Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. RJ's showing he can't be trusted. Katie is going to run with the new info. I still don't think Poppy has anything to do with the murders. Could be wrong. Jack and Li seem to be more suspicious.

  2. Ohhh RJ, just shut up 🙄

  3. RJ is hilarious; just keep this between us Katie. As if. Does he even want to have a relationship with Luna? Li certainly could have done something to the test to make it show positive before it was given (she would have known how).
    The question really is who is Luna’s dad - Jack sounds more possible. He has already cheated once that we know of.
    This could be why Li hates Poppy so much. Could be why Poppy needed to take the mints. What were in the mints? I’m guessing pot otherwise Poppy wouldn’t have been able to function daily.
    Kinda like gummies.
    Li could have given fentanyl to Tom and then Holis touched the bottle and OD from the powder on it.
    That makes the most sense to me.

    1. Exactly! I laughed when RJ went to Katie, I wasn't expecting it but loved it! Fentanyl makes sense too.

    2. I don't think it was pot since it made Luna hallucinate.
      I used to like Katie, find her annoying these days.
      Lol RJ, the gossip queen, might as well have called the newspaper instead of 'confiding' in Katie.
      There is no way in hell Jack cheated with Poppy and Li knows about this. She would have brought it up on more than one occasion or at least made cryptic remarks about it towards Poppy that left the viewers wondering. But there was no such thing, she always talked about that doctor Poppy had an affair with

  4. RJ can't keep his mouth shut. Always telling Aunt Katie. When is confidential info, is Luna life!!

  5. This Poppy "mystery" is so transparent... And getting a little boring, how long will they dangle her in our faces? We are not buying it.

  6. Brooke looks so beautiful in that red outfit but then again she always does what ever she wears

  7. Brooke looks so beautiful in that outfit, but then again she always does no matter what she wears

    1. Didn’t she??!! She is just gorgeous! I can’t believe she’s in her 60’s!

    2. Wonders what make up does all them years ago and I don’t believe that she got cosmetic surgery done because you can tell if she had Botox or other stuff done like the first Taylor my god her lips are so plastic and fake Brooke is so gorgeous good luck to her and many more years to come

  8. What i find kinda disturbing, is why Luna and RJ are raffling through Tom's backback, leaving tons of their own fingerprints on the letters etc, probably ruining crucial murderer fingerprints on it all. Which might make the murderer go free on a technicality cause of evidence being contaminated. Whoever is the murderer....

    1. So true. Now Poppy, Luna and RJ just incriminated themselves. I still say Li and Jack are trying to cover up that Finn is the real father.

    2. But why would Tom's letters lead anyone to Finn? Quite the opposite, they make it look like Tom was the father


  10. I find it very hard to believe that RJ would tell Katie like that. Luna will NOT be happy when she finds out!

    1. Katie is his Auntie and he foolishly trusts her. She wants his girlfriend out of her father’s life and she only just met him too.

      RJ is going to lose Luna if he keeps it up!

    2. BBFAN, you know I’m a Logan fan, but even I don’t believe that Katie is going to keep this to herself. RJ had to know that. It seems so ridiculous that he’d tell her.
      Like Milla, I wish they would move this stupid SL along!
      I liked Poppy when she was first introduced to the show. But I don’t like her anymore. And I think she is completely wrong for Bill.

    3. These story lines are so Stupid. We all remember how they made it look like Sheila tried to kill Steffy, but it wasnt her. Now they are trying to make it look like Poppy killed Tom and Hollis. But kept the backpack, that seems like a set up. RJ already knows Katie doesn't trust Poppy so he cant be that dumb. I think he did it because if it wasnt for Poppy, Luna would never have slept with Zenday. I think Poppy's gonna get arrested, because of Katie then Luna's gonna be pissed at RJ and Zenday's gonna be right there to pick up the pieces. Katies gonna claim Luna is not Bill's daughter because why would Poppy wait so long to tell Bill about Luna {Duh she slept with a bunch of men and she didnt know who Luna father was and was scared it would be Tom's. I think there gonna see that Luna is Bill's daughter and Poppy is innocent. Katies gonna look stupid

  11. Another day another crap story! Really!!

  12. I would have rather they had Katie overhearing Luna and RJ talking, like how most secrets are revealed on this show😂. I don't like them depicting that Luna cannot trust RJ as much as it was killing her inside to tell RJ about her night with Zande. But either way this who killed Tom and Haulis storyline has ran it's course. Ok let's look at this the last person seen with the backpack was Hollis just before he died, meaning the killer took the backpack and tried to frame Poppy with it. But why would they kill haulis for discovering the contents of Tom back pack. And why would they kill Tom? What is in the backpack that warrants tom death? Some old letters saying he could be dad? Who else other than poppy wouldn't want that information disclosed. Lee? Jack? Justin? Luna? Sheila?

  13. RJ 😂. Poor Katie is going to collapse (heart attack or drug overdose?). Year ago, Katie was diagnosed with a heart condition.

  14. RJ is such a dumb ass, now why tell his busybody aunt this when he knows she won’t be able to let it go. It’s like Katie is on a mission from God to get rid of Poppi anyway, and he knows that! He is such a gossip monger just like his aunt. I don’t really like Poppi, she seems so devious anymore but someone set her up by stashing the backpack.

  15. I read that Poppy is involved with a gang and fleeced a few older rich gentlemen and all the money was sent off shore and that Bill is next.
    Why wasn't the backpack (after Luna got her crucial information, of course), given straight to Det. Baker when found instead of different people rifling through it? Where are the law abiding citizens 🤔

  16. RJ is such a disappointment . Luna confided in him and off all the ppl he would tell Katie the one person who wanna get rid of Poppy. He is not trustworthy

  17. Poppy plays her role VERY well. This is the first character off B&B that is making me question back and forth. Did she do it ?... I really dont know
