Monday, August 26, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-26-24 Full episode B&B 26th August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-26-24 Full episode B&B 26th August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Yoooo Luna crazy as hell. She wont be smirking for long. And Katie you owe Poppy an apology when the whole truth comes out. And Finn was on point today with everything.

    1. And old lady Katie is so eager to tell Will 🀣🀣🀣 where is innocent until proven guilty ‼️ I hope this whole thing brings Bill and Poppy even closer together πŸ€£πŸ‘

    2. Kenny you shut the fuck up aint nobody was talking to your raggedy ass anyways. Like bye.

    3. Noemi πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Good for you Finn, put HOgan on her place πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Luna the Lunatic 🀣🀣🀣 oh Katie please, you aren't a detective, stop putting words in Bill's mouth, trying to worm your way back into the inheritance 🀣🀣🀣

    1. Yes sure, because HIS wife is perfect and never does wrong right? I wonder what he's gonna say once he'll learn about Steffy and Liam kissing in his back... What? You mean that when Steffy kisses another man it's alright? When Steffy disrespectes a marriage it's alright? When Steffy kills someone it's alright?

    2. Are you fucking kidding me. For the millionth time steffy did not kiss liam his nasty ass kissed her and she put an end to Liams bs and he hasnt tried it with her. And Steffy killed sheilas lookalike out of self defense are you fucking kidding me. The only one out of control here Is hope.

  3. Wowww 😲.... don't know what to think yet about Luna....🀦🏼‍♀️🀷🏼‍♀️ for Finn πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»...he was great todayπŸ‘πŸ»... Thank you Bob πŸ’•

  4. I'm impressed that Luna was able to go to Home Depot, buy a cage, put it together, and get Steffy inside before she woke up.
    How cool it would be if somehow Sheila ends up being the one who rescues Steffy. If I could write the storylines, that's what I would do. Then how could Steffy continue to forbid Finn to have a relationship with her?

    1. Luna also has a drill & she is not afraid to use it . . .

    2. Maybe it could be Hope who finds and rescues Steffy....

    3. Steffy wasn't moved at all when Sheila saved her daughter (didn't even say thank you) so I highly doubt she will be too appreciative if Sheila saves her πŸ˜…

    4. Renee, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good one.
      Milla, Sheila left her and Finn for dead, after shooting them. Why should she have any gratitude or appreciation for her saving her daughter? She had no remorse at leaving the kids parentless.

    5. Maybe because if Sheila wasn't there, Kelly would have likely drowned. I would be grateful she didn't if she was my kid, but that's just me.

    6. Milla, I didn't mean it to really sound that way. I'm sure Steffy is grateful but, all the things Sheila has done to her and family I don't think there is anything that would make her say, thank you to her face.

    7. Thazt's why they will make Sheila save Steffy's ass, so she will be gratefull and will have to admit she was wrong because she immediately accused her of being the murderer here. Sheila already tried to kill but always had a motive, a crazy one but a motive. She was so grateful because Tom "saved" her life, she would never have killed him. The thing is Steffy thinks she knows better, she thinks she is better than anybody in the entire world...

    8. Hope would walk away and push harder to get Finn! πŸ˜‚

    9. D I understand you and what you say makes sense. I just wished at least a tiny glimmer of gratitude from Steffy considering it was her child. It's not always just about her (Steffy).

    10. Miss_sushi Steffy admitting she's wrong πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ that's even less likely than her fans admitting her wrongdoings. Or as likely as her confessing to Finn that Liam kissed her. All of those events would be refreshing.

    11. I hope it's not going to be Sheila because then we will have to listen to that whole "I'm a changed woman" talk again and how she tried to stop Sugar from hurting Steffy. Finn saving her might be romantic, but boring. Hope or Brooke could save her, or maybe Deacon so Ridge would have to shake his hand and thank him lol. Or Liam, so he could kiss her a third time and then she'd have to tell Finn about 3 instead of 2 kisses. One thing is for sure, Chief Baker is not the one who is going to find her :D

  5. The actress that plays Luna is doing an amazing job. I'm so glad we have this thrilling storyline. Yes it has potholes like Roquefort cheese, but still is so much better than just following who's kissing whom and sleeping with whom.
    Steffy /JMW also doing a great job in the cage.
    The rest was yawn.

    1. Milla, yes! Looks like Luna is responsible for all this mess. Maybe that’s why she acted so broken up when Hollis died. She overplayed the devastation she felt surrounding that death. And this explains why.

      Maybe now D will finally let the ‘Finn is the father’ angle go, since Luna has now confessed to killing her deadbeat step dad….Tom!

      Luna is a good actress for sure!
      And in keeping with ‘the black leather bad women’ - that’s exactly what she’s wearing now that the true Luna has revealed herself. Every time Steffy went to confront Sheila, she wore her black outfit as well. The writers are still pretty predictable. But I’ll admit, I never once thought Luna was involved in any of this until that first time she kissed Bill. Then I saw a twinkle of evil in her eye and thought that girl is capable of anything!

    2. Lynn I have to admit I laughed a little when Luna smirked at Steffy freaking out πŸ˜‚
      I wonder if they rehabilitate her like some other young villains. I hope she doesn't just go to jail and bye. Although 2 premeditated murders are hard to come back from. I also hope someone else is involved because like you said her doing it all on her own borders insane.

    3. Lynn? Her deadbeat step dad? So you agree Tom might not have been her real dad? Going to go watch now, just reading the comments to see if it's worth it.

    4. D - that was a typo. I meant to type her deadbeat dad. I absolutely think Tom was Luna’s biological dad.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Milla, I’m good with Steffy spending some time in a cage. Maybe she can reflect on why she’s such a bitch all the time while she’s in there. 😁😁😁

    7. Lynn I highly doubt she'll ever, ever see anything wrong with her behavior, but I'm also fine with a pause from her constant bullying and judgment. And a cage is kind of a nice karma touch for sure πŸ˜…

    8. You two are so mean. (But so right :D) Steffy looks good in that cage, almost as good as Brooke in lingerie :)

    9. Ahahah Koyasha you're one of us, admit it 😁😁

    10. Ok ok, I'll admit it :)) Two days later to make sure no one is going to read this ;) Steffy looks even better in that cage than Brooke does in lingerie :-p sooo much better

  6. Oh Finn, you are acting a bit like a drama queen. Of course you gave Hope mixed signals.

    1. That's true Lynn. I wonder if Steffy would see them massages and over-the-top compliments as nothing. And that "why don't I listen to her" didn't sound very manly πŸ˜… how about "can't I make up my own mind like a grown-ass man"?

    2. Milla, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    3. Unbelievable. Glad they castrated him off-screen.

  7. Anyone else notice the direction the of drill was in reverse in the last shot of Luna screwing in the last bolt!

  8. Writers need to be more aware of things like this!

    1. I thought something didn't seem right about that lol

    2. I didn't notice, I'm probably exact the type of woman the writers expect to be watching this show, one who has no idea about these things :D

  9. Justin and Luna are working together.
    Luna is going to poison Li.
    Taylor remembers Luna as her patient

    1. Wow Nikki. I must have missed alot. So Taylor knows Luna as a former patient???

    2. Yes I heard to that Luna poisons li and I think she dies to

    3. D we haven’t seen that yet. There are a lot of rumours and fake spoilers out there. We will see what they give us.

      The OP keeps saying JMW is on mat leave and that is based on rumours from a photo the actress posted from last year when her youngest son was born.

  10. Tom is still alive! I have seen this Spoiler twice

  11. I hear Katie's Will is involved with Luna. She is working with Justin.

  12. Hope needs to be locked in the cage, and not Steffy! The Logan "worshippers" blame everything on Steffy. That is sad and pitiful. Hey Luna, why don't you put Katie, Brooke, Finn, Li, and RJ in a cage while you are it. I stand by my opinions, period!!

  13. I couldn’t believe Brooke saying Hope wouldn’t kiss a married man! I realise she and Hope never considered Liam being married to Steffy as anything but a challenge for Hope to try and seduce Liam and break them up. Hope slept with Liam multiple times while he was married to Steffy. She kept planning weddings etc while Liam was married to Steffy. She lost her virginity while Losm was married to Steffy. She got pregnant with Beth while Liam was married to Steffy.

    Finn was a 100% correct in that Hope didn’t have any respect for his marriage to Steffy! She has NEVER had any respect for other people’s marriages unless they were Logans.

    Hope is like a petulant child . Yes Steffy made mistakes and she’s owned them! Hope made tonnes of mistakes too but never takes any responsibility for her behaviour!
