Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Yes Steffy tell that wench Hope off and I'm glad Taylor told hope off too she effing deserved it. I agree Steffy needs a break from all this mess she been dealing with. I can't believe steffy saw Luna kiss Bill so nasty why Luna keep kissing Bill after he told.her not to do it again. Luna Is cheating on RJ and she may be a gold digger too.

    1. Love how Hope got it from both Steffy and Taylor. But I'm surprised Steffy didn't slap Hope!!! Lol

    2. Steffy should have slept the fake highlights off hopes face. Like defending Finn to steffy. Defending steffys husband to steffy lol what a venomous snake hope is.

    3. Luna COULD be a gold-digger?!?!? What tipped you off? HAHAHHAHH

    4. At least Hope accomplished causing Stefy and Taylor distress for their usual reaction: The requisite hypocritical sanctimonious clap trap.

    5. Champion eavesdropper Stefy just goes in someone's house and listens in. Hopefully it will be good for a blood boiling breakdown. Another instance none of her business.

    6. Steffy forgot her handbag, please.

      Luna what are you thinking??? I agree she is way confused, and cheating on RJ.

      Steffy will have to tell her poor brother about it and now he will question her sleeping with Zende…

      I’m glad Steffy gave Hope some home truths. Hope is so entitled she thinking of how she can try to seduce Finn while Steffy is away. She has a cheek telling Steffy how to care for her husband when she has NO clue about their relationship!

      Brooke is still protecting Hope and lying through her teeth! She’s known for months that Hope wants to be with Finn and thinks she’s better for him than his wife!

      Brooke needs to stop enabling Hope’s bad behaviour she’s down it since she was a teenager!

      Taylor was spot on. Though to be fair , Brooke has done a lot of work on herself and changed for the better. That said she’s wrong to cover up for Hope who as usual has zero consequences for her nasty behaviour!

      Hope is just going to escalate her game!

    7. Witchy poo shut the fuck up aint nobody was talking to you nor wanted your opinion in the matter. We get it you hate steffy while I hate hopes slut ass. Move along child.

    8. O i am with you NOEMI 🤗

    9. Noemi, I love your frankness, I can only understand you sometimes because it becomes annoying in the long run on this blog which becomes only for Hope Fans! We don't like Hope and we love Steffy (What a beautiful woman she really is, she is stunning)...

      I also expressed my opinion a few months ago even if I was less virulent... But sometimes, you have to be direct!

    10. I agree about luna, but a lot of you must not have been watching this show for very many years, because Steffy relentlessly pursue any man that hope ever had, she was with Liam first, and she also chased bill when he was married to Katie. Rules for me but not for me.

    11. @witchtpoo absolutely right! I don't say many people who comment on this show and this particular plot for very long because they are clueless. Stephie and Taylor both, pot and kettle

    12. @BBfan are you kidding me? Steffy is the self entitled princess and chased after Liam when Hope was with him, and Bill when he was married to Katie. 🙄🙄

    13. @NOEMI Hope was wrong, but Stephie is the slut who had to have a paternity test with both of her kids, chased after Liam when he was with hope, and Bill when he was married to katie. How long have you watched this show, 10 minutes?

    14. @BBfan hope has done this since she was a teenager? You've got to be kidding me! She was with Liam first, and Stephie chased after Bill when he was married to katie. Check your facts. I have been watching the show since the very first episode, and hope was wrong for what she did, that staffy is by far an angel, nor is her mom Brooke didn't defend hopes actions, she has been telling her for quite a while to get a grip. And they are grown up, and the parents need to butt out. Taylor is just pissed off that Ridge always has and always will choose Brooke and she needs to get over it and find another man. She has been with just about every single man Brooke has been with, including Eric and Thorne

    15. @NOEMI, 100% agree, defending Finn to his own wife, who even said that Finn wants a friendship with HOpe after what she has done 🤣🤣 HOpe is as delusional as her sick mother. Like mother like daughter....the valley is calling them 🤣

    16. You keep harping on about the past about Steffy and her youth that no longer exists! When she married Liam and had her little girl, Hope wasn't in the show! So she didn't steal anything from anyone...

      I'll add that what Hope is doing, she's not a little girl anymore, she's a grown woman, she has no excuse to steal a husband from his wife and the father from his child.... NONE!

    17. Are you kidding ? Steffy never slept with Bill in that time! Steffy was a teenager!

      Brooke not only slept with Bill she married him and they gaslighted Katie and stole Will from her to raise together!

      Hope was a minor dating a guy in his 20’s and the spoiled princess was completely immature! She ended her own engagement! Liam had every right to move on with Steffy, especially since he was already in love with her! Steffy didn’t steal Bill or Liam!

      Hope chased Liam and slept with him numerous times while he was married to Steffy. I watched from day one so not sure what show you were watching!

      Hope was always a snake in the grass she just hid it well! She was a spoiled entitled brat all her life!

  2. New Taylor is growing on me. Feisty, not giggly like the last one.. What's up with Luna kissing Bill AGAIN? Cheating on Steffys brother?? Something else for her to deal with??? I wonder if they dusted Taylor off and brought her back because there May be big time fallout if Ridge finds out that Brooke knew about Hope's inappropriate behavior towards Finn for awhile and did not tell him.
    Been totally agreeing with your posts NOEMI..

    1. Agree!!!!
      The new Taylor is starting to glow on me too. Glad Taylor is back, Steffy needs her mom.

    2. Thank you crossbreed. Sick of everyone else attacking steffy like steffy the villain when hope the one been coming at Finn for months trying to manipulate him to cheat with her. Sick of it. These so called fans need to fuck off and stop kissing hopes ass cause hope is a snake on the grass.

    3. Ridge always sides with Brooke now and is already making excuses for Hope and saying how Steffy will just have to deal with it. As usual he’s a shite father. He spoiled Hope and RJ and ignored Thomas, Phoebe and Steffy.

      Hope is standing there like butter wouldn’t melt and laughing because she knows she can do literally anything she wants with no repercussions because her mummy is leading Ridge around by his short and curlies.

      I’m glad Steffy has someone watching out for her.

      I feel for Finn, but he should have slammed the door shut on friendship with Hope after the lingerie / propositioning incident at FC.

      Hope is just skating along getting her way as usual. She’s so snide and rude and ugly acting.

    4. This new actress acts more like HT Taylor than the previous one.

    5. I want to see in the long term if she will continue to stand up to Bridge... Ridge is a joke, he is not a father... And Brooke is just inappropriate because she has known for months that her HOpe has feelings which intensifies.

      Hope is not a poor fragile little thing but a snake! And to the snake you know what to do so that it does not spread their venom...

    6. Brooke tried her best to talk Hope out of it, for months, I don't blame her at all.

      I hope new Taylor has more self-respect than to wait for Ridge and Brooke to break up so he can run into her arms. Again. Only to leave her for Brooke. Again.

      What is a HT Taylor?

      (Does any grown up not living in Soapland actually want their parents to get involved in their love life? I can't even imagine my mom arguing with another mom over her daughter kissing my husband. I'd be so embarrassed I'd claim that I had never seen that woman before lol).

    7. does Steffy already know Bill isn't Luna's father? Or does she think she is seeing a daughter kissing her dad?

    8. @Koyasha HT is Hunter Tylo. She was the first longstanding actress to play Taylor.

  3. One of the funniest things about Steffy is that nobody listens to her orders 😅 nobody obeys her signature "stay away from..." She can yell as much as she wants... And people still go and do what they want. I think it actually makes them want to do it even more. I do feel for her for seeing Luna kiss her ex-dad again 🤢

    New Taylor needs to work on her bite 😁 her words are okay, but her tone is a bit whiny. Btw I don't think Brooke ever promised Taylor that she will stay away from Ridge 🤣 if anything, she promised the opposite.

    1. Wow!!! Luna is certifiable!! That little girl is NOT the person we thought she was.
      Milla, soooooo funny……”no one listens to Steffy’s orders.” Truth!!! All she does is bark orders and everyone is completely oblivious to what she says. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. No Brooke did not promise Taylor anything. Ridge shows Brooke before Taylor left again.

  4. Why does everyone keep saying to Taylor, " What are you doing here" as though she is somewhere she shouldn't be ....🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. cause they haven't seen her in a while and didn't expect her to be there

  5. Love how Hope got it from both Steffy and Taylor. But I'm surprised Steffy didn't slap little slut Hope!!! Lol Love she made it clear to Hope. There's no friendship between anymore.
    Hopefully Steffy witnessing Luna kissing Bill. She'll not leave town. She got another thing deal with. Please stay in town!!

    1. @CC Luna should not have done that, but it's really none of Steffy's business. Steffy is the slut for pursuing Liam the entire time he was with hope, bill when he was married to katie, and having to have a paternity test with both of her kids. 🙄🙄

    2. Just like Hope pursued and SLEPT with Liam while he was married to Steffy and that is during all 3 of their marriages!

      Liam was married to Steffy when Hope was throwing herself at Liam and got pregnant with Beth!

    3. Remind me who Liam was married to when she got pregnant of Beth ? ?

    4. Liam was married to Steffy who was 8.5 months pregnant with Kelly!

  6. Welcome to Bold & the Beautiful now, Luna!
    You have officially become 'The Bad Seed'! (LMAO)

  7. Steffi needs to shut up she is nothing but a hypocrite. She still has not told Finn that Liam kissed her twice. Steffi doesn't deserve Finn.

    1. I think it's mainly because Steffy is trying to keep the peace. She shares a child with Liam who is also Finn's step-daughter. Finn and Hope share nothing.

    2. Nothing, but a 💋 ! 😂

      Oh, wait, Douglas is Hope's son & Finn's nephew.
      Kelly either is or was a stepdaughter to both of them.
      Let's not forget that Hope & Finn are step siblings since their parents are married.

      Yep, pretty much everyone is related on B&B!

    3. To be more specific, Hope and Finn do not share a child therefore, there is no need for ensuring peace between dad and stepdad for the sake of the child they share.

  8. Steffy is making a big mistake going away. Hope will plot her next move.

    1. I was going to post this same comment BrendaThat now is not the time to make such a move. A predator is on the loose. Well we'll see the stuff Finn is made of. I gave him thumbs up👍👍 for honesty, but really he didn't spill that HOPE has been targeting him, but then he couldn't reveal that tidbit because it would look like he encouraged her advances, especially as his wife had warned him about her. So partial blame can be attributed to Finn.... but still...the alley 🐱 knows that he is a married man committed to his wife and family..

    2. Never stopped Steffy from going after another woman's man.

  9. Does anyone else think Hope will go to the beach house
    Luna wow! Bad seed
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Mandy, of course she will and lose her clothes along the way 😂🤣🙄

    2. Of course she will go to the beach house, only to find Steffy did not leave after all! 😂😂😂😂

    3. Lose her clothes and get a migraine for good measure..

  10. Taylor same hypocrite Ridge obsessed bitter Looney,

    1. Yep always has and always will choose Brooke

  11. I thought Steffy handled herself with a lot of composure with Hope. I felt for sure she would have slapped her and yelled her head off. Lol. Instead, she said what she had to say and left. Well done, Steffy!

    Taylor on the other hand (I am really liking this new actress, btw), was a bit unfair towards Brooke. I can understand Steffy holding on to the past because she experienced it from the eyes of a child and grew up with that resentment inbred in her. But Taylor, a psychiatrist at that, must realize that Brooke is a different woman than what she used to be all those years ago. For someone who is supposed to be "the better woman," she did not act that way today. She was very judgemental.

    1. Oh, and Luna. I must say that I did not trust her from the very beginning. I did not buy her sweet and cutesy act, not once. And I remember saying that she is going to hurt RJ. Well, she did it once with Zende and now, she's about to do it again. I'm happy that Steffy saw. I hope she tells her brother what she just witnessed his girlfriend do. And, is it just me, or does anyone else think that Luna might be involved in Tom and whatshisname's murders? The way she told RJ, "my mother could be a murderer." Who says that about their own mother? People would usually deny that their mother would ever hurt anyone.

    2. Elle Brava 💯 agree!!! So glad you’re back and we have some voice of reason back on here! It’s been 99.9% Steffy hating since you left!

    3. I’m also glad Steffy realises she needs space to get her head straight. Before she would have been reactive and run to Liam for comfort and some something stupid. Now she’s taking space alone . I hope she isn’t gone too long. She and Finn need to work this out together.

      Taylor was harsh on Brooke, but that comment like Taylor isn’t allowed in LA is ridiculous!

    4. BBFan, I feel like Steffy always runs aways of late. At the very least, she should take some time away with her husband so that they can try to come to a place of consensus where Sheila and Hope are concerned. It makes no sense going away to get away from it all, just to come back to the same old thing. She and Finn need to have a better understanding of each other and what they are willing to accept and/or compromise on. After what she just witnessed, I hardly doubt she would be going away again anyway.

    5. Steffy is going on maternity leave

    6. Nikki, JMW is NOT pregnant! If look the rumours are based on a photo from a year ago when she had her 4th baby!

      She is clearly not pregnant now! She is open about her pregnancies and said they were finished after this last one.

      She was out doing dirt bikes with her sons which no woman going on maternity leave would be doing!

  12. 1-steffi said finn 'allowed' the kiss, making it sound like he reciprocated. very disingenuous. and i guess she has amnesia about liam kissing her.
    2-bill seems to be the one who's allowing luna to kiss him. he doesn't immediately freak out and pull back or push her away. what's up with that?
    3-about luna, my prediction is she's s schizophrenic & she's the one who killed tom & hollis.
    4-ridge is a pussy. he needs to be more assertive in intervening. he just stands there and lets the women snipe at each other.
    5-and i still think the new taylor looks more like steffis daughter than mother.

    1. I agree with you 💯% wesa...wait until Finn, Taylor, Ridge, Hope.... everyone finds out that Liam and Steffy kissed and she, btw, did not push him away as Finn did with Hope. Karma is going after her👏🏻🤣.

    2. Two very clear and opposing views of the kisses between Hope and Finn and Luna and Bill. You're so right, wesa. Bill seems to be allowing it. Finn definitely was not.

    3. Not sure how anyone is going to find out about Steffy and Liam lip locking in ROME. WHO SAW?? Unless Liam blabs or they are overheard rehashing the moment as people in these soaps like to do in the office, then no one will ever know.

    4. Ummmm Liam kissed Steffi again at her house after Rome

    5. It's true nobody can rely on Steffy's conscience to act up and share the secret with her husband. Steffy's secrets only come out when there's no other way (like all her pregnancies).

  13. After Brooke being the .... off the Valley we have now Hope being the .... of LA. Wat is thinking? I am not the biggest Taylor fan but in this case I 100% agree with everything she sad to Brooke and Hope.

  14. Taylor needs to shut up because she's not innocent herself. Acting like she never kissed a married man in her entire life. And she's supposed to be psychologist?! She's a straight up hypocrite. I have a feeling Hope is gonna try to see Finn while Steffy is out of town but after seeing Luna kiss Bill is she still gonna leave town? Can't believe Luna kissed Bill again. RJ needs to drop her like a bad habit.

    1. I totally agree, and Steffy has come after married men, went after Liam when he was with hope and then after they married, she went after Oliver when he was with hope, she also went after bill when he was married to Katie

  15. Can’t believe all these comments saying Taylor is younger than steffy cmon guys Taylor looks older than Brooke so stop saying nonsense please

    1. Agreed. This new actress has some age on her. She looks younger than Brooke though, but older than Steffy for sure.

  16. Goodbye steffy and please stay away , and as for Finn he never allowed that kiss he pushed her away stupid bitch , bye bye

  17. Does Taylor know Steffy slept with a very married Liam not that long ago and that her own daughter needed a paternity test for Hayes because she didn’t know if Hayes was Liam’s or Finn’s? Gosh, I hater her. Hope is a mess right now but she never slept through an entire family and she never needed a paternity test. You can tell yourself whatever you want but still to this day Steffy is WAY more like Brooke than Hope will ever be. That’s it.

    Someone should also tell Taylor that Liam and Steffy kissed TWICE (in Rome and after Rome) while married. But no one is allowed to say that of course. AND Taylor literally tried to kill Bill (just to say one of the many things she has done during the years) and she still thinks she has any room to judge anybody?

    Typical of the Tridge family after all. Always thinking they are better than everybody else. Fun fact: they are not. Indeed, they are worse.

    1. First of all, Steffy won't run after Liam in lingerie... Then Liam was her husband and father of her daughter before HOpe came to spread her venom and get pregnant by a married man and father...
      Be objective, thank you!

    2. @Artist absolutely! And had to have a paternity test with her first kid because she had slept with Liam's dad, and Tayler tripping out shooting bill as if steffy was raped 🙄🙄

  18. Also, wasn’t Taylor sleeping with a still legally married Ridge when her crazy son called CPS pretending to be Brooke just to split Brooke and Ridge? Taylor and Steffy are the worst kind of hypocrites.

    1. Yes, and let's not forget that Steffy had an affair with Bill while he was married to Katie. And she also slept with Bill when she was married to Liam. She got pregnant with Kelly and didn't know if Liam or Bill was the father.

    2. That's not correct, Artist. Taylor was not sleeping with Ridge when CPS happened. She started sleeping with him after he followed her to Aspen and told her that he left Brooke and wanted to marry her. Also, I think Ridge had already served Brooke divorce papers by that time, which is why she followed him and Taylor to Aspen.

    3. Elle he hadn't served her with anything. He got hit with a pine cone and ran to Aspen. Brooke went after him. Only after he returned Carter served Brooke with papers and she signed.

    4. Thanks M. I couldn't remember exactly when the divorce happened. 🤗

  19. Yes exactly they just wanna talk about others when Taylor did much more she’s the biggest s….t ever including her daughter steffy

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Are you kidding me? Taylor is not a saint for sure, but Brooke is much worse. The main difference is that men came after Taylor. Brooke however, chased so many men relentlessly.

    3. Married and engaged men, not single available ones!

  20. Steffy is going on maternity leave 👩‍🍼🍼

    1. JMW aka Steffy isn’t pregnant. The rumours came from a photo she posted that is actually dated last year when she had her fourth son!

  21. Did Steffy really chastise Hope about going after someone else's man, husband? Seriously? After she incessantly chased after Bill when he was married to Katie, then Liam when he was with Hope. Why isn't anyone reminding that high and mighty witch about what she has done?

    1. Maybe because both men ended up falling desperately in love with Steffy. Liam fell in love with Hope too but left her and even said that leaving Steffy for Hope was the biggest mistake he has made in his life. Hope kissed Liam while married to his brother and their marriage ended. She kissed Thomas while married to Liam and even he walked away from her eventually. Now Hope is fantasizing about and running after a married man who has rejected her twice. Who really looks worse here? Besides, Steffy hasn't run after any married men since she was a teenager so the argument is moot.

    2. You are so right Taylor was Ridge therapist after Caroline die knowing that Caroline ad give Brooke a blessing to be with him after a death and Liam was with Hope way before Steffy she was to busy with Bill people forget what really happens here

    3. Steffy didn’t sleep with Bill during his marriage that was Brooke. Bill wants free of Katie but was stuck because of her health.

      Hope was a teenager and Liam was a grown man in his 20’s and shouldn’t have been dating a minor in the first place. Hope was immature and kept giving ultimatums. That is the only reason Liam proposed to her. He loved Steffy, who was the same age and actually ready to be married and commit fully to him! Steffy was with Liam AFTER Hope chucked a tantrum and broke off their engagement.

      Steffy was right to protect her relationship with Liam and keep Hope from interfering!

      Sorry the Hope dated Liam first doesn’t excuse her years of chasing and sleeping with and moving in with Liam while he was MARRIED to Steffy!!!

  22. I thought that Luna being so sweet and innocent had to be bs. Bill told her to keep her lips off of him. She's a gold digger just like her mom, and I thought Lee was being unfair to Poppy. She's already snagged a forester, but now she's trying move on to the big leagues with Bill. If I were him, I would tell her that she's got to move out

  23. who cares about Rj he threw lunA under the bus

  24. Why is Bill not telling Luna to move out? He owes her nothing and if I were in his position, I would really feel uncomfortable having her around kissing on me. She is dangerous and I believe she killed those others! As for Hope, Steffy should have slapped her and definitely should fire her from Forrester.

    1. Agree. Steffy should slap Hope and eliminate HFTF!!!!👏🏻

    2. Unfortunately she can’t do anything about HFTF because daddy only cares about making Brooke happy and will never let Hope lose the line, even if it sinks FC!

  25. Where did Luna live before her mother came on the scene? Maybe she should go back to work and get her own apartment! Something is wrong with that girl for sure. Is she a natural trouble maker, who kisses a man that she thought was her father and also is her mother’s boyfriend. And always has an evil smirk on her face after she kisses him. And also tells RJ she can’t leave Bill to move in with RJ. Was that one night with Zende really because she was drugged or was it planned?

  26. Ummm. What's makes Steffi and Taylor, (2 sluts born into money), any better than Brooke and Hope, (2 sluts coming from the valley, with no money).
    Brooke (Brooke's Bedroom) has made millions for FC. What has Taylor done? Except be a mattress for Ridge now and then.
    Why is it when the Forresters and Logans argue, Steffi and Taylor have the right to bring up past discretions of Brooke and Hope but Brooke and Hope never be that vindictive as to bring up their sordid pasts. I'm sick of watching and listening to that BS. Why can't they defend themselves against these two is beyond me 🙄 .

    1. I don't understand that, either. I am neither Team Logan nor am I Team Forrester, but those lame excuses about her and Liam sharing a past and a daughter don't justify her cheating on Finn with a married Liam.

      I really like reading the comments here, but every day I have to read a list of things that Hope Taylor Steffy Brooke did a decade ago, several decades ago. The comments are as repetitive as the show is. I am still watching and reading, though lol.

    2. Correction! Hope didn’t come from the Valley! Brooke was a multimillionaire from her her divorce settlements with Eric and Ridge! Hope grew up in Brooke’s palatial home and estate that she currently lives on complete with servants! Hope was raised by the nanny!

      Hope grew up with a platinum spoon in her mouth and had EVERYTHING Steffy did and more because she grew with Ridge as her Dad while Thomas, Phoebe and Steffy got crumbs of their father’s time and affection.

      Hope has been totally spoiled and entitled all her life! She’s not some poor kid!

      Hope always forgets all the years she chased and slept with Steffy’s husband!!!! Or how she got pregnant by sleeping with Steffy’s husband!

      We are tired of hearing what a saint Hope is! She never was!

      Steffy owns her past mistakes, Hope doesn’t and blames Steffy for everything that has gone wrong in her life.

      Hope cheated on Liam, Hope chose to turn down Thomas’s proposal twice, no man in his right mind would keep a relationship going like nothing happened especially when he knows she will NEVER commit! That was pure selfishness on Hope’s part.

    3. Hope has been very vindictive in the past! She was so nasty to Steffy throughout her entire pregnancy with Kelly and to Baby Kelly after she was born because Liam had the nerve to have a baby with his wife!!!

      Hope is just sneakier and acts sweet, she isn’t!

    4. still harping on about the same old bullshit from 15 years ago? Steffy has evolved into a Woman and Hope has remained the same capricious little kid...

  27. Wow, so many hope haters. I don't agree with what hope did but if the shoe fits wear it. Steffy did the same thing with Liam. Hope needs help as she is falling off the rails. Two wrongs don't make a right. I wonder what Finn would do if he found out Liam had kissed her twice. These women are both troubled.

  28. BRADLEY BELL!! That's strike two! Might as well be strike three since you had Steffy witness it, matter of fact, it is strike 3... WTF is wrong with you!!!! LOL!!

  29. Steffy...finn did not allaw hope to kiss him...
