Monday, August 19, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Luna I thought you love RJ... did she kill Hollis and Tom?

    1. that's what i thought. she told bill 'no one' has ever loved & supported her'. helloooo, what about rj?

    2. My thought exactly. What about RJ?

    3. Yes, what about RJ? It makes me wonder if the night with Zende was really an accident. . .

    4. Where is RJ? He's MIA. I figured he would've been calling, texting or rushing over there to see how she's doing.

  2. Thks Bob.

    All hell breaks now Steffy finally knows Hope kiss Finn!!! It will forever war now between the family. All because of Hope. They were all trying hard to stop this rivalry.

    Who killed Tom and Hollis?!

    1. Hope knew that a war would happen she didn't care cause is like she wants a war between the families and Hopes family aint gonna win.

  3. Hope you gonna get what's coming to you. You should never have put your dry ass lips on Finn. Finn was right Hope only did it to get under Steffys skin and cause a war between the families. I wondered who killed Tom and Hollis if not poppy or Luna.

    1. If she hadn't been rejected by Finn, she would have strutted in front of Steffy for first prize...

  4. I like Luna again. So relieved she just got confused. And Bravo Dollar Bill for explaining kindly to her.

    1. I'm still suspicious about her. I think Bill should ask her to go stay with RJ. I wouldn't even feel comfortable hugging her again. She might find some of her mother's "mints" and slip them into Bill's drink. He wakes up with her in his bed after they have sex.

  5. I think Luna has dissociative identity disorder, mental health situation cause of her severe trauma experiencig in her childhood. Probably is the killer, it shows another person exactly after he kissed Bill. Poor RJ

    1. I completely agree... her switching from Creepy smiling to crying was kinda scary to watch lol. Like a Sheila in the making.

    2. dena, that makes sense to me.

    3. I think you're right DenaG...It does make's like Ashley on the Young and Restless...she has d.i.d. and she was doing strange things, changing personalities, just like Luna just did.

  6. Luna Luna Luna... i mean who else has "access" to their apartment? It's the perfect crime to have pinned on her mom, maybe as revenge for the whole mints gate issue. But then again whats the motive behind messing with the paternity test? Mannnnn i am so confused.

    Also Hope claims to be remorseful but you can tell, given the chance, she will do it again. She only feels bad, because she will no longer be able to play the victim between her and Steffy and she wont be able to "use" Brookes past as a reason why "HFTF" exists. Infact that whole lines messaging makes no sense anymore.

    1. Kae, confused is a right word for it. I'm too. First sweet innocent wallflower Luna, then evil calculating Luna, and the sweet confused cry baby Luna..
      What next?

    2. Hope just regrets not having won first prize... if the guy had responded positively to her harassment, she would have gloated in front of Steffy full of self-importance and contempt for Steffy and her family....

  7. Replies
    1. I still say Li and Jack are responsible to cover up the truth about Finn. Hollis was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Justin was tailing Poppy because Bill was getting suspicious why Poppy kept having to run out and when she got back, she was always upset. Justin might have found out the real truth and Bill knows who the father is but isn't sure about who the real killer is.

  8. Is Luna actually psycho? I still like her anyway.

  9. The way bill keeps looking I think he and Justin are in it together we will find out this week hopefully

  10. Shut up steffy what about you when Liam kissed you , you never said anything to Finn so stfu and suck it up

    1. First of all how you gonna tell steffy to allow hopes skankass to kiss her husband. What you need to do is shut the fuck up and stop enabling Hopes skankass. Hope wanted a war now she gonna get it and she aint gonna win either.

    2. What else do you expect from Steffy? She's the queen bully of double standards. I can't wait to see if they let Finn find out.

    3. Steffy admitting she kissed another man ? NEVER...

  11. This is Hope thinking She is entitled just like a young Brooke but Finn pulled away
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Yup Hope is still fantasising about Finn too! What’s next? Showing up naked in his office and making sure Steffy walks in.

    2. If you go that way, Finn will have to talk about his massages, his excessive compliments which border on a glorification of Hopeless, the help, the denigration of his brother Thomas in his absence, the rapprochement towards Sheila and the personal visit to Hope to treat a fever..... While your wife and mother have warned you severely on several occasions!

      Thank you.... see you soon :)

    3. Steffy should focus on what her husband is telling her and do not go off half cocked until she has all details. Finn said that HOPE KISSED HIM!!! So why her last words should be.. ".YOU KISSED HOPE"

    4. You have to understand, Hope has already destroyed her first family and she's moving on to her second... Any wife would become mad with rage...

  12. Steffy should know what it is like to kiss another woman's man, she did it plenty of times to Bill when he was married to Katie, kissed Liam while he was engaged to Hope and had sex with Liam while he was married to Hope. Hope should tell Steffy to get over it like Steffy did Hope. Is Steffy going to tell Finn about Liam's kisses?

    1. Hope had sex with Liam including losing her virginity to him while he was married to Steffy! She had the nerve to move in with him while he was married to Steffy! Steffy did it once! Hope got pregnant with Beth while Liam was married to Steffy! Hope cheated with Liam during all 3 of his marriages to Steffy! So hypocritical much!

      Hope is only targeting Finn because he IS Steffy’s husband! She is lying to her mum about trying not to blah blah! What a liar. Clearly she has no remorse!

      Bill was try to leave Katie, she used her illness to keep him with her. Her own sister slept with Bill so I’m not sure why you are having a go at Steffy!

    2. I think Hope is becoming obsessed, not with Finn, but with Steffy. She want's what Steffy has. Her lifestyle and a man that adores her. She is green with envy. One episode last week after Finn rejected her kiss, she went back to the office and was staring at a pic of Steffy. What she never wanted to happen, follow her Mom's footsteps, is happening. This time a different outcome. She won't get what she wants.

    3. @Joy, you need to watch some re-runs just to put your mind at ease about how wrong you are :D

    4. Steffy got the whole ball rolling when she went after Hope's finance. She even went after Oliver before she went after Liam, but Oliver turned her nasty behind down. She went after Owen when he was in a relationship with Jackie. She went after Bill when he was married to Katie. Yet she acts like an innocent little princess when it happens to her. She is the biggest hypocrite on the show. She even had to have a paternity test to see if Kelly belonged to her husband or her father-in-law. Then lied to Liam that a paternity test is standard procedure. Maybe for her it is. Steffy talks about Brookes and everyone else's past but forgets about her own.

    5. D I AGREE WITH YOU she is obsessed with Stefy first hr brother Thomas and now her husband FINN

  13. Poppy needs to get a good lawyer, and a private detective. Maybe Bill or Li could cover the fee. Has the police department looked for surveillance footage at Deacon's restaurant and/or Luna and Poppy's apartment?
    As for Hope kissing Finn. At first I said Finn should not tell Steffy. But I agree with many of the comments here that said a marriage should not have those kind of secrets.
    Last comment (for now). Maybe if the new actress playing Taylor wore her hair up, she might look older. Or maybe a little gray in her hair. If anyone here watches Y&R. The actress who plays Diane is strikingly beautiful, but she looks mature, and old enough to have an adult son and a grandchild.

  14. Finn looks kinda weird today, like his makeup looks like it was done at the funeral parlor. Maybe it's the hi definition on paramount+, but there were times he looked waxy. Did anyone else notice?

    1. I all I see when I watch the show these days is how small (almost midget-like) Taylor is. It’s so distracting. They really should have cast someone else.

    2. @Lynn, then don't watch...or look away when she's on the set, that way you won't be distracted!

    3. Oh little u, did your mommy not love you when you were growing up?? All you do is troll. What a sad person you must be.

  15. I thought wth did they do to Luna. Why would they make her play that role. That ruined the show for me. This better be just some stupid dream like they kept doing to Hope. It was disgusting that they had Luna play that part.

  16. And here we go again..... so stupid

  17. wow wow wow !!! is Luna behind that to have Bill ????????

    1. It would be interesting to see her become the new young psycho on the show, but I doubt it. I think they wanted mostly the shock factor in the audience with this kissing Bill business. I seriously doubt she'd go after a man 40 years older than her.

  18. I think Li killed the two man. When Tom collapst she didn't move! Every doctor would have looked at him immediately, she didn't. And now she is nice to Poppy: "I know you didn't murder them." No, because she did it herself OR/AND maybe Justin or Jack helped her. Maybe she knows Jack is Luna's father or Finn. She manipulated the maternity test. Li is acting strange lately.

    1. NB. I don't think Jack is her father but Finn and Jack will help Finn to cover that.

  19. Bill is leaving Poppy in gaol so he can flush Luna out. He is suspicious of her and he needs Poppy out of the way while he tries to figure out what Luna is up to. He hasn't lost his touch, just biding his time.

    1. Somehow Blackbetty I agree with you. Bill is no fool and Ive thought all along that he was somehow involved in all of this. Like when he was stringing Sheila along. I think he's playing Poppy & maybe Luna too .
