Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Too much PDA kissy kissy for an old long time couple.

  2. Like how Brooke and Steffy trying to work through the differences. BUT slutty Hope is gonna ruin it!!!
    She looks tipsy too much champagne there little girl. And the end when for a kiss!!! LOVE FINN look horrified and pull her away!!!!! Finn doesn't want you slutty Hope!!!!

    1. Like Steffy never went after married man..(Bill)why Hope should Be saint?

    2. Steffy was using and blackmailing Bill to get the company back not the same thing and also bill loved steff7 difference between finn and hope. So yea Hope is a hoe like her mother was a hoe.

    3. Steffy also helped herself to Jackie’s bathtub in the living room fully naked. Nothing to gain there but Jackie’s younger husband. Steffy is no damn saint.

    4. lol to the people comparing Steffy to Hope's current behaviour. Steffy had her faults and she never pretended to be innocent. Hope created a WHOLE brand around being innocent and "nothing like her mother" thats why we are all confused about her actions now.

    5. Exactly. It was one reason I was glad Hope got away from Liam and turned to Thomas who showed her undivided love and attention,, but it was a game to her. She's showing she isn't that sweet and innocent person that she made herself out to be, and glad Thomas didn't stick around to find out.

  3. The Boring and the Brooke! Brad Bell completely destroyed this show, as evidenced by the lowest ratings in the show's history. They completely whitewashed Brooke, but anyone who follows the show knows how selfish, arrogant and mean she is, how many families she has broken up, had affairs three times with her own daughter's husband and many times with her own sister's husband. And the successful Brooke Brothels line when it came back in 2013 because Brooke wanted Eric to cover up her betrayal with Bill turned out to be a complete dud. It's good that Taylor is coming back, because in the original Bold and Beautiful she was Ridge's love interest and always had a bigger fan base than Brooke.

    1. The best story was when Ridge and Taylor were getting Taylor away from that whole fiasco of the Prince issue. The absolute best love story.

  4. Finn should have slapped the hell out of Hope! Hope is truly pathetic...

    1. Violence against women, really!!!!? Why would you even suggest that, Master1313?

  5. Did Finn actually kiss Hope back for a second before he pushed her away? I am not sure.

    1. There were closed eyes and a touch but he reacted quick enough. For comparison, Steffy definitely kissed Liam back for a longer time.
      I don't like how Hope is acting. Since she broke up her family, it's only gone downhill...

    2. Steffy and Liam's kiss(es) were definitely longer. I also don't like how Hope is acting at the moment even though I like her.

    3. Koyasha, same. I hope they know where they are going with her and not just trying everything possible.

    4. I love how Hope is acting badly and others have to bring up Steffy’s behaviour when Liam Kisses her!!!

      It doesn’t excuse Hope’s behaviour! She’s targeting Finn, she wants to hurt Steffy because she’s jealous that Steffy found the kind of love she has never had!

      I don’t care why she’s doing it , she knows it’s wrong and is being 100% selfish and just isn’t bothered to hide it anymore!

    5. Hope has clearly lost her way. And it all started with that HUGE MISTAKE - Thomas. She was the good girl, the sweet girl, the level headed and responsible girl. But ever since the Thomas DISASTER, she has changed. And not for the better!
      She is going to be so sorry she acted on that impulse when she sobers up. Everyone is going to find out now. I agree that Finn did not push her off immediately and he did put his hands on her waist when she started kissing him, which is not the reaction he should have had. But once he got his bearings, he definitely pushed her away and looked pretty damn horrified. And she looked pretty horrified too.
      What a mess!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
      Have no idea what’s next for Hope, she is clearly spiraling.
      And I’m not liking Katie’s behavior one bit either.
      At least the show was interesting today, but definitely not a great day for the Logan women. Except Brooke, that is! 😁😁😁😁

    6. Lynn really? Now this is all Thomas's fault?

    7. BBFan I'm sure you love it, you do it all the time 😀 at least I bring back something from the last year and not 30. Plus nobody is excusing her, I just used Steffy's kisses for measure to show Finn did better when kissed.

    8. Lynn I also think it all started with Thomas but I blame Hope for it. Even back then, I said I don't really blame him because she knew what she was getting herself into, he was simply there and going with it as is expected (not okay, since she was a married woman, but it was up to her to protect and respect her family with Liam). She is spiraling absolutely. She should explore what's going on with her.

      It seems Katie is needed because without her nobody would do what needs to be done. I'm disappointed in Bill. It takes so much pointing out the obvious for him to open his eyes and ask for a second paternity test. The only thing that would explain his hesitance would be if he is somehow involved in all this (I haven't excluded this possibility, even though I hope it's Will haha).

    9. @BBFan, the ladies on this site LOVE trashy woman like't worry about them, the saying goes, birds of a feather flock is a skank!

    10. @Milla, stop talking rubbish, why don't you rewind, there were NOT closed eyes....maybe the skanks eyes were closed but Finn's weren't. Finn was in total shock at how the SKAND threw herself at him....just like her MOMMY :D

    11. And PS I believe Katie will get herself in danger which may cause Bill to have to save her. It will be interesting to see if his relationship with Poppy survives this whole drama. My guess is if Luna is his daughter, they may stay together. But if she isn't, Will obviously wants his parents back together.

    12. Milla, for sure Bill needs to get a second paternity test. I think he will….unless he is just so in love with the idea of Luna being his daughter, that he doesn’t want to know that she may not be. I just have no idea who the killer is at this point.
      And I agree, Hope is to blame in all this. I was just saying that’s when all this mess started with her….Thomas. And it’s been down hill ever since. 😔😔😔
      Oh and I’m pretty sure Finn closed his eyes when Hope kissed him. But he quickly snapped back after what was happening actually set in.
      Why he continues to want to be with his bitchy wife is beyond me. He is the most emasculated man on the show! She is such a shrew!!!

    13. Lynn on Instagram I read the funniest comment:
      - Hope needs a Finn mannequin
      - Finn IS the Finn mannequin

    14. You're absolutely right about Hope's life becoming a mess since Thomas.
      And Bill the official preview says in today's ep he will ask for a second paternity test. I hope they don't go to Li. She's fishy. They need to do this in a clinic/laboratory, not with some dubious home kit.

    15. lol at the Finn mannequin :D
      I think it is sad that such a nice guy has been emasculated the way he has like Lynn put it. It is good to see he is not a cheater which makes him even more likeable. I would not have minded Steffy driving him away with her behavior and him and Hope (the "old" Hope) ending up together at some point while our beloved waffler would have been waiting for Steffy with open arms at FC.

  6. Hope the Homewrecker back in action! She took Liam from Kelly and Steffy with her trap Baby Beth and now she can’t keep hee hands off if Finn! Hopefully he’ll see she’s not the sweet angel she pretends to be! Everyone will see what a nasty little tramp she really is! Before I get shouted at she cheated on Liam with Thomas so she’s a tramp.

    Brava for Steffy and Brooke trying to make peace! Steffy would be happier if she lets the past go!

    1. Then for the love of god what is Steffy? She cheated on Liam with his DAD and on Finn with Liam. You have the biggest frickin double standards I’ve ever seen in my life. Never blamed Steffy for anything that both Brooke and Hope did. Steffy hasn't had a child she knew from whom.

  7. Hope is no longer even hiding to break up our Beautiful Steffy's marriage.... She will never accept that her rival is happily married.... Hope is a capricious brat filled with jealousy... She is obsessed with Steffy. She's a stalker...

    1. Steffy is treating Finn like crap. She tells him to stay in his “own lane”! Tells him what to think and that he is being pushed to not have his own thoughts.
      Seriously. Does she not understand this man has a medical degree and the years of education it takes to manage that?
      He had to pass board certified examinations to do that, not work for the family business.
      When has she honestly emotionally supported him once in any of his confusion or even tried at least.
      He never asked for anyone to conceive him. None of us do.
      He was curious about who did he said since being old enough to understand he was adopted, that’s it.
      For Steffy not to get it is horrible.
      Steffy grow up, your Dad has a relationship with someone else - it’s not your decision.
      Stop having a temper tantrum.

    2. But Big fan... Steffy is not holding Finn hostage in their marriage, infact she has physically left their home allowing Finn the decision to pick their family or his mother. He is a grown man with no gun at his head... he could leave if he wanted to. Look at ho easily Liam would either leave Hope for steffy or steffy for home, then there was Ivy etc. So its not impossible. So to blame Steffy for setting boundaries because she does not want to reconcile with a woman who caused a LOT of hurt in her life and her family lives... makes no sense. In real life if this were my journey i too would not want to be around, or have my children around someone who has repeatedly tried to "get rid of" me. I may not stop my partner from having a relationship with them but i would most certainly harbour feelings of hurt and distrust for them because i wouldn't understand why he would want to be close to someone who tried to harm his family... and that would eventually cause tension in the marriage.

    3. Biig, Steffy was right about the business part! Finn had no idea what was happening! Hope was lying it wasn’t about Steffy targeting her personally it was about HFTF once again being a financial drain on FC. Carter confirmed the numbers were consistently bad! HFTF has been bad over and over again. Thomas helped save the line a few times already, so it has a poor track record.

      Steffy doesn’t tell Finn how to treat his patients, he in turn is clueless about the inner workings of FC!

      Hope did what she always does , she ran around garnering sympathy and being disingenuous to try and cause a rift between Steffy and Finn!

    4. I agree with Big fan on thid

    5. Hope is the beautiful one. Soo natura soo gorgious. Steffy is filled with fillers. Ugh!!

    6. Big Fan : Strange, I don't see the same thing.... Steffy is only protecting her family against a psychopathic parent and against a marriage wrecker who destroyed her first marriage... Me, I'm the first, forbid my husband from going to a madwoman and a woman of easy virtue...

    7. 100% BBFan....couldn't have said it better myself

    8. I agree with everything Kae said. At the same time I think that Steffy is being too harsh at times, her tone, her words. It looks like she is bossing him around a lot of the time. She made her feelings about Sheila perfectly clear, and while she was right, she still could have done better than to ignore his feelings for his birth mother and expect him not to feel anything at all.

  8. i haven't finished watching it yet but if i hear hope say how the business is going to make so much money and fame and sales ,etc because of the logans and the logan involvement and can someone remind dear hope that the name on the building is forrester and that is not her or her mother

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Look at the revenue that the name of the person Brooke LOGAN has brought into this company.
      The name of the company has nothing to do with where the revenue comes from.

      The Ford Motor Company has different vehicles - Carrol Shelby revolutionized the Mustang which had then brought $$$$ to the Ford Motor Company.
      Same thing.

  9. hope doesn't miss a chance to rub brooks success in steffis' face. she needs to back off. i hope finn tells steffi that hope kissed him.

  10. Hope needs to get the bitch slapped out of her like fr. To sit there and constantly getting in a married couples life just so her slutty ass can get in Finns pants. I hope Steffy walks in and sees this. I hope this come out like soon.

    1. Yes pls. Dont drag it. I hope both Brooke and Steffy sees it. And Steffy slap the hell out of little Hope!!!

    2. Why? Steffy didnt tell Liam kissed Steffy twice,Steffy ,Finn still doesnt know..

    3. Nina focus... we are talking about Hope now lol

    4. lol at Kae....focus....bwaahaahaa :D @Nina, you cannot compare the two at all.....HO....gan is trying to break up Steffy's marriage......Liam was hoping Steffy would come running back to him but she didn't. Steffy belongs with Liam actually, he is the ONLY man that can REALLy make Steffy laugh.....Finn is a HO...gan!

  11. Replies
    1. I agree, she has become so disgusting. Her behavior has become so irritating to the audience, she is acting like a jealous teenager and needs to grow up.

  12. Ugh my posts keep disappearing!

  13. I really would like to understand where the writers are going with this storyline. They have Sheila looking like "not a crazy psycho k***er" and Hope trying to be a Temu Brooke Logan. It makes no sense. It was interesting watching Hope discovering she is no longer obsessed with her perfect life with Liam when she was with Thomas... but now it's getting weird with her drinking and kissing Finn. I know the writers love a love triangle story but why does this version feels so forced.

    1. Taylor, or one of the 3 doctors will find, that

  14. That's why Finn should have shut that friendship down as soon as Hope told him she was attracted to him.
    I don't advocate a man slapping a woman, but if a man kissed a woman and she didn't want it, a slap would be justified. So the question is: If nobody saw it happen, should Finn tell Steffy about it? I would say yes, BUT the fallout would be so bad for the company and the families. Even if he doesn't tell, he needs to stay away from Hope if he wants to protect his marriage and family. And his good reputation. Everybody loves Finn, even Liam gave him a compliment recently. I know Hope will blame the champagne. But alcohol just brings out people's true thoughts and feelings. Finn please stay away from Hope! At first I was all for Hope going after Finn just to pay Steffy back for her nasty attitude. Now I've changed my mind. It would just re-ignite the whole Logan vs. Forrester feud. But I guess that's what the writers and some fans want. 👎

    1. Steffy didn't tell Finn about her kisses so if he keeps it hidden and she finds out and flips out, she'd be the worst hypocrite to walk the planet (not that she hasn't been in previous cases). I also think he (and she before) should tell. Keeping something like that a secret is what makes it a big deal, not the act itself. Because Finn in no way encouraged the kiss but it would be his doing to hide it.

      I think Brooke's words will stick with Steffy and she will try to behave and grow up where the Logans are concerned. But once this kiss comes out, the gloves will be off again. It will be interesting to see if it causes a rift between Finn and Steffy (because Finn likes to defend Hope) or if they survive.

  15. Did the kiss really happen Or is Hope having her daydreams again?

    1. You never know. They like to trick the viewers sometimes. I think it really happened because if it was one of Hope's fantasies he would have kissed her longer and more passionately instead of pushing her away and looking shocked. I will be watching tomorrow. 👀🍿

    2. Finn needs to set Hope straight and then start avoiding her like now. She needs to feel mortified, he needs to nip this in the bud right now.

  16. What's Thomas doing for a living?

  17. This is off the subject but a website is asking if Bill related to Tom and Poppy is shocked.

  18. I think Brooke looks so much younger than her real age but that outfit she is wearing is so inappropriate for a 60 something lady. It was way too short for a mature woman to wear!

  19. I think if Bill is not Luna father he would adopt her because he shared a bond with her before the results and he never had a daughter and she loved him like a father figure.

    1. that would be really sweet. Will and Katie would probably be devastated, but as long as Luna wasn't in on the scheme (and I am positive she wasn't), I'd totally want that for her.

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