Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Stefy's disappointed face says the promo was well received. Too bad sourpuss .

    1. The Grim Reaper stalking over in the bushes thinks, Oh A celeb photoshoot! I think that's Paris Hilton, is that Paris Hilton?

    2. Oh Miss Poo....best you rewind and re-watch it again, she WAS smiling, you are such a woman hater...lol

    3. My comment says nothing about gender. Get your pronouns straight, and learn that not defining gender at all means no issue. Trying to make issue where none exists just means you can't think of anything.

  2. LOL ๐Ÿ˜… so many orders that they crashed the site. Yeah it was a terrible idea to have Brooke as a face of BB ๐Ÿ˜…
    And everyone congratulating and thanking her for representing all generations. And she looks amazing in that dress.
    Even Steffy is begrudgingly smiling ๐Ÿ˜€
    Darn, Taylor IS the one stalking them! I can't get warm with a third Taylor ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️ that's just weird.

    1. The new Taylor looks too young to be Steffy's mother. A boring show today.

    2. D you were right yesterday. I honestly couldn't imagine the big reveal to be Taylor - a character that didn't exit in any mysterious way. And you're right she does look too young.

    3. It's going to be hard to take her seriously. We will see when she's with Steffy but just the way she was talking to Steffy was laughable.

    4. Good lord, Steffy is such a downer! Hey, Negative Nancy……oh I mean, Steffy…..can’t you ever say something nice or smile when the Logans succeed??!! You are such a sourpuss allllll the time!!!!
      Of course it was a huge success! Never had a doubt!!!
      I thought Brooke was co-CEO now?

      Oh here comes Taylor to try to break up Ridge and Brooke for the 100th time! Boring!

    5. Lynn Ridge's words were "who cares what the title is, Brooke is on and working side by side with Steffy". So she isn't a co-CEO but basically expected to take on the work he doesn't want to do.
      And Steffy ๐Ÿ˜… she was struggling - really wanted to hate on Brooke but all those other guys were there and so hyped up ๐Ÿ˜… it's hard to remain hateful when Brooke made you so much money by just showing up. Now she'll have to listen to Hope cheering for her mom and rubbing in how Steffy once again has to eat her words ๐Ÿ˜€

    6. Milla, ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    7. @Lyn, MIss know it all....she was smiling, best you and Miss Poo re-watch the show...lol.....

    8. Oh and by the way, it doesn't seem anyone is missing Steffy over there, at least nobody is asking about her. It's all about Brooke ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    9. Milla, absolutely! No one in Monte Carlo cares about Steffy. She’s right where she belongs….in LA being the grumpy person she always is! I think Hope feels a little sorry for her. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. So, Taylor "the doctor", is acting like Sheila "the psychopath". That's more than weird ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Welcome back to Daytime Rebecca Budig, loved her on All My Children and Guiding Light. Rebecca is 51 years old she is a wonderful actress. I am shocked she was recast as the new Taylor Hayes. I won't judge yet lol. I will give her a chance. Krista Allen who was fired, was a huge mistake. I loved her as Taylor.

    1. Oh I forgot, Rebecca played Hayden on General Hospital.

  5. Oh dear no offence but Bell has replaced Taylor glamorous brunette with a skinny blonde ??
    Thank you Bob xxxx
    Krista Allen was the nearest to being Taylor Hayes but she looked too young and aged Brooke character Bell couldn't have that

  6. Rebecca Budig is absolutely too youthful to play Taylor. She 51 but looks much much younger. They could have cast her as dead Phoebe. By contrast Ron Moss, the original Ridge is 70ish. Could definitely be his daughter

  7. TY Bob. Have a great Tuesday.

  8. My first thought about the new actress playing Taylor is that she does look a bit young to be Thomas and Steffy's mother. But I will try to get used to her. Whatever her actual age is, the actress has to be believable in the part. If not, it's distracting. But hey, best of luck to the actress. I hope the fans won't be too hard on her.

  9. Wake me up when booring Taylor will desepear again.
    Tks for posting Bob

  10. Oh no...another Taylor?!?!๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♀️ Yes, I agree with everyone... she' s a little too young to be the mother of Thomas and Steffy...I hope they give this Taylor a love interest and not make her obsessed wirh Ridge again...that story is old and boring... Thank you Bob ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜

  11. Shut up, Hope and Katie. Why don't you whiny Logan's go start your own company? Next, I say no to Greenlee being the new "Taylor!" This show is sinking like the "Titantic!"

    1. they are ALL gold diggers....i wish Finn would hook up with BORING, miserable oversexed HO...pe! They belong together......Steffy was way happier with Liam, Finn doesn't even know how to make Steffy laugh, not like Liam does

  12. Jesus Taylor, you are pathetic how many years are you going to chase Ridge and get rejected by him. His heart is with Brook, how can you not see that. Yes he loves you as his kids mom and for what you once shared, but his heart has always belonged to Brooke. He left you at the alter how many times? And went back to Broke. After that last scam that you and your son concocted together in having Ridge believe that Brooke called social service for Douglas, do you think Ridge would want a sneaky woman like you. Just look at you stalking Ridge, Brooke may have been a little to loose with her heart, but she was never a pathetic stalker. Taylor you are becoming one of your patients. Please move on. Brooke would have to leave this earth for you to have Ridge and at this point it's looking like you would do anything to have Ridge, even your daughter, brokes biggest nemesis, saw that when you were still willing to go through with the wedding knowing that Ridge was deceived. Taylor please, if the man wanted to be with you over Brooke he would have chosen you. Writers please, this is making women look bad. It's been too many years that this smart beautiful woman has been chasing after this man๐Ÿฅด

  13. Actually this new Taylor looks older than Krista Allen don’t like her one bit , Krista was way better

    1. Christa looked optically a lot like Hunter and had similar vibe. This lady is nothing like Taylor. Let's see how she does.

    2. Why do they insist on picking actresses that are only about 13 years older than Steffy? Give me a break!

  14. HO...pe goes on and on and on.....digging at Steffy all the time like a 2 year old, grow up HO....pe, it's not all about you and your HO.....mother!

  15. Oh please nooooo !! ๐Ÿ™„ Not another Taylor!! Are those writers that stupid ? (well that's not really a question because it's obvious)
    "yes it's your mom, mommy's coming home, mommy is back mommy loves you" already talking like a psycho ๐Ÿคฎ

  16. It’s a little too much to bring Taylor back once again to fail, but now she is a stalker also! Let’s get back to the murder mystery and forget about loser Taylor. I want to see Poppy go down for being involved with deceiving Bill!! Is that too much to ask for the writers to stay on track. This show is really going down the tube!
