna was nicer and more polite to Katie than I would have been. Nobody wants to hear their mother trashed and accused of being involved in a crime.
    I agree with what some of you said. Someone Will's age would yell out "hey dad, you home". Then raided the kitchen for some food. Or he would have called Bill's cell phone.
    I kinda sympathize with the kid. This is the house he grew up in. And Poppy is a stranger to him. It's hard enough seeing your parents making out. Imagine seeing your dad with someone you never met. 🙈
    I wish Katie and Carter had stayed together. Then it wouldn't look like she wants Bill back.
