Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-28-24 Full episode B&B 28th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-28-24 Full episode B&B 28th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thanks Bob.

    Wow Luna!!!!

    Finn please go to the apartment!!!!

    1. The minute Finn got her out she would revert to screaming at him for kissing Hope. All the way home, Stefy: "WA-WA-WA YOU BLAH BLAH BLAH HOPE and YOU! Yada Yada Yada SHE THEY and LUNA wa wa wa wa wa. (BUT NOT THAT NICELY.)

    2. I agree. I think I read Finn finds a clue.

  2. Luna the actress is amazing! She switches so seamlessly between sociopath and her kind self. I hope we don't lose her, it would be a shame. But I know it will be hard to rehabilitate her.
    I actually feel bad for Steffy. Is Luna feeding her?
    Look at Sheila and her soft side with the portraits 😀

    1. Milla, I don’t understand Luna’s endgame with Steffy. Is she waiting for the bulldozers to come in and finish her off? She gave Steffy water, which will keep her alive. Unless that water was also tainted with more drugs. If Steffy doesn’t get water, she won’t last long.
      I agree, Luna is a great actress. Evil to the core, but can sure act like the sweet innocent thing when she needs to.
      Deputy Chief Baker continues to be a total waste of space. Lol
      And yeah, Sheila’s sentimental side is pretty dang funny!!!

    2. Lynn I also can't figure out what is Luna's goal, but yes what you say sounds most plausible to me. When they demolish that building she hopes Steffy goes away too. I imagine the rescue will be something similar to when Bill was blowing up a building and Liam..and Sally were inside. I think it won't be Finn saving her though. It can be Liam or Sheila. Or Bill.
      Baker is such an embarrassment 🤦🏻‍♀️what is he even doing the whole time?

    3. I think Chief Baker is intended to be a current version of The Keystone Cops. Maybe the writers are trying to make him an embarrassment. Otherwise we can just chalk it up to more bad writing.

    4. I think Luna is going to trip up, she's starting to get a little cocky.
      I don't see how they can actually hold Poppy. They don't have any real evidence of the actual killing, circumstantial yes, but that would make her just a suspect.
      Baker is a joke. Everyone else has to solve things for him.

    5. D Baker is not looking for evidence. Luna will tell him about the paternity and it will be enough for him.

    6. Yeah in reality they don't have enough evidence to keep Poppy locked up. It's so stupid. Baker is totally inept. We all know Steffi will get rescued and the truth will come out , but dang if it's not fun watching Luna play such an evil part! She's good at being bad😈

    7. Hilary I may be the only one here who finds Luna's evil entertaining 😀 I'm more bothered by her trying to get in Bill's bed 🙈 that's so weird. But overall they finally shook things up a little from the same old thing of Hope, Steffy, Thomas etc. I love it when there's a mystery and crime now and then.

    8. There’s lots of comments about someone needing to call Steffy’s phone. But either way, it’s sitting on a table right by the front door. I can’t imagine Bill wouldn’t have already noticed it sitting there. Is he that oblivious when he leaves the house?

    9. I agree. Give it to Sweet Luna. Oh she is so bad! Intriguing. She has one face for cute/innocent and another for stone Cold evil!!

  3. Luna is a complete psychopath like Poppy did an awful job raising her lol. I'm just saying. Steffy needs to drink some water and get some food to keep her strength up. Finn will find a clue to find steffy or someone will.

  4. Luna is bat shit crazy she gonna let her mom rot In jail for crimes she committed omg. She gonna get hers though.

    1. I hope they kill off her character. Never liked her.

  5. Replies
    1. Whos Bob? I hear him being mentioned in all soap comments?

    2. Noemi it's the person uploading the videos, Bob Klod, the one we hope never blocks us 😅

    3. Oh okay thanks Milla for responding.

  6. I think Sheila will find Steffy and help her.

  7. Omg Luna the LUNATIC is just like little girl HOpe, blaming Steffy...I quote "I was at the Spencer Estate, the home that YOU were trying to push me out of" Steffy never had chance to tell anyone now she was trying to push her out of the house 🤣🤣🤣🤣 these children all have mental issues. Come on Steff, you are a intelligent woman, try and break out of that cage 💪oh detective HOgan, you in for a shocker with Poppy being innocent 🤣🤣🤣 egg on your face for sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong 🤣🤣🤣 I hope it makes Poppy and Bill's relationship stronger 🤣🤣

    1. @Elle and @CC, totally, she reminds me of a 90 year old woman trapped in a 40 something body :D always poking her nose where it doesn't belong or blabbering out people's secrets. I hope that Bill sticks with Poppy and their relationship flourishes, just to annoy :D

    2. I agree unknown, I think Steffy should stop screaming and start using her brains! And try saving herself..think, think Steffy and outsmart the psycho 😁

  8. Wowwww Luna 😲😳...The clue to finding Steffy is her phone, which she "forgot" at Bills' we have to wait and see.who that will be.... Thank you Bob 🥀❣️😘

  9. Luna killed her real father Tom Star. How did she know at that time that he was her father? I must have missed that.

    1. Luna said in the previous episode that she had read the letters already throughout the years as Tom was sending them. It's all a bit far-fetched.

  10. Something tells me Justin bill s X bff who betrayed him when he locked Thomas in a cage 🤔 steffy brother why do I suddenly suspect Justin is back for justice revenge for Emma his niece that steffy s brother Thomas chased and threatened whn is bill and rj gonna wake ⏰️ up and see both Luna and poppy are trouble makers gold digger s and I hope Kate or finn ridge find steffy put lunatic in jail yesterday

  11. If Finn is so worried, why doesn't he call Steffy & leave her a message? Who cares if she said not to call? Call her anyway.

    1. I think Finn is obeying Her Majesty’s orders by leaving her alone. Boy I’ll bet Steffy is regretting that order. Lol!!!

    2. Yes, be careful what you ask for! 😂

  12. Boring episode today... nothing interesting except blah blah and the same refrain for three months to find out who killed two individuals that no one cares about...

  13. Wish they would speed things up. Come on Steffy, quit screaming and break out of that cage. At least detective Baker is without his hot dog. The girl playing LunaTick is really a good actress, even better than Sheila with the psycho!

    1. bwaahaahaa re the hot dog :D classic......I read that Finn figures out Lunatic's secret and he rescues Steff, that means their relationship will be even MORE stronger than before.......HOpe never stood a chance to begin with so she will need to find another man to sort out her libido lmao :D

    2. Luna needs one more cage. She is going to try to put Katie in one also. It says Katie will not take the drink like Steffy did. Remember, I wrote the other day, that Poppy supposedly, stole Sheila's baby after she gave birth. Luna wants to be in Bill's bed, and she heard Katie tell him to move her out. I do not know if all of that is true, but it sure sounds good to me.

  14. Steffy forgot her phone at Bill's house ...So one day somebody will call her phone and it will ring at Bills house

  15. Surprisingly fast Liam wasn't quick to call Stepphy phone to find out how she's doing after the kiss he heard about. Hope her phone is on silent 🤫. Luna is really sick and nobody goes to the police and say those things about their mother even if they are guilty or not.
    Chief Baker should pick up on that.

  16. With Steffy expecting her fifth child, I think maybe, she might take a leave of absence soon.

    1. brandy I don't think those rumors about the 5th child are true.

  17. Milla, thanks for telling me that about Jacquline. The rumors are out there though.

    1. @brandy it's always a possibility that she's pregnant! But the actress hasn't shared such info.

  18. The time is wrong on here. I just answered you Milla at 5:00p after
    gettīng back home. It says 1:58p, and I wasn't home.

    1. The time stamp goes by California’s time.

  19. What is going on with this , i am having a problem with the watching last week, it keeps stalling and connection is good...
