Friday, August 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Is someone setting Poppy up? i'm tired of this storyline

    2. i keep thinking justin has something to do with it.

    3. Wasn't boring to me. Beats watching Brooke, Ridge, Steffy and Hope. This episode was very entertaining. The preview for next week wasn't included in this episode. Next week Detective Baker arrests Poppy.

    4. Wings, I think she is being set up, but maybe knows more than she's letting on. They are dragging it out too long, to a point its getting boring.

    5. Spoiler Alert!!! I read that Poppy and Justin might be in cahoots together, and fooling Bill. Doesn't sound right, but Justin is involved against his friend it read in some way. It said that Justin said Bill made him kill. I wish they would hurry with this story. Yes, I read that Poppy is going to be arrested, and Luna will quit RJ when she hears what he did... Telling Katie

  2. With a boyfriend like RJ, who needs enemies?:)

  3. Not boring, it's unfolding slowly like always happens in the Bold ... One chapter at a time ... Just enjoy it

  4. i see a different actress is coming back as taylor. she looks younger than steffi. why can't they pick a woman who actually looks old enough to be steffis' mom?

    1. Because they are stupid, Taylor is supposed being older than Brooke, when she came into the show, she already was a doctor, she was oncologist at this time and was treating Caroline, how many years to become an oncologist and then she chose psychology, her first speciality, she had to be at least 26/28. Brooke was only 22. Then they cast Krysta for the role, she is only 53, that was so ridiculous, and now, Rebacca whom's only 51 🙄🙄 and next time they will take on in her 40?? Taylor should be 65/68 years old now, they need to stop taking us for fools...

    2. Absolutely…it is ridiculous!

  5. It wasn't Poppy but I think Poppy knows who it was 🤔

  6. TY Bob. Have a great week end.

  7. As usual, they say all kinds of useless crap instead of getting to the point - Poppy has Tom's backpack. Katie is already way in too deep, why not just say all she knows.

    And Poppy and Luna - are they really that dumb to just leave that backpack there? Not calling the police? Or at least destroying it (also dumb but more logical than leaving it). Poppy is way too calm considering evidence is piling up against her... As usual it's all half-assed. But I hope next week we see some development and more from the other suspects.

    1. Katie is trying to say what she knows. She called Lt. Baker right away and now is trying to warn Bill, he doesn't want to hear it. He is getting uneasy feelings about Poppy though, or he's also involved and doesn't want Katie to get involved. Who knows.?

    2. I think whomever is responsible for the two deaths, we can kiss that character goodbye on B&B once it’s finally revealed. And that’s probably gonna be in 6 months or so the way it’s going! Lol.
      I would assume the person ends up in prison….and then as mentioned, they will be off the show for a good long time, if not permanently.
      I wouldn’t mind seeing Li go….she serves no purpose and is annoying as hell. I also wouldn’t mind seeing Poppy go because I don’t like her with Bill at all. If it’s Jack or Justin it would make virtually no difference because we never see them anyway. And like many have mentioned, I wish they would move this one along. The SL itself is pretty boring. Or maybe it’s just the main players in this SL who are boring.

    3. Lynn what you say makes sense totally. Only in BB nobody stays in prison at least for now... I can imagine them pulling some sorry a la it was an accident. Btw can you imagine if the killer was Will - he did it to set up Poppy because he hates that she's in his dad's life 😀 then came to get the backpack to bring to Poppy's and Hollis was an accident because he drank from Tom's bottle in the dark. In this case I'm sure Bill would be able to get him off the same way other characters have been spared jail time by their families either covering up or using lawyers.

    4. D I'm looking forward to that detective doing some detective work for once 😅 he'll arrest her and that will prompt some events to get to the real killer. Hopefully soon and not in 6 months though 😀

    5. Milla, I hadn’t even considered Will as a possibility. 🤣🤣🤣

    6. Lynn I'm also only looking out of the box, think all others seem more and more like red herrings. But probably / hopefully it's more complicated.

    7. Det. Baker doing some detective work? 😂😂😂
      But I like your (thinking outside the box), that how we say it here.🙂
      Will has the motive but did he know Hollis? It was someone Hollis knew well, and someone that would have access to Poppy or Luna's keys. Now if we really want to start thinking outside the box, what about RJ or even Katie herself? 🙃

    8. D 😃 I thought also if they knew each other but then remembered how Luna was all of a sudden Hollis good friend without any of us knowing; they can easily say Will knew him too from the past. It's unlikely but often they build the storylines like that.

    9. That's true about Luna and Hollis. Maybe Will is "good" friends with him too. The 2 scenes were similar. Where Will was creeping up to Bill's bedroom and whoever it was creeping up on Hollis.
      Like you said, I hope they make it an interesting whodunit and don't drag it out long enough that it gets boring.

    10. D yes indeed they were similar the scenes!

    11. Milla, I’ve been pretty bored with the show lately. I hope they move things along…..or I may be down to just reading comments and watching an occasional show now and then.
      Our real life political climate in the US is much more exciting than B&B these days!!! 😊😊😊

    12. Lynn I only watch at 1,5 speed these days and not very carefully. It is kind of boring but I think there were worse times when we were all groaning, that's how painful it was to watch. Now we have at least this mystery, if they show Jack and Justin again plus Will (I like him!) I'm okay 😀

    13. I hope Elle returns 🥺

    14. I think Elle will return when Thomas returns. 😊

    15. Meanwhile I’m so glad you’re still around Lynn! Please don’t disappear 😘

    16. Right back at you, Milla! Definitely wouldn’t be the same without you!! 😘

  8. Thank you Bob 💕😘. Have

  9. If a man reacted to cooking the way Deacon did, I'd be packing my bags because my feelings would be so hurt😂. Deacon was it really that bad, really? Couldn't you just pretend like most men do😂

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 In Sheila's defense, she did say she might have used too much Cayenne pepper but it must have been Alot.

    2. If it were me, I would have tasted it myself first before presenting this wonderful and special dish to my husband. I don’t like surprises. Lol

    3. For a second I thought someone was poisoning Deacon 🤣

    4. Milla, I thought the same thing! Just never knew poison to work so quickly! Lol

  10. Oh detective HO...gan....get a grip. Just because Sheila was released doesn't mean she didn't do it! She had more motive than Poppy! Sheila is framing Popping ! She put the backpack in Poppy's apartment!

  11. RJ telling Katie every detail and proud not even thinking he is betraying Luna trust.They should call the police as soon as they found the back pack. Poppy should have told Bill every detail before Katie did.

  12. Why do I think Li has something to do with Tom murder and want to put blame on Poppy to get rid of her?
