Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Luna: "that would ruin our relationship forever" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Baker is stupider than I expected.

    Poppy, Bill doesn't love you, sorry. It was always about the daughter for him. He doesn't seem at all worried about what Poppy is going through, only about Luna. And if she is so good and innocent, why didn't she call the police when Luna "found" the backpack?

    Finn just call Steffy already, what the heck?! Or at least call someone who saw her after you, like Liam. And Ridge going on and on where she is, but not calling? What a genius.

    Btw how is Steffy going to the bathroom? ๐Ÿ˜…

    1. I think Bill is concerned about Luna, but not in a fatherly loving way. He's starting to piece together what's really going on with her and is already becoming suspicious of her.

    2. I hope truly Bill putting all the pieces together.
      And yes Finn or Ridge just call her Steffy!!! Please!! And Bill hears it!!!
      Can't stand chied Baker his joke!!!!

    3. On soaps they never have to go to the bathroom.

    4. Milla, I thought the same thing about going to the bathroom. Why isn’t there pee all over the floor? Or worse? Lol

    5. ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿงป๐Ÿ’ฉ Good grief, Luna! At least give Steffy a bucket & a roll of toilet paper! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Heartless Luna will eventually end up in a cage without a great bathroom...

    6. Renee ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      Lynn yes under normal circumstances, especially considering the amount of ice tea (and then some water) ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    7. So cruel how Steffy is dying of thirst because she’s afraid to drink the water Luna gave her. And Luna is standing there with her juice smoothie sipping away without a care in the world!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    8. It is very cruel. It would be very easy to have a panic attack in that cage.

    9. By the way, that cage looks very realistic and completely locked from all sides. Like someone really comes and lets JMW out every time after they are done filming ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    10. I actually feel a little bit sorry for Steffy right now. But I’m sure it won’t last long and she’ll be grating on my last nerve in the near-term.

    11. Lynn I also feel for her. She's so terrified. But we know that she'll be saved and soon too, the only question is by whom. It would be pretty boring if it's Finn, like nothing changes then for anyone. And yes, we can be certain she'll be pushing our buttons soon after ๐Ÿ˜…

    12. Wouldn't it be great if once Steffy got out of the cage that she hid in the apartment & grabbed Luna & put her in the cage. Then, got on the phone (so Luna could hear) with Chief Baker? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    13. Renee, Steffy could definitely take Luna in a brawl, unless Luna has some king fu moves we aren’t aware of. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    14. Milla, I agree. And it looks like Finn will most likely be the one who saves her. Boring.

    15. @Milla, It wouldn't surprise me if Finn goes to Bills house first, talks with Luna, tells her that he is gonna head over to the apartment to look for clues, as Poppy suggested, and then Luna wants to go with him, and mixes a drink for him too a bit before they enter the apartment. He drinks it, and right before they open the door, he passes out. Either she gets a new cage to put Finn in, or she threatens Steffy with a gun to drag Finn into her cage with her. Or something. Everything to drag out this storyline for a bit more, they are going to do. And then I think Sheila is gonna be the one to find them both caged up in the apartment.

    16. RJ is going to be shocked once Steffy tells him what his "sweet" girlfriend did to her. Steffy has too be wondering how many crazy relatives does Finn have? First his mom & now his cousin... ๐Ÿ˜‚

    17. Well, Luna isn't Finns bloodrelative at least, so nothing in the veins to blame it on that... or maybe she IS his daughter???? And that the crazy skipped a generation, from Sheila and straight to Luna... now THAT would have been some storyline...If f.ex Poppy got pregnant by Finn many years ago. Not sure how much the age difference is, but maybe it could have been pill related those years ago, and they 'forgot' about it, or Finn forgot about it...

    18. Yes, Malin, I agree. The writers may have some more surprises for us regarding the Luna storyline. It will be fun to see how it unfolds. I wonder if the reason for Taylor's return is to "treat" Luna. Oh, the irony after what Luna did to her Steffy.

    19. Malin, that would be a great SL. They do have to drag this out, at least a little longer, it's what they do best. I've always said Finn could be the father, so she would have to get rid of him too. I also think Bill knows more than he's letting on. It might be Bill that finally finds Steffy (and Finn) in the cage. It just kills me, now a days there are surveillance cameras everywhere, but none at the restaurant, Bills or even the apt. building? It will be fun to see how the writers unfold all this. Much more interesting than the whole Logan vs Forester drama.

    20. D, so true about Bill knowing more than he is letting on. Can't forget about how he fooled everyone into thinking that he and Shelia were a couple when he was really working with the authorities.

    21. ๐Ÿ‘. I think he's doing the same thing now. I mean it's dollar Bill. If he really loves Pippy and believed her innocence, she would be out on bail. He's suspicious of all of this. That's why Justin all of sudden appears.

    22. I also said the same thing about the bathroom issue ๐Ÿ˜‚

    23. Malin I can totally see Finn acting like you described and falling into Luna's trap. And then Liam or Sheila saves them both ๐Ÿ˜… or Bill.

    24. Renee I'd watch that with Steffy locking Luna in a cage, it's giving "You" vibes (except in that show there was a bucket ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ˆ).

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. I really hope Bill has a plan and it's a better one than sleeping for months with Sheila and getting a confession, only for her to be let out on a technicality. I really hope Justin has a part in this and then stays. I've always liked him a lot! He was always the voice of reason to Bill (even when he wouldn't listen), they had a great bromance.

    27. It would be also interesting if Liam finds Steffy and gets trapped with her and that "forced proximity" rekindles their memories ๐Ÿ˜ I've been wanting for them to reunite (I know I'm a minority considering he's a waffler). They are right now one of the oldest couples in terms of actors and have memories dating back to 2012.

    28. Yes, Milla, Steffy would give a caged Luna a bucket, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, & hand sanitizer. I need to see that scene where Steffy offers a caged Luna a glass of tea!

    29. Renee, I love your imaginations... Steff taking Luna down,and an eye for an eye> cage me!! = cage you Cute psycho ๐Ÿ˜‚

    30. Pheebs, can't you see the look of fear on Luna's face? ๐Ÿคฃ Steffy in a full blown rage! ๐Ÿคฃ

  2. Luna the lunatic should go to jail

  3. Luna still wearing the black leather. She has many bad girl outfits. Lol.

  4. Thanks Bob.

    One word wow Luna!!! She definitely don't care about her own mother. That was there for her whole life.

    Finn please just go to the apartment !! Steffy is there!!!

  5. And the Emmy.goes to??? Luna ( can't remember the name of the actress).During her entire life I'm sure she planned at some point to take revenge on her mother, firstly for never revealing her father's identity and then learning that her mother slept with a big nobody. So in a nutshell, RJ was just the dress rehearsal for Les grands affaires. Watta devilish plot..

    1. The weird thing is that marrying into the Forrester family would have also guaranteed a very nice life with someone who truly loved her. Bill doesn't love Luna in a romantic way. Both RJ & Zende had real feelings for Luna. Her actions are not logical which is what will probably get her off as having mental issues.

  6. poppy asked finn to go to the apartment. i suppose he will & save steffi. or he goes to bills first and sees steffis' phone. the actress who plays luna is good.

    1. He needs a key to the apartment, so he will go to Luna first, I am sure. Then she will want to go with him, and mixes him a drink. She doesn't care about anyone but herself, so she wouldn't care if her cousin dies with Steffy as well when the building is buldozed. He will probably pass out before entering the apartment, from the drugged drink Luna is gonna give him, and wake up with Steffy in the cage.

  7. TY Bob. Have a great Thursday.

  8. Steffy look like she about to kill Luna lol. Luna is a looney bin lol. I hope anyone finds steffy let it be anyone right now.

  9. Thank you Bob ๐Ÿฅ€๐ŸŒผ❣️

  10. I'm probably in the minority here but I actually think that Baker isn't buying what Luna is trying to sell him. When Luna asked to write the statement anonymously and he said he would look into it, I think he might instead, look for clues that might point to Luna being the murderer. Also, the way he said "well, it corroborates everything else we have." It's like he's thinking that her confession plays right into the evidence they already have.

    And Brooke. If it was Hope who had left and not contacted her, she would be worried out of her mind. Yet, here she is trying to placate Ridge about Steffy being "just fine." Why didn't she suggest that he call her or something? Geez Brooke.

    1. Elle only a 5 year old would need such a suggestion. Anyone above that age can come up on their own to call. That's NOT on Brooke. It's his kid that's missing and Ridge should stop being an idiot for once.

    2. M, of course Ridge can call but Brooke was annoying me with her consistent "Steffy is fine. She and Finn will work things out." Rather than just try to placate him, I am saying that she could have lovingly suggested to him that he call Steffy if he was that concerned. She could have said something along the lines of "It is strange that she hasn't reached out. Why don't you give her a call just to see that she's okay." I'm not blaming Brooke for anything. Simply saying that she could have put herself in his shoes and showed some empathy.

    3. Yes she could have, that's true. But then we should also hold Li to the same with Finn. She should have pushed him to call.

    4. @Elle.....i'm 100% with you....HOgan is acting like a 5 year old, she is probably not wanting Ridge to contact Steffy so that Steffy can stay away as she fears the wrath that her and her daughter face upon Steffy's HOgan is scared...lmao.....
      I seriously wish people would stop saying that's NOT the case, this is where arguments start!! If you don't agree then scroll on or use another word like I THINK.....this NOT the case causes hostility as people are undermining others, Lord have mercy!

    5. And I wish "people" (you) would stop writing Ho...gan it's not funny, it's not original. It would be the same if someone was writing Stuffy all the time. But I don't see that happening.

      And for the record, Elle and I go way back and know how to disagree like civil humans. She agreed that Ridge doesn't need a reminder and I agreed that Brooke should have advised him to call (Li as well to Finn).

  11. I agree Elle. I think Luna is going to trip herself up. Baker was really surprised that now she's turned her story from, oh my Mom is innocent and would never do anything like this, to My Mom is the killer and I can prove it. I also say Bill is starting to see this side of her and is getting suspicious.

    1. And yes, Brooke would be bouncing off the walls if she couldn't check in with Hope every 5 min. But her advice to Ridge, Steffy will be fine, she's a strong woman, just needs a little time to herself. Typical

    2. Agreed on Bill, D. He might be on to Luna.

  12. I have never liked poppy much but damn, Luna is one cold bitch to do her mom this way! Poor Poppy will be broken when she finds out the daughter she loved could do all of these horrible things. I also wondered if chief Baker was doubting Luna's story. Here's hoping he finally learns how to do his job lol.

    1. Hilary, wouldn’t that just be amazing if Chief Baker actually figured something out??!!! Now you ladies have my hopes up. Let’s see how this plays out. Not sure if this caged Steffy SL will lapse into next week. Hoping it wraps by tomorrow. And for sure…..Poppy is going to be DEVASTATED!

    2. Lynn I have the feeling Steffy won't get out of the cage today, it will lapse into next week. They haven't even figured out she's missing yet, haven't noticed her phone, it will be a while until they track her down to Luna's apartment. Of course they can always cut it short, skip the phone and have Finn barge in, overpower Luna and save Steffy, which will be a super boring ending to a (relatively to the show) exciting storyline.

    3. I didn't like Poppy much either but I felt sorry for her knowing what her daughter is doing. I hope that Bill believes in her innocence and starts to investigate Luna. Maybe he can get Justin to follow her, where he will discover she's keeping Steffy caged up.

    4. Well, I have a problem with Justin finding Steffy. He has a hate for Thomas running his neice off the cliff killing her. Infact, he put Thomas in a cage when he found out he was involved. Justin might let Steffy stay put. lol

    5. That's not why Justin put Thomas in a cage. He put him there because Thomas found out that Vinny set up Liam to take the fall for his "murder" when Vinny had actually walked in front of Liam's vehicle. Justin did not want Thomas telling the truth to Hope because it meant that Bill and Liam would have been released from prison and Justin's plan of a corporate takeover of Bill's company would go up in smoke.

    6. Elle I was thinking the same. But always wondered - was it Vinny's plan always to give his life so that Liam and Bill go to jail? Did he know they were driving there and wanted to set them up? That's pretty dark ๐Ÿ™

    7. Vinny was after Liam to get him out of the way so that Thomas could be with Hope. I cannot remember exactly how everything was explained though. I will have to look it up.

  13. Old HOgan, you sound so you don't want Steffy to return because you and your daughter are scared of the HOgan! Don't worry Steff, Finn is on his way to rescue you :D
