Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-7-24 Full episode B&B 7th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-7-24 Full episode B&B 7th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Not much to say about today's episode. I guess that happens sometimes. Yawn. 😴

    1. I'll say. It was as boring as me re-dialing for 15 min trying to win tickets to Imagine Dragons.
      They could at least give us 5 minutes of the Tom and Hollis storyline to beak up the monotony.

    2. Oh damn. I like Imagine Dragons ..πŸ˜‚

    3. Me too. They put on a great show. There's one more shot tomorrow but not getting my hopes up. ☹️

    4. Imagine Dragons rock!! I hope you got tickets!!

    5. The dragons are my favorite band! Saw them in Prague on their Believer tour and omg... Shirtless Dan Reynolds 😍

    6. πŸ₯° I saw the smoke and mirrors tour about 7-8 yrs ago. Listened to an emotional podcast a few yrs ago, he talked about his health (living with AS), mental health and his career. His last words were, "I don't know how long " I have to perform on stage so while I still can, I'm going to give it my all." And he does.
      I still have one more chance later today🀞

  2. Oh playing the victim AGAIN. Maybe you should stop sticking the knife in and twisting it at every opportunity you get, stop acting like a three year old, you playing with fire girl!

    1. Hope is so pathetic. Acting like some little 15 yr old adolescent. Boo hoo. Im happy the bedroom line did so well. I'm happy steffy and finn are stronger than ever. Hope needs to fuck off like fr.

    2. Use to be an hope fan now play h*** that is very bad writing
      Now steffy is out of her space she want to be the other woman stupid
      Since she just discover passion with thomas she should continue with Carter doing whatever they think doing

    3. Doesn't Finn have any doctoring to do???. He just keeps turning up at his wife's place of work during a busy day. The only good thing about that is Hope should, by now realize, that he's ignoring her subtle looks and flirty behaviour..Listening to Finn and Steffy having a moment at home....GET LOST HO...PELess...!!!!

  3. I see that Taylor has been recast... I've never heard of the actress before

    1. Major Soap credits. She was Greenlee Smythe on AMC.And also had a role on GH. Great actress. She played alongside Thorsten Kaye, who played Zach Slater at the time on AMC

    2. I believe Rebecca played Greenlee alongside Cameron Matheson, who is now on GH as Drew. Thorsten Kaye played her friends hubby.

  4. πŸ˜‚ I have to give it to the actress, she’s playing the sourpuss Steffy perfectly. She's really not happy "true fashion icon" Brooke Logan is making such a comeback and that she was no part of it, but angrily watching from the sidelines.
    I did feel bad when she said "it's always good when your mom's around". Nobody deserves what Steffy has been put through by her mom - she's been gone more than she was there (not to mention looking like a different person every time πŸ˜…).

    1. Steffy is thinking…..Damn, I hate it that Brooke looks better in lingerie than I do!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    2. My comments keep disappearing….
      Gonna try one more time!
      Steffy is thinking…..Damn, I hate it that Brooke looks better in lingerie than I do!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    3. Because her mom has always been to busy chasing after Ridge and being heart broken. She can't even be strong for her kids.

    4. Lynn πŸ˜… to me, Steffy (Jacqueline) is a gorgeous and really sexy woman. Especially her scenes in lingerie when she was younger and seducing the Spencer men - I can't blame them for giving in. But she definitely is not happy that Brooke Logan who is double her age is getting so much attention.

  5. I can't believe they recast Taylor again. I hope they have a story line outside of her attempting to come between Ridge and Brooke again and they got her stalking already. Smh...

    1. If she is stalking them that means she is still not busy with her own man which means she still think Ridge is it. This is almost psychotic. Hmm, psychotic behaviour from the psychiatrist. Please give her a new role. Remember that time she was so obsessed with Brooke that she went and dated Brookes son, Rick. Then Brookes Ex husband Nick. Then befriended Brooke to set her up with Haulis. She is really sick I think. Maybe Taylor will become the new Sheila, not a killer, but a crazy woman. But who knows, envy, jealousy and hate could drive one to kill. I think one time she had gone on the crazy hill when she was seeing Dr James Warwick for treatment, but that was so many years ago. We need Taylor to move on, I feel like I'm becoming mentally ill watching all this toxicity from her.

    2. Yes I do remember and fully agree. It's going to be hard for me too see who I remembered from guiding light playing as Michelle playing this part as psycho chic who can't move on 😞, we shall see!

  6. If they don't they are wasting her talents

  7. Thank you Bob πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  8. Hope pining away over a married man. Steffie you drove her to it. But Hope, the success of Brookes line should be enough revenge for you.
    Let me guess, it's now going to be mother and daughter vs mother and daughter once Taylor returns. And this will push you over the edge, Hope? Please don't. You only want to use Finn to get back at Steffie. I'm sure you can focus on some other man in LA. There is probably dozens in your inbox right now. Hmm, y'all saw that? Ridge confess his love to Brooke and Finn confess his love to Steffie. Taylor is going to go after Ridge again for the 999 times and Hope will try to dig into Finn. They both will lose. Why hasn't Ridge remarried Brooke, yet??? Brooke you just earn your boyfriend's company billions of dollars, he ought to put a ring on you. Good thing you have shares in that company. Very smart woman.

  9. Ugh. Taylor is back. Sigh. I am not interested in a storyline with Taylor. She mostly hung out a FC. Boring. Poppy now has that job. I am also ready for Poppy's story with Bill to wrap up.

  10. Renee you're back. At least the Poppy, Bill storyline has a little suspence to it, but they're dragging that out long enough to loose interest.

    1. D, I agree that the Poppy & Bill storyline has a little suspense. It gets boring when the same dialogue or scene is repeated. How many times do we have to see the scene where Hope races to the elevator attempting to give Steffy her passport?

  11. This is the Hope that we Steffy fans know the Hope she hides is the entitled jealous one
    The one who wants Steffys life
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Brava πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
