Monday, August 12, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Expected Poppy to say, Oh I usually have them use the small size cuffs, these are always too heavy.

  2. Someone is framing Poppy. I heard the killer might be Justin, Li or Jack

    1. Agree. Poppy didn't do it.

    2. i don't think it's poppy either but i can't fathom why justin is involved. i do think it will be proven bill is NOT the father.

    3. It could be one of them because they were there too during the night Tom Start performed.

  3. Lol that detective is hilarious the way he yelled "I have evidence!!" 😅
    Liam and Will don't have the same chemistry as Liam and Wyatt :/

    RJ will get an earful from Luna for spilling her secrets. Now it's obvious that it wasn't Poppy. She was so careless to just leave that backpack in her apartment like it's nothing 🤦🏻‍♀️ not exactly smart move. And Luna come on, you can't be THAT naive to think 2 men dying from the same drug at the same place are "two tragic accidents". Everyone keeps raving how amazing you are, turn on that brain of yours please.

    I still hope it's Will but I know I won't be that lucky 😁

    1. RJ got a big mouth!!!!!

      Agree Liam don't have the same brotherly chemistry with Will. Wyatt is good brother. Lol.
      You think will get use too another half siblings

    2. I think the Chemistry between Liam and William makes sense, because of the age gap, and also hardly spending as much time as Wyatt and Liam did. Also remember Wyatt and Liam kinda hated each other when they first met (even when they knew they were brothers).

    3. Oh yes they hated each other for years because of Hope. Their rivalry was fun to watch too. I just miss their conversations. Miss Wyatt.

    4. where is wyatt, by the way??

    5. Left the show/LA a while ago.

    6. Deputy Sergeant Baker is such an idiot. Not to mention the way he handles the evidence….no gloves, nothing. He’s just schlepping it around with him. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      This is the first time I’ve been convinced it most likely isn’t Poppy. Anything that Baker thinks is most likely WRONG!!
      The rest of the show with Ridge and Brooke playing detective was also stupid. And RJ is truly in deep trouble with Luna.

    7. This is the first time I’ve been convinced that Poppy is probably innocent. Deputy Sergeant Baker is such an idiot….pretty much everything he says is completely wrong!! So if he thinks she’s guilty, then I’m going with…she isn’t. And what’s with Baker schlepping around the evidence with no gloves?? Maybe B&B is going for comedy these days??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
      Ridge and Brooke were equally embarrassing trying to play detective.
      RJ is going to be in such hot water with Luna!! They are bound to break up over RJ’s betrayal of Luna’s confidence.

    8. So slick of Katie playing junior detective 😂. She sux. Also, I don't believe hearsay would constitute a search warrant? I'm not a lawyer so don't hold me to that but it seems a little farfetched.Katie is a jealous fickle shrew. She didn't want Bill when he was begging her back, but now she's consumed with jealousy. One more thing, Will hasn't spent 5 minutes around Luna or Poppy, so I don't think he's in any position to judge them or their interactions with Bill. It's ridiculous how pissy he is acting. He's just going by what jealous momma has told him. I really don't care for Poppy or Luna, but I just hate Katie lately. She has become insufferable.

    9. Maybe they won't break up, Luna loves RJ too much plus he did forgive her Zende episode. But I do hope she doesn't let it slide, because RJ doesn't look too guilty about it.
      Someone had to investigate and it was obvious it won't be the people who are responsible (the police) so I'm fine it was Katie. Poppy is not the killer but at least thanks to Katie the investigation moved along. I hope Deacon gets involved too, so far he's just sitting there talking to Sheila.

  4. It seems to me that it almost has to be Li who did it; access to drugs, access to the apartment....

    1. Oh on this show, any and everyone has easy access to anywhere. There doors are always open and nobody knocks. Lol

  5. Chief Baker never was the sharpest to in the shed. No one is daft enough to have the back pack with letters and to just accidentally leave the laced drugs in the front pocket!

    A blind man could see it is a set up! I’m wondering if maybe it’s Justin! He’s back with Bill, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still out to get him. How better than to put Bill’s love and baby momma in prison ? Justin did set Bill and Liam up for murder years ago!

    Sheila might also be trying to get back at Bill for his failed Sting Operation that landed her in jail temporarily and made a fool of her so publicly!

    Sheila was angry and worried about something with Tom and Hollis, so I wouldn’t rule her out.

    Katie is like a rabid dog and Will is just parroting his mother’s nasty lies to anyone who will listen.

    Willis very immature and spoiled. Maybe Katie wasn’t honest with about the fact that his dad begged her to come back to him and SHE said NO more than once!

    I think it would be hilarious if it was Katie setting Poppy up to get her out of Bill’s life.

    RJ is the worst boyfriend ever. He’s spreading rumours just because Katie says it and no one questions that maybe Poppy could be innocent???

    I could Li setting her up because she failed to discredit her sister with the paternity test. However, it would bring huge disgrace to the family name and hurt her own reputation so I don’t really think it’s her.

    I think Jack will represent Poppy in a heartbeat.

    Bill wake up, Katie is jealous of Poppy and has been gunning for her from the first minute. She is desperate to prove Luna isn’t Bill’s daughter!

    Katie has a nerve calling the police and then standing there like she owns Bill’s house.

    Brooke was intelligent to point out that Li wanted to prove Bill wasn’t the father!

    This story line is soooo dumb just show who the murderer is already. We know it isn’t Poppy.

    1. BB dun, you're good! Makes alot of sense: abt Justin stickning it to Bill, an Jack repredenting Poppy. Chief Baker is not much of a detective on this one, Katy's stupid jealousy for Poppy..

  6. Woowww. Katie is going to feel like a huge pile of sh*t if poppy turns out to be innocent 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. I can't stand Katie. If I were Poppy I would not go back to Bill either. She moved on, and her jealousy is showing. If I were Luna I wouldn't want RJ, he is a Logan, talk to much. They only keep their own secrets nobody else.

    2. Yeah, me too 0. Annoying Katy

  7. I don't think Poppy did It either, I think her sister Li had to do with it in some way...I feel bad for Luna. Thank you Bob 🌼🥰💞

  8. I jokingly told y'all a few weeks ago that the killer might be Luna, but gee today's episode and the one with her finding the back has my eye brow raised. She keeps asking her mom if she did it, then again while the police is there. With her mom possibly being arrested for murder, she bloats out about Bill being her dad. Shouldn't she be more concern about her mom at this point. It was like she was trying to get a final validation out of Poppy before Bill and Katie decided they would doubt the paternity test next. What if Luna telling RJ was her plan for the information to be leaked back to Katie🤔. Will had indicated that he don't trust both ladies, especially poppy but maybe it's Luna where his doubt lies. What if Luna had learnt about Tom earlier and him saying he was the dad. And preferred rich Bill who had already accepted her as his own than to have a homeless man. At this point, they are sipping margaritas at the pool, having the maids wash their clothes, maybe driving around in one of Bills many cars. She is a rich beech now. She didn't want Tom ruing that which she could possibly inherit one day.🤔 ok Ridge everything is always going to be Sheilas fault but what does Sheila have to do with poppy?

    1. Hahahaaa nice one there! Sooo evil, sooo intriguing storyline/argument.
      But Luna looks so innocent and cute. Let's see how it all ends.

  9. No one would be that stupid and hide the backpack in their own apartment. She would have burned the letters and checked for whatever else was in there, and gotten rid of it. So the question is: Who benefits from getting rid of Tom, and doesn't care about setting up Poppy? I think it's Jack. He's not a major character that will be missed from the show when he goes to prison. Li would be missed from the show. And even as mean as she is, I don't think she would kill 2 people. Doctors take an oath. "First do no harm". Maybe she only altered the paternity test. And told Jack that is as far as she's willing to go.
    And RJ should not have told anyone about the backpack until he tried to convince Luna that it was the right thing to do. Poppy wouldn't look so guilty if she had called the police as soon as they found it.

    1. I agree with your thinking Forever 36. I think it is down to Jack or Justin as they aren't regulars anymore. Jack did say at one point that Poppy wasn't the gold digging sister and he would do anything for her. That line stuck with me. Although I do think Bill is somehow involved in this.

    2. Yeah Debby, that Line did stick with me too..

  10. RJ is torn in a way, and feel he has to tell his aunt. Then, Bill is considered family too as an uncle... Katie's ex husband. He calls himself letting them know there is danger around them. I thought about Luna playing a part in the killing because I had read an article that she may have did something with the mints. No one would believe it could be her since they think she is best the thing that has coming along since fire was discovered. She could fool a lot of people for years... But, this is B&B and no one has time to wait that long. Luna needs to go, and take your mom with you, and a few more.

  11. Best lines of the day:
    Brooke & Ridge making out at FC.
    Brooke: "I have an idea."
    Ridge: "I have an idea, too, but we are at the office."
    Brooke: "Since when did that stop us?"

  12. Katie is a jealous bitch and home recker. RJ has now become a betrayer. I can just imagine someone else dying the same way we'll pop is in jail. That would stick it to everyone about Poppy.

    1. Totally agree, it's all about the money, Katie is so worried she will be short changed by Bill because of the new woman in Bill's life....typical digger! Poppy is being framed, i still say it's Sheila

  13. It's all about the Spencer money Katie, you can't bare the fact that someone else might HO....gan!

  14. Hi Bob,can you upload todays episode please,thank you

  15. Hi bob,
    ill there be an episode today?

    thank you in advanced!

  16. Hi was there an episode today please Bob xxxx
