Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Get some bug repellant for that pest Finn. I'm delighted that you are a man of integrity. That's the end of the line for HFTF. (No pun intended) please, please please, let it be 2 lines. I feel for Bill and Luna if it isn't

  2. Yet again, A Mickey mouse paternity test..

    1. I'm glad too that Finn told Hope, under no circumstances can it ever happen again. He loves his "wife".
      I was thinking the same thing about another home DNA test. He should have a lab test done. I've always thought a blood test was more accurate than saliva. I could be wrong.

    2. D why is "wife" in " " 😅
      as if she's *allegedly* his wife.

  3. Thank god Finn told Hope to fuck off to Sunday morning. Like the nerve of this homewrecker to even think of Finn that way is straight up nasty. She had a man that was committed to her Thomas, Thomas really loved Hope and was only committed to her and she was just using him like the hoe she is. Hope ruined her own marriage it wasnt steffys fault at all, it was all Hope and she has no one but to blame but herself for running her own life. Steffy needs to slap the taste of her face soon.

    1. Love Finn!!!!!!!
      Can't wait for Steffy to slap little slutty Hope face!!!!!

    2. Steffy has committed alot of mistakes but she never used Liam nor Bill she guineally loved them unlike Hope she did use Thomas knowing fare well Thomas was in love with her. I don't feel not one inch pitty for Hope.

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  4. Love how Finn told Hope off!!! Finn got integrity, honest and loves Steffy!!!!!🥰👏🏻
    Bye bye HFTF!!!!!!
    Can't wait for Steffy confront and slap Hope!!!
    I still hope Luna is Bill's daughter.
    Don't like Katie!

    1. Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. If it turns out Bill's not the father, I think I know who is, right Lynn?😁
      Either way, I don't think Poppy committed the murders but she might know who did.

    3. D - if Bill’s not Luna’s father, it in no way means Finn is. I still maintain Finn is NOT Luna’s dad. No way in hell.

    4. I did think for a while then that Finn was Lunas Father..

  5. Well, Finn is a lot more honest than Steffy. he didn't even initiate the kiss, and neither did Steffy when Liam kissed her. But still, Finn wants to tell her about it, while Steffy kept it a secret from Finn. If HE finds out Liam kissed her, and she didn't tell him? Oh... he will be pissed. Especially if Steffy gets pissed now when he tells her about Hope kissing him. The double standard...

    1. Them kisses with Liam were not initiated by steffy theres a difference. And she told Liam to fuck off, Hope is currently trying to destroy a marriage cause she a horn dog.

    2. Noemi brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. It was the same thing. Finn did NOT initiate the kiss either. It's the same, just Liam tried to get Steffy back, and Hope was trying to get Finn. Kinda same if you look at it, except Liam had a history with Steffy, Hope doesn't with Finn. So that is the only difference. Either way, Steffy NOR Finn initiated the kisses, but Finn still wants to tell the truth, and basically risk Steffy going mental on Hope. If Steffy had told Finn about Liam, Finn would have gone mental on Liam.

    4. And Liam kissed Steffy twice...Hope kissed Finn once.

    5. Malin you're right. Finn is a lot more honest than Steffy. Both were kisses that neither of them initiated, both of them set things strwight. But only one of them (Steffy) is keeping it a secret from the spouse. Who knows maybe Finn's honesty will prompt Steffy to also be honest. I seriously doubt it but it could happen.

    6. Malin, you are 100% correct. There is zero difference. Neither Finn nor Steffy initiated the kisses. So why is it only Finn that feels the need to be honest with his spouse and not Steffy?!! Because Steffy is a snake and a sneak. Always has been and always will be. She has zero respect for Finn. She is much more concerned about protecting herself. For the Steffy fans to defend her is ABSURD!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. First of Lynn you are the most annoying detestable user on this blog. You always insult the steffy actress and when you get confronted on it you get defensive. Do us all a favor and disappear and never come back. Hope loving bootlicker

    8. Oh loser Noemi with your stupid fake picture. Yeah, you wish you looked like that. 🤣🤣🤣
      Here’s the deal lady, I have been on this blog FAR longer than your nasty ass!! So it’s you that needs to hit the road with all your disgusting trash talk. You sound like one CLASSLESS individual. Only classless people use the language you do. So be gone TROLL !!!!!! 🧌🧌🧌

    9. Oh and newsflash - my assessment of Steffy is always ON POINT!!! So suck it!!

    10. Ah ah ah I love your repartee Noemi ! thank you, you make my day ! Good Job ! Baby is not a good girl as her mother .... degusting home wrecker !

    11. Hey guys don't you see any difference between liam kissing stuffy and hope kissing Finn? The big difference is that liam has a daughter with Steffi and they have a long history together, what Finn and hope have together? I still think that Steffi should have told Finn about the kisses regardless.

    12. Odys for sure Liam and Steffy have a history, but that would be even more of a reason for Steffy to share with her husband. Let's not forget she even cheated on him with Liam. Hiding it makes it a bigger deal than it is. Finn so far has no attachment to Hope so her drunken kiss shouldn't become a big issue, he should just come out and say it.

    13. Milla, I thought the same thing….the kisses from Liam were worse because there’s lots of history there.

    14. There is a huge difference! And when Steffy cheated on Finn they had been dating a few months and were not engaged or married ( not that I condone that) which is very different from cheating on your spouse which Hope did!

      Hope is doing it out of revenge and selfish entitled behaviour, just being who she’s always been. She was never the angel she pretended to be.

      She cheated constantly with Liam when he was married to Steffy while publicly touting her supposed moral superiority! What a joke!

      Good on Finn not allowing her to get round him like she usually does.

    15. BBFAN, you are missing the plot. The point is that Steffy was not honest with Finn about the fact that Liam kissed her twice. So why should Finn be honest with Steffy about the fact that Hope kissed him? The only one with a conscience is Finn. Steffy is always in self-preservation mode! Finn has ethics and morals that clearly Steffy does not!!

    16. Lynn I understand the ploy very well. I also see that Finn doing the right thing, after Hope doing a bad one doesn’t garner disapproval of Hope’s nasty behaviour it is just another excuse to have a go at Steffy.

      The fact is Hope isn’t doing her job. She literally spends her days skulking around the CEO office, sniping at Steffy, doing everything she can to undermine her at work and in her marriage.

      Hope is refusing to address the issues with HFTF or to admit her relationship with Thomas was wrong and that she was using him to get over Liam or get back at Liam whatever.

      Carter has told her straight up that Steffy is correct in what she’s saying and doing regarding HFTF! If Hope wasn’t Brooke’s daughter there wouldn’t be a conversation at FC! Her line would have been out on the back burner for now and the money put into more lucrative and performing lines like Couture and Brooke’s Bedroom.

      End of the day, Hope targeted Steffy’s husband.

      Finn feels betrayed by Hope because a good friend respects your marriage and would never cross that line.

      Hope was doing everything she could in the office in lingerie and Finn told her no way. She showed him utter disrespect in her behaviour and now is trying to wheedle her way out of trouble and pretend it never happened so she has another opportunity!

      Yet all I hear is how Steffy didn’t tell Finn about Liam kissing her. I said at the time and still say she should have told him straight away. I didn’t like her making excuses for Liam because he was reacting to Hope cheating on him.

      She did tell him in no uncertain terms that it wasn’t okay and that she is committed to her husband.

    17. BBFAN, there are about 8 paragraphs too many above. All you need to say is that you agree, it’s just as much on Steffy to tell Finn about the kisses with Liam as it is for Finn to tell Steffy about the kiss with Hope. This is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. Not sure why it requires 8 paragraphs about completely unrelated topics. My comment has nothing to do with Hope. My comment is about Steffy and Finn BOTH respecting their marriage.

    18. I find it interesting that Steffy had no morals etc etc in your eyes but Hope is still an angel when she is the one who kissed a married man, is throwing herself and propositioning a married man and is trying to keep him from telling his wife! When she cheated on Liam, you blamed Thomas. Hope is an adult and knows exactly what she’s doing! How we actually call that out , instead of adding to the Steffy bashing.

      Hope is NO better than Steffy.

    19. I agree Steffy should tell Finn, but not that she has no morals etc.

    20. BBFan I know you love to point out Steffy wasn't married at the time but that doesn't make her any less of a disgusting cheater. Married or not.
      And Lynn is right. It's only about Steffy and Finn right now - to admit each of them has been kissed. It's super simple - if you have the morals, you share with your spouse. It has nothing to do with Hope or Liam. They both should share it, no matter who had kissed them.

    21. And yes that's way too much text of unrelated topics up there...

    22. And I don't know what you have been reading or misremembering, but up to this day (including on yesterday's episode) the blame is given to Hope for ruining her own marriage. I am yet to see from you to ever blame Steffy for anything.

    23. Yes, Milla…..I agree. We have definitely blamed Hope for her behavior for quite a long time actually. I have said in the last couple of days that “Hope is spiraling” and I like the old Hope much better….that she needs to find her way. I think BBFAN is engaged in selective reading. And like we’ve both said……this discussion was just about Finn and Steffy both being kissed by someone other than their spouse, and the obligation that each feels to confide in the other.

  6. Finn still dosen't know about the two kisses between Liam and Steffi. So Steffi is keep something from Finn.

    1. True but it doesn’t excuse Hope’s behaviour!

    2. No it doesn't excuse Hope's behaviour, but it tells you a little about the difference between what Finn see is needed to tell his wife, and what his wife feels is needed to tell her husband.... Steffy holds the two kisses that Liam planted on her a secret, because she doesn't want Finn to go mental on Liams ass. And that is gonna piss Finn of even more I think, if he finds out.

    3. She chose to stay silent because there's no point stirring up "shit"... And it would have brought nothing more than trouble to her daughter's father.

      I add that Finn already knows that Liam will be waiting in the shadows for an opening to steal his wife! While Saint Hope, she does it secretly with vice...

    4. Meli Melo, I get what you're saying. So what is your stand on this, should Finn also not tell Steffy to keep the peace? Not that there's peace between Steffy and Hope to begin with, but you know what I mean.

  7. Steffy has every right to be livid with Hope! She was way over the line and it was a targeted attempt to destroy Steffy’s marriage.

    Steffy isn’t going to be cross with Finn! Thank God his eyes are open now and he sees Hope for who she is! Steffy tried to warn him. The rose coloured glasses are well and truly off now!

    Hope is disgusting thinking Finn will just cover for her until her next oopsie and the next etc . Listen to her lying to Brooke! She wants to hurt Steffyband steal her husband! She’s been smirking and plotting and doing everything she can to push the knife into Steffy for ages. She goes out of her way to sabotage her professionally and personally!

    Look in a mirror lassie! Take some responsibility and grow the f&$& up! Hope has been coddled too long.

    Brooke reassuring Hope that they would bail out her line once again! Hope doesn’t even care about HFTF at this point, she’s all about getting Finn. She’s scared now because she thought if she kissed him he would just melt in her arms and fall out of love with his wife and run away with her 🙄🙄 because she’s sooooo much better than Steffy 🙄🙄🙄.

    Go Finn! I don’t think Brooke will defend Hope on this one ! She warned her and knows from experience that she doesn’t want her daughter to go down the same road she did.

    I was proud of Brooke when she spoke plainly with Hope a while back … about how selfish she had been and all the people she has hurt in the past. How she didn’t want that for Hope…

    If she defends Hope’s actions she will be encouraging her to do this again! We will be seeing Hope dropping by the hospital wearing a trench coat and lingerie underneath and the trench “dropping” open accidentally! Seriously or showing up naked in Steffy’s bed when she is out of town on business etc.

    I really really hope Luna is Bill’s daughter! They both deserve it. Poppy is innocent and I hope Katie has to eat crow when the truth comes out. She is spreading rumours etc because she just can’t stand to see Bill with another woman and wants to be the only one around that is a mother to his child! 🙄🙄

    1. Very well said and I agree with your comment 100%

  8. i believe all the drama around poppy is because they're trying to throw us off track. i think she's a sleeze with other secrets but i don't think she's a murderer. and her and bill do NOT have chemistry. they need to write her out of his life.
    i'm not sure who is the murderer but justin showing up is suspicious.

    sooo glad the writers had finn stand up to hope.
    they have also hinted that finn may be lunas father but that would be gross. i'm thinking jack is the real father.

  9. Oh please Finn!! Steffy kissed Liam and she didn't tell you either!! Oh but I forgot, when it's Steffy doing this, it's not a problem, not a mistake, not a lie, it's just "normal", it's only all of that when it's someone else but Steffy? Nooooo, she has a free pass for that....

    1. Miss_sushi in Steffy's mind it's absolutely nothing when it's her. Finn is a lot more honest than her. Of course he has no way of knowing it. He has no idea his wife has been keeping the same thing that he's so eager to share with her.

    2. Exactly ladies!! Finn is the ONLY ONE with a moral compass. Steffy certainly doesn’t have one. I wonder if the 2 Liam kisses are finally gonna be revealed ??

    3. Do you guys believe Finn will actually tell Steffy? I think he's talking big talk but in the end he may be scared of Steffy's reaction. She then hears about it from behind a door (because Brooke and Hope always discuss this at the office for some reason). If he's smart, he'll say something and let Steffy's wrath go only to Hope and not him. But he's way too kind and protective, so he may in the end keep it.
      If he tells and that prompts her to reveal her kisses, I'll applaud her, will show real development. But I really really doubt it.

  10. I think Jack is the Father. Poppy lived with them for awhile.

    1. Agree. Or it’s actually Bill. Def not Finn!!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  11. What's wrong with Hope?? Is she on drugs? Has she been taking Poppy's mints? lol. I think it's time she went back to Liam. She looks desperate throwing herself at Thomas and now Finn. You're right Hope, Steffy hearing about the kiss will cause more damage...damage to your face! Steffy is gonna slap Hope into the middle of next week when she hears the truth. I love Finn's facial expressions when Hope tried to apologize to him. lol

    Katie needs to get a life and mind her business. So tired of her talking about Poppy and Tom. She doesn't want to be with Bill but she wants to control his life every time he moves on with another woman. Her "concern" has now turned into an obsession. Heather Tom is a great actress, can they give her a better storyline than this?

  12. omg just turned it on but how is bills life any concern of katies. he didn't but into her life after she told him she was in a relationship with carter he left her alone and she just can't leave him alone. i can't imagine going to my ex's house and just walking in especially knowing his girlfriend is now living there. why cant she jus tleave them alone. great so she gets poppy out of the way is she going to move back in ...of course not its one of those i don't want him but i don't anyone else to have him either.

    and the worst thing is poor luna because its going to wreak her world because my opinion and the little insight i have (my best friend since high school, her husbands brother works at the show) she tells me that POSSIBLE SPOILER its going to be twists and turns somewhat the one who poisoned hollis and starr is going to be lei. you ask why would lei do this well didn't anyone find it odd she came to do the paternity test. its because she knows who the father is now wether or not poppy really knows or not i don't know but lei had the other persons dna somehow already when she went to bills to do the test but how she administered it without anyone knowing is the mystery. she figured that even though bill had been there for her and she does respect bill but she had to do this in order to save her family so to speak. she didn't want luna to ever find out the truth. back when poppy was living with them she would go to these music festivals and finn was in college at the time and in college they party alot as did finn but he still lived at home also so one night after poppy went to a festival and finn had came home from party drunk they started to fool around and had sex and lei walked into finns room and seen them in bed sleeping so she managed to get poppy up and into her own room she was still intoxicated from the night before and when finn woke up he didnt remember and neither did poppy so lei just let it be so you see lei would want to keep this secret forever due to what it would do to finn and his marriage im sure to steffy and what it would do to luna, but they have also been looking at an alternate and that is basically the same story and background but it is with jack (leis ex husband and finns real dad) which again lei wouldn't want out because jack would of cheated on her twice and have kids outside of there marriage but he isn't a real character that is on so my friends husband thinks it will be finn as the father which to me the are aging finn a bit . time will tell i guess. i don't know why they had so many odd people at the starr concert though you had lei and jack sheila and justin like where did he come from again and why there then the next day we find out he is working for bill again. stories like this on bandb seem to drag on forever


    1. I think Bill Spencer is the one behind these crimes, using Justin as his right-hand man! In this whole situation of accusing Poppy, he's way too calm and "kind" for the Bill we know… He framed Poppy to take control of Luna and to deprive Poppy as revenge, just like Poppy deprived him of his daughter for 20 years! His pride can't take it! He wants to push her away and make her pay! So, he made a deal with Justin to carry out all of this! His behavior reminds me of how he acted when he trapped Sheila. I watched the previous episodes, and many scenes suggest to me that Spencer is behind Poppy’s arrest! He knew he could count on Katy, who always sticks her nose in everything, especially when it concerns him. He wants to get his daughter back, as well as he wants Katy back too! To do that, Poppy needs to be out of the picture!

  13. Well done Finn....get that HO....PE away from you ‼️

  14. I can't believe they didn't leave the paternity test for Friday and make us wait a weekend. I hope Bill doesn't try to drag it out the whole next episode and leave it for Monday. How are those paternity kits even a thing? That's ridiculous! Luna is such a doll, so calm and kind going through the whole paternity thing again. All she ever wanted was a relationship with her dad and you can never see her act like she's the new lady of the mansion. She and Bill deserve to be a family. Poppy with her lies not so much. Someone somewhere here said that she certainly has more secrets and zero chemistry with Bill - absolutely agree!

  15. So glad Finn put Hope in her place, she is rampant


  16. I think Bill Spencer is the one behind these crimes, using Justin as his right-hand man! In this whole situation of accusing Poppy, he's way too calm and "kind" for the Bill we know… He framed Poppy to take control of Luna and to deprive Poppy as revenge, just like Poppy deprived him of his daughter for 20 years! His pride can't take it! He wants to push her away and make her pay! So, he made a deal with Justin to carry out all of this! His behavior reminds me of how he acted when he trapped Sheila. I watched the previous episodes, and many scenes suggest to me that Spencer is behind Poppy’s arrest! He knew he could count on Katy, who always sticks her nose in everything, especially when it concerns him. He wants to get his daughter back, as well as he wants Katy back too! To do that, Poppy needs to be out of the picture!

  17. The way bill coddle s this mentally unstable lunatic Luna is sick as soon as she kissed bill that should of told kates X husband bill that both her and poppy are trouble makers for his family Kate will liam WYATT and finn should of shut hope down long time ago
