Monday, August 5, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-5-24 Full episode B&B 5th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-5-24 Full episode B&B 5th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Brooke honestly looks better in this campaign of BB than in the original one.
    Poppy was not at all shocked to see Tom's backpack in her apartment.
    Ah the mystery woman! 🤩

    1. Luna was not convinced at all of Poppy's innocence.

    2. You think it's Taylor? Or, it would be see Sally back and start a fashion house rivalry.

    3. I somehow doubt renowned psychiatrist will be lurking like this... But you never know. Sally had no motive to spy on them. Maybe someone from the past like Shauna...

    4. And in the trailer we could hear Brooke's voice saying "this can't be happening" so it should be someone she would be shocked to see...

    5. I read somewhere that it’s Shawna.

    6. Oh no please not Taylor again, all the attemps to make her come back were disastrous...
      It's not Sally, she is in Genoa City, she has a job and a man in her life, today she was crying over her baby loss a year ago, she is not coming back in B&B.
      If it's Shawna then WTF? Can't those writers imagine interresting things for achange ??


    7. I hope it's young (or old!) Caroline returning from the dead. Or that crazy Morgan chick.

    8. It could be Shawna, but the hand looked awfully pale, too pale to be Shauna's?

    9. @Mila, she didn't get chance to even think about the backpack from all the questions being thrown at her from Luna. Someone is framing Poppy and knew the building is being demolished hence the backpack was put there to go 'up in smoke' with the building.

    10. It's Taylor sneaking behind the bushes

  2. Hope's Don't...Stop Don't... Stop.

  3. Brooke and Ridge go so well together. She certainly is a beautiful woman. Hope is a lost cause and who was that peeping around the bush at the end !

  4. I am not a logan fan but I have watched the birth of Brooke Logan and no one can play her like KKL and yes she is iconic and years ago I was a fan and my mom was a Taylor fan.I saw Taylor character as the entitled and quite patronising and Brooke went after Ridge after Taylor laughed at her This history carry on but Bell should not change her character
    She will always be top logan schemer
    Thank you Bob xxxx
    I think the hidden person is Quinn

  5. mandy, hmmm, hadn't thought of quinn.

  6. Brooke is stunning..
    Maybe Quin is back?

    1. That was my initial thought as well until I saw theses a new actress coming on board to play Taylor.

  7. Is someone framing Poppy? this storyline is super boring -_-

    1. I have to agree, someone is framing Poppy as they knew the building is being demolished so they planted to backpack to go down in flames with the building.

  8. I wish B&B would please stop with the fantasy daydream scenes that viewers are supposed to believe are really happening. That is so overdone. 😑
    Wow! Steffy is so negative when it comes to anything associated with Hope or Brooke. Yes, HFTF numbers are down. But she can't even be positive and hopeful for Brooke's Bedroom. She has to add something negative and pessimistic. The whole hatred for "the Logans" is so tired. I wonder if she hates little Beth already. I mean, she is part Logan.😥
    The mystery woman spying on Brooke and Ridge. My first thought was Taylor.

    1. Steffy is not negative she telling the truth about HFTF line. Its draining resources and money from FC and Hope isn't doing a damn thing to fix it except daydream about a married man. And Ridge is an idiot to use Brooke at her age to be the main model for a lingerie line.

    2. Steffy as CEO isn't reacting because it's a Logan. Her job is to make money for the company, not go into the red. And Hope really has done nothing about it. Her "visions" now are about Finn and anyway she can cause turmoil for Steffy. And before I hear how ugly and nasty comments are towards Hope because she's a Logan? She is earning her mothers title, something she swore she would never do. For weeks we have been hearing the Steffy bashing. Is it because she is a Forrester? Anyway haven't really been watching lately, just reading comments. And I don't think alot of posters left because Thope is history. The show has gone downhill since Thomas left. The Poppy SL? I think she knows who might have the motive to kill Tom and Hollis but think Bill and Justin are one step ahead. Still think it could be Finn as the father. Sorry...done my rant for the night.🙂

    3. And Mmysh. Even though we never see eye to eye on things, hang in there and stay strong. Things will be ok.

    4. D - I think Elle has mostly checked out from the blog because Thomas is gone. Ren Chen for sure checked out when Hope told Thomas “No” to his proposal for the umpteenth time.
      So I would say some definitely left because of Thomas’ future on the show. I honestly don’t think he’s been written off. I think he is just taking a break from the show.

      I think your comparison of Hope to Brooke is not even remotely similar. So far she has NOT slept with anyone’s husband. If and when she does, then you would have a leg to stand on with regard to following in Brooke’s footsteps.
      While I don’t think her fantasies are healthy for her (Hope), she really just crossed a line that one time with Finn in the dressing room. And nothing ended up happening. So for you to compare Hope to Brooke is just silly…..IMO.

    5. Oh WOW Noemie, so after 50 years old you think we can just wear grandma panties??? Brooke (KKL) is so right, aging is not a problem, we still are beautiful and lingerie is not exclusively for young women!!

    6. Miss-sushi, so true! There are women half Brooke’s age with bodies that don’t even compare to Brooke’s! Age is just a number. If you take care of yourself and look good in lingerie….then strut your stuff! 20, 30, 40, 50, 60…..who cares??!!

    7. Looking at the feedback already, using Brooke is more than smart because everyone there considers her an icon.

    8. I agree with Lynn. I look nowhere near as good as Brooke for example lol. I think it's a smart move to use an older model as this sends the message that women of all ages can wear her lingerie = more customers.

    9. The actor portraying Thomas is about to be a father. Perhaps he's on Paternity leave

  9. So Rebecca Budig, formerly Greenlee Smythe from AMC is the new Taylor. The actress is 51 but still looks as she is in her 30's. Gonna be very interesting to see her in this role. Great actress, I just can't see her playing 'older'

  10. Yes... absolutely agree with Dis One regarding Rebecca Budig as the new Taylor being back in action in Monaco...check Wikipedia article on The Bold and the Beautiful and enter the hyperlink on Taylor Hayes in the Former Cast's all there....

  11. wow, well done Brooke, a whole 30 people cheesy!

  12. I hope, Hope, seduces Finn. I can't stand that arrogant hypocrite, Stephie.
