Friday, August 2, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Will was right that it's weird to have these people taking over the house. They already told Bill they knew Tom was Luna's father before the fixed test. How long is Bill going to play pretend house?

    1. At least Luna knows and can set things right if her conscience won't allow her to scam Bill.

    2. No, they didn't tell Bill that Tom was Luna's father, Poppy said to Bill that she thought that Tom was, hence the paternity test, which showed that Bill was the father. If Tom is really the father, then Li altered the test. But I don't think poppy knows if Li did it. Poppy thinks that Bill is Luna's father, unless she and Li is working together on this, but I don't think they are. Poppy might have used Tom as Luna's father when she didn't know who the father was, and told Tom that, or he thought he was, cause he might not have known about Bill. She might have left him while Luna was little or when she was still pregnant with Luna. Hence why Luna doesn't remember another father figure in her life.

    3. Tom IS NOT Luna’s father! Li didn’t want Bill to be the daddy ! She wanted her sister to be humiliated and was shocked at the results. Tim stalked Poppy for years because he couldn’t accept Luna NOT being his daughter!

      I don’t think Poppy is the villain everyone is making her out to be!

    4. I think she's been set up by someone... maybe even Will....

    5. Spot on Malin and BBFan, you are 100% correct

  2. Hope is getting on my last damn nerve. I find her ass repulsive and childish. Steffy needs to slap the hell outta of her like today. All she does is throw shade at Steffy cause she jealous of her and wants Finn for herself. Im gonna laugh my butt off when Taylor returns lol that would wipe Hopes smug look of her face.

    1. Agree!!!!! 100%

      Can't stand Hope!!!

    2. noemi, i agree. those snotty condescending little looks she gives steffi are too much. i want her to make a play for finn, but he will strongly tell he he's not interested. she needs to be knocked down a peg.

    3. Are you talking about the same Taylor who lied aside her son to walk down the aisle to marry Ridge under false pretenses.

    4. Because Brooke didn’t pretend she was pregnant and had a miscarriage and tell Taylor to stay dead so she could have Ridge??? They all have shady behaviour in their pasts.

      Brooke told Hope to stop her behaviour in no uncertain terms!!

    5. Hope isn’t a 5 year old. She’s a grown up who is gonna do what she wants to do no matter what mommy tells her.

  3. Hope is a real pain. What's happening with Liam, why don't we see him anymore ?

    1. Hope is straight trash she don't even belong in FC. She got no talent at all. No wonder Thomas left her flat chested tacky ass.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 100% rigjt

  4. Farewell John McCook (Eric Forrester). You'll be missed.

    1. depends on which article you read...

  5. Replies
    1. Regardless if Katie wants Bill back or not, she is right to be concerned, for Will's sake, and for Bill, that will be in that house, together with Poppy. If Poppy is a murderer, she might be out for Bill's money, and marry him, and poison him or whatever. Katie is just trying to protect Bill and her son. She doesn't want her son to lose her father.

    2. Katie has NO reason to be concerned and Will is an adult not a 10 yr old!!!

      Katie just can’t stand seeing Bill with anyone else. Katie doesn’t want to be with Bill, she doesn’t want to have anyone else be part of his life. Totally selfish!!!!

      Will acts like he doesn’t already have 2 brothers, Katie has always raised him to be the favourite child blah blah… she is being a shrew! She should be ashamed of herself!

      Poor Luna isn’t at fault for Poppy’s choices and Katie should encourage Will to get to know his sister.

      Will doesn’t want to lose any portion of his inheritance… pls.

    3. Wow 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ full on hate mode. And only because Katie's instincts are SPOT ON and some people can't stand that. Well too damn bad, she won't stop. Hate on.
      And btw of course Will will be her favorite, he is her ONLY child! Who else would it be?!

    4. And Will grew up KNOWING he had two brothers. Thars completely different from coming home and discovering new people calling themselves his family. Or should Bill bring new siblings every year and Will has no say because "he already has 2 brothers?". It's amazing how it's all about money for you because the hate for anything Logan is so strong. Unbelievable.

    5. BBFan exatly, WIll is acting like a 5 year old, maybe he and should hook up as they both act as if they are 5. Not seen Will in year's now all of the sudden the spoilt brat tells his Father what he can and cannot do....l

    6. lol Hope and Will, now that would be an interesting SL, something none of us saw coming lol.
      I understand why Katie might be concerned, but her behavior is out of line. I also understand Will needing some time to adjust to the new situation, but it's not like he came home not knowing that his parents had long spilt up and that Poppy and Luna lived there now (I think). I felt bad for Luna, not so much for Bill or Poppy

  6. i can't wait for poppy to implode. her and bill have no chemistry. she's a lying manipulator. poor luna. oh, and the actor that plays will? god, he's the spitting image of his father.

  7. Ok, never thought I'd say this. But reel in a bit Hope! You are making too much trouble for what it is worth. Listen to your mommy. Don't put Finn in the middle like this. She is now trying to cause a wedge between Steffy and Finn. I mean, I don't like the way Steffy is behaving either, they both act like spoiled brats and should start to behave like adults.

    1. Well when Steffie strikes Hope strikes back, she saw an opportunity to show Steffie up to her husband. She will do or say anything to save her line and she knows how kindhearted and understanding Finn is so she is using that to her advantage. Sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire. When are backs are up against the wall we all summons others to our rescue, right.

    2. Steffy isn’t striking Hope! She’s doing her job! Which is what Hope should be doing!

      Hope is shite stirring for pure badness! Even Carter told her it was business and her line is failing based on the numbers and it has been bad for a very very long time!!!

    3. Hope is jealous, petty and entitled! Even Brooke told her to stop her behaviour!!!!

  8. Popping said her apartment will be demolished. Humm, so Luna gets trapped and will need blood transfusion. Turns out Bill isn't a match!

    1. Great story line, they should write that into the show. I feel B&B always gives us lil subtle hints on what's to come.

  9. Steffy deserves everything Hope is giving her, as she took away a huge part of her happiness and continually going after her livelihood. Not cool. Go get it Hope

    1. How did Steffy do that exactly??? Hope was using Thomas and stringing him along knowing she’d never marry him! She was 100% selfish in that relationship it was all take for her! Steffy was honest with Thomas that he was wasting his time on someone who didn’t feel the same and would never commit to him. She didn’t want to see him being hurt and humiliated time and again! She was right!

      Hope even admitted she would never say yes so Hope is 200% responsible for that !

      HFTF has been failing for a long time and the kept “giving it time “. They can’t pour so much money into a line that doesn’t perform!

      Carter agreed with Steffy. It’s not personal, Hope is claiming that so she can avoid trying to fix what’s wrong instead of blaming Steffy.

      Hope was completely trying to drive a wedge between Finn and Steffy by claiming Steffy was targeting her. It was written all over her smug, entitled bratty face! Steffy showed a lot of restraint actually I was proud of her.

      Hope is acting like the spoiled princess she is.

      You never see her work, she is lurking, trying to find ways to wind up Steffy. It’s pathetic!

      B&B is so cheap the only bring 2 cast members to Monte Carlo now? Pathetic!

    2. You are far too invested for me

  10. Thank you Bob 💕... Have a great weekend 🌼🥰

  11. Ok now we know. Poppy is involved. She may not have been the one to pull the trigger but she is involved. I doubt she will serve time though. Nobody serves prison time in this show except for maybe Deacon. We can't say Sheila because she's always been escaping. Maybe Sheila can become the heroine after all if she uncovers who killed Tom and Hollis, she feels guilty and maybe she wants to redeem herself for Deacons sake. He has done so much for her, so she might feel she needs to do this for him. Remember Hollis knew his killer, "he said I'm glad you're here. He didn't know poppy outside of the restaurant but maybe after reading the letters addressed to her he wanted her to clarify. But he did seem to know jack very well. And jack had said he will do anything for poppy. Maybe poppy told jack that Tom could possibly threaten her and Lunas future with future with Bill.

  12. Well it’s either Poppy, like I’ve been saying all along, or someone planted the backpack there to set her up? One thing’s for sure….Luna sure is questioning her mom right about now.
    And side note….Poppy needs to get a damn job! All she does is lounge around all day in BILL’S fancy home!! And when he’s there with her, she is doing her best to brown nose so she stays in his good graces. She is soooo annoying!
    And I love how Finn was playing referee with Steffy and Hope. Not the support Steffy wanted or expected from her husband. It seems clear that Finn’s moment with Hope when she was trying to seduce him is being kept on the down-low. Finn has no intention of saying anything to Steffy about what happened.
    I think the new grown up Will is going to be a good addition to the show. Does this mean Thomas is out and Will is in??
    That would be fine with me!

    1. All Katie has to do is take a strand of hair from both Will and Luna and TADA 🎶 you have the truth about Luna's paternity. Too easy.

    2. Lynn I think Poppy wouldn't be that dumb to keep that backpack in her apartment where Luna can find it. It was obviously planted there. If Luna is smart she will request a new paternity test.
      Steffy and Hope snarking at each other is getting a bit old. Either start a fist fight or do something else because that's not interesting 😅

    3. Milla, I agree. And having the exact same argument that they had about a month ago is boring. I don’t like the way Hope is acting these days either. I expect it from Steffy, but Hope is better than that. I hope she starts acting more like her old self again.
      There is speculation online that Li is perhaps the murderer. So all this in an effort to cover up the fact that her ex husband Jack is Luna’s dad? Or she was that determined to try to set Sheila up? And now she’s trying to set Poppy up? None of it makes much sense. I can see Li trying to frame people she doesn’t like. But she doesn’t seem like a murderer to me.

    4. Lynn my guess is as good as yours, only Poppy is lower on my suspect list. I hope Bill is involved somehow 😂 and Justin.
      Yes Hope is acting more like Steffy and it doesn't become her. She is above that normally. I like the standing up to Steffy part, not so much the Finn part. But if something does happen between them it will be his fault as much as hers so let's see.

    5. Btw have you noticed how they dress Hope and the makeup, very vixen vibe. They are setting her up to be the new Brooke. If she takes over FC too, that would be hilarious 😀😀

    6. Milla, I was hoping it would be Finn chasing her. But unless something drastic changes, that won’t be happening. I really like Hope’s look these days. Just not her behavior so much. She has miles to go before she catches up to Steffy’s snarkiness or Steffy’s pettiness, but I still prefer the old Hope in that regard.
      Hope and Finn having a fling should have already happened. And then Hope’s payback would have been complete. But Hope pining for Finn is not good and it’s also boring!
      Anything that would put Hope above Steffy on the power structure would be absolutely fine with me!! 😁😁

    7. Hey ladies
      I don’t have much time to read everything
      But its so funny that one the two grown ass steffy and thomas who have children of their own tried to break their father’s marriage and oh we want mommy and daddy to be together even with criminal act
      It was ok and and yeah it doesn’t matter how old the children are they always want their parents to be together
      But the 17 years old will how could he
      Such a spoiled brat 😂😂😂
      Any i don’t like what hope is doing
      Taking pages from steffy’s book
      But some don’t disappoint
      She is back to be a logen
      Even yeah she was using tommy boy
      But back oh hope is great
      I like this new hope blah blah blah

    8. Hi Mmysh! Good to see your comments!
      Oh yes, the Forrester fans were quick to pounce on Hope as soon as they realized Thope was definitely not going to happen! When they were still hopeful Hope would fall in love and want to marry Thomas, all they did was sing her praises! But now she is this completely awful character. You called that one for sure!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. Mmysh it’s good to see you! Please tell me you are well and so is the family ❤️
      I think Hope will always get hate simply because she’s Brooke’s daughter. But now that she’s acting similar to Steffy even more so even though Steffy is NEVER called out for her chronic bratty jealous hateful behavior (it’s her whole persona). But honestly I don’t care anymore, I’m here to check if you ladies have commented and not focusing on the poison.
      I miss Elle. Hope she’s well.

    10. Thanks ladies
      I really miss you and wish we can communicate better somewhere else
      We are going through chemotherapy with my son
      Everything is fine in god’s well
      Im full of hope that he/we will overcome the his illness
      Hope you are doing good dears ♥️♥️♥️

    11. Oh my gosh, Mmysh, I am so sorry! How awful to have to go through that. My heart goes out to you and your family as you deal with this horrible disease. May God bless your beautiful boy! ❤️❤️❤️

    12. Milla, when Thomas fell off the map, many of the B&B Thomas fans went with him. Now there is a new bunch of posters on here who spew nastiness. For the most part I just ignore their trash talk.

    13. Mmysh I am thinking of you and your son, sending you strength and prayers. You are strong and you will overcome this!

    14. Thank you my sweet ladies
      Its really heard
      No parents should ever go through this
      But we are fighting together and thanks a lot for the support

      And yes lynn i noticed how ugly the comments were
      Not worth your time dear and don’t let them drag you to this low level
      Just ignore
      Hope to always see you in good terms my dears
      I will stay in touch as much as i can

    15. Lynn I also prefer Hope who was above Steffy's low, manipulative, bullyish behavior. She's much younger but was always the kind one. But I get why she's fed up with it and is pushing back. Steffy had it coming, for ages. And she deserves (almost) everything that's been happening to her because of what a spiteful person she is.

    16. Mmysh take your time and I hope this blog and the show provide at least some fun and distraction 🤗

    17. Milla, that’s what’s so funny to me. Steffy had been acting like a raving bitch for what seems like forever. And Hope has been acting this way for 5 mins., yet they are screaming his awful Hope is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      I guess they are only OK when their favorite characters are disgusting. Steffy has this coming and WAAAAAY more!!!!!

  13. OMG Hope, what are you...8 she acts like a little child 😵‍💫

  14. Oh come on Steffy, just kick out of your office.....simple!
